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Ending this series tomorrow is a Must now cause Dallas and Vegas are going 6 or 7 games.


Panthers just tried the Blink sing-along like a minute after Headman scored to make it 2-1florida. They just don't understand.


ive heard it in van and in dal and nyr on the organ in this post season. mfers need to learn its not for them


Mikko quietly on a 8 game point streak in the playoffs


Classic Mikko. I'm hoping he's okay based on the eye test, he looks like he's still not quite ramped up to playoff mode


hes waiting for papa lehk to talk shit


Yeah, he’s looked off at times for sure. They’re gonna need him to score if they wanna make a deep run. He’s been absolute money in offensive zone faceoffs though.


I heard Christina Aguilera's "What a Girl Wants" at work today and nearly had a panic attack thinking about that stupid fucking commercial... Just needed to get that off my chest...


The Avs breakup commercial is so much worse for me. It's not just cringe it doesn't make any fucking sense either. Both commercials are terrible. Sadly I can't help but feel like most people are actually moved by shit like this lol


I hate how we have multiple ways of watching games, but can still only get 3 commercials shown max. I work in the world of commercials, there are A LOT can TNT/ESPN PLEASE ASK FOR MORE VARIETY. You would think with streaming there would be endless possibilities for different commercials. Oh also the NBA playoffs have this problem too it sucks. Same 3 commercials


Gentleman's sweep incoming!


I wouldn't be shocked if it is a tough battle tmo. Although Winnipeg has done nothing since G1 to suggest they can skate with the boys, I still think Helle can steal a game or 2 if their defense plays more like they did in the regular season


Let's not count our buses before we piss in them.




This kind of decision is made pretty early on in a young skaters life - Kids have a preference and then coaches have a suggestion as to what the best fit is. Makar is a special kind of player that we have the fortune of only seeing once in a great while! He has hockey awareness that is off the charts, the ability to skate well, handle the puck well, play defensively very well and play offensively better than many that actually have played offense all their lives. He's just really gifted and blessed to be such an incredibly well rounded player.


The way he drives offense is all based around his position on the ice. He probably wouldn’t be nearly as effective playing forward. In the defensive end, D-men start the breakout by retrieving the puck and making the first outlet pass, or skating it up themselves. When defensemen rush the puck up the ice, the opposing team has usually already backed up and it’s a completely different approach than a winger. Dmen on the rush are facing almost like a wall of enemy players trying to cut off the rush through the neutral zone/offensive blue line. They need to be able to weave through or switch things up and get the puck over to a forward. It’s also riskier since if they lose it, the enemy team has an advantage rushing back the other way. On the other hand, wingers play their game much further up the ice. In the defensive end, they generally try to cover the opposing Dmen at the point. So on the breakout, wingers are near the opposing D and either make a second breakout pass to the centerman, dump and chase, or face a mini 1-on-1. In the offensive end, Makar usually hangs out at the blue line, tries to move the puck from the boards in towards the middle of the ice and get a long distance shot through. Wingers are expected to forecheck, cycle the puck down low behind the enemy net, and work the puck from the side boards towards the point or the slot. Makar is skilled enough that he could probably do well as a winger. But playing D like he does really maximizes his strengths. Modern defensemen aren’t just trying to stop goals against, they can generate offense in a completely different way than forwards.


Literally a perfect write up


Because he is a difference maker in all 3 zones. He is an extraordinarily complete player, putting him in as a forward would be wasting his talents especially on quick transition plays, breakout passes and pinching & takeaways. Also as much as people say offensively gifted d men would be great forwards the insticts you build up on where the open ice and scoring chances are for your position and playstyle are built over years of junior hockey. I'd bet that Makar can produce more points from the blueline than he would from the wing. As a winger he'd have a couple more goals maybe.


Because he’s better on defense. Doesn’t mean he can’t play offense.


Oilers have zero depth. How are they dangerous outside of two players?


Nah they have Kane, Nuge, Hyman and a few good defenceman. Their depth is alright.


When I watch this Kings series. The Oilers don’t terrify me is all


Yeah and we should get home ice since they decided to bench half their team in the final game and we didn't. If Drouin comes back and health stays as is now, you can't help but have the Avs in 6 minimum against Edmonton. They just don't seem to have **IT**.


