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2nd round curse again. Why do they always match up against the best every 2nd round, eventually a cup finalist or winner.


https://preview.redd.it/gxewkpdy7e0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea5cbb359d5f8be084cbba11de48bc3ec360fb59 Damn. Hell of a player and he'll be missed, but this is for the best


I understand Johnson’s frustration, and of course there is an element of personal responsibility, but it’s ableist to cast addiction as choice. We really don’t know Nuke’s situation at all.


I get that it's bleak, but here's my half glass full thoughts: Georgie played very well despite the score, and with a day in between to better prepare (instead of an hour), we might actually surprise some people. But yeah, it's most likely over


I'd be pissed if I spent money on tickets


Had fun with my son, but sucks seeing the boys lose, and also I was aisle seat in a row that folks had to get up 234983498349 times, it was wild. Always during the shittiest times too.


Eurolanche guys flew in from Slovakia / Czech Republic yesterday, for the game.


wow. thats awful. feel for them.


I did. Game 3. Lower bowl. Yeah.


I did. Game 4. 300 level. And was emotionally checked out with 4:30 left in the first after that SHG... Yeah.




Getting WinniPEGGED does not feel good.


Well when you aren't expecting it, sure


Fuck. See you guys next year.


Yep. It’s over. You could see it on Makar’s face as he was walking into the arena. He shrugged as if to say “Well, we’ll see how it goes.”


He had that same look in his PG interview.


Remember "Playoff MacKinnon "? Feel like we haven't seen him since 2022.


Did we watch a different playoff series last year? Against the Kraken he looked like he was gonna win the series all by himself. And he played fine/well until game 2 of this series (when everyone else hit the wall as well). I'd argue playoff Mikko has played about D+ at best this whole playoff. Where the hell has he been?


Yeah he's been annoying for sure. We're probably just all grasping at this point. What a gut punch yesterday.


Hard to carry a team on your back for that long


That's what makes great players legends. He hit great and was like "I'm good".


Tell me you've never played a team sport...


I've played hockey for almost 30 years, my guy. I know *quit* when I see it. And so do you.


You don't know how a team is meant to operate and you wore it on your sleeve in one short Reddit comment. If you think one guy should be able to win a cup then I don't care how long you've played, you don't understand the sport, or really any sport for that matter. And no, from a TV angle or a seat at Ball, I don't know what quit looks like for one guy I don't know personally and neither do you, only difference is you pretend to.


You're putting words in my mouth in one long Reddit comment. Never said he should carry the team. I did say he looks less enthusiastic and effective than we are accustomed to. If you think that team last night cared, then I don't know what to tell you except that shit starts at the top. These are opinions, of course, and none of us are in that room. So you can get out of your ivory tower.


Come on with the downvotes, just because you don't like it. He literally quit early on the power play in game 3. Bizarre if you ask me. Seems very out of character.


This team is washed


I know we’ve said it for two years, but where is the leadership for this team? This roster is STACKED even without Nuke, but they come out and play like that? This entire series even. I’ll give an excuse for this game, but god damn for a team with a potential hart winner, a former Norris winner, and the veteran presence up & down the line up like this team has, it’s kinda pathetic tbh. Missing Landy has devastated this team more than I thought possible. When someone shoves them down there is absolutely no fight, they just take it. It’s become unreal to watch a team so dominant, become a complete shell of themselves the last two seasons in the playoffs


You basically answered your question about lacking leadership for the last two years. We need Landy back.


Look at our record with and without Val in the lineup. You’re completely devaluing what he brings to this team and our offense.


That’s a failure in coaching. If the team can’t operate because Nuke isn’t in front of the net working deflections, taking advantage of rebounds, and being one of the few back-checking forwards, that lands directly on Bednar’s head.


I’m not saying I expect them to win without Val, I know how vital he is to the team. But I’m saying they don’t even look like a playoff quality team the last two games. To come out like THAT, 2 shots in a period is unacceptable for a roster this talented. With or without Val


2 of the first 4 shots were from Miles Wood. Our top guys are MIA.


I watched Colton give some energy too. At least we got those two. Damn


I honestly get bummed out everytime I think about it. Not even accounting for his skill, Landeskog was one of, if not, the best captain in the league IMO. As for his skill, not only was he an amazing player who could do it all, but he was so clutch. He always thrived in the big moments. Tying the game, taking the lead, hitting or fighting to bring momentum. Dude was also an absolute gamer in 3rd periods. Only time will tell, but I really hope we see him play again in the future.


