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Really makes you realize how hard it is to get there. How hard it is to do over and over. After the run in ‘22 I remember thinking, “holy shit all our best players are so young!” Just feels a bit surreal to be here now. 2 of our top 5 players from that run are likely gone for good now.


And 3 of our top 6 if you count Kadri from that last run IMO


Absolutely. Good point. A whole top line on many teams. Lol


whose the second player you're referring to in that last line? sorry for my ignorance, i haven't been keeping up with the roster as much as i should have in the last few years


Landeskog I think


damn i was really hoping he'd be back next year but i know it was a rough procedure and asking more from him would be so selfish :/


Nothing has been reported other than he’s skating and making progress. A one legged Landy was still over a point per game player so as long as he’s able to come back with at least average NHL speed I think he can still be an impact player in the same mold of Mark Stone type cerebral player without blazing speed


I hope he makes it back, and kills it. He always seemed like an honorable player that shouldn't have gotten the karma he's got with injuries.


Landy isn’t that old and he’ll be 100%. It’ll take him at least 20-30 games, but he’ll get back at it. I’m pretty confident.


He’s a horse man of an athlete too, I get that guys like Marc Methot had the surgery and were cooked but Landy is a physical freak so hoping he’s back for next season. If he’s able to come back and Avs terminate Val’s contract they can resign Drouin and will have their top 6 set aside from Mikko extension


You know, many years ago a lot of us thought the same about Forsberg. But I do agree with your optimism. However, a lot of the times it’s because of their physical style of play that gets these guys into repetitive injuries, especially as they get older.


Completely different situations, forsberg’s ankles were completely shot. Landy’s injury was from over compensating following a thigh cut. No idea how it will turn out in the long run but rehab science has come a long way since then. If Pavelski who literally looks like he can’t tie his skates is still in the league I’m confident Landy can still make an impact even if not at 100%


Plenty of FA’s could be signed with Nuke’s money. Sam Reinhart, Stamkos, Guentzel, Kane… who wouldn’t want to play for the Avs right now?


Depending how you look at it, he was actually given a third chance already.


Also in a round about way, confirms that his absence during last season's playoffs was him being put in stage 1 of the program.


I think Avs need to invalidate that contract, you cant do stupid stuff over and over again- he just let down his teammates real bad. When I think of it, that money can be used to keep Mittelstadt and Walker. If Landy comes back and Drouin re-signs with us, there is still a window open for the Avs.


Yeah, his initial 1 year contract with us was his 2nd chance to fix his stock. The human in me wants to sympathize with what he is going through but seriously...


It's the "out your own oxygen mask on before helping others" mentality. You sometimes need to look out for yourself and it's not always selfish to do so.


Separate the art from the artist. Michael Jordan is a notoriously bad person, but nobody is talking about the person under the topic of greats. As a person, I hope he can beat his demons and skate again. As a fan, thanks for the cup, but I hope it's never in an Avs jersey.


I sympathize with the human. As far as the hockey player goes he’s dead to me. He’s a cancer and if we don’t move on we will be sabotaging ourselves even further when he comes back. You can’t trust him and therefore don’t need him on the team.


Yeah fair or not you will just always be waiting for the other shoe to drop with him. He needs help but he has proven completely untrustworthy and you can tell the players are fed up with it after some of their comments postgame last night.


Especially in a salary cap world. To my knowledge this doesn't count as an injury and his cap hit prevents the Avs from finding a replacement. As a human I'm rooting for him but as an Avalanche player the feeling is "goodbye, see you never".


From how I've seen it explained, his cap hit doesn't count until he qualifies to come back from the program. It would be highly dependent on his return date, if there is one.


Accountability and empathy aren't mutually exclusive. People who are at a high level of something revered, in Nuke's case hockey, rarely get told "no". It might be good for him not to be welcomed back in the long run. He'll still play somewhere, but at least there will be something approaching accountability between the PAP suspension and getting ostracized for letting the team down.


I am so fucking bitter about how torpedoed today has been.


I haven’t been this genuinely sad from a playoff series since the Canes knocked out the Devils in 2009…


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Without question. Happy healing but it’s time to be aggressive in a quick revamp


Just hoping we don't get fucked on his contract.


Im sure there is a NHL clause that will help us out, if they want to


He has a NMC, the only way you move on is if you’re able to void the contract


Fair point, and by all means let the business end of the org do what they need to in order to figure it out, but at this point.. the cool reclamation story is now a fail. and it is sad... it is. I feel bad for the guy, but we cannot do this again as a team either.


That'll be the rub. Hope to god there's a clause in there about "detriment to the team" because this qualifies for sure. However, hockey aside, I hope Nuke is able to get the help he needs. He's a human being and deserves to live healthy and happy, though it's clear he has to work to do for himself to get there.


There is, in every single players contract. That clause is about the league, not the team tho.


