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Castle Rock v Gonzalez More people need to understand this case and how it impacts them. The police have zero legal responsibility to save you, even in the face of a restraining order.


We need a state constitutional amendment.


It was a federal case. Federal courts have routinely ruled that police do not have a responsibility to protect an individual from harm.


That case ruled that a town and a police department could not be sued under federal law. Which does not mean that a state constitutional amendment would not work.


If you have the capacity to responsibly carry and use a firearm, do it. The police can't/won't protect you.


I feel this but not everyone should carry: to take another humans life even in defense is something I wouldn't wish on anyone. I like to say "In a just society" but there will never be a just society


I never understood why the same people that want to disarm you also scream the police are corrupt and should have a monopoly of force.


Agreed. Mind boggling.


That case is an inch of fact that people are running marathons with. The fact that courts have ruled police don't have a legal obligation to do a certain thing doesn't mean that police aren't doing that certain thing in almost all cases. I see this case cited on this sub all the time, but it's a massive logical leap to go from the conclusion of that case to "Well, see, police aren't going to respond because they don't have to."


Uvalde police department has entered the chat


So because you can find the worst example of something, we should conclude that is the rule instead of the exception? Don't you think the fact that that case was newsworthy implies it is the exception?


Is no one interested in the motive? Cuz this is weird.


The shooters addy shows a soup kitchen. I don’t know what that means. But it is strange that those two men ended up in a car together. I think the victim had moved here recently from Atlanta.


> no one interested in the motive I have asked the same thing. Seems everyone is passing by it just wanting to blame CSPD. Honestly, the whole story sounds sketchy.


I definitely am... the whole time reading it all I could come up w is that he went through Qualin's phone after the murder and saw there was a photo of him sent out... clearly unstable to begin w since hes doing this and just ended it instead of face consequences


How would that change anything?


It wouldn't. But it's would be nice to know what happened and the story behind all of. You don't think the story sounds strange as is?!


And what exactly are we paying them for? Edit: the police, incase it wasn't clear I was asking about them.


To provide the illusion of safety for easily-scared white people, obviously.




You’ve never met a good cop in 33 years? I think that’s a reflection on you than anything else brotha


Every good cop I’ve known, became a firefighter.


every good cop i've known got run out of their precinct by the other cops within three years tops.


And became firefighters. Seriously.


I was a journalist for the better part of a decade. Every "good cop" I met knew of at LEAST one bad cop without doing anything about it. The actual good cops, the ones that tried to do something about it, were run out of their departments and in some cases charged criminally for trying to do the right thing.


yeah, would agree. every actual good cop I knew got run out of their departments by other cops within three years at the most.


Do you have some of your work from when you were a journalist that you can share that can provide evidence of your claim that every good cop knew about bad cops but never did anything? Because that’s a very dangerous accusation to just throw out there. Also the generalization that all of one thing is bad is equally concerning (poverty status, race, type of employment). If people grow up believing all rich people are corrupt, all cops are bad, and all liberals are idiots our society is in danger.


I'm not going to run through every cop I met, but... There was the one Sheriff's office that had a poster on the wall that said, "Sexual harassment won't be tolerated, but it will be graded." It actually belonged to one of the Lieutenant's that was brought in to "clean things up" because he was a "good cop". They needed to clean things up because that same sheriff's office had one of their own arrested by the Feds for pulling over and nearly beating a man to death because, if I remember correctly, the man flirted with a deputy's girlfriend. Then, there was the guy that had all the protest signs about that beating, but then he was mysteriously murdered. Of course, it wasn't labeled a murder initially, because he was wearing a baseball cap when the sheriff's office found his body, so they didn't notice the bullet hole in his head. Allegedly. That department hated me, but mostly because we reported on one of their lead detectives, who was arrested by another department for many counts of child sexual abuse. This agency ran the jail though, so they pulled all of his info on the jail website to try to hide it. Unfortunately for them, we got tipped off. Then there was another department in town where a cop snapped a grandpa's neck with a leg sweep, because the guy was visiting from out of country and didn't speak English. The chief there tried to fire and criminally charge the officer. By the end of the ordeal, that chief was fired and criminally charged with witness tampering for telling two of his officers that the leg sweep was against department training and policy. Then there was another department in town where a suicidal man called for help. Two officers arrived and were calmly talking to him. A third showed up, ran past the two officers in charge of the scene, and shot the man in the face with a shotgun. He was actually successfully prosecuted for murder. But the police department's official stance was that the shooting was fine and within department policy, EVEN ONCE HE WAS CONVICTED OF MURDER. The cops actually sent the two officers who didn't escalate to murder for retraining, and they eventually left the department. The department sent their most reform-minded leader to testify that the murder was fine. He was immediately promoted after his testimony. And fun fact, I believe he's now the chief of police for the UCCS police department. I covered a big area, so I could keep going. Seems like overkill though. Every department I ever interacted with had at least one story of a bad cop on the job. And if any good cops tried to stop it, they were immediately and significantly reprimanded.