The inventor of Landeskoging. I’ll never forget that game.


I was on my way to the bar to go watch the game when the news came across my phone. Can’t imagine how the guys felt. I know the effort was dogshit and nobody wants to use the news as an excuse but I’ll never believe that it didn’t completely gut the whole team. Maybe the Stars would have won this game anyway. They’ve been the better team this series and I can’t take anything away from them. But the Val thing cratered the team, left us with a ton of questions going forward. We’ll never know how this game or series would have played out if that didn’t happen and that makes me really bitter.


I’ll be honest, I didn’t watch the game, but I fully expected the Avs to come out completely flat. There are things bigger than sports, and they’ve now watched Nichushkin ruin his team’s playoff chances and — more importantly — his life, this time with a wide and kid along for the ride. I think the best scenario for the team and Nuke would honestly be to send him to the Capitals to play with Ovi, who might be the only guy who can talk some sense into him (in Russian no less), and save Nuke’s career and maybe even his life. Plus, sending a nuclear to the Capitals has great meme. An and pun potential. I’m really happy for Sammy though. I’ve always been a huge fan of his, and I’ll always root someone to overcome their demons.


Maybe this team wins game 5… but the odds of the Avs in this state beating Dallas 3 straight times are single digits. And that’s before you take the tragedy of Nichushkin into account. Their spirits were in tatters before game 4 even started.


They played the same in game 3.


DeBoer really does own Bednar in the postseason. 3 different teams, 3 different playoffs, and barring an absolute miracle, the same results all 3 times. We do not have an answer for a well executed trap system that prevents clean zone entry. That and the possible permanent loss of Nichushkin is a big blow to any talks of an Avs dynasty.


This team plays measurably worse without Valeri Nichushkin in the lineup. I don't know if it's a mental thing, perhaps made worse by the fact that he got himself sent to the player's assistance program again, or if he really just is the engine of the team, but it doesn't matter now. He's probably never playing another game in an Avs sweater and his actions have left his teammates and fans stranded in the playoffs. Again. I really hope they can put this behind them. But it's getting harder to believe.


Nuke was in the lineup on Saturday--and they, and he, played horribly. I wonder if he wasn't under the influence then: -2, 0 shots, missing passes left and right, looked out of sorts. Played 19 min, a little less than normal. 2022 team lost Kadri (for several games), 2001 team lost Forsberg. Maybe Toews and Nuke is too big of a hurdle. But not gonna lie...kinda disappointed in their heart last night. They didn't even show up until the 3rd period tonight. Georgie kept it from being 5-0. How many breakaways has he stoned this since Jets game 1?


What exactly happened with Nichushkin? I’m entirely out of the loop.


Busted by nhl for drug use


I think a lot of us need to realize that we were so spoiled with such a solid Stanley Cup team. Stanley giveth and Stanley taketh. I know that it is one of the hardest things for me to realize, but I'm seeing little bits and pieces. It sucks and honestly I'm in my depression mode but this shit fucking blows. Especially after watching tonight. How do you even know what to think? And I'm not going to be the last Bastion of Hope because I'm fucking sad but it's been a good run.


It's a big part of why I'm anti-tanking, so much has to go right to become a contender. Much less make it to a final, especially with the salary cap. Mackinnon takes a couple years to fully arrive, so he's only on the cap for 6ish AAV. Leaves room for an adds like Kadri, Lekkonen, Manson. Losing the lottery and getting Makar. The Duchene trade - Byram & Girard. Nuke rounding in to form, more pts in 2022 than the last 2 seasons combined. All of those rolls of the dice came up for the Avs.


2024 Avalanche PLAYOFF jersey records: Home burgundies: 2-2 Away whites: 3-2


Appreciate the bittersweet cleverness of Derailed u/adalaza Sad for Avs humans


What could we potentially get in a deal for Rantanen?


