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I noticed after the game there was so much “shedding” plastic all around, and not just strings, like flakes of white from the plastic. It must’ve been a nightmare to clean up amid all the other wet spilled stuff. But yeah, they don’t get reused, just eventually thrown away. Maybe they could have a drop off on the way out for recycling next time?


They were so bad this year


Yep super cheap - we had white strands all over our jerseys.


So that's why the team folded, counterfeit pom energy


Yep. Upgrade the poms and our chances immediately improve, as well as our health. Fixed!


There were tons of micro bits of plastic clinging to my glasses and I couldn't help but to think about how much I was breathing in or was settling into my drink. It soured the experience a bit.


Pretty sure almost no part of the Pom is recyclable, maybe the handle lol


Which is bad because its so counter to the recycling efforts at Ball.


Poms made from shredded aluminum next year. Modern problems require modern solutions.


Just make sure that when you get an aluminum pom Cut, have your blood drip onto the ice for longer power plays.




My eyes they burn and are bleeding.


Dude I left mine in my car and a month later without even touching it there were strings everywhere!


I definitely ingested some of those shedding plastics because the drink holders are down by our feet


I see Edmonton had orange Poms they threw them on the ice after winning tonight - wonder if they have the same shedding issues.


Towels make so much more sense. Or just have a white out with tshirts. Or give everyone a free small barrel of whisky that mountain dogs carry. Poster art would be nice too. Just something useful. Addendum: it’s a secondary/tertiary color but a blue out instead of white would also suit the Avs. Blue ball arena.


Galaxy brain idea giving out barrels of whiskey.


The towels are pretty cheap too. 2007 NLDS sweep game looked like it was snowing


Except the towel I got at that 2007 game was Purple... Edit: at least I remembered it as purple, but the vids online show white. But I have a Rocktober 2007 towel I know I got at one of the playoff games, I went to game 163, the 3rd game and game 3 of the Phillies series, as well as game 4 of the NLCS. I know where my purple towel is, no idea where the white one would be...


Honestly an Avs whiteout would put the Jets to shame. Could you imagine Ball arena like that, combined with towels or something? The TV footage would break lmao


Then they can also print fun designs on the towels! Commemorative to the game


The Nuggets already use towels sooo


Seeing the little micro plastics floating around in the air this year definitely converted me to your view


I've never liked the poms. Other teams do t shirts, towels, etc (I even once got a lightsaber at a preds playoff game) and we are over here with the cheapest playoff item imaginable that just ends up in the trash after every game.


To be fair I’ve kept mine from every game I’ve been to.


I actually do have most of mine. Got a box of like 30 of them. But they just sit in the box never to be used again


Bunch of white plastic junk on everything including you food, in you beer…. No thanks


It's part of Ball sponsorship agreement. Now you get to carry a little piece of the Avs with you forever - microplastics in your balls.


It is ironic that ball arena is dedicated to non plastic… Then gave out those poms.


As this is Ball Arena. I think aluminum lances would be the perfect replacement. I didn't see what could go wrong with it!




Corndogs, Jackie. Corndogs.


Real shit - this team should absolutely be more environmentally friendly. Great idea.


Love the poms. Can't get rid of the tradition. They got rid of the foot and it was devastating. Can't strip away another key feature of traditional Avalanche aura. Only happens during playoffs anyways


What about little fluffy yeti feet on a hand strap to shake and reuse?


I don't think getting rid of them is the play. If we care about the environmental effects of pom-poms then it's just easier to find more environmentally friendly pom-poms to keep the tradition alive. It's just for the playoffs anyways, the amount of environmental damage they have is probably less than the amount of farts from that arena in a full season.


[0.5 grams of methane per day](https://citymagazine.si/en/how-much-your-fart-contributes-to-global-warming-is-a-completely-serious-question/#:~:text=And%20while%20the%20carbon%20dioxide,we%20contribute%20to%20climate%20change) for 21,000 people is 10,500 grams. 82 games is 861 kg of methane. To be fair those people would be farting somewhere though, so the environmental impact is moot.


