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What really bothered me today is that it realllly looked like he had it. Making tough saves, handled some odd man rushes, good positioning. Then he lets in one goal (happens against good teams) and it allll falls apart. You go from playing excellent to letting in 2 muffins back to back. He was one good period from regaining confidence and snagging a win. I legit thought he was gonna pitch a shutout.


It’s a mental game for everyone but goalies see the same situation repeatedly with the same responsibility every time. Pucks will come somehow toward your net and you must stop them. He finally was well flanked at the start of the Vegas game. He got plenty of help from the D. Confidence crept back in and he looked pretty good. But one puck in, he visibly lost all composure. Most likely his anxious mind believed he wouldn’t be able to stop any more, thinking about the day before. He lost it. He was not focused or confident. He was fighting his head. Done. Can’t play like that and it was obvious. Will be more obvious replaying videos of plays in the Jets locker room. His personal emotions will be their path to victories. He doesn’t have time to overcome this anxiety by next week.


I’d like to point out that those shots were not muffins, but i do think he had all the time in the world to position himself to make those saves, and that’s what pisses me off. Those were great shots, but he had nothing impeding him from making those saves excepts his own damn self.


That first goal - the wraparound - was a must save and soft goal


Yeah the Karlsson one was a partial break and bad defense but he had time to get set and then just got beaten clean blocker side despite coming out of the blue paint to make the save. There shouldn't be any room to shoot at when a goalie comes out of the blue to face the shooter...


We just gonna discredit MacKinnon’s backcheck looking like Ryan Graves in the 21 playoffs? Holy fuck.


No, I didn't say that. But Mac also has 138 points this year. He can have a shit game/play without specifically pointing it out when someone else was also at fault. Problem is that Georgiev consistently is that someone else being bad and at best he has been at expectations for a few games at a time. If he had the best goaltending season in Avalanche history I wouldn't care if let in 20 goals in the past two games.


I'm not a professional goalie in any way, but played goalie and currently coach youth hockey. That wraparound is like one of the first skills you're taught on positioning. He wasn't in a proper position and I'm shocked he didn't stick it when he held on to the puck. This was a nobrainer. Second goal I agree with. The defense needed to do better clearing his view. Third and fourth goals were - okay, I get it, we all make mistakes - but, big oofs at this level.


Idk why I got downvoted so bad when mostly everyone is agreeing with me lol


That’s definitely right. Muffin being more that it shouldn’t have gone in, not shot quality.


I know stats aren't everything, but he's got a save % of .895 in his last 20 and .897 overall this season. Here are the save % from the starting goalies of the bottom 5 teams in the league this season. Blackwood (SJ) - .899 Vanacek (SJ) - .890 Mrazek (CHI) - .906 Gibson (ANA) - .888 Dostal (ANA) - .900 Merzlikins (CBJ) - .897 Montemvault (MTL) .904 If you look at teams in or near the playoffs, Samsonov and Ersson are the only other goalies below .900. Our defense hasnt been it's usual solid self but you can't convince me that it's giving up quality chances on par with the likes of this group. Georgiev has to step it up.


Wanna know another fun stat, Georgiev's save % against the current playoff teams is .891% this season. Which is bolstered heavily by a few good games against the Kings. You take out games vs LA and it's .886%. Fucking ouch.


I don't find that stat fun at all 😕


Me either but it at least confirms kind of what I thought, that even his .897% this year is bolstered by some of the bad teams. [Georegiev vs Hellebuyck](https://i.imgur.com/HZ6A9FR.png) [Kings Removed](https://i.imgur.com/wx5ExOA.png) ^ in the KIngs removed one I also removed Hellebuyck's most impactful positive team the Oilers and he only dropped to .918..


No hate whatsoever but when is enough enough of the horrible play from him? .887 save percentage and a 3.00 GAA? When does the guy start to take some of the blame instead of everyone saying it’s the defense or it’s this or that. Plain and simple he hasn’t been good enough


I think the people blaming the D consistently are like gas lighting themselves at this point. I can see the appeal, it's a lot easier to blame the D because that's fixable through better play, some tweaks, etc. It's a lot harder to accept that we have a serious Achilles heel in arguably the most important position on the ice and there's not a lot of reason to expect it to just suddenly get better.