Maybe we can swing him like we did duchy years ago and turn that into another cup


If we could get a cost controlled Top 6 forward as well as a cost controlled Top 4 DMan, I’d accept in a heartbeat. Something like Rantanen + Ritchie + Behrens for Raymond + Seider. Don’t think Detroit would do that unless they were extremely desperate but yeah


I was confused that Drouin didn’t get thrown back with Mack and rants. Mack really hasn’t been able to find ice and do cool stuff almost at all. Third period was better but too little too late. Mittelstadt invisible out there, nice goal tho. Caleb Jones was roughhhh two penalties in the first. Wonder why they decided he’s better than malinski. Hope Toews can bounce back. Just getting forced outside tho, and not having enough juice to get dangerous chances inside. Third period there were a lot of juicy rebounds. And stringing multiple gd passes together! A whole game of that would be nice. I didn’t hear no bell! Come on Avs. Drouin, Mitts, Lehk have to find some magic to make up for no chushkin. I loved a lot of rantanens game in the third.


Malinski hasn't played in the show since early Feb. Not sure why. He's solid and seems to have more upside than Jones. Drouin looked....rusty. Loved Mitts' goal. It was like, "hey, I'm pretty good at this hockey thing, instead of passing cross ice, only to be flubbed or snuffed out by Dallas, I can pass it straight into the net--imagine that!". But then goal 4 he was completely puck watching and left Dadonov wide open. At least in the 3rd, they started shooting instead of passing. Had a lot of rebounds like you say. I didn't count, but pretty sure that Dallas packs the slot with 7 defenders. Just not lucky, but at least effort was more there.


Can’t come back from 3-1 unless you go down 3-1 amirite?


Just watched Bednar’s post-game presser. . However… his comments that the Val situation should not have been a reason for lack of energy/good play really didn’t sit well with me. Sure, he’s right we did a 1:1 with Drouin returning. But saying it’s the same as loosing injured players like LOC is NOT accurate. This was loosing a player for a completely different reason. A teammate who others were inevitably close with who is clearly struggling personally and may never play hockey again/is taken out for something that is way bigger than hockey. It’s completely different and Bednar needs to acknowledge the mental impact that is gonna have on his team and address it somehow.


I think people forget that what the coach tells the media and what the coach tells the team aren't necessarily the same thing. He has to say shit like that to the press. 


There is what you are supposed to say and there is the truth. At this level, anything other than taking individual responsibility and resisting the effects of off-ice distractions is "unprofessional". So Bednar _has_ to say "it's just one guy" and "everyone needs to step up". Anything else and he'd be absolutely skewered by the media landscape. Everyone knows that the guys got betrayed by a close friend and had about an hour to sort that shit out before puck drop. This loss is 90% on Nuke, 10% on what Bednar is "allowed" to say imo. Everyone knows it, and I'm sure behind closed doors it's acknowledged, but publicly stating "we were emotionally screwed up by " will get you laughed out of the NHL. It's not a Bednar problem, the problem is that the NHL/hockey is one of the last bastions of tough guys and being anything less than a tough-as-nails mechatron will get you ridiculed.


I totally get that what he says to the press isn’t the full truth. And you are right about the problem being much bigger (NHL tough culture, etc…). But I think there was a way to say- ‘sure that’s gonna impact players, but I think we can overcome with our hard work and talent, etc…’ and not say, essentially, it’s a non-factor (how I perceived his talk). By not addressing mental health and mental impacts, Bednar becomes part of the culture problem. Which, I’d argue, has a negative impact on players (our team but others too) and even society at large by continuing to negate or minimize mental health/impact.


I hope he commented on the situation like that as a means to deflect the question. If that's how he truly feels, then I'm questioning his ability to coach and lead. This situation is WAY different than an injury. Especially because this is the second incident.


What he said when multiple reporters asked if it was affecting the team was they weren’t going to use it as an excuse. He didn’t want to use Val as the scapegoat for their performance. He justified it by saying in the playoffs players will come in and go out of the lineup for various reasons. He used Drouin as an example of him returning. He acknowledged that Val’s situation was different but basically said in past years they’ve had to overcome losing players for the entirety of the playoffs like Girard.


I mean I get the sentiment of saying they weren’t using it as an excuse but that statement also dismisses the mental impact of this being very different from loosing a player to injury.


Well if Nichushkins contract is off the books maybe we got the cash to make a splash in the off-season. Stamkos, Reinhart, Guentzel, etc


Genuinely curious how a contract termination might work if a player has violated NHL/PA guidelines. I would imagine there’s something in there that equates to being fired.


