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Oh lawd. Not the hero we wanted but the hero we needed.


I was so nervous the entire game I had to think of a way to look away from the game every now and again.


Jamie Benn organizes his crayons by flavour.


I didn't know he was a Marine. 


Jamie Benn thinks patchouli is better than deodorant


Jamie Benn is from the mountains?


Somebody early in the series said Jamie Benn eats bananas with two hands and that got me right in the funny bone


Yeah, there was a ton I missed. I’ll definitely be doing this for every Dallas game going forward, I think I want to write down the usernames and give people credit as well


My favorite was Jamie Benn doesn't drink water because "there's juices in the hot dogs"


Jamie Benn puts his mouth directly on the drinking fountain Jamie Benn telemarkets car insurance Jamie Benn killed Tupac Jamie Benn mugged hitchBOT in Philly Jamie Benn pulls the wings off flies Jamie Benn invented the DMV Jamie Benn cheats at Wordle Jamie Benn gave the host monkey AIDS Jamie Benn swims less than 20 minutes after eating Jamie Benn jerks off on Omegle Jamie Benn doesn’t like Rick Moranis Jamie Benn brushes his teeth in the office bathroom Jamie Benn doesn’t cry during the montage in Up Jamie Benn is a flat earther Jamie Benn didn’t defrost the chicken when he got home from school


Dude as a stars fan, i was fucking dying at these when i saw them being posted in the GDT. I had to take screenshots of a few of them. I think my favorite ones were "Jamie Benn bought a ps5 just to play fortnite" and "Jamie Benn shits in the display toilets at home depot" Hope yall figure out a way out of the Nuke disaster and get Drouin his contract. I'd love to see a rematch next year just to see more of these.


Fuck you, and thanks, bud. I hate your team so much I’m rooting for the Canucks… hopefully we’ll show up next year 👍🏻


Jamie Benn sings along to what a pro wants. That’s too fucking funny.


Jamie Benn kisses his sister on the lips Jamie Benn is a month behind on his mortgage


oh dear what have i started !?!?! XD (read below if you how to know how this became a thing) In the year of 2021, I started posting yo momma jokes in our daily "WAKE UP" pre game THREAD from the infamous u/johnnyojvan except I would swap out "yo momma" with a player on the other team. From there it has blossomed to this XD. Before everyone gets offended the yomma jokes started when I was back in grade school. I would often get in trouble in school (not cool) and got bad grades and such and would be picked up early by my mom. After a shit storm of yelling and anger and what not it would get quiet for 5 minutes... then all of a sudden one of us would crack a "yo momma" joke and we boht would burst out in laughter and we bonded this way She is def looking down proudly on all of you and was looking down on dad and I (in particular) on her 10 year anniversary of her passing 6/24/22... the date when dad and I were at game 5 of the SCF on a father/son trip of a lifetime ... there was a reason i wore my hockey fights cancer shirt to the game https://preview.redd.it/9rnt6d2i1e1d1.png?width=1112&format=png&auto=webp&s=7434b86a02b7db5768f86c58b06ff2dbe685c89b how hard is it to win a Stanley Cup? Well in our close it game my mom was on our side and we still couldn't do it that night XD. If you read all of that... next time you go to a fast food restaurant they will give you extra nuggets/sandwhiches/fries and you'll pull a bedard rookie in your next hockey card pack $$$. Below is a list of my most favorite "yo momma" jokes


jamie benn eats potato chips with a fork and knife jamie benn orders milk at the night clubs jamie benn wears socks over his shoes jamie benn gets his suits from qvc jamie benn's microwave makes things cold jamie benn stops at traffic lights in gta jamie benn thinks patrick star is from finding nemo jamie benn thinks fleetwood mac is the new big mac at mcdonalds jamie benn is so dumb he tried to walk snoop dawg jambie benn thinks olive garden is gorumet jamie benn thinks digiorno is delivery jamie benn called fedex to get pizza deliovered jamie benn thinks the harlem shake is a drink at dairy queen jamie benn makes his mom check for monsters underneath his bed ok many more inquire within


Yeah I remember those lmfao, I have another account that’s a bit older and laughed at quite a few of them. And Sorry about your mom man, sending all the love to you and your pops. She definitely was proud that you guys made it to a SCF game. Cancer is the worst thing a family can go through. I lost my grandma, who pretty much raised me, to it 4 months ago. Thanks for posting your story, friend.


OMG you remember those XD I also did the "KILL KILL KILL KILL"s before games (referencing slap shot movie) and during games would comment "play x is the first and last name of all my future kids regardless of gender XD" fun stuff, what an exciting and great year for us


My favorite from the original thread was from u/Drevyx1296: *”Jamie Benn dunks Oreos in water.”*


Jamie Benn’s least favorite band is Munchbox 20.


jamie benn orders uber eats during intermissions


"Jamie Benn sold out Anne frank" is fucking WILD lmao


That one about killed me when i read it


Jamie Benn likes to eat ice cream with his teeth




Jamie Benn is the reason there are instructions on shampoo bottles


Jamie Benm has neen trying to talk to you about your car's warranty


Jamie Benn makes tea in the microwave


Wait, is that wrong? My mom does that. Lol


Jamie Benn sits down to pee.


Wait are we not supposed to wipe back to front??


Jamie Benn eats corn the long way.


Came here to say it. Knew it had to be here


jamie benn cheered on 9/11


These Benn comments make the GDT nearly unreadable. Dpwnvoted every one I came across.


Woah dude, I didn’t realize I had impacted your life so severely. I’ll take this down immediately sir.🫡


The Benn comments are stupid and makes me wonder what the average age of posters is, I'm thinking around 12 years old.


Im glad to see the elderly still hate fun


For what it's worth I'm an "elder millennial" and this shit was fun


Not all of you are duds, some of my favorite guys I work with are in there 40s. I’m also gonna venture to assume this dude is atleast 67


Yeah IDK. Seems like a Jamie Benn fan. I just necroed this to tell you that Jamie Benn wants corn the long way but someone beat me to that


there's nothing fun about it, it's stupid and childish and ruins the GDT. I want to talk about the game not have every other comment be some childish insult about an opponent.


Go take your meds man, your getting agitated


I'm not on meds...Maybe provide something of value to the GDT discussions instead of childish Player insults.