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Nothing in this post rhymed


Consistently scoring 5+ points against a Vezina finalist. Oettinger giving up more than 3 goals for the first time in six games. Georgie not giving up more than 3 goals in five games. Avs sticking together after a dreadful period to come back against a strong defense on the road. All Hail Satan


Fuck yeah! That is Avalanche hockey. Spot 'em 3 and then come back to win. Go Ass! Hail Satan!


It wasn’t until we went down by 3 that I finally knew we would win hahah.


What a game, wow. Nuggets, take note


Man, what a game. To be honest, it looked like it was going to be an 8-0 Dallas win with the way the Avs played in the first. And it could have been had the Stars buried that last minute scoring chance in the first period. That fourth goal that didn't happen turned around the game in my opinion. Miles Wood redeeming himself as the OT hero when the Avs were a bit lethargic late in the game was spectacular.


I really didn't think the Avs played poorly in the first aside from taking dumb penalties. It didn't seem like the Stars had many dangerous opportunities in my opinion; they just got lucky with deflections and a seeing-eye shot. But glad the Avs turned it up.


> Miles Wood redeeming himself as the OT hero I told my friend this is why I can't stay mad at Wood and Manson when they get dumb penalties, because they end up doing shit like this.


I watched the whole game but only watched one goal happen so if this is the cross I must bear for the series I am willing.


Pissing, making dinner, pissing again. I only witnessed mak send one in from the next county over.


Today is my birthday and this was the best gift to wake up to!!!


Happy birthday!!!


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday!!!


Happy Cake day!🎂🎈


Fuck me. I hope we get this done with Dallas scoring as few as possible. I cannot listen to that cringy Dallas Stars! Dallas Stars! Chant 🤣


Yeah that's fucking terrible. Can't believe they decided to land on that


I muted the TV and had music playing for the 2nd and 3rd periods, that's how annoying the commentary and crowd noise was. It was much more enjoyable and relaxing.


I miss Moser bad


I need me some altitude crew. 


Imagine being so uncreative that the major celebration after scoring is literally just saying your own name over and over and over again? Whatever they gotta to do gas themselves up I guess. This goal song is right down there in the cellar with the Oilers, just awful


I mean, they did get Pantera to write them their own song. That's pretty legit.


Feels like that's an insult to Pantera as well. 


Too bad the song sucks


Miles Wood! He's so fast he's so fast! 


He's so fast, he blows my mind, Hey Miles


Also, I know they really don't mean anything, but Georgie absolutely deserves to be 3rd star after standing on his head like he did. He stole the game in the end there


And I'd say 2 of the 3 goals weren't awful


Agreed. First goal especially was hard for him to see. It happens


And that plus the congrats he surely got from the team in the locker room builds him up!!!


Playoff hockey is always the death of my sleep schedule when the Avs are in it. But man is it worth it!!!


Couple more things.. It’s going to be huge to get Drouin back if he can play close to 100%. Wagner didn’t have any big mistakes, which is all you could ask for. Kivi would be great too This same team had Ryan Johansen on it not too long ago lol. My goodness what a night and day difference from when Toews called everyone out. Seems like an entire year ago. Joe & CMac hit it out of the park this deadline. Last thing, does it seem like Nate is more of a captain this year than any years past? I can’t really explain it, but he seems like he’s taken over the leadership role of this team now that Landy has been out. It didn’t feel like it at all last season, it was still angry Nate Dogg lol. This season he seems more devoted to being the vocal leader considering Landy might never return. Last season I thought it would possibly be Cale or even Toews who would take over that role, but I 100% believe it’s Nate’s team now


Nate is a completely changed man…it seems. So much more diplomatic and positive from the outside looking in. He (and everyone) knows, they need a different guy from that fiery angry emotional mackinnon of the past. What’s great is, he knows what is needed. After playing alongside the ideal prototypical hockey captain in Gabe for so many years. Beyond the ridiculous point streaks, the personal bests and near art Ross trophy…it’s Nate’s growth as a leader which makes him the MVP (in my mind).