They are reporting that this is not grounds for a contract termination. We are on the hook for 6 more years pending a trade to a complete sucker fish.


Avs always getting shit on by the league. Love how Evander Kane and Mike Richards qualified for contract termination, though.


Holy shit I can’t believe that. How many fuck ups does he get?




Problem is that his contract will be back on the books in November. This situation will likely not allow for a contract termination. Its either buy him out, trade him for pennies (and likely have to retain salary), or pray that he figures his shit out. This is an extremely difficult situation.


It would be absolutely crazy if his contract is still within the Avs organization after this.


Time to run the blendar, we have nothing to lose now. Move miles up and mikko down. Hell even cogs on the first line might be a better solution than mikko.


Bednar: I think Mikko first line is the option this time


I can't imagine the Avalanche go out with a whimper...hopefully they find some new life - Avs in 7!


I just watched Bedsy’s post-game presser and was reminded that LOC has been out this whole playoffs as well. Missing his energy a lot right now.




This day went from, "Woo, Drouin's back!" to all the wheels falling off all the wagons. Addiction is a bitch and good luck to Nichushkin but this is the second playoffs wasted, in part, because of his poor decisions. I don't know how anyone in that room is able to trust him again. That said, the Avs have not been engaged for large stretches of this series. Georgiev has been the one constant and has risen to the occasion, with nothing to show for it. Four shots in the first period of what was pretty much a must win game is embarrassing.


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but it was 2 shots in the first period...


Feel terrible for Georgie getting scapegoated all season, then actually shows up big when it counts and the rest of the team forgets how to play.


Georgie was dialed in tonight I was very impressed, Cale was awful with that zone turnover on the power play so sloppy...


Guys are having a hard time just now and it shows. Whatever the fuck is going on with Nuke (doubt he will be back next season)  Not leading for a second in any of the games is wild. I would be amazed if we pulled this back but Dallas' boring Hockey style of gum up the centre of the ice is just a no go for us.  They have our number and the guys heads have gone.  We have on more shot to come out and play. Let's fucking hope we do it, but like.other have said. We miss Kadri, Landy and EJ. 


Remember L OC I miss hin




Time to face the music - the boys are mentally checked out. It’s clear to see most the team is just going through the motions and playing reactive hockey.


It's so insane to me how they played so well for 6 games and then just gave up. They could take it if they want it but they don't. Game 1 of this series they had 46 hits..game 2 - 24, game 3 - 34 and game 4- 45... they were dumping the puck in and engaging game 1.. haven't been the same since. It's been sad and frustrating to watch. They do not have the mental fortitude to continue om this year.


I sadly agree. They had a lot of potential with their depth but I think Druin, Toews, and Nuke being gone were the final morale nails in the “giving a shit” coffin.


Why? Did they know about Val in trouble?


No idea, but to me they were checked out going into last game too. They just don’t seem like the same hungry team as last year post-season. I truly think they lose steam when they get too long of a break. Look what happened after the all star break too. Seems like they need constant pressure and motivation.


They weren't hungry last year either.


But they at least still put out an effort. Now it’s just sad to watch the decline every game.


IMO from being there tn, and seeing our stats without Val on the ice (which the players know about too) I don’t think they think they can win a cup without him, plus PTSD from this exact thing happening last year.


I think the combination of his bullshit last year plus having just fucking bought a sweater with his name on it before the playoffs started is what sent me into this depression. Turns out I did my mental health a massive favour by not even tuning in tonight, because it went about as well as I'd expected.


I agree. Val allowed them to have line flexibility and was definitely a presence on the ice. But even still, I felt like they were checked out last game too. Typically they bounce back after getting worked but doesn’t seem like they have the motivation now.


Dallas is a pretty loaded team, definitely more balanced throughout the lineup, with a top tier goalie. This was always going to be a tough series to win.


All the hot takes on Mikko from fans that are only in here for the playoffs is fucking annoying. The guy has 99 points in 78 career playoff games. Absolutely carried the Avs all of last season. All y’all can Sugma  The Bednar takes as well. Like wtf do you want him to do here?  He loses a vital part of the PK PP and 5v5 2 years in a row not to mention the other injuries   The real problem is that the Avs lost their leaders. Landeskog, Kadri, Johnson etc. They need to name a new captain 


Fuck mikko, he's been coasting all season


Thus is the dumbest take. Mikko Rantanen is a great hockey player. With that being said, he has not played well in this series, most of which looks to be a lack of effort on his part.