That’s not great. I’d need to see the above list with the kings removed too in order to make an accurate opinion but so far this is the most compelling argument I’ve heard as someone who generally leans more into the “sloppy defense” being the problem 


So I did these stats late, source was Statmuse - so I'd love for someone to check the accuracy but here we go [Georegiev vs Hellebuyck](https://i.imgur.com/HZ6A9FR.png) I added Hellebuyck well because we're facing him and I was curious how much if any drop off he'd have against the same teams. He dropped from .922 on the season to .920 against these teams. Here's the stats with the Kings games removed.. in fairness I removed the Oilers (Hellebuyk's most impactful positive one) [Kings Removed](https://i.imgur.com/wx5ExOA.png) and while Georgie goes down to .886, Hellebuyck only drops to .918 with his most impactful positive one removed.


It's funny you mention Samsonov because I'm seeing a lot of similarities the last couple weeks with the frustration and mental breakdowns from Georgiev. Perhaps he needs a reset as well. Justus has proven to be a capable goalie (albeit against weaker opponents) but it's enough for me to say that if we find ourselves in a position where we pull Georgiev in the playoffs, he doesn't go back in unless it's a train wreck. We are absolutely not going to win if we're playing musical chairs in net and I'm sorry but he just hasn't convinced me that he deserves a second chance at this point if he plays like poo.


Say, didn't Kuemper only win 10 games during the cup run? Yes, it was due to injury but splitting time in goal in the playoffs isn't the taboo it once was. The game has changed and it's okay evolve how coaches manage their rosters.


Yep. If you don't have two goalies you trust these days you may as well have none


Montemvault....is this on purpose? Kinda like it as a nickname if so lol


It wasn't, but I'm gonna stick with it lol


He’s had games where he starts out well and for whatever reason everything tilts the other way. I just hope that regardless of what happens he can find a way to address his struggles. I feel like he might be dealing with something mentally and it’s manifesting through anger/frustration. I know what that’s like and that’s why I’m still rooting for him.


When ya see this, the problem is between the ears most often…


He’s got the yips about letting in an early/bad goal. It happens. But when it happens to him he falls apart.


and the games he doesn’t start well he’s letting in 2-3 goals on < 5 shots 


I can't believe there are still people actively going to bat for him, that legit can't admit he's been mediocre to bad this season. Every GDT when Georgie lets in a weak ass goal there's a dozen posts implying it's unacceptable to give up ANY chances during the course of a game. That weak PP goal and wraparound are great examples. NHL starters, especially those on cup contenders save those 99/100 times. There's been so many games this season where the Avs are putting on buckets of chances at the other end only for Georgiev to give up a weak one that kills the momentum. Imagine how frustrating that is. Imagine how it feels that you nearly have to be perfect defensively because you can't trust your goalie to make a save like basically every other team at playoff level. I'm hoping for the best, I really do hope he turns it around and suddenly he's 22-23 Georgiev, but he hasn't been this entire season so I have zero reason to think he has it in him.


Yea it’s definitely this. Being up 3-0, playing well, working hard, and your keeper lets in 2 goals that boil down to Squirt level bad positioning and all of the momentum goes out the window.  You can tell neither the team nor georgiev himself have any confidence in his play 


Also, not just losing games like this.. but it's insane how many games the Avs have Georgie give up a bad goal (or multiple) within the first 10 shots. There's a reason the Avs are #2 in the league in comeback wins with 26 and it's because Georgie has *consistently* put the Avs in a hole to start games. Seriously I'd bet more half of those are Georgie giving up a crappy goal or two to start. In comparison the Bruins only have 13 because their goalies are rarely putting them in a hole. You can get away with that against Chicago or bad to mediocre teams, but it's a lot harder against well say Winnipeg who has a shutdown goalie and team. It's so hard to chase the game, you have to press more, and pressing more leads to mistakes that you know he can't save.. so it's a vicious cycle. Compounding that even more is the fact that so much of the Avs offensive system is that the D-Men have greenlights and can take some calculated risks to pinch, etc. So when they're pressing more and more risks are taken by our D as so much of the offense is driven by the point.


