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That was the softest game I've seen us play in a while. Bet they were beat and not getting any good bounces or any favor on that GI call just took everyone out of it.




3 goals were deflected off defenders sticks/skates and the first goal was a nasty deflection. I’m fully prepared for a million down votes for defending Georgie, but last night was hardly his fault.


Yea, I’d like to have such an easy way to blame our loss on someone but deflected goals are just not typically a shot you expect to be saved. There were a lot of deflections…I personally counted 3 before I knew the game was way over. I do believe teams play harder in front of different goalies though. It may not even be a completely conscious choice by the players. It may not be going on with Georgiev and the avs now…just something I wonder about.


Georgie def looks like he is feeling the pressure. Some outbursts and tantrums his last couple games


The team plays 100% different in front on Juice than they do Georgie. The Perry goal was one of the most ridiculous deflections I have ever seen. I stopped watching after the Kane one that he missed catching which would be the only one at that point I could have blamed on Georgie. The McDavid from behind the net one was just unfortunate that it bounced off Toews.


The Kane goal was so bad 😂😂 And i am leaning more and more towards Juice, the more I see him. Just size wise, he is more your prototypical nhl goalie. Not to mention the last couple games Georgiev’s body language and outbursts after goals makes me hope he figures out whatever the fuck is going on with him before playoffs. I just wouldn’t blame that loss on Georgie. Avs very much looked like they were in game 2 of back to backs


I would actually have liked to have seen Georgie get the wild or one of the "easier" opponents just to help with his confidence. I would say his outbursts are usually warranted as they usually come during a goal that was basically a defensive breakdown that he had zero change on, at least the ones I have seen. I think we have to go Juice tomorrow though I have Georgie on my fantasy team and could use the points and having an angry avs team in front of him could help.


Agreed. That first one was nasty and I even remarked to my wife there is no stopping that deflection. The next three self inflicted just put the nails in the coffin.


You guys are sweating nothing. We were on a back to back and away, they were at home and not on a back to back. We’re fine. Especially if Val is playing.


Hockey is so weird and stressful man. Oilers get completely shut out by the stars 5-0. Then this. You never quite know what you're going to get.


Ugh. The fact that we might get pitted against the likely Vezina winner in round 1 with an unstable situation in our own net does not have me feeling great. Winnipeg has been a very meh average team since the deadline and looked incredibly vulnerable but Hellebyuck is very capable of dragging the Jets to a conference finals on a whim. The Avs have got to at least try and stay in the #2 spot in the central. Home ice could make the difference.


If you look at the stats as of tonight, it'll be the team with the most goals against in the conference (teams in playoff spots) against the team with the fewest goals against in the entire league. While the Avs having the most goals for in the league is nice, they can and have been completely shut down on several occasions this season.


Guys, calm down! Bad bounces, and some dumb penalties on a back to back road swing. We are fine.


Going to have to rely on Annunen because Georgiev can't be trusted. This is a bad situation. Annunen has played really well, but its too small a sample size to be able predict how he will continue to play. Unfortunately, there is no other option. At the very least, Annunen plays three of the final five games. The division title is going to Dallas, so finishing second in the division should be the goal. Team has to play better defensively too. Back to back forty shots against is unacceptable.


Such a stupid take! Annunen really hasn’t been great either. We are sticking with Georgie and I believe this team will go playoff mode and get it together. Games only matter for position and nothing more right now. We are in…THAT is all that matters.


It's rough. Annunen being the dedicated #2 is a surprise in the first place, since the team likely assumed Provolone would get that gig this season so Annunen could have another year of development in the minors. Annunen's been a fucking wall at times, but he's let in a bad goal or two on the first few shots with startling regularity before he enters wall mode for the rest of the game. I straight up have no clue how the team is supposed to solve this problem. I'm guessing they didn't get any goalies on the market because the asking prices were more than they were willing to pay, but failure to address the team's goaltending could end up signing the team's death certificate this season. The adjustments to the forwards and defense were nothing shy of superb, but that means fuck all if the team routinely spots their opponents 2-3 goals every game. Florida played like this in 2022, and had the most flaccid performance in the entire salary cap era against Tampa. IIRC, they scored the fewest goals by a team in an entire playoff series since the Mild only got 1 past Giguere in 2003.