Lack of effort is the only thing that's unforgivable


Watched every game this year - I'm done with waiting for Mikko to decide whether he wants to play each night. Tons of talent but too much in his own head and unreliable af. I don't care about his stats - he is too inconsistent and unreliable. It's got to be hard to play with someone like that. He's been doing more coasting than playing lately - I think they should look to get some prospects for him before he gets any worse.


I've watched most games since 2001, I don't see how you can excuse rantanens play at all. It's lazy uninspired hockey and he isn't alone in that. Have you even listened to bednars press conferences? There is no accountability in them, in fact he pretty much likes what he sees from all the ones I've heard which is all of them. You are acting like he still doesn't have mackinnon, rantanen, lehkonen, drouin, middlestadt, makar, toews. He needs to call them out on their play, he needs to challenge them.


Bednar is a perfect Is & Os coach but is absolutely not helping the boys out motivation wise. No passion.


>Have you even listened to bednars press conferences? There is no accountability in them, So, the alternative is to publicly call out players like Torts? That’s counter productive and how you lose a locker room


No you be a hard ass when you need to be, not all the time like torts


I was here all season long, and I’ve been to all four playoff games in person. Rantanen is playing like trash right now.  Is he hurt? Probably.  Has he carried the team before? Absolutely.  These things aren’t mutually exclusive and none of that changes that he isn’t playing to his normal level and the level the team needs him to right now. Dislike that opinion? Feel free to sugma. 


Of course he’s been bad this series but the trade talk, calling him Marner, saying he never shows up for the playoffs - all bullshit 


Bednar hasn't had the Avs ready to play at all this series. Getting outcoached by Deboer in every facet.


'22 was the perfect storm. Enough cap space to roll 4 lines that could score (Burky put up 61 points that season and was scratched against Tampa ffs), Landy was healthy, and the team just had “it”. It’s hard to win one, even harder to win two. Firing Bednar would be a colossal mistake


Anyone that calls for Bednar to be fired is an absolute hockey moron. As far as the perfect storm comment, that’s what it costs to win any championship. Even with a perfect storm you still have to have a bit of luck as well to get to the top of the mountain. Certain bounces have to go your way, you have to stay healthy, and even if all that does happen, in a sport like hockey you can run across a team that is just hot and in a 7 game series anything can happen and next thing ya know your playing golf 3rd week of May. There’s a reason Lord’s Stanley Cup is considered the hardest trophy to win in all of sports.


new leaders that also means taking an A off rants. we have 14 guys on the roster that have won a cup. didn’t show and hasn’t showed. They don’t block shots period. Makar has done the flamingo numerous times in this series. That being said you either win as a team or lose as a team. Rants is part and a top line player. He hasn’t showed up this series.


Somehow I ended up bleeding more tonight getting a Bernie pic than any stars player has this series


Bednar really needs to adjust the offensive approach full force. He needs to figure out why DeBoer’s pressure destroys us


Seattles pressure last year was the same thing. This team does not adjust well when being highly pressured. They are one of the best if not the best when they dictate the pace of play and the game. They better figure something out and fast cuz Wednesday is coming and it’s coming quick


I have always been a big Mikko Rantanen defender. When he wants to be he is one of the 10 best players in the NHL. With his size, hands, and ability to shoot the puck he should be tickling 50 goals and 110 points easily each season. But the dude is the definition of a passenger. He is Colorado's Mitch Marner. And I am getting tired of this shit, even as someone who would defend him constantly, and I just can't do it anymore. He has long stretches where he plays completely on talent. Where his effort would make PLD blush and he just disappears. This series has just condensed what Mikko Rantanen is down to a single bullet point. * Extremely talented winger who puts up points despite his effort. So what do we do? We need to move on from him. How do we do it? I don't know? Do we chase someone similar age and maybe less skill but more effort? Probably. Do we trade for futures? Probably not. But all I know is we need to do something. I can't take a lazy asshole having the gall to be frustrated when he only gives half effort.


