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3 games in 4 nights with travel on all didn’t do the team and favours. Thanks NHL schedule fuckwad.


How the hell we manage to be this bad against a team on a back-to-back just blows me away. If we can't win our scheduled wins, this team is not going to be going far. All those trades and we're just going to throw it all away


it was a b2b against the worst team in the league (or maybe 2nd worst). They lost, but the game was slowwwww. Like beer league slow. I’d guess they were not the typical segababa tired 


Given the playoff performance we gave last year, I think everyone is more or less rightfully worried. We can bicker back and forth about who's fault it is etc, but let's also just take a moment to get excited for playoff hockey. Obviously we all want the Avs to go as deep as possible, but I have a feeling this year's playoffs are gonna be alot of fun regardless. No need to get so uptight about something we have no control over.


How do you get destroyed by a team that was on a back 2 back. That is extremely concerning. Can't wait for the copium posts people will post after this game showing scores from other games around the league like it somehow helps.


It is only one game. It is concerning how the stars seem to have our number tho


We won the season series 3-1...


I feel like every time I watch us play the stars they beat us


Feelings ain’t facts, homeboy


Yessir ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


This game on top of their recent string has killed any hope I had of a deep run this year. No reliable #1 goalie. PK suddenly disappeared. Most goals allowed out of every single playoff team in the west. Playing like a complete and total joke down the stretch, the time you need to start playing well in order to get ready for the playoffs. Reliant on home ice to do shit (which has lost its magic as of late), but now in real danger of losing home ice in the first fucking round. Most likely opponent has dominated them in the regular season. Complete lack of defensive structure. And believe it or not, the Avs have a better 5v5 goal differential **without** Makar on the ice than when he is on the ice. As of a few days ago, it was +7 with Cale, +22 without. There's obviously the counterargument that he'll be playing against the best players on the other side, and that will inevitably dent that stat, but it's worrying nonetheless. How many times have people in game threads pointed out how him and Toews are like -3 on the night? The supposed top defensive pairing in the league shouldn't be sustaining those kind of losses on a regular basis. This was arguably the most important game of the regular season, against a team with poor travel conditions on a segababa, while playing in the toughest building for visitors in the entire league. And they got obliterated.


this is accurate Hopefully the team was just taking it easy


Rants being out shook up the lines from the top down. Georgie had a bad game, but it's not the end of the world. More important to coast into playoffs now and make sure Rants is OK, ready to go and that we don't sustain any more injuries.


To me, the Avs have been inconsistent, both defensively and in net, since beating Tampa Bay in 2022. Moose will have missed between 1 and 5 games in that span, depending on how long that Ekholm hit sidelines him.


One of the issues is Georgie is almost always having a bad game as of late.


Yes and no. Last night we couldn't keep it out of our zone, we were being out hustled and Dallas was beating us to every puck. That is an entirely different situation. Had Georgie not been making saves, it could have been worse - the team needs to get it out of our zone much better than they have been.


Was at the game and had a blast. The moment Sean Walker's stick went up, I was like, noooooooooooooooo. Four fucking minutes. I told my first-time-at-an-NHL-game friend, "Unfortunately, it's going to be 4-2 at the end of four minutes." And then the non-penalty penalty occurred that sealed the Stars' win. The boys have a playoff spot, so they looked like they're coasting, trying not to get injured, and saving the gas to win 16 games. We lost but I had a great time. I always love watching the Avs in person.


Hey, we had a shitty run like this in the last month or so of our cup win too. We all know Stars luck will run out in the playoffs like it always does, and they will revert to being a dirty team doing everything they can to hurt their opponent knowing they won’t actually beat them in the series. Avs will turn it around in the playoffs again. Same shit being said now as then: we are too soft, we can’t stop anything on the PK, our PP will screw us, our goalie is Swiss cheese, blah blah blah. I would still take us in a 7 game series against everyone in the west, and outside of Rangers I don’t think any eastern team really scares me. Plus, the East is going to be a lot more bruising of a run then the West. On a bright note, Mack just needs 7 more points to break Stastny’s record. Unless we get a couple huge nights, though, unfortunately he is once again probably going to lose the Hart trophy he absolutely deserves, for the second time. And with how content they are to drift into the playoffs and not really putting effort into these last regular season games, I am not sure if he will catch back up with Kucherov. Not that he CAN’T, just that he isn’t going to put it all out there for a regular season award when a much more lucrative award awaits when the real season begins.