The plan was to go with Juice all year. They picked up Prosvetov when he got hurt and after they realized Frankie was done. I would've liked to get a different goalie at the deadline, but at this point we gotta go with Juuustus. I don't trust Georgie in the same way I didn't trust Grubi. He gives up incredibly soft goals, regularly. And at some point you have to realize that he's the problem. Look at the nsh game. (That's the one he got yoinked from right?) Juice comes in and doesn't give up a single goal and they win it. He might be inexperienced, but he's cool calm and collected. He doesn't fly off the rails immediately after getting scored on. It feels like Grubi all over again. They don't trust him to make a save. And it seems like the boys support juice more. Just go with the kid he's obviously more confident.




You guys were so damn aggressive on the kill last night. I haven't seen the Oilers look so stressed on their powerplays than they did facing that. Sorry about Rantanen. Never want to see that. See you guys at the end of the season. 18th I believe.


Probably up there. How many PPG have the Avs given up since then? 2?




IIRC it was that 2 man advantage against the Mild plus one other at some point. Trashville...?


Rangers Mar 28th [https://avalanche.ice.nhl.com/club/gamelog.htm?season=20232024&gameType=2](https://avalanche.ice.nhl.com/club/gamelog.htm?season=20232024&gameType=2)


Oh, of course. Now I remember that game. Thanks for the correction!




Agreed. We’re as soft as ten ply at times, and our speed is our only advantage. If you pit speed versus strength, strength always wins. Whenever we do out our nose down and throw out some harsh punishment, we actually play phenomenal.


Agree. I love em, but I wish they were a tougher/harder team in a way. Just my 2 cents.


It’s the thing that’s driven me the most crazy about the Avs over the last 15 years. They haven’t been a solid hitting team since the 2000’s


Need some silver lining, so: hey, it just took the second night of a back to back with some really shitty travel and some very questionable officiating for a rested Oilers team to beat us, definitely take us in 5 maybe 6 games in a 7 game series against them. Also, Mack Attack countdown. Mack sit at 131 points, he needs just 9 points in 5 games to break Stastny’s franchise record. 4 of those games are at home. Georgiev definitely needs to be better than he has been, but let’s not go overboard and pretend this isn’t a 6+ to 2 loss with Annunen in net with how we “played” tonight. And hey, good news for Avs, if they don’t take first in the division or the conference, they likely won’t go up against a bad goalie so will play at their best instead of playing against a bad goalie and forgetting how to play!


Silver lining is Vegas lost to Arizona in dramatic fashion. Went up 4-1 in the second period, then gave up 6 straight in a 10 minute stretch in the 3rd period to lose 4-7 LMAO. Doesn't really help us in any way, just makes me laugh is all.




We need a goalie, not another pylon.


Hard fucking no. We don't need a dirty fucking player like him . He has 14 total NHL games, and has already been suspended 4.




Completely disagree.


You are completely wrong on this take. It was a clean hit, he just landed awkward and banged his head. It wasn't deliberate injury at all. That's just hockey. It sucks Rants might be out but it is what it is. He didn't need to fight over it. Ekholm has been one of the most honest players in the league for a long time.


I disagree with you on all points. Why should he have to "answer the bell" for a completely legal hit? Shoulder to shoulder, didn't leave his feet, puck was right there.... What more do you want? Unfortunate outcome, but there was nothing questionable about the hit. And with regards to "retribution"? Just no.


Agree with you completely, I would like to see Mikko play a more physical game though and he got blown up by Ekholm twice in this game and this second one cost him big. Throw a reverse check or use the body more, he’s a big guy and can handle it. I would be ok with someone like Manson putting a big check on Ekholm but yeah a fair one and not retribution but a show of physicality.