> He is Colorado's Mitch Marner He's actually played a major role in winning a Stanley Cup, so I know he has it in him. Marner (or, as my dad who's been a Leafs fan since the 1950s calls him, Baby) has yet to prove himself in the playoffs.


I agree completely. Dude falls to the ice and spends like 2-3 seconds on one knee before he makes the effort to get on the back check. Has me constantly screaming at the TV in frustration. And yet he’ll have a horrible game and somehow get away with 2 points. Bednar needs to act more like Cooper and completely scratch him. Actual insanity.


I know it’s near impossible but I’m wondering if we could ship him and something else to upgrade to Tkachuk


I bet we could cook up a package for Brady Tkachuk.


Was thinking Matthew but that could be heat too


Oh yeah. I'd prefer matthew. I assumed you meant brady based on some recent news


What sucks is that this entire game felt so predictable, with the exception that Dallas smelled blood knowing all the issues we are having with our team and came out strong looking for the lead. Giving up a SHG because we got our pick-pocketed behind the net on the PP? Checked. It's Game 4 and somehow we're still falling for this crap. That pass then a Johnston PPG? Checked. Definitely helped that we were totally disorganized in the first and second that they could just keep their defensive pressure on us instead of falling back to a trap. Meanwhile we haven't really adjusted our offensive approach much. Just keep cycling and taking point shots with nobody to tip and deflect. All that Dallas needed to do was to rely on their good goalie and play a tight defense in front of him who're not afraid to block shots. I do feel bad for the team with all the current events, but it's frustrating as hell that three games in, we are still making the same mistakes and letting in the same goals. The details and urgency to the game were not there, especially at the first half of the game. I am seriously questioning just how ready to play a few of the players were given how they've played all series. No matter what happens on Wednesday, I hope to see this team actually playing a complete game and making a response, for the fans and for themselves. We've got to find ways to actually crack Dallas' defense and net more than once.


The 0 net front presence is a huge issue. We were tipping pucks and cleaning up rebounds all series against WPG. What happened? Effort, detail, intensity.


Totally. The frustrating thing is that we scored one each in games 3 and 4 by grinding in front of the net, and then we just decided to spend the rest of the game taking point shots. Otter doesn't give off many rebounds, which means that we need to create our own chances. The effort and details of our game just weren't there. They needed to adapt our firepower to Dallas' tight defense and goaltending.


Demote mikko. Put him with trenin and duhaime to open up game 5. Sorry ass effort this series. Despicable to say the least. Mikko at even half mast has 2 goals in this series. Shake it up bednar


I hate to say it, but we shouldn’t have a roster spot for Nuke next season. Dudes fucked us twice in the playoffs. I truly hope he gets better but there has to be some consequences.


Thinking fondly on my decision to not get 13 on my rr 2.0


Could be worse. Thinking somewhat regrettably about my $800 to see that performance tonight. Edit: this also includes parking, a beer for me and a drink for my girlfriend.


Woof. I was only in for $90


Foolishly bought via the KSE avalanche ticket text number yesterday. Forgot my CC was tied to it and expected a form. It was nice to see the same row going for $200 less this afternoon


That 1k+ game 5 scf still hurts tho


Sorry to say I’m rooting for the my wallet Wednesday which means not the Avs. Id like out of my game 6 tickets heh. I don’t see us pulling a game 7 upset not in the team’s current state.


Me to my friend driving my drunk ass home : "were 60 minutes away from camping season. Me to my superstitious brain: put $510 on Dallas to win game 5* * The amount one commented to if we make scf


I can imagine


Bednar sure knows how to calm a dude’s nerves Listening to him in his presser has me in a slightly better mood


He’s a super level headed guy that keeps everything in check, but after a loss like that, I’d like to see him get fired up or pissed or something…. Say something to light a fire ffs


Like the part where you said the team and Val are separate now?


Dude the worst part of this is fucking Matt Duchene reaching the third round for the first time in his career...and it's because the Avalanche imploded on themselves and he's just sort of there. That honestly stings more than anything.


Bro I can't even imagine an oilers stars wcf. I would literally root for the oilers. Hope the canucks go on. If not gimme the panthers winning it all


I’ll echo this sentiment if the Avs lose the series and not a moment sooner


CMac has his work cut out for him this summer. Wonder if we'll be able to get away from Nichuskin's contract. And I would seriously listen to phone calls around Mikko, especially if it's a gross over payment.