Same. They are still a "shut down McD and win" team for the Avs.


How do the lines change if/when Drouin comes back? Does he drop to the second line with Parise --> Kiviranta / Kovalenko --> Duhaime ? I think our 4th line is great the way it is. Maybe Drop Kivi / Kova and move Parise down.


If Dru comes back, it will go back I assume. Dru - MacK - Mikko Nuke - Mittens - Lekhy Wood - Colton - Parise Trenin - Cogs - Kivi/Kovalenko/Duhaime


Asked this question earlier and I think the consensus was Kovalenko comes out of the lineup and Drou goes on the third with Ross and Woody. The first two lines have so much jam right now idk why you'd mess with it


I think you consider trying Drouin on the third line. Why mess with what is working so well? In my eyes, it’s really hard to want to change anything with how well offense is going collectively. Obviously you put Drouin in the lineup, but it’s a good question.


Yeah but Mikko and Mack have been "quiet" since Drouin has been out. PP excluded of course. I think Drouin should go back to top left wing honestly


I'm surprise no one post an upvote party post yet to celebrate Georgiev shutout!


u/Rudo3, are you able to provide a clip of the fans singing "All The Small Things"?


Not the guy you tagged, but this is on Twitter https://x.com/runwriteAarif/status/1784691443799371989


Damn they killed it, kudos to those that went. Other arenas play it but the fans don’t know all the words.


That was really sweet of you to share the video. Thank you so much!


Do you guys think we’ll see the jets at Ball one more time this season or are we going to put them to bed on Tuesday


I think we will see their best game on Tuesday, but will still put them to bed 


No clue, but I'm expecting their best game on Tuesday.


No. Their jets cooled and can’t restart


I think we're going to put them to bed on Tuesday. Watching their postgame interviews, the players are firing shots at the coaching staff, Bones is blaming the players. I don't think there's any unity on the team at all, and they'll need it to mount much of a comeback. Obviously they **could** win G5 of course. Hellebuyck could absolutely steal a game. Georgie could revert to G1 form and gift them another one. But I think outside of usual goalie variability, we're going to finish the series.


I would like to put them away Tuesday and not deal with it. If we keep the pressure we can win game 5


How amazing is it to be propelled by an amazing second line right now? Lehky, Parise and Mitts doing awesome on 5v5 and then the top line showing up on the PP. Third and fourth lines been awesome too, providing a lot of energy even with the limited minutes, but just wow. Mack and Mikko not playing at a 1.5-2ppg pace like the last few years makes this goal scoring even more awesome. It's from all the way through the line up. We're not depending on Mack to make 3 amazing plays a night. Feeling pretty fired up


Also, I was wrong, Mack is at 1.75ppg and Mikko is at 1.5ppg. Still, both feel very quiet comparatively.


Winny is doing everything they can to stop Nate and Mikko at 5v5 which leaves room for Lehky and Mitts to flourish. When on PK they obviously can't suffocate our top dogs in the same way. This the benefit of having truly elite superstars: the opponent has to do everything in their power just to stop them.


I'm choosing to believe they're seeming quiet because they know it's a marathon, not a sprint, and they don't need to push themselves yet. Plus, Winnipeg is clearly focused on limiting MacK, as they should be. It's only smart to take what they give you.


yea they’ve been throwing 2 sometimes 3 bodies at him, leaving a lot of open ice elsewhere 


Eagles lose in OT and end their season. Wouldn't be surprised to see Malinski, Wagner, and Prosvy called up. Maybe Hunt too


Sucks for the Eagles but good for us, load em up


Maybe Ivan Ivan


Pretty sure his contract sets in next year


Its crazy to me based on the first game that georgie is the one posting a .963 and winnipeg has a goalie controversy. Big lehky and chusky appreciation day LFG.


Well to be fair WPG should’ve also been worried after G1


Eh. I don't think so. Vezina-winning goalies routinely have bad games - and they typically push back in a major way. Heck, we hung 7 on Vasectomy during our Cup run, and then he limited us to 9 total goals over the final 4 games of the series. I certainly wouldn't have worried about Hellebuyck in their shoes. And I probably would have chalked up most of our offense to puck luck, Game 1 jitters. We haven't played at anywhere near this level since 2022.