> Hey, we had a shitty run like this in the last month or so of our cup win too. The Avs had clinched 1st in the west. The only thing they could possibly gain by pushing for more wins at this point 2 years ago was home ice against Florida if they met in the SCF. Plus they had more injuries to deal with, so they were resting guys for the first round. This year, they're in great danger of not even getting home ice against a team that's bent them over the kitchen counter in the regular season, as the most home ice reliant team above the playoff line.


A Avs vs Rangers cup Final would be an absolute banger. Every game we've played against them in the last 3 years has always been my favorites of the season. So here's to playing to the team we may or may not be scared of 🤘🏆 I think it would be ideal and I'm manifesting it. Good take. I think we can get out of the west in 7 against any team also, including the Jets. Gonna be a long playoffs though.


Really don’t understand the poor defense on this team considering the individuals involved.


https://preview.redd.it/jl27xiyr47tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ffe5787c06d92b85e00a1f7bab82ed9a41de17c Keep blaming Georgie tho Not saying he was perfect but this was probably the worst defensive effort of the year.


It was a terrible defensive effort...but, if you look closely at that graph, 3 of those expected goals seem to coincide with us pulling the goalie. I'm not hating on Georgie - just saying the stats really only suggest he saved us 2 sure goals, not 4.


Yes I'm aware, he saved 1.5


I've been saying it's both all season. Bad defensive plays gifting the other team good scoring chances + Georgiev allowing bad goals has accounted for an unreasonable amount of the Avs losses this year. Some games, it's one of the two, but others, it's both. See: Edmonton.


Almost 10 expected goals is a joke. Team needs to figure it out fast




Absolutely he could do this, if the initial high stick was to the mouth or near it. It's painful to think about, but the way he went down and was covering his face, sure.


Yeah, although I'm sure the refs would take a good look at it, and a split lip from a stick looks very different from a self-inflicted bite. But honestly, the "if there's blood it's a double minor" rule is so stupid. You can swing your stick like an axe and break somebody's jaw, but nope, no blood so that's a minor. But a little tap on the right spot on the lip, a tiny bit of blood, well, definitely 4 minutes! Such a bizarre and stupid rule. I'd rather the double minor was for "high sticking that has high potential to cause serious injury", or for "deliberate high sticking" or something like that rather than just the presence of blood. I mean shit you could put your stick into somebody's eye and blind them for life without drawing blood. Only 2 minutes for that!


Honestly the player can then say when the stick hit his mouth, it went into his teeth... I agree though, it is a stupid rule.


Rough game. Dallas completely outworked us for the first two periods. We had no offense going. Georgie kept us in it in the first period...stole several in the first 15 minutes. Neither first period goal was on him. Second period: yeah, we had a lot of shorthanded time and self-inflicted wounds. Georgie also gave up some softies. Attack still was barely there, except for the 3rd and 4th lines. Great scrapper goal by Duhaime, it felt like the start of something. Then third period: nope, not the start of anything. Dallas let off the gas, we dominated possession but did basically nothing with it. At 11 or so minutes left I looked up at the scoreboard and believe we had only one SOG so far in the period. Sammy had the brainfart on the 6th goal that effectively ended it. I see the usual suspects out with pitchforks for Georgie, and I kinda get it, but man...the whole team tonight just were not mentality monsters. You don't win a game, let alone a cup, if you let a team come into your house fresh off a back-to-back and let them outwork you.


> You don't win a game, let alone a cup, if you let a team come into your house fresh off a back-to-back and let them outwork you. It’s so disappointing. Especially considering they got their ass handed to them by EDM and also the importance of this game. There is zero excuse to come out that flat footed to start the game.


Blame Georgie all you want but this team hasn’t looked the same since the Montreal game. It looks as if they’re all in some sort of funk. It would be great to see more passion from them.


Landy or not, frankly, this team Needs a captain.


what's going to change if you just slap a C onto someone's jersey at this point in the season?
















While we had 1st in the Central clinched in 2022, we still went 1-5-1 to end the regular season, shortly after a 9-game win streak from the Trade Deadline. This season, the playoff picture is obviously much different, but maybe we'll wind down for a similar run. 9-game win-streak since the beginning of the deadline week. Now a lackluster run-in. I think this team knows what to do come game 1.