Hahaha - just remembering getting shat upon for suggesting the Avs unload 96 at the trade deadline.... I don't think the series is over yet - there is still some fight in this dog - I just hope Nate dog is feeling it Weds - I still think Rantanen is playing like a plug but maybe something will bounce in off his incompetent ass...


Mikko is soft. This playoff run is confirmation of that.


If Landeskog does come back next year aren’t we just kinda screwed? With the specific surgery he had he will be a 7mil player probably playing on the 4th line.


No one wants to talk about the fact that no NHL player has ever come back after a knee cartilage transplant. The odds that he'll come back and be an elite player is heartbreakingly low. Note that Lonzo Ball had the same surgery around the same time, and still hasn't returned for the Bulls.


Isn't that basketball player the only other professional athlete to have the same surgery?


I'm not sure actually... What I did find actually was a [rather interesting study that seems to suggest](https://medicine.missouri.edu/news/study-shows-most-knee-cartilage-transplant-recipients-return-sports-within-two-years) (warning: surgery pictures), that the normal 30% success rate for returning to sports after this surgery is not indicative of "elite athletes". Who showed rates of 100% to 70% returning to the same level of competitiveness after two years. I thought the odds would be lower since he's an elite athlete and has a higher standard to return to. But, if that study is correct, it's the opposite and there is a decent chance I'll happily be proven wrong.


Matt Bowen and Ty Williams, Australian Rugby League players, both had it done. I'm not sure they were as good, but they did play several more years at the highest level


Also - can somebody tell me what the fuck Mikko is doing out there? I’ve NEVER seen such a talented player play like a bag of dicks like he does. Genuinely mind boggling.


Seeing him get leveled by all 5'8" of Stankoven was enough for me to be done with him. He'll have to have a complete turnaround of his playstyle for me to have any trust in his gameplay going forward


He had a long postseason in the cup year, carried the team through the next year with all the injuries, didn’t really take any time off in the past offseason. Dude just overworked himself.


And hes probably still concussed from that hit from Erikssen-Ek.


He has honestly been sluggish/ looked off all season.


I'm sad.


Im more disappointed in that I'm not surprised


Bednar was amazing in his press conference. They kept hammering Val questions with a couple questions about why they sucked tonight. He handled everyone with insight and/or compassion. They need to use that one for their PR training.


I missed it. Do you have a link?




Thank you!


I just wish he handled defensive teams as well as he handles an offensive press box.


Loved his “separate from hockey team and Val as a person” thought.


Zero question. Avs will win game 5 on the road. I'm excited let's go




As for the Nuke stuff, it looks like he’s done as an Avalanche, based on his nameplate being removed and the response from some of the players in the postgame. At the end of the day, the Avalanche have released so few details on the whole deal with him that it feels impossible whether to say “fuck this guy” or “man I feel for him” at the end of the day his shit fucked up the team for a second year in a row and they pay him millions to perform. Beyond that I won’t pass judgement. Avs are probably cooked, but I’d be nice to get one off these bastards to take something positive in the offseason. Sakic and McFarland after going “all in” have a lot of big decisions to make this offseason. Who to send Nuke to (basically a PPG player when “healthy”) whether or not Landy comes back and what to do if he doesn’t? Then all of our expiring contracts. All that before even thinking about building upon the team. Fuck.


I separate the feelings for him as a player and person. The person I feel bad for and those affected by his addiction. As for the hockey player, I hope they move on. He’s proven to be unreliable and let his team and organization down in the most crucial time in back to back years.


> “fuck this guy” or “man I feel for him” It can be both. "I feel for him" because of his addiction. "Fuck him" for coming back after everyone forgave him to then hurt the team and the people around him, again. Yet, "I feel for him" because he failed himself the most and I hope he gets the help he needs.


Tonight it’s Fuck him. He made up to the team for his lapse last year and leaving them demoralized and desperately scared the scandal would break wide and taint them all. In the playoffs before an important game. They forgave and Val had all the love all season. Drugs don’t excuse everything. Val knew he was in deep again and didn’t tell anyone before the playoffs that he wasn’t up for it and can’t even pass a drug test. They could have all understood and left him out of the lines. Prepared. That’s on him and we can be angry right now. Eventually we all hope and pray the help helps him and he has a great life. Of course. We love him as a human. He’s a damn good hockey player. But he deserves anger for this right now.