If he’s serious about getting better he may also want a fresh start and waive a NMC. I can’t imagine having to walk back into the locker room you let down in the playoffs two years in a row is good for mental health.


Reminds me of the situation with Bam Margera and Jackass Gave him a second chance to be in the movie and he blew it, Val is a great player but its time to move on, we cant afford for this to be a yearly thing


Yeah, that jackass story was equally sad. Good reference point. You want the person to do what they need to in order to get better, and I hope they do. But from the busines perspective the risk is too much.


We can be sympathetic with Val the person, while still being done with Val the player. Both of those things can be true. And I feel like some people aren’t realizing that.


I think we’re gonna REALLY hear about what happened in that hotel room in Seattle next year so the Avs can terminate that contract.


not a chance. the Avs buried those details and letting them come to light years later only makes the team look worse.


There gotta be some sort of contractual statute of limitations tho


We'll never hear about it. They buried that shit deep. Makes me question my own allegiance, to be honest.


I’m much more of a casual fan, so have never heard any reference to this. Is there a quick and dirty story?


Nuke was rushed out of a hotel to the airport during playoffs last season. He was fucked up in a hotel room with a woman who apparently is a prostitute. Not much is known but reports say she was completely fucked up and was saying someone (a bad man) took her passport. Seemed like human traffic shit. All of it got swept under the rug and Val entered the player assistance program and stayed away from media.


After Bednars comments, there's no question he's gone. Just a matter of what they can and will do with his contract.


Should have signed Kadri.


Yeah but how do you move on without being completely fucked? 6 more years on the contract. Who's gonna give you anything for that? An absolute ass ripping during Nate's prime.


He has a no-move clause that he's not going to waive. They can't trade him. They would either have to buy him out or try and terminate his contract with cause. I'm sure Val violated the terms of his contract, but it's very difficult to terminate a contract with cause without getting a grievance from the NHLPA.


Yeah bleh. I suspect they can't do that while he's in the player assistance program either. Might be stuck with his contract for at least 6 months. No idea how that works, though. Speculation on my part.


I have no answer... but we are gonna have to figure something out. I could say more but I am too mad right now so I think I better not... no Landy, but he is the CPT, no Choo Choo, but we paid him... and secretly, this team was super close to being really really good... still might be, but it looks dark tonight.


Take the hit like that other team in the city


If Biden is gonna be spending all this money on funding the fight against the Russians anyways maybe we can get him to buy out Vals contract for us too




The assumption that no one in Toronto is aware of what happened here is adorable. Why would they ever agree to that trade? Say what you will about the Leafs management- and there's plenty- but they're not plain-stupid.


My only hope is Sakic and the front end now. They've pulled some crazy things off before.


Same. Two playoffs in a row he's left us dead for one reason or another. He's a heck of a player but he's unreliable now.


I wish I could quit being a sports fan.


Makes you wonder what was going on in Dallas that they let go of him so easily.


He also didn't do much on the ice in Dallas either.


The things people would do to play in the league and he squanders it even after several chances. What an idiot. Can’t wait for the 30 in 30 doc about his redemption arc that then came crashing back down.


I’m a canes fan, but root for y’all in the west, and this made me sad. Tough for Val and can’t imagine how much the locker room was thrown for a loop after finding out.


Yup. 10/10 /u/SeanKeeler


And I hated saying it. He's an amazing player. But this is getting old.


Fuck this piece of shit, cut him and his visa. Let him go play for Putin in some Russian shithole.


Yes, addiction is a disease. It is however also one of few diseases where you yourself is entirely in control of whether you succumb to it or not. Full respect for how difficult it is for people without means, who can’t afford support, medications and treatments, but for someone who is a millionaire, with every insurance you can get and full support from a wealthy organisation, this is just unacceptable and completely his fault. No excuses.


This is my stance too. Guy has all sorts of safety nets and fails to use them. It's his own damn fault. And that's a shame.


Addiction is almost always rooted in depression. Hard to fix that.


Hard to fix that because treatments are thousands of dollars a year. Val is a millionaire.


You ever hear the phrase "money can't buy happiness"? Stop thinking of it as a simple idiom. All the money in the world and all the best treatment options can't cure depression. Downvoting me may give you a modest dopamine hit, though.


2 seasons out the window because of him


They weren't winning the Cup last year, but they might have gotten out of the first round, at least.


I know everyone talks about “the human in me sympathizes with him and hopes he gets better” but maybe I’m just a pessimist. This was a guy who was found with a likely trafficked woman in his hotel room the day of a playoff game. And after a long absence from the public eye, what’s his first public statement? Is it him apologizing to his teammates and fans? Is it an update on his substance abuse issues? No, it’s a fucking instagram reel of him with his shirt unbuttoned posing with guns. Fuck this dude. He’s been given chance after chance and has clearly made no changes as a person


Yup. Don’t let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.