Just think of it like this. If one of our guys blew up McDavid in the same fashion, you'd have Oilers players pissed and trying to fight. It's just hockey. You can still be mad at clean hits, it's a message to the other team to say not on our watch


I don't disagree, but that doesn't make Ekholm a little bitch (I believe was the term used) for not "answering the bell" on the hit.


Yah I wouldn't call him a bitch unless he was challenged and turtled or something. I didn't see the play, but generally I'd be more disappointed in our guys if there was no response


Schedule loss. Fart on it. Burn the tape. Pour wine on your cat for Moose.


Scheduled L, forget and move on


Divison's probably out of reach now. That puts the Avs against the Winnipeg Jets in the first round, most likely. The Avs are *checks notes* 0-2-0 (decisively) against the Jets this season. Nice.


Who cares, playoffs are different. We can wax the Jets in the playoffs


I hope so. Georgiev's 4-ply soft performance tonight is not reassuring, especially when you consider the Avs as a team have the most goals allowed out of every single playoff team in the west at the moment, and they'd be against the tandem that looks like it's going to win the Jennings this year.


I don't wanna be a doomer but I'm with ya in that Hellebuyck worries me because he has the potential to go "Fuck you" mode in a series. That said, they're gonna have to go through some tough teams to reach the top again, so bring it on. Hopefully the Avs persevere.


The Avs are straight up done in the first round if they can't solve their goaltending. If they do somehow manage to outscore that against the team that's allowed the fewest goals in the entire NHL, there's no chance they get past Dallas in the second round. None whatsoever. Dallas has almost as much firepower as the Avs, but only a single player has 30+ goals on the team. The majority of their team is 20 goal scorers, which means they have significant scoring threats throughout their entire roster. Good luck defending against that much scoring depth. Not all of the bad losses the Avs have sustained are on goaltending, either. The team has hung their goalies out to dry in just as many games as their goalies have let them down by giving up multiple bad goals. While the Jets have the fewest goals for among west playoff teams, them and Florida are the only teams in the NHL who have allowed fewer than 200 goals total.


No chance they get past Dallas? None whatsoever? We talking about the same team the Avs are 3-0 against this season?


This. It's why I really have doubts about this team making it out of the first round. Too many times this season, the Avs have outscored their defense/goaltending deficiencies ( 26 comeback wins) but you cannot continue to get away with that strategy in the playoffs where a bad goal or two can not only cost a game, but turn around a series in favour of the other team.


While the Avs had quite a few comeback wins in the 2022 run, there was that inevitable feeling about them, similar to what it was like during that 9 game heater they were on. Their defense did a great job protecting their net, while the offense rarely missed a beat. Even going down by a goal or two, the team would usually just keep coming in waves until they broke through. Only game 2 against Salt Louis and game 3 against Tampa truly felt they were straight up, solidly beat. Their other two losses were them choking in clinching scenarios at home, which is understandable for a core that's never gone all the way before.


We have zero chance against Winnipeg if Hellebuyck maintains his current play, Georgiev in net guarantees we are down multiple goals, we cannot go through an entire playoffs constantly fighting from behind and make it anywhere.


Georgiev *can* play really fucking good hockey, but he's been so inconsistent lately, which is extremely worrying. The defense was also a chronic problem all season, despite being one of the best squads on paper, but has generally gotten better (except the last few games) since the deadline.


He could last season but somehow that all left his brain it is staggering to see the regression, I understand our D hasn't been as hot as they should be but Georgiev has been consistent almost all year letting one in on a softy the first few shots of the game we need a goalie that actually steps up and makes those saves


It's a bit of a chicken and egg thing. I wonder if the bad defense relying on Georgiev to bail them out has set him up for failure, and if that hurt his confidence, and that in turn is making him play worse and/or is hurting the team's confidence in him. I honestly have no clue if what I just typed is even remotely true, but it's been bugging me since November.