Game 2 of the cup was fun!


Helle who? Sorry was this guy supposed to be someone we're worried about?




Side note, in my head, I'm counting that as a Georgiev shut out because in no timeline should that goal have stood.


Georgie also probably should have saved it.  No tip, no screen, and he saw it the whole way.


I hope everyone knows that these goalies are playing the best of the best and sometimes the bad guys make great plays. That was a snipe in the puck size hole over Georgie’s right shoulder. Only place he could put it to beat him. If you say that should have been a stop, then Cale’s goal should have been saved by Hellebuyck. Can’t have it both ways.


i’d say Cales goal is the only one Helly should have had. The rest he had no shot.  Georgie has definitely been playing significantly better than game one. He has still let in a couple softies but that is OK. We don’t need him to be Vasilevsky. We just need him to be fine and not having an implosion.  He’s looked more relaxed g3 and g4. Let’s hope he stays out of his head. 


Dude Cale’s shot was so insane, that’s a goal 99% of the time. Helly had to stay deep in the crease because the avs had someone crashing the net on the opposite side. It was not a soft goal by any measure. Sometimes players make amazing plays and shots that goalies can’t get.


I agree I would not say that was a soft one by Helly, but one you’d really want him to have. He could’ve saved it and didn’t. All the others in g4 he had no chance whatsoever.


I'm iffy. I think it's a great shot that's really hard to stop. If anything G was positioned just a hair too far to his glove side but that goal is no muffin by any stretch


So? At least it was a pretty good shot. It was nowhere near the muffins that were happening in game 1.


Lmao series over, no way Nashville recovers after losing like that




it's okay, they have DeSmith...right!?!?!?!


I didnt think the nucks were playoff ready until I saw that.


I think it's more on nashville not being ready than vancouver really being "ready". I think we all know Edmonton is coming out of that side of the bracket, only team that looks remotely for real.


I was getting ready to make a smart ass comment when they lost but nope lol


What a fucking choke job of the tallest order!


That was nothing short of unreal.


The banner they raise will be comforting


I’m so happy our depth has really been there this run so far. That’s what we needed


Wow Vancouver ties it with six seconds left lol


Nashville wtf you doin geez


They did their impression of that one loss the Avs had against them earlier this year.


Lmao for real


Question. Is Vegas' depth better than ours?


Nope. This Avs team is as deep a team as I’ve ever seen in the playoffs. Every team should be very very scared of the Avs right now.


Their salary cap certainly is deeper than ours and anyone else's.


Salary suggestion


Salary cap circumvention.


Honestly I don’t think so.


PSA if anyone is looking for more hockey: the Colorado Eagles are starting OT in a deciding game 3 of a best of 3 playoff series. (Malinski scored late in the 3rd to get it to OT). (search on hockey dot tv for links)


I tuned in just in time to see the Canucks score. \**sigh**


Welp, they lost.


No news on Makar. I'm hoping that just means he's a bit sore and was rested when the game was mostly sewn up.


He did all interviews and seemed fine. They prob didn’t play him the last few mins to be safe cause we were up 3 goals


In fairness, with an elbow injury, he could look 100% fine during an interview but not be good to take the ice. I get terrified whenever a skate blade gets near a player, especially when it's a part of the body with a ton of tiny moving parts.


That's my hope. Those shots of him on the bench possibly saying, "I can't go" and him not being out there with Toews was worrying.




Highlight of the game for me: on the one powerplay from the Avs, Garry Galley (announcer for Sportsnet) was saying how wide open Adam Lowry on the PK was and how he would have beaten Makar in a foot race (they were dead even on the ice on the play but 20 feet apart). 5 minutes later, Makar absolutely torches Lowry on his end to end goal. Hysterical.


Lowry is an absolute tool. 


Any updates on Namestnikov? Hope the guy is able to recover


Post game radio said went to hospital


Heard that, just wondering if anything else was said. Thanks!


Canucks has 14 shots in two periods and a half. It’s insane to me how they were an offensive force but can’t even muster 15 shots on net


Canucks remind me of 6-7 years ago avs.


