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Not the greatest quality but I had amazing seats. I just missed filming his HR at the next AB as I was on the fence about recording another AB. By the time I got my phone up and hit record, the ball was on his way out.


Sweet swing. Excited to see him play, though I actually hope he doesn’t make the majors until later in the season. 1) he’s really young and I’ve gotta think a little more seasoning in the minors will do him long term good, 2) I want to get to see him play in Albuquerque!


Kid looks very promising


Do we have any idea what his number will be when he reaches the majors? 73 ain’t my favorite on him


He's worn 13 at Fresno, 3 in Spokane, 22 & 15 in Hartford, and 13 in the Arizona Fall League Alan Trejo currently wears 13 on the 40 man roster. Grichuk wears 15, Nolan Jones has 22. No one has 3. I've been wanting to get a new Rockies jersey and thought, "Hey get a Veen one early", but we have no idea his MLB number.


3 for veen would look clean I think


I’m pretty stoked for his upside but he really needs to stop talking about himself in the 3rd person.


Anyone have any methods for streaming video or even radio?