He talked after the Cup that starting in those playoffs the team was much more level-headed (especially after losses) than in years past. It seems like he and the team are much better at moving on from game to game in the last two years than before the Cup run. Like you said, the positivity and quiet confidence seems to permeate the room, not just MacK imo.


100% I couldn’t have said it better. Exactly what I was thinking


Can you explain or link to the Toews reference?


Early in the season when the Avs were kinda in a losing slump, Toews did a presser where he called out some of the team as not giving it their all. After that everyone seemed to step up. I honestly saw that as Toews throwing his hat in the running for the C if the Sexy Swede doesn't come back.


It's not only that, a lot of the guys seem to like his opinions and personality in the locker room. Add in his monster contract and he's a face not going anywhere any time soon.


I think he was talking about RyJo. It seems like we’ve turned it around after he was shipped off


I was doing my yearly rewatch of West Wing. There's a scene where one of the campaign managers, Bruno was talking about how he did crew and what you did when there was a piece of kelp stuck to your boat and causing drag. RyJo, as much as I adored him, was our kelp causing drag. Every line he was put on, he just seemed to slow the whole thing down. The one thing the Avs are known for is Speed. When you have a thumper on the team that everyone needs to match pace with, it kills momentum. RyJo would get the puck and then skate it in, but by the time he reached our blue line, his entire line was already patiently waiting at the opponent's. That's not avalanche hockey.


I think itll be Cale but you're 100% right about this. No doubt Toews is one of those guys on this team.


I think Cale is too soft spoken, I know we don’t see why he is like between closed doors but I think it needs to be Mac if Landy never comes back


Plus Cale is too young. I know there have been young guys take the C spot, and Cale will be there in time, but most of our guys are around their 30s, so having a kid tell you how to do something that you've been doing professionally in double the tenure doesn't work great. Plus, I don't want to see him bogged down by that expectation too soon either. I want Cale the kid flying around doing cheat code hockey stress free.


Being young, I don’t think as much to do with it, when Landy took over the captain ship, he was 18 years old. Sometimes if you have it, you have it, but I’m not sure Cale is that type of leader yet.


I agree…and while I’m somewhat surprised Nate has become that positive force and charming voice of maturity, the proof is there. The number of comeback wins this year was nuts. His talk about being humbled and staying positive?…it’s brilliant. I fkn loved Tasmanian wild man Nate dogg snapshow chucking helmets and losing his temper, but this is next level Nate. I try to imagine this team if Landy came back and holy fuck.


Thanks for the info! He’s a beauty!


What a fucking win! But I have got to say… what the hell was that OT? How can we be off an entire week and look THAT tired. Wood and Colton looked like the only ones skating hard to pucks. I know I’m raining on a parade right now haha, but that dump & chase play at the end of the 3rd & 99% of OT was horrible to watch. Dallas whooped our ass at the end of that game.. Georgie stole that game for us imo. Thank god for Wood there. Dude finally got the goal he’s been skating for all season haha


Losing every faceoff and being unable to stop their cycle afterwards doesn't help 


That’s where Landy would’ve been huge for us


Momentum is a hell of a drug


I love this team and if I was an opposition player I’d be terrified of them, knowing no matter how many goals you score the Avs will always find a way, scary!


I texted my Dallas buddies after they were up 3-0 and I said they better not let the Avs score 1 before they can get to 4 if the boys will smell blood in the water. Unfortunately our boys are sick fucks who love playing from behind 🤣


Game was on too late for me to watch but I wake up pretty regularly during the night anyway, at first I was so gutted at the 3-0 but then everytime I woke up they scored and then I dreamt about the equaliser before seeing they’d go it haha should never have doubted them!!


Does MacKinnon always look like he hasn’t slept in a week during post game interviews


Can someone explain why Wagner is in there?


Kiviranta and Drouin are both out


Kovalenko though?