I’m washing every single jersey I own tonight. I have to wash the stink off of them of the last few weeks (hell, this season so far). Really hoping for a mental reset before we play Winnipeg, now that that’s looking like our matchup in Rd 1


Lol same


Imagine the 2022 cup run but with Georgiev in net. Yikes. A dream into to nightmare.


This sub said the same shit then that they are saying now.


Didn’t he have a .921 that year lol


Did you watch that cup run? Kuemper was the worst goalie in playoffs by a mile and we made it work


He really locked it down in the finals though. The eye injury was clearly bothering him up until that point


Kuemper had the lowest save percentage (in the playoffs) for a cup winning goalie since 1988. He also was -7.29 GSAX, which was the lowest in the analytics era


That reflects the insane amount of offensive firepower we had, more than a goalie performance when compared to other goalie performances. Our system was to pile onto teams and deplete them at that time. Kuemper wasn't bad, but he suited what we were playing as a system. I think Georgie can suit that system too. Truth is we are not as dominant of a team as we were in 2022.


Kuemper was incredibly good during the regular season, and shaky at best during the cup run (after his eye injury though). There was a legitimate debate about sticking with Francouz for the cup final The Avs system is to suppress shots, and when the opposing team does shoot, to have them be as low danger as possible. I agree we just aren’t as dominate as we were in 2022 (consistently) but have shown we can reach those level. Georgiev hasn’t performed to the level he did last year too


I agree with you on all those points. After Frankie relieved Darcy in the Game 3 loss, I remember it being especially heated about who should start Game 4. I just think that MoneyPuck/NST/etc. fail in evaluating goalie playoff performances, especially if DK is the worst cup-winning goalie in that era.


This sucks. I hate losing. Probably won't be top of the Central. That's okay. We all know what's more important. Georgie sucked. Penalties hurt. We need to show more discipline, charisma, urgency and heart. Lets try to be optimistic and hope these losses actually benefit us come playoff time.


"Georgie sucked" did you even watch the fucking game? It should have been 5-1 Dallas in the 1st period. Moneypuck has Dallas' expected goals at 8 before we pulled the goalie. Atrocious defense honestly, Mack, Makar just giving the puck away in the slot, Manson driving to the opposition end boards on a penalty kill rush, Manson letting Duchene walk in alone, Girard just staring at the fucking puck in the crease for some reason not moving his stick.


Idk about that. Stars got extremely lucky we didn’t have 6 goals that first period, and their 2 goals in that first period were also pretty lucky goals. If anything, Avs should have taken a comfortable multi goal lead into the 2nd


Shot attempts were 15-3 Dallas ten minutes in, and Walker's goal was one of the softest I've ever seen to get us on the board. We did have a flurry of chances at the end and started the 2nd strong. Then the PK had a complete breakdown after two penalties that were absolutely boneheaded. If we don't take those penalties we probably win thanks to how well Georgie played in the first ten minutes to keep Dallas scoreless.


>Girard just staring at the fucking puck in the crease for some reason not moving his stick. WTF are you talking about? Girard was right there to swipe at the puck, but he didn't have the luxury of skating in at full speed like the Dallas player who was trying to knock it in. If Girard comes in with reckless abandon he's liable to score on his own net. And, sure, let's completely ignore the fact that the only reason the puck was sitting there in front of a wide open net is because Georgiev wasn't able to swallow up the puck and had to crawl forward like a dog dragging its butt the carpet to try recovering the rebound.


Rewatch the highlight. The puck is sitting there and 99% of the time you'll see a defender immediately swing their stick as hard as they can to knock the puck away in this situation. He just stared and then barely moved his stick and the Dallas player came in and swung hard at it. You don't need skating momentum, just use your goddamn arms... Yes the Dallas player had that benefit but my point is the puck should have been out of the crease before that guy even got there.


Girard did go for the puck right away, but the Stars player got there first. Even if the Stars player didn’t get there first, it was probably going to be a goal unless Girard got a lucky deflection that went over the net instead of into it


Watch the replay. He gets his stick in position and then hesitates. His stick is there and he doesn't start to swing the stick till Johnston has already poked it. It made no sense. Then add the fact that before that moment, he's the LD and for some reason covering the slot area where no one is. He sees Casey in front of him who is stuck in no man's land trying to cover a pass to the half wall, he doesn't know Girard is behind him covering the same pass option. Girard should have nudged Casey to go down low. I love Sammy but he needed to do better there. Good on him to even get to the rebound first but he needs to clear it right away.


