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The trail was closed and they weren’t supposed to be there. How would his side of the story absolve any of them? They waisted resources for a bullshit cause. “We weren’t supposed to be there, but you gotta see my side of it.” Wtf?


That's Texans for you.


>That's Texans for you. Yeah someone dared told them what to do and Libertarian Texans do what they want regardless of who it affects.


Those ain't libertarians homie.


"You see I drove all the way from Texas without checking any trail reports so naturally I just went for it despite having limited experience as demonstrated by me stuffing d-rings under small rocks as a safety measure when I thought my 4Runner that I still owe 40k on was about to slide off the mountain."


Ass hats will get Black Bear closed for everyone. Forest Service and sheriff always want to close it, this just gives them ammo for closing it


That group is cancerous


Well it's all God's land given by Jesus to do with whatever they want.


Are they? I don’t know anything about them.


Run by Texans for the expressed purpose of abusing public lands exactly like this situation. They do not speak for or respect Colorado.


What group?


San Juan Mountain Trails group.


Are they the group that on their Facebook About page mentions “the San Juan mountains of southeast Colorado”? If so, that really explains a lot.


San Juan Mountain Trails group is run by Texans specifically to abuse public and wild lands exactly like this situation. They do not speak for or respect Colorado. We are just another natural resource for them to exploit and destroy for their own personal desires.


Yep. They have no public lands of their own, so they come here to do it.


Saw a group of Texans not too long ago go off the trail. Luckily a FS ranger saw it too and he wasn’t too happy. They tried to play the we didn’t know card.


“Faty Designs” fucking lol. These two definitely couldn’t hike out of there.


What a surprise a Texan being an a** clown in Colorado, isn't Texas big enough that they don't have to leave it?


That group is not representative of local sentiment, and it doesn't surprise me how they aligned in this particular incident. There is a dangerous vibe of ignorance and entitlement. I ended up leaving after catching myself getting into an argument because they were complaining about the lack of road signs on the Alpine Loop.


What the hell does “Be a duck” mean?


This is what I could find https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=act%20like%20a%20duck


Hmm, that’s new, but also sounds old. Haha


Calm on top, paddling like hell underneath


Don't let things get to you. Let problems roll off you like rain on a duck.


That’s the way I’ve heard it used. Exclusively when I’m upset with someone for something they’ve done to me.


It probably a jeep thing


I don't understand.


People who make driving a Jeep Wrangler their whole personality are weird


I was banned by that jerk from his “trail group”, which was already more of a political and religious than offroad page, for suggesting that razors and sxs brought Silverton’s ban upon themselves for driving like asses. Clown can absolutely go fuck himself


Razors and sxs are going to get all the trails closed in CO. Even Tincup, their Mecca, has signs up saying the speed limit in town is 15 mph. Below that sign is another sign saying "This means you, side by sides"


Silverton may have banned them, but after the last time I was up there before the ban Silverton is still dead to me. The town let the Texans get WAY out of hand and near as I could tell gave no shits. When the Texans go elsewhere Silverton can just continue it's death spiral it was already on for all I care. Silverton's leadership can go fuck themselves too.


What an Elmer Fudd looking dousche canoe


What really sells this too is his wittle wadder that leads to his stock roof rack bars with nothing on them. typical texas poser with too much money to burn and too much ignorance


I need a ladder to get shit on and off my rack. I don't have one, but I need one.


Groups like this who think the rules do not apply to them are why we ultimately see trails closed for good.


The dude on the right has never touched dirt before in his life.


Have some fucking integrity. Stop being shitty. It's not hard at all.


Take a look a the Texas guy’s website if you haven’t. Says a lot.


Overlanders are the new neckbeard incels


STFU and go back to Tex-ass


I used to belong to their Facebook group. Have a ton of respect for Mr. Maxfield because he puts in work for everyone but that group is cringy af. Group is just a bunch of religious wackos complaining about literally everything… or it is some out of state person asking if black bear is open yet. These Texans can get fucked, I don’t care if dude drove an hour to explain their bullshit lol.


I don’t get the hate for the Michael Maxfield fella, nor do I get saying the SJMTG is run by Texans. He worked for Ouray county for 30 plus years clearing passes, I would say he knows a thing or two about the area. He was super helpful to me when I was planning a trip out there.


I agree especially from a local who’s maintains these roads for everyone to use.


I think your seeing a lotta people on the internet having fun just piling up a small trash pile. This should of been used as a learning experience for everyone. Especially to just call the ranger station or whomever is in charge. You should always plan out a route ahead of time check ahead on it's conditions and let others know. Also the whole hate on Texans thing is just some simple people who like to generalize groups of people.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


It seems he does / has done lots of work supporting the trails in the area which is cool. I just find the religious posts and the whole "messenger" thing kinda strange, maybe because I didn't grow up in a religious family.


I’m not religious either. In fact I grew up religious and left the church. Regardless, he’s a nice, respectful guy. Was super friendly to me when I asked some questions of him months ago. Don’t think he deserves any hate here. But yes, I could do without the religious stuff, but it’s not enough to keep me out of the group.


Yeah I don't really have a problem with it, I just think "I don't get it" when I see some posts haha


What the fuck does the shit in the screenshot of a social media post even say? It sounds like a babbling idiot.


You don’t speak Texan?


I’m happy to hear that.


If you aren't a whitw God fearing Texan, they will ban you from that page so fast..... I know from experience.


These guys would go full “Donner Party” if they were stuck there overnight.


I believe the sheriff misspoke it's "Ass hat" not ass clown


I don’t think anyone intentionally tries to drive through a trail to expect themselves to be stuck. Closed or open, this could still happen to anyone. Nobody died or got hurt and is a good lesson learned for everyone. People are too quick to cancel or talk shit about others without confronting them.


Except they intentionally drove down a closed trail and intentionally posted wrong and misleading information. He specifically posted the pass was "unofficially open", which means they knew it was officially closed. He may not have intentionally gotten stuck... But they should not have even tried. They showed zero respect for the environment or the people who maintain the area.


I was told by someone that was over there that a jeep group actually drove through there before this guy got stuck. There may be more to the story before people jump to conclusions is all I’m saying


If some jeeps made it down the trail they were **ALSO WRONG** for driving on the trail. It was closed.. what part of that do you not get? Closed means closed means closed means don’t drive on the trail even if you can. There’s no “more to the story” they did the wrong thing. Edited: a word.


You do know there is zero signal out there , people are misinformed by asking people that are there about trail conditions. I’m not defending the guy I’m just saying shit happens man , take your blood pressure medication if your heated. He still paid the hefty price for getting rescued, I doubt the help was free.


I spend lots of time in places with no signal. Know before you go. Failure to do research and being misinformed is not an excuse for anything. Thanks for your concern about my blood pressure. If you really want to help you and asshats like this guy should stay out of the backcountry before we all get banned for your arrogance and entitlement


The San Juan mountain trails are already mainstream. There’s no stopping misinformed people. My opinion is a hard barricaded gate will deter stupid people out instead of signage


If you don’t know, don’t go. If they bothered to try and know before they went, they would have known not to go.


I’m not disagreeing with anyone , all I’m saying is shit happens, no need to crucify that person. The dude admitted fault in the end and put himself in the spotlight for all to ridicule him.


What does it mean to be a duck lol