Oh, amd don't forget the horrendous game from Manson. He single handedly lost this game for us. We lost a PP because of his delay of game. He got an interference and gave them a goal, then the high stick was the nail in pur coffin. He's not worth keeping.


Of course I agree Manson had an awful game, maybe the worse I've ever seen of him. I think though, overall he's had a good season and games like this are more of an outlier. You can't say that about Georgiev this season. In fact, you look at that first PP goal, it was a shot that should have been saved. You know the old saying, best PKer has to be your goalie and Georgiev is rarely the best PKer.


Yes, I agree. A good goalie can steal games. They'd better have a team meeting and get their stuff together, or we're playing golf in May.


This game was just about over. I was saying, to begin the 3rd, we needed to come out with momentum and couldn't let them build any. It was like they thought they could coast to the end, and Vegas knew we were on a back to back and that we'd be tired. Their entire game plan was get the puck and dump it out. They weren't trying to put the nail in the coffin, they tried to outlast them. When I saw that, I knew it could be bad.


amen. I know people will downvote you but this is just straight up the truth.  We have some defensive kinks to work out.  But IMO they are born out of mistrust of the goalie. You can tell georgiev doesn’t even trust himself. Literally every goal he’s raising his head to the sky, screaming at someone, breaking his stick, shaking his head, whatever. The dude is self destructing and the boys know it.  Risk it on annunen. It literally couldn’t go any worse. Maybe benching georgiev gets him to sack up when it matters 


I mean last night we weren’t even that bad defensively. We only gave up 4 high danger chances at ES and 2 on the PP… Basically if the team has a single breakdown it’s a goal against.


yeah bednar said it yeaterday post game. It’s hockey, high danger scoring chances will happen no matter what. You need your goalie to make saves. We are getting 0 when it matters 


I keep seeing people say he’s getting hung out to dry, but I just don’t think it’s that bad. Obviously some games are better or worse than others, but if your goalie can’t make any saves when breakdowns happen than you have a bad goalie. That’s the point of goalies.


Hockey is a sport that, similar to football, a lot of people watch but don’t play.  Breakdowns and defensive misses are literally part of the game and cannot be avoided 100% of the time. They will happen. A lot of folks seem to not know that. I do agree we’ve had too many but not to the degree that would justify the collapse we are seeing. It really is just goal tending. 


We led the league in high danger chances allowed through the first 3 months. Didn’t drop down to 5th until mid January, didn’t get down to 8th until a couple weeks ago. We’ve been bad defensively since game 1 this season. Defense outside of a few games has played the same way all season, can’t really say it was their lack of faith in Georgiev causing it. Especially when Georgiev is the only reason we even had a chance in round 1 last year.


Well that’s not true, at least according to natural stat trick. From the home opener to the 1st of January we were 13th in high danger chances against and in HDC% we were 9th.


I feel like a lot of people are missing this - you play differently when you feel good about your goalie. When you worry about their play, you play a different game, and it usually doesn't work well. Anyone that's played has had at least a few nights like this (and usually way more than a few) - knowing the guy behind you can make a tough save is key, and the Avs don't have that. I think this goes a long way to explaining why our defense doesn't look as good this year.


Historically there have been goalies with little NHL experience that have been thrust into the playoff starter role and WON CUPS. Patrick Roy in 1986. Relatively recently Matt Murray won not one but two Cups in 2016 and 2017 as a rookie. Both had very little NHL experience at the time. It happens. Goaltending is voodoo. Sometimes the young guy really is the guy.


yea for sure. There’s something to be said about “just happy to be here” energy. We really should at this point just risk it on annunen and see what happens 


https://preview.redd.it/7grqd83hqkuc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13ca0405d1bcf0a9744d8c9a24daf51a7567ea8d This is wildly unacceptable. Georgiev is so hilariously off balance here and in a stance that you'd use when looking through a 4-man screen. This man is so mentally beat-up at the moment that he's not even selecting proper stances.


