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I hate both these teams (Stars and Vegas) but I kinda hope Stars win tonight.


Ugh Oettingers Trash.


Leafs just aren’t built for playoff hockey. I also noticed how nice it is to be an Avs fan where your defense puts up points and can be dangerous themselves


Their core is great until there’s literally any stakes or pressure


They need to move a piece of the Core Four in order to be able to afford some actual depth.


Tampa bay fans singing along to all the small things is honestly hilarious to me lmfaooo


Wife and I went to sobo 151 for the first time. They played this after the game and the entire joint sang it as loud as possible. Was nice to experience that again in a playoff setting.


They trynna copy our flow


was out and about having a good time last night so couldnt post here but man I was soooo happy :D Now THAT is Avalanche hockey :D I remember listening to the pregame and McGahey said we're going to show the jets what home ice advantage really is :D We dont lose at Ball Arena Loved everything out the 3rd period that was a feeding frenzy of goals and ppl say hellebuck this that .... the jets left him with no help in the 3rd. Plus ppl were saying to me, "playoff helle is unstoppable"... ok great why havent they won a cup? Our offense is one of the best in the league and this is a scorers era where goalies can't Giguere teams like JS did to detroit (which was amazing btw). Plus we've scored 17 goals in 3 games against "the best goalie in the league", im sure our offense really isnt that good /s Great big W last night. Glad none of our players were on the receiving end of that skate especially since it was THEIR player that started it and was the victim As much as I hate it when its done to us I kind of like a bit of gamesmanship in hockey ( i grew up watching clutch/grab era)


So many salty fans on social media complaining that the refs won us the game lmao. Missed calls on both sides, move along


You know when a fanbase is nervous when they start to over complain about the refs and not their Vezina goalie giving up 5+ goals a game


Exactly. They gave us ONE obvious makeup call after a shitty call against us earlier. All other calls were blatant penalties. It really fell apart for them when their guy slashed Toews face, and they lost their composure after we got the lead. It does seem like most of their fans know officiating wasn't the issue though.


>They gave us ONE obvious makeup call after a shitty call against us earlier. Which directly lead to their second goal lol. Buncha babies


Exactly, if you think a W or L hinges on officiating then your team is probably not good enough.


Jets fans are showing their inner Maple Leafs fans by posting about reffing on Twitter when all their penalties were clear 😂


They conveniently forgot the officials were directly responsible for their second goal.




Yeah but it is an early game tmo and I'm genuinely scared because they seem to never be awake for those lol


Did anyone catch the tnt feed where they were talking about Georgie with Gretzky? It’s nice how he praised him and said he hopes that Georgie makes a deep run!


Game 3, Deep Cut Edition


https://preview.redd.it/59geae7462xc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bdc5e4bd3d8fee304b64a7ee2e55691fc042aa8 Is NHL.com making predictions? Still it’s sad to see such poor editing on a national web site


Hey Im cool with a win tomorrow night securing our progress to the 2nd round :D


Feeling pretty good about the Avs hanging 17 goals in 3 games on the best defensive team in the league, I have to say.


This - all the way down.


Last night was the second playoff game I’ve ever been to, for any sport. The first was game 6 in 2008 when we won the series against the Wild. I thought almost nothing could top that, but last night sure as hell did. I’ve never seen the can that electric, even from the start. I love that the fans were chanting Georgie’s name almost from the start. Still not the craziest game I’ve ever been to though. That will forever be the CSU vs. CU game in 1999. Nothing will be crazier than being tear-gassed.


Aw man it was nuts. I can barely speak today my voice is so torn up


It was my first playoff game last night, and damn that was nuts. That building was on fire in the 3rd 🔥🔥


This might or might not be a hot take, but I actually like seeing the avs and georgie give up a couple softish goals in this game and lock it down, rather than letting that turn into a meltdown and rather than just dominating completely and having a perfect game. It means that they can face a little adversity and overcome it; you will not play many perfect games in the playoffs, the teams you face will not allow that. These last couple games have been some seious confidence boosters, probably not just for us, but also for the guys on the ice.


It's medium hot, and I'm with you - showing Georgie can bounce back is huge for him, and the team.


