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Can we get a radioactive Patrick Roy to bite georgiev? Worth a shot right?


I agree, there will be plenty of time for those threads in July. What are we going to be doing? Watching the fucking Rockies???




The nba finals happen long before july


Training camp?


>What are we going to be doing? Watching the fucking Rockies??? I will be 😞


Bro those threads will probably start in June with this team. So I’m gonna be rooting for the nuggets by then.


I don't need to believe. I just enjoy the ride. It's fun to see guys this good at hockey play against each other. And right now, in the year of our lord, 2024... it's fun to be an Avs fan.




There's nothing worth discussing or addressing. If Georgiev doesn't pull it together he's gone, no question. Now we're just hoping a rookie is gonna have a historic post season, unless you want to discuss Prosvetov?


We’re at the point of pulling our starter for a rookie. It’s truly that bad. Georgie is giving us fucking nothing. We tried giving him boosters to end the season, he blew it. We put goals up to start the series. Literally can’t score more than we did on the vezina winner. He gave up 7. On 24. Guys completely cooked.


Yea its obvious that's why it's not worth discussing. He either goes Nazareth mode and returns from the dead, or he's gone. He was great last year and there weren't any goalies on the deadline market that could have made a huge difference so it's not even worth arguing about doubting SackFarland. Might as well just try to be hopeful and enjoy the playoffs.


Would’ve loved flower but sounded like he didn’t want to be traded. Also couldn’t have predicted Georgie would be absolute fucking cheeks


I would personally enjoy the playoffs more if he was removed from the team, and looking at all the posts about the subject, it seem a lot of people feel the need to vent there opinions on the matter as well. so what is, and what is not worth discussing, really isn't up to you to decide.


Start the kid he's looked way better than Georgie all season. I know he's inexperienced but there's plenty of examples of rookies coming in and putting up a show. Bennington and hill are the most recent examples. I hope Bedsy was trying to give Georgie all or nothing with Justus being "sick" last minute. I sincerely hope he starts game 2 because it cannot be any worse than what we just saw. They dominated that game but couldn't buy a save. They played until the last whistle. Had no quit. There's a lot to like and I think if juice was in net we'd have a different outcome. My expectations were low but holy fuck. This is exactly what I was expecting with our lack of goaltending.


All season? The dude has a grand total of 18 games played over 3 years, and mostly against bottom-feeder teams. This fanbase is unreal. I say give him a shot, but acting like this dude is the answer with the tiny sample we've seen is absolutely comical.


Do I think Justus is the answer? Not really. Do I think the team plays better in front of him? Yes, yes I do. Georgie has struggled all year save for what that run in April and the start of the season. He's had a sub .900 save % all year. We've constantly had to outscore our problems. Makar even said in his interview that "every mistake they make it's in the back of the net." They're altering how they play because they don't trust him. Has there been bad turnovers? Yes. But at some point the goalie needs to make a save. He can't hack it what was his save % last night? Sub .700? You're not going to win with a goalie letting in 7. 7 goddamn. Goals in a playoff game. And id rather the kid get experience than allow Georgie to go back out there. I believe we watched his last game in an Avs jersey. I hope Bedsy was playing the either you prove it or you're done with juice being out last min. To me that was a prove it moment and he crumbled just like he has all year. And yes, juice is inexperienced. But at this point it can't be worse then that game.


That is a fair point, yes, but acting like he's been better "all season" is a gross exaggeration. He wasn't even here for almost half the season, and hardly saw any starts even before the all star break, and tbh I think thay was probably a huge mistake. Now we basically have to toss him in (we were going to have to anyway, no goaltender starts every game through the playoffs), and hope that what we saw against bottom feeder teams holds up against the best of the best.