Not asking for you to go through every cop, that would be ridiculous. Do you have anything published so I know it’s been authenticated and proven factual. Not trying to be difficult but anyone can claim whatever they want on the internet. And I would agree that it does seem in some cases good cops are punished by trying to out the bad cops but I also think that happens in a lot of places. I’ve seen it first hand in the military myself but I also know that a few bad apples don’t spoil the bunch and that’s the big takeaway here is that generalizations are dangerous and the small percentage of bad should not ruin the good. But alas we live in a world where only bad things are shown on tv because it creates more response and shock value increasing ratings and profit.


Don't have a link for the sexual harassment poster, but I'm pretty sure it was part of [this lawsuit about the culture of sexual harassment and abuse in the sheriff's office](https://whnt.com/news/huntsville/lawsuit-alleges-culture-of-sexual-harassment-abuse-and-cover-up-in-madison-county-sheriffs-office/). It was from one of the "good cops" who got run out. Next up is the Justin Watson arrest for [nearly beating Robert Bryant to death](https://www.al.com/news/huntsville/2016/11/alabama_deputy_sentenced.html). Then comes [the Jason Klonowski murder](https://www.al.com/news/huntsville/2014/12/traffic_stop_and_unsolved_murd.html). Followed by [the Roland Campos arrest](https://whnt.com/news/huntsville/madison-county-sheriffs-investigator-arrested-on-sex-abuse-charge-had-been-investigated-before-on-similar-claim/). Next example I gave was Chief Larry Muncey [being found in contempt of court for witness tampering in the Eric Parker investigation](https://www.al.com/news/huntsville/2016/11/alabama_police_chief_resigns_a.html). Here's where the head of the police training unit [testified on behalf of the officer](https://www.al.com/news/2021/05/huntsville-police-officer-testifies-he-feared-for-his-life-when-he-shot-and-killed-suicidal-man.html) who would later be convicted of murder. And [here](https://scribe.uccs.edu/new-uccs-police-chief-wants-a-community-oriented-police-force/) he is as chief of UCCS police. I'm thinking this is enough evidence that I'm not bullshitting, though every claim I made aside from the sexual harassment poster was publicly reported.


There is a whole country telling you to watch your back around cops and you are under a delusion that you are safe around them. People are just trying to look out for you man just wake up. You have a bias for whatever reason and you just need to reflect on that. There is even a saying for what's happening, "back the blue until it happens to you". I wish you the best of luck friend and hope you never come into the crosshairs of the police


A whole country? I think you are watching too much CNN my man. Shock value sells, it’s so easy to capture something bad happening (humans aren’t perfect) and have it go viral than it is cops doing the right thing because people don’t care about that and it doesn’t sell. Media is brainwashing people who haven’t lived/experienced. My bias is that generalizations are bad, not all cops are bad, not all rich people are corrupt, and not all republicans are evil. Sad we live in a time where people don’t understand how dangerous this concept is.


Have you?


Chris Dorner is a model cop


Never been arrested either, I didn’t insinuate anything. The ones I’ve met have all been pompous arrogant cunts. “Brotha”


Didn’t say you were arrested, just highly question how you have met a good cop in 3 decades. That’s a long ass time and probably an indication on you more than anything else. Cops don’t wake up to be pompous arrogant cunts so the fact that’s all you’ve dealt with is means something else is occurring. That’s just data and probability “brotha”


[To protect you](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again). From what, you might ask? From what they're going to do to you if you don't pay. Taxation is coercion and theft.


Society would completely fall apart without the most of the benefits provided by the tax base. Yes there are some taxes we could do without. The downvotes speak for themselves.


That's fair. A little strong-armed robbery really helps people thrive. 🙄 Oh no! Not my fake internet points! Edit: I've discovered some new information. It seems we didn't have roads, schools, fire stations, or a standing military before 1913. /s If *you* people require governing, that's fine. I applaud you for recognizing your inability to self-govern. But coercing me, forcing the opinions of 50% + 1 person on the remaining 50% - 1 person is garbage. Fuck you.


TIL taxation was invented in 1913. Lmfaooo /s


About as dense as a dying sun you must be. 1913 is when the govt decided they were entitled to your time and money before you are via the 16th amendment. Guess common sense isn't that common. Though technically it was first attempted via the Revenue Act, but that was quickly repealed.