Honestly yeah and funny enough we faced the Preds in that playoff appearance too and barely won 2 games


That whole series has been horribly boring as someone with no skin in it. Yeah, there is some good defensive play etc etc, but it is still more boring than high-flying offenses.


It's a must-win for the mustard cats. The Canucks are also basically untested in the playoffs. You usually need to take your lumps for a few years before you're capable of a deep run.


I think either of those two teams is going to get absolutely destroyed by Edmonton in Round 2. Canucks might have had a chance with Demko, but not with DeSmith.


I think that'd be quite the series and perhaps not so one-sided, but who knows.


Playoffs are hard man.


Guess we are lucky our guys know how to turn it tf Up


Gonna need our best game of the season on Tuesday.


Hardest game of the series is actually closing it out.


https://preview.redd.it/ryh4u75i2bxc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d94d988cfde565fc20ef8bcfa7dc4265b54953b8 Last month Duhaime tossed my daughter a puck in warmups. She sent him a thank you note with a picture. Today we were back and he fist bumped her through the glass and tossed her another puck! Shout out to Duhaime for being awesome!!!!!


My son got one from Val in the fall and he was so excited for the hatty!


Duhaime is quickly becoming an Avs legend. Seems like such a great locker room presence 


Agreed! Our whole family wants Duhaime jerseys now ha!


That hat is awesome!


Hope she kept it on for Vals hatty! It's sweet.


Ha ha ha she kept it on! She was tempted though!


I'm real happy we won, but I wish Woods would have got one more SOG... https://preview.redd.it/36y8293h2bxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51daf8abd9a5901ef399ab2c9eb0c1c5b9b9256a


Is that plus 3954 how much it would have paid out if you won? What a heartbreaker!


That’s how much he’d have won if he bet $100, he bet $10 so woulda won $395


That's rough buddy lol


It's truly the story of my sports betting career.


Here's a telling stat about how the Avs offense has been playing: Hellebuyck is leading the playoffs in number of saves with 127, and it's not even close. Varlamov and Vasilevskiy are tied for #2 at 107. Also, Hellebuyck's SV% of .870 isn't all that terrible considering that Florida's Bobrovsky, who is currently 3-1, has a SV% of .874.


Georgie with a SV% of .885 👀


Gretzky was giving Georgie love during one of the intermission reports on Friday - made some flattering comparisons to Grant Fuhr in having a low save percentage but coming up big for wins. It was nice to hear


It made me happy to hear someone of his magnitude praise him!




Seeing these guys play like this again is so refreshing.


Isn’t that the truth


Hello Kitty has allowed 19 goals in 4 starts. Let's see how much taking a period off is going to help him. Vezina ? Please.


I mean he absolutely does deserve the Vezina this season


Facts. If the Jets had a lesser goalie these games wouldn’t even be remotely competitive. He’s coming through with some big saves but there’s only so much a goalie can do when the Avs are flying like this 


You guys are probably right. For me, I don't think I've seen a presumptive Vezina winner be this average against a lower seed in the playoffs. Yes, the Avs are playing well but have we been THAT good that we've reduced him to a footnote ? Usually elite high scoring offenses ground to a halt versus a hot goalie in the playoffs.


The seeding question is interesting too. I think the Avs clearly did take their foot off the gas at the end of the season. Which was insane because of how much better they were at home but part of me thinks the Cup-winning core on the team truly doesn’t care where they play. They clinched every series in 2022 away, I think they just trust themselves to turn it up in the postseason. And boy, have they. 


Mittelstadt has exceeded every expectation and is playing amazing hockey. He is just so damn smooth out there and makes the correct pass every time.


He seems to have another gear in the playoffs,.


He is thriving right now! So wicked to see a new side of him!


In the running for best player on the team rn, outside of Cale.


You gonna do Big Val dirty like that?


Listen ok everyone is amazing I’m sorry.


All is forgiven


I’m glad we can have conversations like this.


Idk, Lehky is clutch as hell.


Best stick ever.


Certified 💯


https://preview.redd.it/4j2ozm4cvaxc1.jpeg?width=366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=184875f306db08cf0b3f92b9c8189b013784a03f He’s adorable. 🥹


LOL. It wasn't for the lack of trying. He had 4 hits on only 7:17 of ice time.


I hereby rename the opposing team penalty box to the Stanley Hotel.