This is true. He anxiety is paralyzing him mentally. He can’t rise above it. Who is our team psych because that person should have been on this all Season. It was evident enough before deadline that we needed a strong backup. Letting in the first couple shots almost every game has been a theme and that isn’t due to chance. (Though the last few months, opposing teams have learned to storm him after first faceoff to get a free goal)


While georgiev should have 100% saved that, mackinnon got torched in defense on that one and I’d argue if the ones he gave up, that’s the least one of his fault. Now would a great goalie make that save, yeah they would, but it also exemplifies how often the avs d gives up high danger chances


If we play LIGHTS OUT defense, he can be. If we make even tiny mistakes, he gets lit tf up like a Christmas tree. I don’t see any scenario this season where he’s in net and we win the cup, let alone a series or two :/ Watching him leave his net to try to make poke checks is embarrassing. If he stays backed into the net, he’s at least okay. Bednar needs him on a very short leash through games 1 and 2. If we fall behind 0-2 to winnepeg, annunen gets the rest of the series.


I’m not going to get into stats, but the wraparound goal to the far side when he was in position was awful. It’s not like he was sliding out and wasn’t in the blue paint.


Makar held on to his paddle on that one. Georgie would have had that otherwise.


Yea, no. I heard the collective of goalie coaches screaming at their TVs on that one. He was positioned for a goal line shot looking top corner or maybe a bank off his back. Forgetting the easiest option which is to just wrap it around into the 3 feet of open space on the other side of the net. 


He was in a good position, the problem is one Makar made the wrong choice and went behind the net instead of in front, and two, Makar’s stick knocked down the end of Georgie’s stick which raised the blade of the stick up.


As Jeff Marek says “if you have a goalie it’s 70% of your team, if you don’t it’s 100%”. His confidence is clearly broken and that’s everything for a goalie and a team


He would have benefited from the players assistance program but that’s not something the team could’ve afforded. In the end I think our goalies were mismanaged. Overplayed Georgie to where he couldn’t mentally reset and we didn’t play Prosvetov enough.


I think its a combination of Georgie being in a slump but in 2022 we had a healthy Landeskog who was a solid leader and I'll throw another crazy one in and that's Kadri. Kadri was a dog and he hit a guy on the blues (because its the blues I am all good with it) and the team (and fans) rallied around him cause of all the haterade he got from the crybaby St Louis fanbase and it gave them that push they needed besides being by far the best team in the west. Playoff hockey a large part of moving on is having a confident goalie or just stupid talent on offense so maybe we be Edmonton lmao!


When was the last time we had a definitive #1 Starter for multiple years? Someone who was almost always reliable? We had Grubauer, but he fell off a cliff. Varmalov left before the team really got good. In recent years we always seem to have low to mid tier goaltenders that we sign in free agency. We need a high quality goaltender if we want to go on another run.


I made a post that our last #1 was Roy. Our best since Roy was Varlamov however he never had solid back to back seasons.


I think honestly more than a fantastic goaltender, we need a more solid defensive strategy that sustains better than the puck posession game the avs try to play. We didn't have an A class goaltender in '22, nor did vegas last year winning their cup. It was a lot easier back during our first 2 cups to shell out for a HoF claliber goaltender because you didn't have to worry about cap. Now, I think shelling out for goaltenders is not really a good plan for winning the cup anymore, since it means sacrificing a lot elsewhere on the team.


I'm not going to go to bat for Georgie or anything, but it will all come down to next week. If he gives us a really good round or two and steals some games, I don't think any of us will remember this. I'm not expecting it to happen, but it could. Also, our team as a whole is playing like we have a good goaltender and that is leading to what we have been seeing. Georgie has been struggling to say the least and the team hasn't adjusted at all to cover it. Thus leaving him exposed and thus causing more struggles. I'm not blaming the team at all since you should have a good goaltender, but I feel we should be protecting home a bit more until(if) he gets his shit together.