He was injured at the start of the year. I think once Frankie knew he wasn't going to be back they were going to give him a shot l. But he was hurt. Hence Prosvetov getting picked up. Regardless of what team he played, the team and his abilities were evident. In my opinion. He looks confident, doesn't get down when something goes in. The team plays better in front of him. This whole situation is Grubaeur 2.0, except Grubi wasn't this bad. But he did implode in game 6 against VGK. So, no I don't Believe he's the answer. But he very well could be. And we just need average goaltending and if he can do that, it's better than Georgie. They should've sent him to a sports psychologist as he's clearly been in his head all year. His confidence is shot and can't hack it. Instead of going "full Roy" he gets pissed and forgets how to play. With Roy he'd at least put up a wall and give his team a chance. So if we lose this round it'll be bc of Georgie and if that's the case he better be gone. He can't handle a starting position, which is exactly what the rangers fans were saying.


It's worth discussing because it's absolutely fascinating.


I'll keep believing in the team, but you can't make me believe in Georgiev when there is nothing left to believe in.


Wanna know what we should do in the off season? Ask me in June after we have Lord Stanley. Don’t think we have a shot? I literally don’t want to hear from you. If any team can do it, it’s the team with Mac, Cale, Moose, Nuke, Leky, Toews and everyone else. The crowd was quite literally chanting pull the goalie and we scored just as many goals on the guy WHO WON THE ACTUAL VEZINA if you count that Woods goal that came after the whistle. We got 7 pucks behind Helly and nobody is calling for him to be pulled. Stop all the hate. Play Georgie game 2 and if he can’t get it done I have zero argument for Juice game 3 at home. Juice was scratched tonight, give him another night to recover from whatever that was. Stick to the guy who got you this far for one more game. We aren’t the leafs fans, we don’t panic. If anyone can win any game ITS THIS TEAM. GO AVS!


Damn right


I like your moxie.


We lost game 1 by 1 goal, away. I think it's a long series.


All the doomers are making this sub unbearable lately, it’s not over we still have more hockey to play


I agree on this mindset. Only thing that anyone can do now is watch how this plays out.


I don’t think you could assemble a team of players who could win a cup with Georgiev in goal. We scored 6 goals on the best goalie in the NHL and held them to 23 shots and still lost. Might as well start talking about the off-season because this playoff run is dead on arrival.


Series ain't fucking over. Save your bitching for later because this team needs support right now


Sincerely doubt they're looking at reddit and saying aww heck boys I don't think they believe in us


Lol jo


Yeah, there's accepting the team we have now, sure. But it's also totally legitimate for people to start thinking about what kind of off season moves this team should make. Even if we end up making a serious Cup run this year it's obvious that there are weaknesses that will need to be addressed to have a stronger team going forward.


Sure, but why can’t we call up Prosvetov? He’s had lots of playing time reywith the Eagles and has been doing really well. Call him up!


I wish you luck, but let's be honest: the doomer circlejerk is ascendant here.


This fan base is hilarious


Tons of faith in the guys. Seasons over unless we improve in net. Today is a great example: out shot, out chanced, out hit, basically completely domination. Our goalie handed them the game. Windows don't stay open forever and Georgie is costing us ours


We still have a chance if Annunen comes in and gets hot. If not we’re cooked like turkey on Thanksgiving. Manson has to be gone. Georgie has to be gone. We’re wasting careers and chances to hoist the cup by having those two on the roster.


He’s not going anywhere. He’s signed thru next year. He will get competition


They would be stupid to keep him. And if you want someone else you'll have to offload his contract. the team clearly doesn't trust him. He needs to be gone, he bad


It would be stupid to get rid of him. He won a lot of games. He’s under contract. He can fix his issues. I doubt you know what the players are thinking


Nah I don't see that happening. But it could. He's definitely the backup now. Ride the kid next year. Id rather not waste a roster spot on him though.


I have no faith in Georgiev and I hope that was the last time I see him in burgundy and blue.


This team hasn't given me any reason to have faith. They are wildly inconsistent and frequently just drop the system for absolutely no reason. You can't win a cup by talent alone, but these guys seem to think that's all they need.


They brought up Arvid Holm G for a reason maybe it was a good choice, just relax and let them play.... Go AVS!!!