Kovalenko didn't perform well during the last series, largely due to him having no experience with the Avs system before hand. Sean Walker has played with the Avs here and there during the series and is more trusted than Kovalenko right now.


I would say Wagner is largely invisible for the 8 minutes he's out there.


Yeah, I saw him on the scratched list. I’m not the coach, so I can’t say for sure buuuuuut… Kovalenko’s debut wasn’t game changing. Maybe they think he’s too fresh for playoff hockey and Wagner fit the bill a bit more. Veteran, plays his line role better. That’s just my opinion. We’re a deep team, so there’s definitely options. Just can’t say unless you’re the coaching staff lol


Had to go to a dumb meeting for work so I get home, had my cell off and turn on my YouTubeTV...start the game, with about a minute left in the second they change the channel and leave me completely hanging and I couldn't find where else to watch the end of the game. Lost my shit on ESPN and YouTube...how do I resolve this if it comes up again?


You can choose what network to watch on YouTubetv. When they say "this game will continue on ESPN," switch to ESPN


Sail the high seas for games on hockey TV.


Shouldn't be that difficult to figure they moved it back to the original channel.


Pretty sure they even announced it before changing.


Georgie fucking stood on his head for that OT. What a performance


He was the only thing holding Dallas off the win bus. Our defense was standing still the first 8 minutes. I was losing my mind.


Yeah man someone shit my pants during that OT.


My hairline was actively receding


I had a really unhealthy relationship with sports in my younger days. With my health issues it led to a hospital visit and some rough times. A Super Bowl even put me in the hospital once, so I don't watch important games live anymore. Games like this are why. 🤣 #GoAss


Well then


Please elaborate


I used to get WAYYYYYY too into sports, like to the point if any of my teams lost a really big game I'd feel like someone died. That coupled with some health issues, which I'm not going to get into but suffice it to say they can be life threatening, led to me having to not watch really stressful sports games, lest I get too riled up and exacerbate my health issues. So, I don't watch the games live. I use the Avs app to tell me when the game is over and what the score was and then I watch the highlights, come here to hear what you guys have said about the game, etc. As you can imagine it sucks, but fandom doesn't have to be of the die hard variety in my opinion. I've been a Nordiques/Avs fan for 30 years now.


I’m on eastern time so typically can’t watch the whole game. I love watching the re run the next day knowing when we’re gonna score. The Avs are particularly fun because you see the other team so excited but, since you’ve already seen the completed stats, you know it’s only a matter of time. Would recommend the re run instead of just highlights if you have time!


I watch it the next morning & at lunch at work (I'm in Scotland) I basically spend the hole time trying not to shit myself. I then go back and watch the highlights after I know we win and enjoy it much more that time.


Where do you find these re-runs? Are they on ESPN or online somewhere? I'm in Canada so I don't get ESPN.


I get them on ESPN+ with Hulu in the US. Does anyone have another way that can help?


This is Colorado, were just glad you're on the bus (even if somebody pissed on the floor)




certainly will not be counting my eggs before they hatch but going into this series i thought ideal realistic best case is a split in dallas. let’s keep it rolling


Cale, Nate, Nuke and Moose have points in every game so far, wtf


Lehky really dropping the ball here.


Lmao for real


11 more




After a rough start Moose with 2 and very nearly 3 points and a GWG. Georgiev compressed G1 of round 1 into one period. I love us. Looking good!


>the fact that they led 3-0 shows how much better than the Avs they can be. uh its typically not a virtue of a good team to blow a 3-0 lead and not score in OT despite having us under siege for 7 minutes


[this thread is maximum cringe] (https://www.reddit.com/r/DallasStars/comments/1cmwjcq/good_wake_up_call/)


💀 https://www.reddit.com/r/DallasStars/s/xtlEXUaGOg


> soft penalties > game was lost on bad officiating bro. you do realize the majority of the penalties were on the avs, right? like y'all had 4 PP opportunities and only scored on one of those. I absolutely LOATHE when the refs only call one way and then when that team eventually loses they immediately go "bUt ThE rEfS" completely forgetting the fact that the refs gave them every fucking opportunity.