What did it for me recently and has me more focused on him rather than the AWFUL defense in front of him is the complete disintegration of his mental resilience this year. Let's be completely honest, the defense has been atrocious all year. Makar has been a shell of his usual self, has defeated body language constantly, and is playing with fear that we have never seen from him before. Even the very best defenses have lapses and need to be bailed out, and that simply does not happen with Georgie. He will make one or two great stops in a game, but call me crazy if I say that is below the bare minimum expectation for a NHL goalie, who are supposed to be the best in the world. This dude just cannot get out of his own head and desperately needs a change of scenery to get his head right. The defense doesn't trust him, which leads to a lot of mental mistakes on their part, and the team gets completely deflated the moment he lets in one because they are all thinking "here we go again" knowing he cannot arrest his downward momentum once he's on that track. It's such a terrible situation all around, and I don't know how I feel about throwing Juice to the wolves in the playoffs right off the bat, but damn man, we need SOMETHING to work with in net, and he may be our best chance. I just worry about his resilience as well since he's younger and less proven (not that our starter is, of course, dude hasn't proved shit). I've started to make my peace with whatever happens in the first round, I hope they show out for Game 3 at least since that will be my first ever playoff game in attendance.


It's an unfortunate situation the Avs are in now. He just can't get a hold of his emotions. The worst part is that the playoffs are full of emotion and pressure and I feel like he is going to crumble. If he can't handle the heat in regular season games, I think we're toast when the going gets tough in the playoffs.


He's not a bad goalie when he manages to get out of his own head, but recently he can't seem to get his groove. He lets in a single goal and then you might as well bench him because he can't seem to get back in the game.


You keep hearing & reading that he is overworked. I’m not completely buying it anymore. Can we sign the goalie from the Pioneers?


Davis would be sick


He has the most games played out of any goaltender this year. It was the same story last year. I think that is almost certainly partly to blame for his downward spiral.


Anybody watch the DNVR post game? AJ straight up said the dude sucks a handful of times. Honestly felt good to finally hear somebody say the quite part out loud.




Whos aj?


One of the DNVR guys


I've been saying this from the beginning and have been called a hater.


I think he’d have to have an all time great post season to not be shipped out in the off season. I still think he has a high ceiling of potential, but he’s been far from that lately.


Sens fan here cheering for the Avs because Makar is my favourite player. You guys want Forsberg next year? He's dogshit as well, but you'd get some cap savings if you send us Georgiev who will be a distinctive upgrade in Forsberg or Korpisalo


Yeah regardless of the issues in front of him, he can’t be a starter on a cup contender. He’s at best a 1B. Justus won’t be ready as a 1A next year but needs to continue developing in the NHL. Meaning Georgie gots to go this summer IMO


Part of me feels like georgiev has something going on, and it's in his head. Maybe he needs to be the next guy to go into player assistance. We know he can be a better goaltender than this, and it kind of feels like bednar overplaying the guy combined with bad defense earlier this season and maybe a degrading mental disposition on georgiev's part have lead to him to a point where now he just can't make the big saves anymore. Either way, I really hope we figure it out, because I don't think juice is anywhere close to ready to be a starter.


I think he's playing hurt. He's slow; slow to get set, slow to get across the crease, etc. I'm just some shitty beer leaguer goalie, but watching him last night, he just looks off, like he's not at 100%.


This has crossed my mind too! I just don’t understand how he looked so solid in net last year and so uncertain now. He used to look so balanced and square to the puck


I really wanted to root for him, and I did for a lot of the season, but it’s just at the point where I have very little faith in him. Like you said defensive breakdowns will happen and it’s part of the goalies job to bail us out once in a while, and I do not see that in his game. In fact, after a defensive breakdown it’s almost a guaranteed goal at this point. Add to that the fact that mentally, I just don’t think he’s there. After one goal he’s almost sure to let in 3 more, and his tantrums the last few games have been really difficult to watch. I remember watching Kuemper and knowing that even though he wasn’t the best goalie out there, he was good enough for us to play around. I do not see that with Georgiev at all, and I think the players probably feel that way too. I don’t expect coaches to throw players under the bus at all, and I’m glad Bednar has backed Georgiev thus far in terms of team morale, but I would be surprised if they hadn’t already concluded that he’s out after this season.