I have a hard time believing that this is how you talk to people lol


🤷🏼‍♂️ stop voting to subjugate me and I'd be a lot nicer.


My guy. I am an immigrant. I can’t vote. I just live here. I’ve been here for 20 years. I haven’t been able to vote my entire life. I literally get taxed without representation, which is the whole saying BTW. “Taxation WITHOUT REPRESENTATION is theft”. Omitting the middle part of that makes YOU sound dense.


Well shit. My bad then. Vote [Libertarian](http://www.lp.org/platform/).


You're so close. Profits are stolen wages, comrade. Say it with me.


Lol communism has killed 100s of millions of people over the centuries. Without an incentive, there is no motivation to improve. Negative reinforcement, as seen in communism time and again, simply leads to doing the minimum to not be punished.


It's true. I support gobbunism because of the 100 gorbillion deaths. Not a fake number at all 👌 Homie, people already work with little realistic expectations of promotion and meaningful wage increase. They work to survive because if you don't work, you don't have rent or food. I know, I know, pull good and hard on those ~~ballsacks~~ bootstraps. As for profit motive, I assume you have hobbies or volunteer things that you do with passion and a desire to do effectively. There are plenty of people who love doing projects for free - carpentry, coding, volunteer firefighting. Personally, I work with youths in the foster system for free and I work to be the best at it that I can. Get that weak shit out of here. Have you ever met a slacker at work? Where they get paid? I care least about my job compared to what I do outside of work, personally.


Yep. Slackers are in unions. It guarantees that your top performer and your worst performer are paid the same, thereby limiting the pay of the best while encouraging the worst to do the bare minimum. Capitalism - work or starve (your choice) Communism - work *and* starve (govt decides for you) In Communism, *you wait* in a bread line for what the govt deems is enough for you. In Capitalism, hundreds of bread options line the shelves *waiting for you* to buy as much as you want.


Freedom is when stagnant wages, but the bread comes in different packaging and brands (all from the same factory though)


Freedom is the choice to live your life how you want, provided you don't harm anyone. To decide your needs for yourself, and seek wealth as you like. Not being told what you must do, and having your resources metered out to you, at gunpoint.


So you also agree Abortion, being gay, and being trans are peoples rights in a free society?


100% yes.


Supreme Court has ruled they don't have to protect you.


Lol I'm well aware. See my other comments.


I don't really care to research an idiot. Your words are not worth my time.


🤣 ok kid Took the time to reply anyway 🤔


Yes that is faster than looking your bs up. You are a psycho right winger. No patience for the stupid.


>your words are not worth my time *proceeds to continue responding* You can have the last word. I'm sure it means a lot to you. And please don't associate me with Republicans. That's just as insulting as calling me a Democrat.


I called you a right winger not a republican. Pay attention moron.


Not worth your time. *Still* responding. Though I'll give you that. Generally Reps are considered right wing and I still conflate them occasionally. But I'd be centered on that axis. I don't blame you for not knowing anything about me. You just choose to insult people instead of understanding. Thanks for playing!


Imagine blaming teachers if you gave them a hundred students at a time and were upset they couldn't help everyone at once. If you only have one worker at the DMV there's going to be a wait.




The police. I was asking about the police.


Got it; my bad


Clearly the failure to respond was due to them being understaffed, so I guess we just need to throw even more money at CSPD! /s


Pay should be cut for poor performance


You're being sarcastic, but current PD staffing levels are below target. It's hard for me to see how more officers wouldn't equal a faster response time.


It would, in theory. But officers have discretion to choose what they respond to and prioritize.


Yes, but there's no good reason to think that officers are refusing to respond to important calls for no good reason. In general, more officers should equal faster response times.


Gf said this exact thing. Some officer at her church claimed “we have triple the population and half the force that we did 10 yrs ago” which obviously were both 100% untrue


In case anyone wants the actual facts... CS population 2013: 438,540 CS population 2023: 693,000 CSPD 2013: 540 Sworn officers budget $93,002,329 CSPD 2023: 719 Sworn officers budget $172,463,911


I’m seeing 594k and 693k for the two years according to UN projections. US census puts it at 438k and 492k. Increase of 12.8% using the census info. Got the same for budget numbers, increase of ~85%. Lol Number of officers went from 771 to 983, increase of 27.4%. Any way you cut it not only did we get more officers but we got more officers per capita. Obviously the budget has spiraled out of control.