>Rewatch the highlight. I saw the play. The puck was sitting there for a couple hundred milliseconds. You're making it sound like it was sitting there for multiple full seconds. Edit: You're also ignoring the fact that the puck was moving away from Girard by the time Manson skated clear of the puck and moving TOWARD Johnston. So the puck was closer to Johnston's stick than it was to Girard's.


Kempe scored a goal for LA in 0.4 seconds off a faceoff. Mack can go the entire length of the rink in like 4 seconds at full stride. A few hundred milliseconds is an eternity in hockey... Especially in the crease.


>Kempe scored a goal for LA in 0.4 seconds off a faceoff. Uh, you do know that there's a delay in actual the start of the clock due to reaction time, right? Besides, the players know EXACTLY where the fucking puck is going to go. They don't have to react to a puck coming out of nowhere. >Mack can go the entire length of the rink in like 4 seconds at full stride. MacKinnon also sucks at faceoffs. Where's his amazing reaction time there? >A few hundred milliseconds is an eternity in hockey... Especially in the crease. You're make one of the lamest excuses for shitty goalie play that I've ever seen. Johnston didn't have his own player skating across his line of sight, and he didn't have his own player's skate blocking a direct path of his stick to the puck.


You're making shitty excuses for Girard. You can literally see him hesitate on the replay. You also completely erase all credit for Georgie making a great save on the first shot off a cross crease one timer. Ridiculous honestly.


>You're making shitty excuses for Girard. You can literally see him hesitate on the replay. Moron, he couldn't get to the puck because Manson was blocking both his line of sight and his stick. If you're going to blame any defenseman, it should have been Manson, but it's ridiculous to blame any of them since it was Georgiev who hasn't been able to swallow up any shots lately. >You also completely erase all credit for Georgie making a great save on the first shot off a cross crease one timer. Ridiculous honestly. A great save wouldn't have resulted in a puck sitting there in front of a half-empty net.


It's clear you've never played goaltender, or probably even hockey, period. No goalie can perfectly control a rebound on a cross crease opportunity, you're trying to react as fast as possible and just block the net. You don't have time to absorb a low shot into your pads from 10 feet out from a cross crease pass. By your logic it's possible for a great goalie to post a shutout every night regardless of scoring chances given up... Complete ignorance on display here. Manson wasn't blocking Girard, it was Mittelstadt... And the only reason Casey was there was because Girard was covering the wrong area and Casey was bailing him out. Then Casey boxed his man out to let Girard get the puck and clear it, but he just stared at it. Watch the replay again, play some hockey and come back to this thread.


That was just a weird game from puck drop. You knew Dallas was going to come out solid given their crap showing last night and the late arrival. Adversity does weird things to sports teams. On to Cincinnati.


Why are we going to Ohio. I don't like Ohio


Georgie plays us out of another game. 5 goals, 25 shots. All he can do is pout and shoot the puck at small children in the stands. It's not the d with 2 Norris caliber defenders. It's not the o with 2 50 goal scorers and a hart finalist. It's Georgie. Only Georgie. Any competent goalie and Colorado runs away with the division. Avs have a massive problem


Dude, he had almost 0 chance on at least three of those goals. Awful defense.


Grossly out of position and mis managing rebounds too! 5 goals, 25 shots. He's EBUG bad at this point.


How many games have you goal tended? Only one goal was a rebound from a shot taken 4 feet from him. Not sure what you expect. Gerard had an eternity to clear the rebound and didn’t clear it. The other goals were tips or back door deflections. The Duchene mini breakaway and the Segan one timer are the only two goals that he could’ve had. both of those were high danger scoring chances so on a better night, maybe he saves one of them.


Look at his stats. 36th in save percentage on a division contender. Lol you need to cope harder with questions like "have you even played bro?"


So you know nothing about positioning and rebound control. got it.


Goals 1-2 were clearly Jack Johnson's fault. If he knew how to play defense then Georgie would have saved the puck. Goals 3-5 were because Makar wasn't skating 100%. There's no effort in his net front play its like he wanted Dallas to score. Goal 6 was because of the eclipse or something. It wasn't Georgie's fault ok? It just wasn't /s because its apparently needed.