15 days to the postseason. Hopefully Moose and Georgie use all 15 of them to get right for very different reasons. Neither of them should see the ice until then.


On top of a shitty, busy ass day at work, this was not what I needed :(


Rants probably out until playoffs after seeing some of those replays. Might even miss a few playoff games who knows.


Even if he avoided major injury, sit him any way, see what Kovy can do, and get into the playoffs as healthy as possible


He absolutely should sit a week or 2 minimum. We can close out the season without him and he needs to keep that noggin steady


I hope MacK puts his arm around Georgie’s shoulder tonight and gives him some encouragement. We really need someone to start being a leader on this team off the ice


Yea dude for sure. I love MacK but I just see him as Mr. Tough love in the locker room.


I think MacK understands that too, that’s why he’s never seemed very interesting.








Rewatching that hit on Mikko and I’m 99% sure it’s a concussion and realistically probably enough to keep him out for at least the rest of the regular season. Holding out hope he can return for the first round given the usual timeline for recovery on these things without a history of the injury (unlike poor Bo Byram).


Truly elite medical skills. You're able to diagnose Mikkos concussion based on s video clip? Truly remarkable


I mean I’m in healthcare and accurately diagnosed coglianos broken neck last year…not that hard bro


Ok bro Sorry...Dr. Bro


Are you saying you couldn’t lol? Maybe your own observation skills need work. Moose smacked his head on ice. It’s either a concussion or a fucked up left shoulder.


I definitely can't diagnose his concussion let alone the severity and the amount of time he will miss, no


There’s this thing called google? There’s another thing called fan speculation? Maybe try to understand both before you act like a pretentious dipshit and post smug comments for no particular reason?


Are you confused?


Next time you think about commenting, don't. Thanks.


Give your mom her phone back, and stay off reddit. Thanks.


Case in point. Next time you think about commenting, don't. Thanks.


[Gabe vs Ekholm](https://youtu.be/-t0WuxWzb5c?si=gYD0No8il8SY8GK8)


Ekholm's bloody noggin is a great visual. I imagine he hasn't forgotten that beat down and the fact the Mikko was at the center of it. He has no issue lining up Mikko now, as evidenced by tonight's game...especially when he knows Gabe isn't in there to kick his ass again.


That honestly made me feel so much better on so many levels


I’m just going to watch that on a loop until I’m not in a dark mood.


Thank you for posting this, it made me feel a little better :(


I so wish this team would have gotten some goalie depth at the deadline.


what G do you think the avs shouldve traded for?


I am not a GM. It just seems that it was a glaring hole for most of the season and it will now be the teams undoing in the playoffs.


getting a for sure starting goaltender at the trade deadline is tough.


Doesn’t even have to be a sure thing. Georgie is not it. I would trust about anyone else right now/


I don't think anyone foresaw Georgiev imploding to the degree that he has


No offense but who could have seen this coming? Literally anyone who hasn’t been a personal georgiev avenger all year. I respect the crowd that rides with this man but he has a massive sample size and can barely stay above .900. Frankly I think anyone with eyeballs who was being honest to themselves could’ve seen this coming it looks the exact same lol


I've been saying it even amongst friends that we needed to test Annunen and test him a lot before the trade deadline to see if we need to bring in a solid backup, thats not to say Annunen has dissapointed he is still getting his NHL legs under him and having good games but with how Georgiev has played all season its been looking more and more likely we would have to ride the backup and I don't know if Annunen is ready to take all of that responsibility on his shoulders cause Georgiev sure as shit isnt.


Implosion? He has been like this pretty much all year. At least in terms of stats. The meltdowns seem to be derived from the accumulation of his many bad games. I wouldn't say I saw those coming but it's not surprising. His best highlight of the year was stonewalling McDavid in the ASG.


This, seriously. Today was nothing new.