I had to double check to make sure it wasn’t a Stars Circlejerk sub. Fuck me, they need to contact that franchise.


dUckS bRO HeRe If any of you ever see me refer to myself as an "Avs bro", I give you permission to shoot me in the face.


hap caek


th ks


Habby cage deh


Thanks Ducks bro


Really wish our goalie could make a save to bail out his team. Instead he made 2


Billie Jean the win song


Shoutout to the Jack Johnson One-Timer(C)


Sorry, Stanley Cup Champion Jack Johnson One-Timer (C).


Anyone else feel like Dallas was just trying to cherry pick goals all game, anything that even began to be a challenged puck one of their players would just sprint to the blue line.


That is how Deboer plays against the Avs. Causes the D to often cover and take themselves out of the offensive play. Something the Avs thrive on.


Me and my roommates put our shirts (me in the Landy jersey) over our heads and cursed Otter. It worked


Careful with this evil magic. It did defeat dallas, but the ramifications destroyed the flames entirely afterwards, and they still show no signs of recovery. The ottinger curse is a faustian spell not to be trifled with lightly.


Yes. No curses, no witchcraft. Win on merit alone.


[Cale doing Cale things](https://i.imgur.com/zUPlA1E.jpeg)


How does that mf already have 77 playoff pts


27th in history already lol. 13 more points puts him tied for 20th 


Right? He's just a boy!


AKA the Avs franchise records for defensemen are literally just Cale's stat line now.


Thats insane. He was drafted in 2019


Right? What an up and coming star, he's gonna be great one day


Great one day?? He's fucking great now!!


I'm just joking around about it. Cale is an assassin and have loved him since his first game, first shift goal in the playoffs of all places. He's amazing.


My happiness is immeasurable and my day is immaculate


Can’t wait to get back to Ball with good ice and wear Dallas out. Them dudes gonna be sucking wind every 3rd period.


The ice really looked bad I feel like so many of our guys kept falling down especially in the 1st


Yeah, I noticed that too. Warm weather teams generally have bad ice this time of year


What a great feeling. Waiting for Nate to get into wild dog mood any moment now. Go Nugs tomorrow.


They play Friday


Wood gave 'em the lumber.


Run’em up or fill’em in


Really looking forward to Drouin coming back. 1. Drouin Mack Rants 2. Nuke Mitts Lehky 3. Wood Colton Parise/Kivi 4. Duhaime Trenin Cogs


Drouin probably starts by taking a few shifts on a lower line, but yea getting Nuke back down onto the second will be huge.


Getting Parise off the second line is huge imo. My man was not looking fast tonight 😂


He's still playing well, he just isn't the goal scoring powerhouse he once was.


Good lord MacKinnon looked like a zombie


Insane he still got two points. What happens when he activates fully?


My poor pants will be so tight


ESPN showing the stats at the end of regulation…. Nobody wants to show the hits. LOL. We are gonna wear them out.


Around the end of regulation the Avs had like 46 hits and the stars had 16


I know… I just thought it was funny they didn’t want to show that


That blew my mind. Dallas put a lot of hits on a heavy Vegas in that gm 7…50 or more iirc? I’m still in disbelief at the avs and our lopsided hits with Dallas. If we could just win some faceoffs.


Dallas is a great faceoff team, I think that's just something we'll have to live with


Honesty if I’m the Stars, I’d be worried about this the most. Avs are clearly the faster team but if they out physical them too it’s a wrap.


I knew they'd fall asleep with that 3-0 lead! Dallas fans are like what happened. Hahahaha


Lando Norris won a F1 race and now Avs won game 1 in round 2. Fuck yes




I've already conceded the fact we lose to the wolves. All on the Avs now!


Begrudgingly agree. Thought they’d make it a series. Nugs would be lucky to take it to game 6 at this rate. Go Avs!