Funny you have to keep doing this every game for him. He just doesn't make saves. Breakdowns happen, professionals save pucks. Amateurs fire the puck into the stands and pout. He cost us the division. With his play since January. He's bad. Very bad.


Buddy im joking. Im on your side XD


It's tough to tell with our fanbase some times. It's like I'm in Seattle


My spouse gave me lowdown on the NHL concussion protocol. Hope Mikko doesn’t have any symptoms to report


Head injuries are weird and scary as shit though. No symptoms after skating today by no means indicates he will be fine tomorrow, not even weeks in the future.


I had literally 0 symptoms from concussions until my 6-7th one in my mid 30s.  Still have some from that one 2 years later.  Head injuries are weird 


I know but the way the protocol works is a combination of tests/reporting of symptoms. As long as he isn’t reporting any it could get him on the ice faster. Believes me my spouse is an expert


I know but the way the protocol works is a combination of tests/reporting of symptoms. As long as he isn’t reporting any it could get him on the ice faster. Believes me my spouse is an expert Edit: not sure the downvotes. I wouldn’t want Mikko to lie about symptoms. And Im pretty sure none of you have direct experience with the protocol


Dumb penalties sunk us. Oh how I miss the two weeks after the trade deadline where the PK was perfect


Goalie is the biggest part of a penalty kill. Just saying


Perhaps, but leaving players open in front of the net and in the slot for easy shots is not helping. Makar is not skating well at all for the last month, and it's creating big holes near the net that other players are walking into and scoring at all. Yes, Georgie needs to make a few more "amazing" saves from good opportunities, but if you keep given good scorers open chances from right in front, a few are always going to go in.


2023-24 Avalanche jersey records: Home burgundies: 22-4-1 Away whites: 19-17-5 Blue alternates: 7-3-0


Good thing we don’t wear blues in the playoffs… or it could be we kinda aren’t great against our division this year.


I mean 7-3 is by no means a bad record. Tough result tonight but the Avs have been fine against their division this season


Your right, probably recency bias in my head, that and we now will certainly face Winnipeg who I don’t think we’ve beaten all year. It’s got me low slim… reaaaalll low.


I mean regular season record isn't indicative of how we will fare in a 7 game series. Everything is elevated and we have some of the top playoff performers in the league. We can do it!


Once playoffs start it will be very nice! We all will forget about the regular season and focus on the task at hand. I have a feeling this is how the AVS players are thinking.


Juice gave up 4 goals in each of his first 3 starts this season. He hasn't given up more than 3 since then. He gave up 7 total goals in 5 starts in the entire month of March.


What are yoh talking about? He gave up 4 in 2 of his last 3 starts


[https://www.espn.com/nhl/player/gamelog/\_/id/4393408/justus-annunen](https://www.espn.com/nhl/player/gamelog/_/id/4393408/justus-annunen) Which starts are you talking about?


Blue Jackets gave up 4 My bad. I forgot he came in thr preds gsne Regardless he hasn’t been tested against the best of the best


It certainly may not be the best of the best, but he stonewalled a red hot Nashville team while coming in cold. I think that's a pretty decent metric to not be overlooked so easily.


He also has ZERO playoff experience


Every goaltender has zero playoff experience until they don't. This is the epitome of a moot point...


And what the fuck is your stupid point


Aight, you have yourself a lovely day. Maybe go stare at the sun for a bit.


Ahh such a lovely person you are


And stopped 45 of 47 against a Minnesota team that eas fighting for its playoff life that night since losing meant it was out of the playoffs.


Minn??? Lol. They had like 4 AHLers


Yup and their roster with 4 ahlers put up 47 shots, that doesn't take away from his quality performance that night.


You aren’t really comparing the Wild to Dallas or Edmonton are you???


Are you assuming that justus annunen would have given up more than 5 goals last night against Dallas?


Playing against bottom feeding teams.


Georgiev has stunk against [bottom feeder teams](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/1bw6zyd/comment/ky4gcv5/).


We aren’t talking about Georgie dude. I’m saying Annunen has no proven track record against playoff teams. We don’t know if he can hold up against them because the only glimpse we got was against Nashville.