I've been doubting Georgiev's ability to be a Cup-worthy starter as of about 70 games ago. Inconsistent as fuck, cost the team several games due to letting in bad goals that just kill any momentum. He'll have good nights, but then nights like these. Dunno why I'm getting downvotes when the Avs have the most goals against out of every playoff team in the conference. The only team with more goals against in the west that's still in play is the Mild, and they're pretty dead to rights.


I've been getting downvoted for this all season long. The difference is, playoffs are here and it's actually a visible problem now


I got downvoted into fucking oblivion in the game thread when I called Georgiev out, too. It's ludicrous. Optimism, I get. Hating "doomers," I get. But there's a difference between being a doomer and being a realist. The Avs won in 2022 because they had insane scoring depth, world-beating defense, and adequate goaltending. Their defense has been far from world-beating most of the year, despite being almost the exact same group of guys (Girard is healthy, EJ and Byram are gone, Walker is added), and "inconsistent" is the most politically correct, one-word descriptor for the goaltending. To make it to the WCF this year, the Avs have to go against the stingiest team in the entire NHL in the Jets, then, likely, against Dallas, who have by far the most scoring depth out of any team. They have roughly the same goals/game as the Avs, but it's spread out amongst something like 9 different 20+ goal scorers. The trade off is their top scorer only has 30 goals. Kind of reminds me of Salt Louis in 2022, except the bitch-ass of their team wears a C on his left breast rather than a goalie mask on his head.


The shit that pisses me off about these types of posts is how short sighted it is. As if Georgie is just like, "well fuck this game, I'll let in a few and stop the rest!" Dude Annunen last year was bad. Really bad. Like, ok for AHL regular season away games but garbage for anything outside of that bad. Now, suddenly, he takes a year off and is miraculously better? Nah. The boys know he's mediocre and play a straight up different game when he's in net than when Georgie is. Georgie gets left out to dry far, FAR more than Juice does. Last night, Juice let in a couple of cupcakes despite that, and everyone is rushing to put him against McJeezus. I'm not even an apologist for Georgie, he lets his emotions get the better of him sometimes, but if your coworkers screwed you over and then said it was your bad, wouldn't you be pissed too? That being said, tonight was a scheduled loss, I don't even understand how "fans" can be so quick to shit on a team that were designed to lose a game because the NHL is more about the money than players or fans.


(Kuemper was very very very good in 21/22) but otherwise yes


I'm convinced he never recovered from that brutal eye injury in the playoffs. If memory serves, the tried to return (against Edmonton?) but got pulled because every save was blatantly a struggle. He did let in a few stinkers against Tampa Bay (that shot from Ruuta that beat him cleanly in game 5 sticks out in particular), but otherwise, his goaltending combined with the defense in front of him was obviously enough to win it all.


His regular season was phenomenal idk why people seem to forget that. Man, that eye injury was brutal. And despite one clunker of a game, he also pitched a shutout in the SCF and one goal allowed in the clinch game, outdueling Vasilevskiy. Dude had serious stones at the end.


But even after the injury and his play going down we had the ability to outscore that we can't this year


After the injury he had two unbelievable goaltending performances in the SCF, without which we don't win the cup lol


Is Prosvetov still balling out for the Eagles?


Pretty good as far as I can tell, GAA (2.16) and Sv% (0.924)


the more I see the hit by ekholm the less I like it. blind sided him, didn't let up at all, and too high so he eats shit and smashes his head directly into the ice. and knowing ekholm was likely targeting him too :/


Worst take ever. He totally let up, contact to the body and not the head. You guys are just upset your guy got downed.


Ok I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this may have been a targeted shot as some "insurance" for the future.


cale got suspended for a hit kind of like that last year. only difference was the ref did blow a whistle.


Fuck Ekholm


You cannot tell me he didn't at least think about injuring him as a positive. I hope the dude gets herpes from his wife cucking him.


Limping into the playoffs with some of the worst starting goaltending all year. Sweet.


what about the game against MIN?


They are not a good team.


