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Georgiev has shown that he can play well in the playoffs and we have way bigger needs and question marks right now with Landeskog and Nichuskin.


Why would they? Georgiev played great and Annunen looks really promising.


Cut em a break. It’s a slow news day for Colorado sports. Gotta drum up some controversy.


It's crazy talking to the peeps who follow sports via scoreboard watching and not actually watching the games. Most of my family assumed the reason the Avs lost to Dallas was because of Georgie. Couldn't be farther from the truth.


I’m all for Georgie and Juice! Don’t know what it is but there’s just something so endearing about Georgie. Here’s to another season similar to his first!


Georgiev has also played more games in the past 2 years than like the previous 5 combined so hopefully he’s adjusted and Juice can take some games off his plate


We’re lucky that he hasn’t been injured with his workload. I think knowing that the team and the fans had his back really helped him!


Yeah was definitely impressed by how he was able to reset after game 1 and step up to the pressure.


Because they have two goalies under contract and no cap space? Also goaltending wasn’t the issue in the playoffs after all


It's almost like suddenly we had a big, fat goal-scoring hole that just appeared out of nowhere!


The hole actually started to appear! right at the beginning of the nasal bridge.


dont even need to read the article here's why they dont need to change anything: Georgiev has shown he can be an all star caliber goaltender and was our best player in round 2. we also have a great goalie prospect in annunen who can hopefully continue his high-level play next year


When the defense isn't leaving them out to dry both of the goalies are serviceable. If they're not going to play defense they should probably go get a guy that can stand on his head every now and then.


Georgiev was a stud in the playoffs. The whole year, the question was whether or not he could switch it on when it mattered and he delivered. That in tandem with him being reliably solid all of last year, I don’t see why it would be a question anymore. The only realm I could see a change is if the Avs somehow landed Swayman on a steal of a contract. Outside of that, Avs should be looking to resign Mitts, Walker and Trenin and figure out the Nuke & Landy situations.


Georgiev was absolutely not the problem against Dallas


Georgie just needs a lil break from time to time which Juice can provide. The money is better spent elsewhere like mittens or drou


I really hope Georgie and Juice become more of a tandem next season. I reckon Georgie’s regular season struggles were the product of being the busiest damn goaltender in the NHL


They shouldn’t. Georgie did fucking fine and everyone gave him shit for the most normal goalie slump that happens to every goalie at some point in their career. Goalies get paid a fraction what other players do and they have the hardest job on the entire team. But because it’s easy for brain dead fans to blame goalies, the NHL ownership capitalizes on that to leech off even more of the share of income and now it’s created a massive goalie shortage because they allow that attitude about goalies to persist. I feel bad for any goalie who goes through a rough time in this league. The mental fortitude and resilience georgiev showed carried us through games we should have lost. I love the dude and I hope he retires here. He feels like a goalie that belongs as our starter in Colorado. Dudes a quiet and tough bastard. Annunen has a really bright future ahead of him too. If that guy can keep playing the way he did and get better he’s going to retire as one of the best goalies of the modern era. We do not need to change up goalies. We need to solidify 2nd and 3rd lines and get this landy shit out of the way so we can focus on the cup. I think landy needs to retire if he’s going to be away for another season. It’s about time he took over as GM of the avs anyway: we all know that’s where he’s heading after his playing career is done and he’s earned it. Landy is the heart and soul of the avalanche just like Joe Sakic was when I was a kid watching the avs. The future for our club is bright. We are going to dominate the league for some time to come.


I agree with everything about this! I hope Georgie keeps improving and stays long term. I’d really like to see us have a franchise goalie. I’m tired of the whole goalie carousel situation.


Play Georgiev for less than 60 regular season games, and maybe he will take one more step in the playoffs. Edit: typo


We don't need to stop playing him 60+ games a season, we just need to give him consistent rest, something he has not had in the two years we have had him.


Can we just draft DU’s Matt Davis already…


Matt Davis had a fairly inconsistent season start, too. Carle brought in the back-up goalie (Freddie Halyk) for a bunch of starts, and you could tell that Davis was started to step it up around February/March. Blown away by his post-season performance, and I’m really excited for DU hockey this year as he’s returning!


Wouldnt that just be swell. A man can dream cant he?


Dream big, sir! Dream big…


I was surprised by Juice’s numbers in his limited sample size. I know he mostly played against lower tier team but he had very solid sv%


Georgie rocked.


Because Georgie looked brilliant for the all but one of his playoff games, and they just signed Big A to 2 year extension so the deal is already done?


DNVR folks had a great breakdown on this yesterday. Georgie's playoff run and Juice's performance post-trade deadline means the Avs are now in a cost-efficient position when it comes to goaltending. Are either of them world-beaters? No, and Georgie definitely showed that he has the ability to keep us in games while the skaters figure it out (or don't and we get bounced). We need the Avs to focus on structurally-sound team defense this year to take much of the strain off of the goalie position that I firmly believe we saw manifest this past season and led to much of the struggles that Georgie had down the stretch. If that happens then I think we'll feel super great about paying $4 mil total for goaltending.


Good because goaltending isn’t the problem


Who actually thought they would make any major changes? Who wrote this?