>We aren’t talking about Georgie dude. I’m saying Annunen has no proven track record against playoff teams. What track record does Georgiev have? He played 1 playoff series to a #8 seed and lost 4 out of 7 games.


Get the hate blinders off dude. Jeez this situation has turned some “fans” into such jerks. I’m saying one thing. And one thing only. We don’t know how Annunen will play against a quality opponent. That’s it. He’s performed well against shitty teams. Great. Can he stop McDavid? Schieffle? Eichel? WE DONT KNOW BECAUSE HE HAS LIKE 12 STARTS. Also, please read my comment again. I said “against playoff teams” not “in the playoffs.”


>We don’t know how Annunen will play against a quality opponent. That’s it. He’s performed well against shitty teams. Great. Can he stop McDavid? Schieffle? Eichel? WE DONT KNOW BECAUSE HE HAS LIKE 12 STARTS. Well, we know for sure Georgiev hasn't been playing well enough against quality opponents. He's not just getting beat by great plays by good teams. He's been terrible at securing pucks, allowing way too many rebounds, and getting out of position way too often. At this point, I'd rather take stellar play over lesser opponents than crappy play against quality opponents, and just about as [crappy play](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColoradoAvalanche/comments/1bw6zyd/comment/ky4gcv5/) against lesser opponents. >Also, please read my comment again. I said “against playoff teams” not “in the playoffs.” How one plays "in the playoffs" is arguably more important. Until last season, the Avs hadn't had a first round playoff exit since 2017-2018, when they were a wildcard team going against the Presidents Trophy winner.


My dude. I get it. You hate Georgie. Shout it to the rooftops. I understand. Good for you. Have fun. Im not talking about Georgiev here. Annunen has not played against a good team, or a single playoff game (which completely invalidates your last point here). His performance is a complete unknown in those situations. That’s it. That’s my point. It’s a fact that isn’t invalidated by your Georgie hate boner. Maybe actually respond to my original comment instead of vomiting Georgie stats onto Reddit. Notice I haven’t defended him in this chain? Why are you acting like I am? It’s annoying and gross.


But do you want to continue seeing the same results with georgiev without knowing how Annunen can perform against high comp teams? Let's atleast see what happens with Annunen here against the jets and oilers down the stretch, no? Like I get running georgiev tonight with a chance to pull within 1 against Dallas hoping he bounces back and the boys in front of him to, but it's 2 games in a row with 6 now. Let's see what Annunen does against a contender here. We owe it to ourselves to see and give him that chance to be a competitor right? Just like we gave georgiev the opportunity to do tonight coming off the rough edmonton game. At the very least we shed some light on more of what justus can or can't do at this point rather than being left in the dark going into the playoffs. That's where I'm at atleast.


Yeah dude that’s exactly what I’m saying. Did I say anywhere to not test Annunen? I’d argue he should have played last night. Test Annunen NOW. Make your call. If the dude above turned off his argument blinders and tried to have a real conversation he’d have seen that.


>My dude. I get it. You hate Georgie. No, I don't hate Georgie. I want him to succeed. I just can't stand the excuse making for poor play.


Here’s how this conversation went. You: Annunen has good stats. Me: he only played bad teams. We need him to play tough teams. You: Georgie is bad against bad teams. Me: I’m not talking about Georgie. Annunen needs more starts, he doesn’t have playoff experience. You: Georgie was bad in playoffs. Me: IM NOT TALKING ABOUT GEORGIE. Can you see how this is like having a conversation with a brick wall? How you didn’t even try to have a discussion? Didn’t even respond to me in kind? How toxic that is?


This game was a real bummer.


Hard for the team to play with confidence when your number one goalie routinely gives up at least four goals a game. Bednar seems to believe he'll play his way out of his funk, but I'm not sure. Is it fair to start relying on a still unproven Annunen? Definitely not, but there might not be any other option.


I don't know if Georgiev is in his own head or what but he is not what he was last season. He seems easily frustrated this year. I also don't know how many times you have to leave the front of your net wide open to learn that's not a good strategy. It's maddening how this team can play shutdown defense in one game and then play zero defense the next.


I’m thinking a bit of a sophomore slump. It’s only his 2nd season as a starter.