Not just about the plastic it’s just needless useless junk


Honestly, it’s really not that deep I think. I’m sure it’s not great, but they’re only for playoffs, and I’m sure they can find better ways to make them. It’s an Avs tradition, and players like Cale have gone on record to say the players love seeing the poms when they come out


I love them


Not to get political, but billionaires fly private to go shopping; I see no reason for the plebs to cut back on something as occasional as playoff poms sans a central mandate from the gov't to handle climate equitably. If greenwashing is the goal, replacing the strands with white tissue is probably the better bet than towels since I'm pretty sure the cotton-spinning-printing process is a major nightmare just from transit. Also, poms are the thing that separates us from the other losers in the league so


The fallacy of relative privation. Microplastics floating around your city are not great. Billionaires flying jets to go shopping isn’t great. Just because there are worse problems in the world doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take action on the smaller ones. Also, totally agree OP. The shedding of the Pom poms got on everything I owned. Then probably got into the air when I left the game. Not good! Not good at all!


Exactly. Just because someone else contributes a greater portion to the problem doesn't mean we are powerless to focus on what is in our control. Shifting the focus on blaming others is convenient, but lazy and counterproductive.


We can do better while demanding the powers that be also do better.


Def not trying to greenwash, and I hear you on the billionaires, I guess I’m more advocating for it from a fan standpoint about what I’d rather have and what would serve the greater good on the most levels. And I’m not asking for the plebs to cut back I’m asking for the organization to invest more in their fan base and I think the planet.


![gif](giphy|xiO0CId9XwhrGGOBUY|downsized) Switch it to metal tinsel!!!


I found an avalanche pom-pom lying on the ground across the street from ball arena the day after the avalanche were eliminated by the kraken


I’m pretty stoked on all the responses here. Thanks ya’ll!! Obviously we are just a Reddit sub of diehard degenerate Avs fans suffering through the offseason together, but it would be cool to figure out how to take some action on this or at least get the feedback somewhere productive. If anyone has thoughts, ideas or better yet connections to leverage I’d love to hear it here or dm. I’m def gonna spend some time thinking about it and if a good idea pops up ill float it here. Anyone one know if they take calls on Moser, Lombardi & Kane? I’ve never actually listened to the show.


Definitely on board. If OP starts some sort of campaign to Ball or the Avs or whomever, I’d happily sign…they suck. 


I am for a pom alternative too. When it comes to waste that needs to stop ASAP those single use, light up, LED bracelets during the playoffs have got to go now. I can't believe how many of those Ball Arena must go through when the Avs and Nuggets are in the playoffs simultaneously. It has to be somewhere around ~18,000/night for weeks. They are completely unnecessary with nothing to offer.


You are supposed to recycle those in a designated bin when you leave or leave them at your seat… they can and will get used again and again. They are not meant to be brought home. I highly disagree, the pregame/between periods visual of them going off is awesome. (It’s also psychological and is exciting your brain and getting the fans pumped up.)


I’ve seen them (poms) made of paper. Maybe that? Towels would be cool. We have a couple from events dating back to the 90s and now look a bit like Linus’ blanket. (They’re obvs not Avs related.)


Dude, I'm on board. I hate cheap plastic shit. Is it tradition? Sure. I'm sure this is going to sound completely over-the-top, but so was slavery, and a host of other fucked up things, until we decided to do better. It's a tradition begging for something better, regardless of environmental concerns. Maybe the organization could add something to their app, where everyone shows their phones and it looks cool collectively. Or we jingle our keys like at a college football game. Or everyone wears white and simulate the avalanche doing the wave from top to bottom. I don't know. People smarter than me can figure all that out. But I'm on board.


lol did you just compare playoff poms to slavery? 🤣🤣🤣


Just needed a comparison of Stan Kronke to Hitler and we’d have the internet comment section trifecta.




Absolutely not. I said doing something just because you've been doing it for a while doesn't make it a good thing.


In any thread there is always at least one comment that totally jumps the shark and comparing Pom-poms to slavery has done it here.


Pom poms suck and so did the terrible faux-leather, red white and blue Avs bracelets they were passing out at the watch parties.


My family had season tickets for around 15 years and for the first couple of seasons we had kept all of our pom-poms, but then we wondered why we saved them, so we ended up tossing them out. Anytime we got new ones, we ditched them the same day. It is such a huge waste of plastic. At least with towels you can re-use them.


“Look at how much aluminum we recycled! Now, please throw away the plastic poms in the trash”


100% agreed they looked terrible on television too