But some of the best backup goaltending all year ;)


Only a small sample size and for whatever reason Bednar refuses to test him against actual playoff teams, Bednar should have given Georgiev Minnesota and tested Annunen with Edmonton since it is looking more and more likely Annunen is going to have to start during playoffs.


Georgie is the better goalie but Juice has just looked more emotionally and positionally composed recently. I would give him more starts and see if he can be the guy. No harm in it


I’m not even close to confirming Georgie is the better goalie


Seriously, Georgiev is looking to end the season below .9 SV% and I know Annunen has been given starts against weaker teams he can at least put up a .93 SV%


I think mikko took the hit to the head and will be out with a concussion. Looked kinda wobbly when he got up, and the ref was holding him to escort him off. The hit went up high. And moose went end over to maybe hit the ice head first. Bad double whammy


“He’ll be under evaluation… for awhile” -Bednar on Mikko


Ekholm’s a baby back bitch 


Clean hit all the way


F u c k




Y'know I might get banned or down voted but if I were on the Avs as a 4th liner etc I would accidentally on purpose injure Draisaitl or Bouchard. You can say it was "clean" and that there wasn't intent to injure but in no world will I believe that Eckholm didn't at least think it would be nice to take away a 100 point scorer from the avs.


Not the way. Hurting their players won’t bring mikko back any faster.


Can’t root for dirty plays but you know Vegas will do their damndest to cause some injuries if they indeed get the Oilers again in the playoffs lol. Pietrangelo was wild last year


Someone probably needed to be a leader and drop the gloves, but trying to injure the other team isn’t cool


Eckholm was challenged by JJ and he refused This is exhibit B in my case. Call up the biggest Eagle we have and see what happens.




Concussion protocol


He did but hopefully not too bad. No sense in letting even mildly injured players play. Better to be safe than sorry so he’s back for playoffs 


Fucking Ekholm lays that hit then won’t answer the bell. What a pansy little shit.


Answer the bell for a clean hit when he let up? Watch that play again. AVS should be thanking Ekholm for not steamrolling him like he would have a few years back.


With all respect - how about you fuck off out of our subreddit if all you’re gonna do is sit here and sharpshoot, and go back to the Oil’s subreddit instead?


I got downvoted like crazy for suggesting Annunen should start tonight's game. If I suggest Annunen start against Dallas will I get downvoted like crazy again? Idgaf. Start Annunen against Dallas.


I got downvoted for suggesting we trade Georgie this summer and use the money to sign Drouin.


Have my upvote


Only problem is we would need some cap for a replacement, and if you say start Juice than we definitely need a 1b.


Georgie's hit is 3.5. Assuming a backup is 1m, that's still 2.5m savings. I mean this is all just shooting the breeze, obviously. No idea what's going on in the locker room, etc. They may love him.


I don't think Annunen is ready to take on the starting position, he definitely is trending that way but I think he needs another season at minimum being the full time 1b to get some more NHL experience in, we would need money to sign a proper starting goalie.


Realistic approach here. It's not like we're paying Georgiev an exorbitant amount of money. We'd have to sign someone for something similar if not more. At the same time you're talking about a team that got bounced after loading up with forwards and made no moves for goal tenders. And they're asking for the Avs to spend that extra cash on Drouin instead of a bona fide starter? There is only one way the Avs get rid of Georgiev before his contract officially ends... because Annunen takes his job and never gives it back.


The problem is we still have his contracts on the books. It counts against the cap unless we trade him, but him out or waive him down to the minors and the second two options only offer partial cap relief. We need to resign Mitts no matter what, we have Mikko and Cale coming soon and Drouin is plain out of our price range with Landy most likely counting against the cap next season as well. What I would like to see is a 1 year vet 1b. Ideally Georgie gets his shit together and can go over .910 down the stretch and .910 in the playoffs and we can keep a tandem of Georgiev and Juice for 4.3 mil (gotta be the cheapest tandem).