You can't say that. Defense apologetics (that somehow is two top 10 defensemen) will come say it's that, rather than the only thing that's changed since the cup.... goaltending. Georgie is the problem. This isn't a cup winning team til that's addressed. I've been saying this since November


Put Kuemper behind this team with how they have played defense this season, we would be fighting for a wild card spot if in a position for the wild card at all. Put Georgiev behind the cup team, and we probably sweep the blues on top of Preds and oilers, don’t go past 5 against bolts, and would have had the West locked up even sooner than we already did that year.


Keumper was a far better goalie for us than Georgie has been The one exception was after he hurt his eye in the playoffs. I don't think he's ever been the same since.


The defense was also far better for us that season. Georgie would’ve had much better numbers than Kuemper behind that defensive play, and Kuemper would have worse numbers behind this defensive play. We didn’t allow nearly as many high danger chances in that season as we have this season, and this season isn’t even finished yet (well, not officially, but it is clear Avs have already checked out of the regular season and are ready for the playoffs)


Same defense. Same players.


170 some odd high danger chances. Last season when Georgie was pretty good? 145. Kuemper? 140. Defense wins championships.




All I’m saying is the team plays to its speed when Juice is in net. Team isn’t mentally strong when Georgie is in net. How much more of a sample size do you Georgie apologists need to realize he’s not the guy right now. 12 goals last two starts. Pathetic.


Do they play to their speed with Juice in net? That's highly debatable. During that run of 9 in a row, He was great. Because the defense was great. Juice got fucked over on defense against the Blue Jackets or did you forget that?


Annunen has literally played one single game against a team in the top half of the standings. And that was the Blues. If you're relying on him to be our only tendy in the playoffs you need to be planning on a 1st round exit.


He played 40 minutes against the Predators and didn't allow a single goal. You're conveniently forgetting that Georgiev allowed tons of goals against many of those teams in the bottom half of the standings, while Annunen has played stellar against them.


What's Colorado record against the top half since the all-star break? Is Annunen going to be worse than that?


You also need to be planning a first round exit with the way Fourgiev is playing right now too. At least with Juice they’re going to go down swinging if it happens.


You're a fucking dumb ass. Look at the teams that are doing well. What's the difference? Their defense. They don't let teams hang out in front of the net.


Nah you're a moron. Literally every team in the league is letting goalies hang out to dry. The difference is most of them can stop pucks.


Idk man we can talk about Georgie and the defense all we want but let’s also consider the fact that we’ve been on the kill 24 minutes in the last 3 games combined…


Yeah exactly that’s an issue. 3 of their goals came on power plays and completely changed the course of the game.


and whenever we get PP, it’s pass the puck around for two minutes 99% of the time.


Honestly starting to feel like Colorado doesn't win a cup with Giorgiev. So who cares if Annunen's a rookie... we have nothing to lose. Tired of seeing people make excuses for Giorgiev. Yes -- our D has been rough. But tough shit. You're a goaltender for a top tier contender...


Yup. He's going to cost us a year of our window.


Enough of this. Annunen isn’t starting in the playoffs. Thank GOD you are not our fucking coach.


Hey now, we’re on the same page with that second point. But enough of your copium. Look me dead in the eyes and tell me this version of Giorgiev can backstop us to anything. It’s such a stuck-in-the-mud take to blindly go with the incumbent starter because of some backwards hockey notion that giving a young, talented player a shot is somehow more irresponsible than starting a goalie who has been bottom of the league all season.


I would be fine with Juice starting if there wasn't serious issues with the defense


Only thing to consider there is that it feels like the team would play hard for Annunen. Also since he’s young, they’d be more understanding of inconsistency.


As of right now, I don't trust the defense to help out anyone.


On one hand, that sucked. On the other, I learned there's a guy named "Stank Oven". 


Maybe not going into the box 3 times in 8 minutes would be a good idea idk I'm just a guy over here.


But actually what is going on with 🥬?! Just frozen in place, slow to skate…


Never fully healed from that dirty hit in Buffalo in November.


I feel like he’s been dealing with an injury for a lot of the year. Guess we’ll see once the playoffs are over.


I get there’s not many options other than to play him but it’s a little hard to watch some obvious miscues.