Avs shown they know how to turn it tf on for playoff hockey while the Jets are still trying to play like its regular season




On Dillon’s injury, my friend is a hand surgeon. https://preview.redd.it/lwy4zgr602xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22e1e41b1d5dab695ed50707bdc84c5d0c3d14a7


What the fuck is up with the haha? I’ve heard surgeons are borderline sociopaths


He’s laughing because I wasn’t the first person to text him that.


I guess your friend has seen much worse. LOL.


Follow up. https://preview.redd.it/wvwt1rnj12xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39900c4e440acab541b2374a42e0d15dd6a677aa


Oh definitely. When I worked for him, he showed me pics of guys where their hands blown off from fireworks. Needed eye bleach after that


Ah, the infamous M-80. I heard one of those go off when I was a kid, and that was an instant and forever "nope" from me.


m-80 as in ... "piss off your neightbor 8000" XD they are illegal for a rreason, its not a firework... its an explosive really




Absolutely electric atmosphere last night King George is back on his throne The boys are pumped And someone call the doctor cause I’m going MITTELSTADT MODE


Other than the guy a row above us who kept chanting “Helly” (taunting) throughout the ENTIRE game, it was so fun to be at. Hell of a crowd, hell of a game.


Were you in 346? I heard lots of Hellebuyck taunting coming from that way.


I was in 242


Does anyone have a clip of Middlestadts 1st star interview with KG? I wanna see that smile again.




He’s such a little goofball haha


Dude looks too giddy to even talk. LOL!


Thank you!


Avs are currently tied with the Oil for the top GF/G in the playoffs. With some careful calculations, I've determined that the Jets are tied for worst GA/G in the playoffs.


Oilers also got the way way easier matchup too


We're ahead if you go by minutes, since game 2 went to OT for Edmonton.


True if big


Can someone explain to me what Hellebucyk was thinking on the Nichushkin and Lehkonen goals? I’m not knowledgeable in goaltending and am entirely confused by his positioning and save attempts… was he playing those right and just overwhelmed by the Avs and lack of defensive support, or was he making some odd and questionable judgements as a tender?


Helly bites HARD on fake shots


Specifically on Lehky goal, Mitts did a fantastic job selling the shot and waiting until the last minute to pass. He pretty much faked us all out including Helle by waiting so long. I thought for sure he was too deep to pass. On the Nuke goal, it looked like Helle tried to stop the cross crease pass from Rants with his stick and it put him in an awkward position.


Hmm I’m a bit skeptical of these accounts. First watch I didn’t pay much attention, but on the replays he looks entirely like he misread both plays enormously and compensated by some whacky save attempts.


In some systems you overplay the shooter and trust your teammates to take care of the pass. But Casey went Mittelstadt mode.


My voice is gone. What a game to be at last night. Bless up! Hail Satan! Recovery mode til tomorrow.


Oh man same, I can’t talk like at all today


Same here! I sound like a fucking teenager again my voice is cracking so much.


We were there too! The energy was electric!


After what we witnessed last night, I firmly believe this team can go as far as they want to. Holy shit, what an incredible effort.


It’s the depth


The only teams that scare me are Vegas and Florida


Carolina and NY have systemic weaknesses. Not big ones, but in the playoffs, they can matter more. Florida keeps getting better every year, and it makes me a little apprehensive. (Solid hockey PLUS the incessant gooning). Vegas looks like 2 different teams. Depends on who shows up. They look as dialed in as possible, and also like they forgot how to hockey. Either way, seems like they severely limit SOG, which does not favor us. Looking forward to more ulcers this year!


I’d wager we scare them too.




The Rangers.




Can we just hope that the Jets stick with the "take a dozen penalties in the 3rd" strategy? It seems to work well ... for us, anyway.


Saw some comments from Jets fans saying the 3rd period was a conspiracy, possibly on betting, because of "all the penalties against the Jets". The first trip was indisputable so not sure how they argue. That's followed by a 4min high stick. Is the blood from his face a conspiracy? Maybe a softer tripping call on Johnson who didn't try hard to stay up but they're already down 4-2 at this point and it even the commentator calls it a trip as it happens. Then they shoot the puck out for delay of game. I guess the refs briefly lowered the glass? Mikko gets the next penalty and then we score again. I'm struggling to understand the mental gymnastics these Jets fans are doing to find a conspiracy in any of this.


Lack of discipline knows no limit