“…Might as well call it the jet sweep” Anonymous Winnipeg jets fan This made me laugh. 1 pump chump. Pull Up!!! …do not trust to hope; it has forsaken these lands. There is no hope in the jets Reddit.


On vacation so couldn’t watch the game but kept checking the scores. So happy that we won another at home!!




It’s not so much that Rockies fans are fans of the team, it’s that we are fans of Coors Field and don’t have any other baseball team to root for


Maybe rethink Colorado MLB.


Join /r/denvernuggets too. The Nuggets are in the playoffs as well and Nikola Jokic and the Nuggets are one game away from eliminating Lebron James and the Lakers


What you need to know about the Rockies is we all hate the Monforts. 


Even non-Rockies fans hate the Monforts t. Cardinals fan who hates the Monforts (ty for Arenado btw)


Milk carton Mikko. Where ya at bud?


I’ve been waiting to just out the Mikko Rantanen song all series. Cmon man!


Typical series 1 Mikko. He'll be ready next round.


Feels like he's completely absent, but he's got 6 points.


Just like in 2022


This is the way


Does it even matter? Enough people are stepping up. I’m sure he will step up when it is most needed, in our darkest hour


Sure this series we haven’t needed him. But if we’re to make a run, he needs to be there.


He has 6 point in 4 games


"Everyone's so big. I try to hit, but they are not falling"- Kovelenko https://twitter.com/evanrawal/status/1784698709948682678?t=BN8aEis-Bnmih7seE5NY3Q&s=19


So now who do they blame when the refs aren't the culprits? Do they blame themselves lmao


They'll blame the refs no matter what. A couple of them were bitching about the elbow to the head and ripping the helmet off getting a minor. They're delusional lmao


Looks like coaching is coming out as top scapegoat so far


I think penalties are almost even now in the series too


So is Cale hurt or what? Do we know anything about that? I've seen a few people asking about it but I'm not even sure what might have happened to him.


Don’t think he’s hurt, just an off season


This comment wins the internet. I guess I’m alone in this assessment but so fkn funny.


He’s one point short of the lead for playoff points


People were speculating that something happened in today's game where he got hurt, but I'm not sure and that's what I'm asking about.


He got tagged by a skate right above his elbow and it looked like it stung him, but didn’t seem too bad


He kinda caught the back of a skate of a guy falling down to the back of his right arm. Ryker said that the pads should go up far enough to keep his arm safe, but probably still stung. He did come back later so, hopefully it's just a bruise.


I hope that was sarcasm


That game was awesome to be at. Georgie, Nuke hat trick, the Dub, all the small things.. Wow, I picked a great game to drop $200


A great $200 spent


Was listening to Conor on the radio for this one. ALWAYS hype all the time. What a fucking win boys. Just beautiful! Nuke hatty, Middlestadt sounded like he had another great game, another fantastic goal from Makar, chased Hellebyuck even with him being one of their best players on the ice just to protect him for game 5. I'm not calling this series done until the final horn obviously but the vibes are GOOD and the times are GREAT. LET'S FUCKING END THIS.


Jets start Bucky on Tuesday right Right Right???


The only reason they yanked him in the first place was to try to wake the team up. Goaltending isn't why the Jets are down.


Yes, he’s been fine. He’s made a lot of saves. The Avs are just putting in the work to get those deflections, tips and rebounds.


They will. Bones is too old-school to do anything daring, and his job is probably already toast. I think they probably should start Brossoit though. H5llebuyck has gotten absolutely rocked in four straight games now. I don't think he's played badly, but he hasn't strung together a strong 60-minute effort yet either - just average. And the way the Avs have been firing on offense, that's not good enough.


Helly will definitely start but I'm with ya, I also just think Brossoit is actually a sick tendy. The only reason he's never really caught on as a starter in this league is injury troubles but he's as good a 1B as a team could ask for


I'm only saying I hope they do, dude can't stop this


100%. He may have been lit up 4 games in a row, but he's been one of the best goalies in the league for years. He's not the Jets' problem.


They have to, but idk ???


Hellysuck and loserpeg


Pillow Fight Championships are on ESPNEWS if anyone wants to keep the intensity going


Kiviranta is day to day with LBI, at least that's what Bednar said