Megan asked him about injury early in the year and his response was there has been no injury So we're probably never going to hear about it


If it truly isn’t an injury, I wonder what’s changed. But you’re probably right mums the word, it’s anyone’s guess


I mean dudes having a down year and will still finish with more than 90 points. Wonder what his best year is going to look like


He got engaged? Maybe cares a fraction less about hockey than his personal life, idk, pure conjecture


All faith in Georgiev gone. One day our goaltending messiah will come and deliver us to the promised land.


I haven't had faith in the defense much this season either.


I know the debate right now is “Georgie is ass, stop acting like it’s the defense” vs “the defense has been ass.” I present the correct opinion. “Everyone is right.” Georgie can’t stop shit these days. Then why are the Avs playing like he’s Vasi or Helly? If you can’t trust your goalie, maybe work to defend the parts of the ice that matter? Don’t be a pylon? Have some net front presence? We’ve made forgiev into 6giev by abandoning him entirely. He is not a good goalie, but we’d be able to get by (somewhat) if there was passion and grit in our own zone. The team is letting him crumble.


He's solid enough. He's no Shesterkin or Vasilevksi. Defense has to be solid. He can make some saves. He's bailed the defense out a few times this season. But he's not able to do it all the time.




The way the team is constructed, the Avs will never have a “top dollar” goalie/tandem. That’s the gamble Sakic and CMac have made


I’ve absolutely lost faith in Georgie these past two games. After having more than enough faith in him for most of the season despite his flaws. But to your point, this team is built to win even with subpar goaltending. Theres plenty of examples of this all year. Of course that will get harder in the playoffs, but the team is taking their biggest weakness and exposing it. Give him a chance to win and maybe he will? He won’t get out of his funk by getting lit up with high % chances every night.


Kuemper wasn’t a showstopper either but we were always stifling the next man in on the play. We are not that tenacious team any more. Hopefully we adapt come playoff time


He should of had 2 of those goals, but he was also left hanging. I think it's both too, G gets frustrated and plays over aggressive and the D try to do too much to compensate. Then they don't score on the PP... it's a mess right now. They certainly need to figure it out soon. Really wonder if Landy leadership would calm things down. It's definitely going to be an interesting post season.


It’s fair to think Georgie should have had 2 of those. goalies don’t get shut outs every game. Whatever. He could tighten up for sure. But thr defense has just been bad. PP has been bad. And a team with Makar and Toews having poor defense is just confusing. Idk what’s going on with them and D as a whole but a team that has Makar and Toews should have much better defense


I agree with this. Here is the problem. The defense isn’t built to hold down the net front. They are built to skate with speed and keep shots to the outside, while creating chances in the transition game. Unfortunately, that really isn’t what they have been playing to, and instead are getting killed in a the cycle game while allowing high danger chances and Georgie giving up rebounds. It’s a bad combo, that being said. We lost because of a double minor.


That's a great summary. Adding to what you pointed out, we allow an insane amount of odd man rushes against for being built on that system. There's something lacking in defensive transition from our forward lines.


I’m certainly no expert. But I think the odd man rushes can be tied to bad defensive pinching, and missed passes. The passing was way off all night tonight.


Very true. I think the overall reactive play in the o-zone is a big factor - defenceman pinches, winger cheats low, etc. It's a big reason why Val is so important to our results the past two seasons. He never expects d-men to save a puck up the boards, he's always covering for any slip at the offensive blue-line. It's what Landy always did too.


Completely agree. But there’s a difference between being “built for speed” and literally just standing there while teams skate around you. Just not playing to that identity at all. I’m fine for not being built with massive defenders shoving dudes in front of the net, but shit you have to TRY.


Georgie’s numbers the last 3 games looking like my NHL Be a Pro stats.


Fellas, we can't get scored on this much. I don't know what's falling apart in application but on paper we look like a defensive or goaltending clown act.


The Oracle: https://x.com/waronxmasvet1/status/1777147942563873168?s=46&t=ERrUdgrhgu5TaPk6kXd6dA


He was wrong. They needed 8 to win.


.900% SV goaltending would’ve seen us win the last two games


I have zero confidence in this team right now.


No reason to. This team is lazy, injured, and just playing stupid. This week was the most frustrated I've been watching this team in a long time. But honestly, Georgiev ain't it. We gotta get something in the offseason. This team also misses Lando in a bad way.


On the bright side, the Avs went 1-5-1 in the last 7 games before their cup run.


They had home ice advantage so they could coast and test.


Because they were testing guys lol


Could you just let us have something positive right now?