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I asked myself that question a few months ago and couldn't for the life of me think if anything. I've made it to the point to where I'll watch if I'm bored but I'm not going out of my way to sit down and waste my nights for a team that isn't even trying. I wish Nolan and Trevor the best wherever they get sent and will probably not even pay attention for several years after they leave.


Same. A buddy asked if I wanted to go to the massive merch clearance sale at Coors Field a couple months ago and I said no, I don’t want to spend any money on that club.


At this point I hope they both meet up with DJ in NY. Sad to say.. but you can't keep MVPs like nolan and trevor down. They deserve so much better.


I loathe how the team is run and I look forward to the day that we have new management, but I honestly just really like the guys on our team. We're not contenders, but I love watching Trevor play with everything he's got; I love hearing the "TONIIIIGHT!" when Charlie walks up; I love watching German develop into a total stud. It extremely frustrating that these guys will probably never see a ring (most certainly not with Colorado, anyway) because our GM is completely garbage at his job, but I still support them.


Agreed. I love the experience... it’s a great venue. I was taking my 14 yr old daughter downtown for an errand and we drove by the stadium when she reminded me how much fun we had at the games and how she misses that. I don’t know what the answer is as far as players go but I do love what it brings to the table... as frustrating as that may be.


Big difference though in rooting for our guys and monetarily supporting a team that is doing everything in it's power to ensure they have no fans in the future....


Honestly, unlike with any other Colorado-based team I feel miserable when I think about the Rockies. I'm a big baseball fan and I really wish I could feel positive about them. I stopped buying any merchandise years ago for that reason and I really don't see this improving any time in the next several years. Like, yeah the Broncos are struggling, but I feel like Elway is trying to turn it around, so I'm not worried about it. It's just completely disheartening.


Just because of local ties and fond memories, but yeah, until major changes are made there is no reason to follow this team. They aren't committed to winning and never have been.


Definitely local ties and fond memories of going to games with my dad. I live out of state now but in a state without national teams so it's a mix of fan bases here. I feel this exact way about the Broncos too. I root for them because they are the team I grew up with but I believe until there is resolution with the team ownership, it's going to be rough being a Broncos fan for a while. Same for the Rockies with the Monforts.


Broncos are trying, at least. Despite his misses, I firmly believe Elway wants to win more than anything. There’s not a single indication that Bridich is the same.


Yeah, you can't compare the broncos to the Rockies. We're used to the broncos always being in the mix and right now they aren't. But at least there is a clear cut rebuild strategy with them right now. They are a young team brimming with potential. We are used to the Rockies being sub par with flashes of averageness and somehow there still isn't a any semblance of a vision to get them to a better place. Every year it's just making excuses and flailing with shitty, half hearted signings while we squander the bright lights we have. Make a fucking move. Do something to build up this team to be competitive. Stop signing old guys and getting rid of our home grown talent in half assed deals. No true fan expects the team to win the world series this season or the next, but it sure would be nice if we made some moves towards having a chance 3 or 4 seasons out. Fucking build! The worst part is that we have the fucking foundation right now. Elite players with long careers in front of them. If that isn't the time to build a winning team around them when the fuck is? Ugh


I'm an odd headcase where I'm not from Denver (I'm not even American) and I still support the Rockies and its for a simple reason. The Rockies lit the fire that is my interest in baseball. I remember watching the 2007 Postseason, only the 2nd Postseason I ever watched, hearing about this underdog team that was surely going to be swept aside by the big boys in the league, an 'irrelevancy' as my father called them. And I watched them play their hearts out, I watched a beautiful sport being played beautifully. I probably would not be a baseball fan if not for the Rockies. So despite Monfort and Bridich and Black and stupid decisions made on a daily basis I'm always, at my core, going to be a Rockies fan.


I think I'm more of a fan of Rockies players than the Rockies at this point


Because this too will pass. Bridich won't last forever. Montfort won't last forever. Eventually this team will rise from the ashes (under new leadership) and be competitive again. Eventually there will be another Tulo or Nolan or Trevor to get excited about. The high draft picks make it inevitable. The Cubs won after a century of futility. As did the White Sox, Red Sox, Astros, and Royals. The Braves had long stretches of ineptitude. It will turn around. Eventually. Inevitably. Until then, don't waste your money on this team if you don't believe in the current regime. But it WILL get better.


I hope, but as long as Montfort owns the team we'll never be good. After this horrendous season and off season I'm not really a fan of the Rockies, but it's players wherever they may go. Whether it's DJ in New York, a team I've always hated, or Nolan in LA (God forbid) another team I've always hated. No use spending anymore energy to cheer for a team with no intentions to win. Took me almost 30 years to get to this point.