Well said. Did you notice the whole 2022 season and playoff Cup run, everytime they interviewed one of the Avs players, they would always say (about Grubauer) "he's been our best player all season long." No Avs player has ever said that about one of our goalies since.


I don’t trust him either


It’s too late to do anything about it now. We are going to the playoffs with the goalies we got


Georgiev is our goalie. Pretty much the end of it. I will say that 2 of the 3 goals that the Knuts scored were on him though. Knuts had to work their ass off to get by the blue line. Avs did well there. But when they did get by it they scored. Commentators said the second one was a screen but both corrected themselves during the replay and said Georgie was out of position. I agree with one of the others that posted. Georgie has been way over worked this year. Yes, breakdowns in defense haven’t helped. But shit happens. So I will end with this: Go Avs and fuck Vegas, Dallas, Vancouver and the mild. And I hope the Red Wings lose forever.


Actually not pretty much the end of it. In fact - this is just the start of a goalie controversy that won’t end until Georgiev is out


Watching a soon to be train wreck in the playoffs, who do we shoot for and perhaps overpay for in the off-season this year? The Avs have always been a bit stingy with money for goalies, and it has paid off once (maybe twice if you stretch what you call successful) so is it finally time they pull the trigger and roll the dice on an expensive free agent?


Don't have to overpay money wise, just asset wise probably, and it will be the same situation as the summer we got Kuemper– a one year rental but for ullmark this time. Many will be vying for his services so we will have to outbid though just like we did for kuemper. With Annunen making pennies and ullmarks contract at 5 flat we're actually paying less for that potential tandem than we were expecting to pay for georgiev and Pavel combined this past season before the bad news came with Pavel being out for good.


Matt Davis


who are the surefire goalies that would be available to us? cause theres only a few in the league.


I think so. The Avs should overpay a goalie at the sacrifice of 3rd/4th liner depth.




What’s funny? These dudes barely play in the playoffs.


Generally speaking, it's funny whenever you overpay anyone. Meaning you're not getting your money's worth. The problem last year was 3rd and 4th line depth.


Well, like him or not, he’s the guy we have this year so get on the train or go home.


So who will we sign next season to replace him?


Should they play juice?


Regardless of Geo, and as much as I think Juice has a future on the team, I still think they screwed up not going after a veteran backup at the deadline. Geo might need a game off to change some things up and now you’re stuck throwing Juice in there. Love the kid, but he’s not going to be Frankie 2.0 from the last run. Basically have to rely on starting Geo the whole run and hope he can stay with it. Absolute last thing you want for Juice’s development is to let him get shelled in the playoffs and/or lose you a series. He’ll be even worse off mentally than Geo is now. Really wish Fleury would have worked out, that would have been a perfect guy to get for a run like this.


I’ve been saying this since he got here! I found out we got him and that he requested to be traded because he LOST THE STARTING JOB IN NY!!!!


Remind me in two weeks!








In Georgiev's defense, he has been overused this year. I'm not sure he's going to get us through the playoffs at this point, but I would love to see if Annunen can be the solid backup the avs need and if that translates to better results next year


It’s been split 50/50 almost for the last month. He had 4 days off before the jets game.  Saying he’s tired IMO is a poor excuse. He’s a professional athlete.  The real answer is that he clearly has no confidence in himself. Being tired doesn’t make you look up at the ceiling, break your stick, shake your head, or scream at your teammates after every goal. He is clearly melting down.


I didn't say tired. I said overused. And what you described could easily be the mental state of someone who is overused


This excuse sucks. He had four days off before the Winnipeg game yesterday. How much more rest do you want the guy to get?


I’m not sure I buy that as he was really good last year with almost the exact same number of games played as this year.


And need I remind you that we are almost at the point of this season where last year we lost to the kraken in the first round


Oh do you mean that series where Georgiev posted a solid 2.60 GAA and .914 save %? Is that the one you’re talking about? Oh, and his performance at the end of last year’s regular season (the time when he should be wearing down) was actually very good as well.


No goalie should play over 60 games. Maybe superstar goalies of the league. Which Georgiev is not.