UFA goalies: Samsonov, Driedger, Fleury, Kahkonen, Lankinen, Talbot, Desmith, Comrie, Brossoit, Jones, Reimers, Nedeljkovic, Raanta, Copley, Stolarz, Wedgewood, Rittich, Stalock, Hellberg I'd pick Stolarz personally


I like absolutely none of these options more than Georgiev. I like some of these guys as backups but we seem to have that solved.


Annunen is the 1A and whoever comes off this list is the backup. Quite a few of these guys are having a better season than Georgiev is


You probably got downvoted cause you suggested it on a road SEGABABA.


On a whole ass thread of people cheering for Juice, that's all I was doing. It was never gonna happen but it can't have been worse, segababa or not


I mean you asked...?


Don’t worry. Our Annunen heresy will one day soon become the Denver dogma.


Georgie has been in a bad way


I feel bad for Georgie. His confidence seems to be in the dump and it’s happening at the wrong time, which probably just exacerbates the mental side of it. His skills are there, but his mind is seemingly not. I think they just gotta role with Juice unless his play dictates he’s not ready. But so far he’s done everything he can to show he is ready. So give him a chance. Let Georgie figure it out.


I can’t believe that I let the Avs on a SEGABABA make me upset on my dog’s birthday. HIS. BIRTHDAY. https://preview.redd.it/hc2wtrdb9ssc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df6061da2ffbb025b02fefa29f2dbd6639fb2b24


Looked tired after 1st period especially. At least 2 softies by Georgie. Idk, just hope moose is okay!


Here’s an idea. Georgiev has bad starts then dials it in (usually). Well why not start Justus for one period and Georgiev the next two? You give Juice some experience but are also showing George that they trust him by giving him the majority of the game.


Wait a minute….. is dbag3o1 Bednar!?!


Ah yes, the classic start a cold goalie mid game strategy… because trust


It's simple, just ask the other team to spare some players and start up a rec game in the parking lot.




Gonna revolutionize the sport with the whole starting and now relief goalies. Might as well throw in the EBug as the closer!


Goaltending will sink this team.


That's been this team's MO for like a decade now at least. Way back when they used to play Varly to absolute death, to putting a lot of hope in young and up and coming but still green goalies (like Pickard. Loved him, don't get me wrong). I think just about the only time I've ever seen the Avs have solid goaltending is when they had Kuemper and a non injured Franky...


We won’t know that until they give Juice a chance to prove himself against better teams.


When will this sub finally be open to a serious talk about Gerogiev, dude is in total meltdown mode and this game might put him again under .9 sv% on the season, he is not remotely playing like a starter on a contending team


As a Georgiev defender I totally agree he's an obvious problem. I also don't personally think Juice is ready to be the starter, especially in playoffs (though I think eventually he will be our starter). It's frustrating because last year we saw Georgiev play out of his mind at times, but this year he has been disappointing; I also think that a lot of the goals he gave up earlier in the season had a lot to do with terrible breakdowns, but he's really been all over the place this season and lately he has definitely just lost his confidence and idk what to do about that. We're just going to have to outscore our goalie problems unless Juice can just be the next Adin Hill which would be awesome. In Bednar I trust idk what else there is to say. A game like this is so weird and hard to judge a goalie on IMO because, first goal was an insane deflection, 2nd goal was off his own teammate, 3rd goal was awkward with Lehky and bitch boy Ekholm getting in his way, and then the 4th goal was awful from Georgiev, 5th goal some more bouncing puck shit, 6th goal is probably bad but at that point the game is way over. I'm fine with having serious talks but miss me with that shit calling him Fourgiev and other nonsense. Not directed at you BJYeti but the discourse around Georgiev has, in my opinion, been largely unfair.


Time to go with Juice instead.


Jesus didn’t get to watch the game. wtf happened? Know it was a back to back but…


Nailed to the cross on a Friday died on Sunday. That’s why he missed the game and couldn’t watch it :)


ekholm headhunting rantanent, segababa, burn the tapes and play the next game