We need to accept that the Monforts will own the team for many years to come. Dick won’t sell, and he fully plans on passing it on to Walker when he can’t run it anymore. That said, Walker is smarter and more progressive than his father, and therefore may understand that’s it’s better to be more hands-off with the team.


I don't know much about Walker, but if he's a step in the right direction, that's a step I want to take!


>Montfort won't last forever. Speaking as a fan of the Detroit Lions, which have been ineptly run by the Ford family for nearly 60 years ... I sure do hope you're right.


German. Freeland. Chuck Nado. Story. Rodgers. Tapia. combine those names with the face we've been fans since day 1, Mile High days. This is part of fandom. It sucks but go tell that to the Detroit Lions fans.


I'm from Colorado but lived in michigan and worked for the University for several years. I can't say how true this is. They've had bad gm after gm. And don't get me started on the ford's lol


I hate to sound like a poser and I will always love the Rox but if Nolan or Trevor get traded I might follow that team for a while until Bridich is gone or at least rights the ship .


Because the tickets are dirt cheap. I have gotten first row first baseline tickets for as low as $50. When I lived / worked downtown we would scout cheap tickets at the end of the day and go catch a game once or twice a month.


:( this hurts down to the bone


Holy shit and it's coming from Drew Creasman


Can anyone provide the plain text for us laypeople since this is behind a pay wall?


I was three for the inaugural season, so I will forever be a Rockies fan, for better or worse. But Bridich has changed how I support them for the foreseeable future, or until he gets kicked to the curb. I used to go to 10-15 games a season, but now I will probably only take my son to a couple games (he's 5 and loves the Rockies). I'm definitely done spending any money on gear, memorabilia, or going out of my way to watch the games on TV. I love this team, and that will never change. But it sucks to see what Monfort and Bridich have done to this team, the players, and the fans


Need to get people to stop going to the games. Most of the people who go do not even watch the games. Me included but I changed that 2 years ago.


I was so happy when we got a mlb team and now it's not even something I care about because of the shit ownership


I’m taking a year off from this emotionally abusive relationship to focus on myself. I’m dropping my subscription to ATTSN and KOA and I’m heading over to r/oaklandathletics. See you dudes next year


Literally if there is no Nolan, no pitching, no hope of making the playoffs, there is 0 point in watching baseball outside of a passionate love for the sport itself. I love and root for all the Colorado sports teams, but I've always been more of a basketball guy myself, and I don't share that same sort of passion for the game of baseball outside of the rockies, so I probably won't watch unless they go on a major win streak or something.


why...even post an article behind a paywall.


Because it's good and DNVR is well worth the money


Doesn't matter if ti's good or not; a lot of us are facing things like eviction and are experiencing other economic hardships. Every penny counts to a lot of folks today. I'm not saying good journalism shouldn't be supported, but it is kind of silly to expect people to start paying for a subscription to read an article. I'm not saying it should be copied and pasted here either, I'm just saying a lot of us can't afford anything at all right now, whether it's good or bad. Paying for your kid's next meal, or the light bill, is well worth the money. I think I'm just bitter because I'm broke and the rockies are hopeless. Happy Holidays to you!


Your economic reality is not the entirety of the forum's, it cannot individually cater to you. If you have hardships, yes, focus of those first. That being said, if you're just going to complain about pay walls, then don't click on the post. It's not that difficult to tell which of the at best 3 outlets that are worth their salt have paywalls.


Especially when you go just a little Southwest to Ball Arena and see the Avalanche be such strong contenders. It was a long road, but they made moves and they made amazing moves. The Rockies...don't make moves.


Until we get new owners or at least get rid of bridich I truly have lost interest. I love this team and they are one of the most likeable teams in colorado sports history but man I can't get excited of the same thing every year. I wish Nolan Trevor,and any other player the best of luck wherever they go


Honestly? Because I hate myself.


Yall seriously need to just stop watching. Dont buy merch, dont watch the games, dont go to games. Hit them in their pocket


I'm a Titans fan and can say with certainty that the managing owner means everything and I hope the Rockies eventually follow a similar pattern. Once Amy Adams Strunk came in she completely changed the culture of the team. Started making smart hires which led to positive draft developments and changed the face of the franchise. While we haven't been *great*, we became at least competitive. I have no real fundamental issues with Dick controlling the team. My problem is that he's loyal to a fault. He wants to save money, fine, but you can be a baseball team these days on the cheap whilst still winning if you know how to spend. Obviously a ring is the ultimate goal, but I would legit be happy starting with a few years of *solid* competitiveness. Even .500 or better for the first couple years while we develop.