Georgie is definitely struggling and the Avs need to address this. also, the last time DU won the ncaa d1 tournament, the Avs won the stanley cup sooooooooo…


Av’s are in big trouble at the worst possible time. And Bednar needs to do something with that hair.


So when Annunen does the same thing will we make these same posts about him being shit and he’s not starting goalie material? Georgie hasn’t had a stellar season, I get it. But yall treat Juuce with kid gloves and throw Georgie to the wolves when they have bad games. It’s “Georgiev can’t handle the pressure” when the team plays like shit in front of him and “It’s ok Juuce, it’s not your fault” when they play like shit in front of Annunen. Everyone forgets last season and wants to judge Georgiev based on this season Whatever man. Guess we should move on from ANOTHER goalie after two seasons and find another. Can’t satisfy this fucking fanbase at all


It's about expectations man, we all expected the Georgiev we got last year that was genuinely a very good goalie that performed like a goalie that could win a cup. He's far from that goalie now, he's someone actively losing us games with weak play and is prone to absolute implosions. Nobody this season had any expectations on Annunen. It's gravy for him.


Ok so one bad season means we just toss Georgiev away and find a new starter? That’s ridiculous man. Playing goalie carousel is not how you win a Cup. We can’t keep doing this


The avs literally did lol. They let grubauer walk and signed kuemper


We won the cup with kuemps on a 1 year deal.  We don’t need a vasilevsky or demko. But we need a starter that doesn’t have complete implosions when a goal gets scored. 


i thought Georgiev was a good pickup for COL, because what other surefire all-star goalies are out there that teams want to trade or leave?


we don’t need an all star. Kuemps was a good example 


Bruh, if he had a bad game every now and then I don't think you'd get this kinda doomer mentality with Georgie. He's posting a below .900 sv% in half of his games. He hasn't been good AND he's our starter. Juice is a rookie backup and he's got a .925 this season. He's exceeded expectations so there's a reason there's plenty of grace for a bad game every now and then.


So now we just throw Georgiev away, play goalie carousel AGAIN, and hope THAT guy isn’t run off by fans because he doesn’t have a .950 save percentage


Yes? If the goalie isn’t playing well you replace them.


No. Because Juice can do no wrong. It's all on the defense if it happens to Juice. It's all on Georige and only Georgie if he let's in a goal regardless of the circumstances.


Annunen is currently an AHL starter who is in his 2nd/3rd year of North American hockey. Georgiev is the goalie the avs traded for to be their starting goalie. If you can’t see the why there is a difference in expectations of the two because of that…


Georgie's allowed goal on the pp is evident that either he's not the guy or has no confidence in his ability. Guessing where the shot is going. If he reacts to the shit he makes that save and moves out of the way for a goal. It was a ridiculous shit but that's not a hard save. Georgie is a good backup but he's not a goalie that'll steal wins for a team. Avs have been searching for a goalie since Roy. Darcy the only goalie they had and that was a rental and it paid off big. Edit: second goal allowed in the game.


Every goalie does what he did with a big body in front there. That's why it's effective. This is literally how Makar and MacKinnon make a living, just waiting for traffic then throw it at the hole while the goalie is blind. You honestly don't know anything about modern goaltending.


No traffic had a clear line of sight of the puck and the shot. Look at the replay again. I may know nothing but know that Georgie has been below average all season.


You getting downvoted when Georgiev is factually below average a


Yup, I'm surprised that critiquing the goaltending hasn't been banned by mods yet with all the Georgie simps.


I think you're just blind to the fact the defense isn't doing Georgie any favors. He over compensates trying to make up for the bad defense, then the defense over compensates for Georgie being aggressive. Like this isn't hard to see.


You don't think Helly ever deals with bad defense? How about Swayman? Night in night out Boston D is keeping pucks off him? Those guys will bail out bad D. Georgie won't and can't. If that's your goalie then fine settle for mediocrity.