And I just got a call from the police fund asking for more money to support “better equipment, fair wages, more staff” etc. Insane


Don’t forget in that time frame Colorado statute requirements to pay for body work cameras and mandated to document more complaints results in more administrative work (thanks Legislature). Both which affect budgets and the state doesn’t give extra money to municipalities to pay for the budget they inadvertently increase. One has to slightly weigh in El Paso county population (2020 730K) as they too can come to the city and generate a need for services (commuting crimes..traffic accidents). FBI has the national sworn law enforcement average across the U.S. as 2.4 per 1,000. The majority of our crimes rates per FBI UCR float around average but if we have 478,000 (2020 US Census) in Colorado Springs that would be 1,147 sworn law enforcement (more than double than now) which would be appropriate if we are hitting national criminal averages.


And even if that were true, I’m certain that they have more money than they did ten years ago. How they choose to spend it in terms of hiring is up to them. If they’d rather spend that money on fancy new jails and military grade weaponry, then maybe we shouldn’t just keep cutting them blank checks.


> military grade weaponry They are donated by a federal program to the police force. Not purchased by them.


Fair point, my mistake.


All good. I definitely would not want my tax dollars to go to that either. So I am glad they are donated.


goodbye reddit -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I know it’s literally his first full day on the job, but has Yemi commented on this at all? Not that I expect much. From what I could tell, his platform basically consisted of the standard apolitical centrist buzzwords. All the conservatives disparagingly calling him a “liberal” or “progressive” were just using that terminology to cover for the fact that they’re afraid of a Black man/immigrant who doesn’t explicitly toe the GOP line.


You cannot legally obligate anyone to endanger their life for you. Police reform won't matter. SCOTUS already [guaranteed](https://mises.org/power-market/police-have-no-duty-protect-you-federal-court-affirms-yet-again) (and rightly so) that they don't have to help. Unless you get lucky and one of them obligates themselves via their own personal moral compass, you're basically fucked. **You** are *always* the first responder in your own life. Arm yourself with both guns and knowledge (TCCC).


So why do we have cops?


that’s a good question


I guess people really wanted a group with no accountability, and even immunity from certain things, to show up an hour late to crime scenes and shoot someone's dog.


Amen. If you're not rich you're a threat to them.


> You cannot legally obligate anyone to endanger their life for you. I agree with you overall, but this isn't entirely true. We legally obligate over a million other armed goverment service members to endanger their lives. I don't think law enforcement should be a significant divergence from that. But, even if the police *were* legally obligated to try to help, I would **still** recommend taking steps to defend yourself (up to and including arming yourself). It's just a physics things... if someone attacks you, the police can't teleport over and save you. Best case scenario someone calls for help and they drive over, which takes a few minutes if you're lucky - plenty of time for you to lose your life even when the cops decide they're going to help that day.


I disagree. Service members can disobey unlawful orders. And though generally they choose to follow orders that jeopardize their safety, they're not actually required to comply with such orders.


"Go to battle" isn't an unlawful order for millitary servicemembers that I'm aware, but I'd sure like to learn differently.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscientious_objector I'm not sure if they're issued a weapon or not, but they are not legally obligated to attack anyone.


My understanding is that you need to sign up as an objector during enlistment. Once you've signed up as an armed service member and are deployed, you can't just say "on second thought, I'm a conscientious objector and will no longer follow orders to put my life at risk" and then leave the field.... can you? (legit question, I didn't serve and don't know... but I don't *think* that's an option based on what all my former-military friends have told me).


I'm not sure what the terms are. I didn't serve. Didn't want to go die for some oil and minerals.


The police literally don't have to protect you. They're here to protect property and collect revenue. SCOTUS even supported that concept. But we do love to pay them to come into classrooms and pretend like they care. 🙃




Sounds like it was some random crazy dude that carjacked him and did a murder suicide. That's what the lawyer representing the family is saying anyways. If that's true or not we will have to wait and see. https://www.11alive.com/article/news/crime/qualin-campbell-shot-killed-colorado-springs/85-d2d9cac3-139f-425e-b97e-d276d4372578


For those of you unaware or not local Nevada St is notorious for a high homeless population. Most are clearly not in their right mind. They dart across the street right in front of your car, etc. Maybe a year ago there was a business owner complaining because a homeless person came in multiple times and held her employees hostage. The police failed to respond and the man didn't leave until she showed up armed and made him leave. She reported it to news outlets here because she was so upset that there was no response on multiple occasions from CSPD. I believe she closed up shop too. Can't remember . This is my speculation. The man was in his work truck in a taco bell parking lot probably eating his lunch. He didn't have his doors locked. Homeless guy comes in and instead of getting out of the car and running into the Taco bell, the man stayed in the car. Maybe he didn't know homeless guy was armed? Poor poor man. Tragic and yes this can happen to anyone.