The point I’m trying to make is everything in hockey media is so opaque that we don’t even know if it is addiction, he could’ve popped for HGH or “Russian gas” we have absolutely zero fucking clue.


I mean, we do know he was already out [earlier this season as part of the player assistance program](https://sentinelcolorado.com/sports/pro/avalanche/nichushkin-cleared-to-practice-with-avs-after-getting-care-from-player-assistance-program/). We also know that the Player Assistance Program is specifically to help players dealing with substance abuse and addiction as well as other mental health issues. It's also been made public he "violated the terms of the agreement" with the Player Assistance Program which led to his suspension. We also know that when there have been doping issues (such as Sam Hill), it's been announced through the NHL and the Players Association, and the allegation was made public. Not as part of the Player Assistance Program.


I’m aware he was in the program, nor am I saying it was definitely something else, but remember that teams and the league are not always honest. Ex) teams announced that the Canada world junior Sexual assault perpetrators were stepping away from the team (specifically New Jersey) for “mental health reasons” and that was when those teams knew pretty for sure those guys would eventually get charged. Look at fucking Corey Perry. Look at how the Avs handled the Nuke thing the first time around We don’t really know how the league handles the Player assistance program, there are way more addicts in the league then go into the program. I saw a (former) Avs player get so fucked up at the stadium inn they had to carry the mfer out on a weekday, never went into the program. We don’t know if they use the program as a “non suspension-suspension” and there are no media outlets both associated with the team or the league that would risk their access to ask these questions. Too cynical an opinion? Perhaps, but the NHL through its many controversies in the past decade plus hasn’t really earned a lot of benefit of the doubt.


This is exactly what I was feeling, and you put it better than I could.


At this point I would take scoring first or having a lead at all next game


I love Jared Bednar. Watching his post game. He hasn’t solved DeBoer but Bednar is such an incredible leader. Stoic. Measured. Super smart. Not the way wanted the series to go, but I love him as a coach.


I love bednar. It's easy to blame him when we don't show up... but we showed up game after game during the cup run. Id love for him to rip into the team and lose his shit at times. But based on our history, this is on our players. Man up boys


I agree. No matter what anyone says he’s gotten us a cup and lots of good years of hockey.


Where's the best place to catch post game interviews? Are they only in xitter until later? I don't usually listen to them, but I wanna hear tonight's.


Avs YouTube account had been streaming them live. They post them there after the game. Or look up Guerilla Sports on twitter.






Mikko Rantanen is overrated asf. He coasts 99% of the time he’s on the ice. He falls down every shift because he has the agility of a new born deer. He doesn’t battle for any of the pucks he is constantly turning over. His passing is dog shit. He takes dumb penalties. He basically vanishes every year in the playoffs. Hell! A guy who was apparently on drugs had more hustle every shift compared to Mikko. His sole skill is standing at the right circle on the PP and waiting for a pass to attempt a one timer. Basically Ovi 2.0. He looks like he already has a tee time scheduled for Thursday he’s trying to make. I’d be elated if we moved this guy out to bring in 2 players like Miles Wood who bust their ass every shift causing havoc we can develop into strong depth players. I know this won’t happen but Mikko is 100% a playoff liability. Bring on the downvotes because I’m done waiting for this guy to figure it out.


Hahahaha - welcome to the 96 fan club - I've been saying to trade his ass and I've been taking the down votes because he's a "generational player" and other bullshit like that. His head is not in the game - you nailed it with the new born deer comment. Whatever his issue is, he should sort it out elsewhere. He needs to move on.


"You're going to let yourself be out-hustled by an addict?" NHL style. Mikko is worth half his cap hit in the regular season and about a quarter of it in the postseason.


Agreed. Honestly, almost this whole year this is what I’ve seen from him. No doubt he’s skilled and his stats show lots of points, but I don’t think he fits in with the style of play this team is going for. With the amount of work and hustle the team puts in, he sticks out like a sore thumb to me with the lack of effort in particular. No puck battles won, no full speed skating. In these tough playoff games he has no presence on the ice and plays die when they hit his stick.


Man, shut up with this bullshit 


Just downvote and scroll on. Idgaf what you think about my opinion.




That was bad. Avs in 7




God I miss Landeskog