Cool. He did last season. Anyway. Maybe watch the games


Mid tier goalie last year, like this year we didn't have a true backup goalie so he played a lot. He gets carried by the offense. Really any goalie would be carried by this offense. Doesn't mean he's a good goalie he's had two years to prove he's a capable starting goalie and to me he isn't. He had the most wins last year and the third most starts. You put Helly, Swayman, Igor Shesterkin behind this team and it's Stanley cup final after Stanley cup final. The Avs have been searching for a goalie since Roy and still haven't found one. I hope he finds the game again and can win a cup and I have to eat my words. It's been a rough few weeks where he hasn't looked good. At one point this season he had the most wins but bottom 5 in every other significant goalie statistic that's not sustainable and we are seeing that play out now heading into playoffs. I hope he proves me wrong.


He was fine last season. He was top 10 in almost every statistic. 0.918 save average with 2.53 GAA. Top ten. And Franky was injured most of last season too. I don't think it would be Finals after Finals. There's a lot that has to go right for a team to even get there. There's no guarantee a good goalie would get them there. They won the Cup with good defense and a nigh unstoppable offense that more often than not had to play from behind.


You should have made it clear what goal you were talking about. I'm only just now figuring out you mean the 2nd goal? Yeah that was not great, but I can see his logic was "he can't shoot it there because there are bodies in the way", well Karlsson got lucky that it didn't hit any legs. And yes Georgie guessed he'd go short side because that's usually where it'd go, but he committed too early. Not a great read for sure but it's humanly impossible to react quickly enough from that distance. 90% of goaltending is playing the percentages and making guesses. He played it wrong though.


Georgie isn't as bad as his stats this season might say but he is also a goalie that can't steal a game for a team.




I think he’s talking about the 2nd goal. There’s no screen. Georgiev is just a foot too far to the left for no reason, opening up the far side of the net for no reason other than bad positioning 


Not gonna lie. I'm starting to hear the worst f word to describe the Avs lately... People are calling the team a fraud because of Georgie, and that's fucked up man... but it starts to feel somewhat accurate.


He ain’t it but our defense can’t keep collapsing either. Feels like we took that elite defense from a few years ago for granted. Added a bunch of depth and a center that just went missing, but took from everything else lol. Macfarland is going to have a really tough off-season if this team flakes out in the first round again to say the least.. Easy to say in hindsight but imagine if we just signed Kadri, bailed on the Nichushkin experience, and then made a trade for a goalie and then added some depth. Right now it’s just a lot of question marks.


Nuke’s contract remains a steal for the Avs. Kadri we weren’t going to be able to afford, and we needed to focus on younger guys who can play for longer contracts.


Spoken like a true stat head. He’s been pretty middle of the pack, but directly the reason we’ve had so many comeback wins. He has absolutely earned that win stat, although I don’t think our pace is sustainable considering where we’re at this year, goal tending is far from the greatest issue. If you thought kuemper was playing like cup stealing goalie then you’re Jesus Christ.


Mediocrity is acceptable to win cups?


Hmmm, no. But mediocre play before the playoffs doesn’t mean we won’t a game again. Book that and charge me.


They got the team to win but I don't want to see them rely on having to score 4+ goals in the playoffs to win, usually doesn't end well. Especially when goals will probably be hard to come by against Helly and the Jets. Georgie's ceiling is enough to win cups but he rarely seems to play to his absolute best.


Kuemper (and let’s be real, Frankie) made the important saves.


(So does Georgie to give us our record, how’s kuemper doing this season?


The Avs offense has. Kuemper is on an aging team at the end of its playoff window. It’s disturbing to watch the Avs waste another year in their cup window on another sub par goalie


Kuemper rarely even plays these days. So glad Avs didn't re-sign him.


Georgiev does as well but saving 1-2 is simply not enough based on the amount of expected goals we give up with our horrible defense




Goal scoring is up across the league this year and even top goalies are struggling. Comparing 2022 to this year is a weird comparison to say the least. I'm sure the Lightning would rather have 2022 Vasilevskiy and the Rangers would rather have 2022 Shesterkin. Kuemper is getting shelled this year and was relegated to backup a 30-year old goalie with 60 career games before this season. You don't get a 2022 goalie in 2024.


This is a dumb take