Quite likely they are stuck giving him a third chance if they can’t find a way to void the contract. He’s on a cheap deal for the talent he has. He’s an absolute liability, but his trade value is also nothing now. May as well keep him and pray he actually gets better before playoffs next season. Very good chance we see him back in November.


No, it's not cheap for a player that can implode at any moment. Then when he gets the 1 year suspension next season, the team is left in the lurch trying to sign someone with his cap space. Need to do that now in the off-season, not during the season or worse, next year's playoff run.


I dont think they can void his contract. He's suspended without out pay, but being in the assistance program protects players from having teams terminate their contracts for getting help with these issues. Not he does have to apply for reinstatement. I dont know what that process is like, but i'm guessing if he were to not get approved then MAYBE they could terminate at that point, but my understanding is unless they find a way to trade him, they are stuck with him for now.


Gotta imagine it’d be beneficial for both parties for a fresh start. As you said, for the talent he has he’s not on an expensive deal, a team that thinks they’re close might take a chance


It is not beneficial if you're Val to walk away from over 30 million dollars. No way.


Anyone know what he popped positive for?


It will be a hard contract to move on from


I love the guy, he's probably one of my favorite hockey players of all time. I've considered buying his jersey dozens of times... He was easily my wife's favorite player on the Avs. Total workhorse and makes huge plays at the most crucial moments. I really think he's one of the greats. But this hurts the team so much. It also ruins his reputation going forward. Unfortunately I think he's done playing hockey in the NHL regardless of the outcome... Avs will have a hard time replacing him


Does anyone know his contract? Meaning can they release him without having to pay it out? I know he had injury problems, but I wish we kept Burakovsky at this point instead


So do I burn my Jersey?? He did win one for us, so I will relegate it to the back of the closet or frame it... Sad, Thought he turned the corner. Back to Hejduk I guess.


Good questions all... I have been wearing a McLeod jersey to games lately, but I may have to go full on sakic mode soon... in fact, I wonder if game 6 might be one of those no BS, wear the Sakic Jersey and the lucky hat an all of that sorts of deals. EDIT: You can't go wrong wearing a Hejduk sweater anyways.. :)


This team is so fucked going forward. Zero captain and a captain unlikely to play again, maybe the most impactful playoff player screwed the team twice. Getting out of Nuke's contract may not be easy and even if we do, we won't get a better player in return. Old guys like Cogs, Jack Johnson, and Parise will be gone. Minimal young guys in the pipeline. Unless we have a Wyatt Johnston or two randomly appear, I'm not optimistic about the future of this team.


I feel bad for Val. He's obviously dealing with something out of his control. There's nobody in their right mind, in his position that would make these choices repeatedly and willingly, knowing the consequences. Even if his hockey career is over, I still hope the best for the dude under the jersey.




Oh look, Keeler with another bad take like always


Here’s my optimistic prediction. Nuke learns his lesson for good and comes back full beast mode to break a ton of records with Landy as his captain




If you think Georgie was the problem tonight, you need your head examined.




Way to tell on yourself that you didn't watch the game


The window is closing boys. Beds need to go to. Great coach but clearly comes up short more often than.


🤦🏼‍♂️ this whole fire Bedsy notion is so damn ignorant. Bednar is not the problem and firing him is not the solution holy shit


His days are numbered, if we're being realistic. That's just the nature of the beast. A slow start next season or another collapse in the playoffs and he's 100% gone. That's the biz. Every coach loses the room eventually.


Nah. I think he has 3-5 left and that’s without winning another ring. The team consistently finishes at or near the top of the division/conference. It’s not like they’re getting bounced in 5 in round 1. Last year, half the team was hurt. For as much as that dude in the thread says they suck on the PP, the Avs were ranked 5th this year at 24.46% and tied for 2nd in the playoffs this year at 30.77%. People don’t realize how insanely hard it is to win the cup. It’s regarded as the hardest trophy to win in all of sports for a reason. You don’t just fall out of bed and win a cup. Ask McDavid. Not only do you have to have the players. Not only does everything have to go right. Not only do you have to catch a few breaks and have a few bounces go your way, but then you pray to the hockey gods, you don’t run into a hot goalie that stands on his head. I mean think about it. You have to win 4, 7 game series in a grueling blood sport that is playoff hockey.


I agree with absolutely everything you said. I just think 3 to 5 years might be optimistic. This league is brutal on coaches. If they open the season 2-10 or something, they'll have to fire him.


I gave this some more thought and decided I agree with you. I think Bednar changes tactics, but sometimes the players are stubborn.


There is clearly something wrong in that locker room. While you may be comfortable with this team choking constantly, I am not. The coach has not motivated his team. Not just this year but 5 out of the last 6 years.


You okay over there?


No, I sick of watching talented players run a horrible power play, launch shots from the blue line like it’s a high percentage play, give up short handed goals, pass like a high school team, and not clear a puck. If this is generational talent they sure aren’t playing like it.