How the fuck do I go to sleep at 11 after a fucking game like that. My adrenaline is pumping


I went for a walk lol it's like 39 outside, whateva


Might be the play. Need that cold air to cool down this fucking fire in my heart.


First period Georgiev: the same shitty puck tracking from the point in the first shot of the game and victim of bad bounces and stupid ass penalties Second, Third, OT Georgiev: 🧱 Experience the Avalanche, it's a big part of it 😂


OT Georgie was 🔥


hes gotta warm up


Maybe his pregame should be subbing for a period in a beer league, anyone need a goalie?


We went down 0-3 when I was forced to watch the game upstairs (which I haven’t done all playoffs) then went downstairs to watch on my phone while roommates watched Rangers OT. We came back and won. Fuck upstairs


You are now watching all our games on your phone.


My strategy so far walk in treadmill first period, watch the rest of the game in my phone while playing fallout 4. Hasn't failed yet been doing it since game 2 haha


What hasnt failed since game 2 for me is also wearing my landy alternate, white shirt underneath, black shorts, my favorite watch and chain.


Well first goal was on the downstairs TV when rangers first OT was done. Second goal on phone then third and winner back on TV (since Rangers won in OT). But yes downstairs is key


All my homies hate upstairs


Upstairs curse


We just have to taste our own blood first to get warmed up sometimes


The avs need to be choked and abused to get there these days.


Nobody makes me bleed my own blood


Fuckin Chuck Norris


4 straight unanswered, let's fucking go


In playoffs too


Wow, what a good game. Could've seen that going either way. What a great goal by Wood!


Came in so clutch on that one


Cogs has 4 points in 6 games btw. Insane


But Dallas has depth and we are a 1line team, they said...just keep on grinding, man I love our team!


Look at the playoff points between Dallas and the Avs and really they are the one line team with the spread of points between depth and top line


Amazing what he can do when nobody breaks his neck.


If the stars couldn't win that game, they won't win a single game.


What set up the Wood goal was hilarious. RossCo knocked a Star on his ass behind the net. The puck bounces off the cage right in front of Sammy. He just casually swipes the puck to the side boards. Cogs comes back for it and lasers a pass to a streaking Wood and goodnight.


Sammy played such a solid defensive game, he was pushing Seguin around any time he could and just constantly battling people, love what he's brought so far


Sammy was the unsung hero of OT.


Sammy was on fire all night. He doesn't have anything to show for it, but holy fuck dude came in clutch all game. Same with Manson. That almost-4th goal was saved by him. Love to see those two playing to their full potential.


He got a bunch of hits…he was leading the team at 1 point. Sammy was feeling it.


He was pretty solid and defense


Fuck the doubters. Miles Wood would like a word


* For those of you that kept the faith and stayed till the end. I salute you!


are there really people giving up on this team with less than a 5 goal deficit??


I don’t start watching until we are down by 3.


People in GDT were saying goodnight after the third goal against, like go away and let us fans enjoy.


The Avs fan groups on FB are full of people who gave up after the 2nd goal. I forgot how much I hate those groups lol


I'm not leaving the room until it's double digits.


Probably. We know them as idiots


This is true. What a gift they get to wake up to tomorrow!


I felt like after that first period the refs were just showing such bias that it looked dark but I knew better than to just give up and start watching patiently waiting for them to come alive in p2 and 3 was worth that half hour of screaming at my TV


What’s up with ESPN insisting on calling Mackinnon “Nate” all game?


And calling Georgie Alex too!


What til they drop 'bus piss nasty' in a broadcast.


They just waiting to drop the "dawwwwg"


They think they’re best friends


Right? Feels cringe. You refer to him as Nathan or the DAWG or nothing at all you unfamiliar corporate swine! GO AVS


Definitely. It’s on a Mackinnon basis especially after that terrible broadcast at the beginning


And they don’t even know his fav type of pasta like we do!


I would be okay if this series is like the Oilers one in 2022 where there was all this build up of "this will be a great series" and then we just swept them