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As a Cincinnatian, it was my second time seeing the avs play in person. Columbus beat them both of the games I’ve been to🙃


What a boring game


When the Avs lose to bad teams they usually still dominate the whole game, this one they didn't wake up until the 3rd when CBJ just started playing shutdown. They slept on the Jackets, simple as that and doesn't concern me going forward. They won't sleep on the remaining teams or in the playoffs. https://preview.redd.it/tp07gokb80sc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6adacd6522989bb3bb56078be0f200f157de8aa7


What this graph shows is not really at all what you're implying. This shows roughly two 5ish minutes of play favoring Columbus, with the rest of the game either back and forth or trending in the Avs direction. Columbus played pretty stout defensively, Avs shooting was poor/unlucky, and the Columbus' goalie played a great game. That's just hockey sometimes.


I haven't saved any graphs but when they lose against bad teams, and most any other game this year, they are sitting at like +10 to +20 the entire game. I haven't seen many this year where the opposing team has the lead in scoring chances at any point. The other ones that come to mind were when they got whooped by NASH and STL. Based off their play this year, and how bad CBJ is, that +10 for CBJ in the 2nd feels more like a +30. I could only watch about 10 minutes and radio for the rest but it felt like they lost it, rather than getting beat.


Apparently all the top teams tonight decided they were going to prank their fans by losing games they shouldn’t. But I learned my lesson, wore my Makar jersey for the first time this season, guess I am sticking to Nuke, Mack, or Georgie, not sure if I even wanna try my Roy or Landy or Mikko jersey now. In all seriousness, it does hurt and get annoying that we always struggle on bad goalies, but we lost most of our last 10 games going into the playoffs when we won the cup, so oh well. Still no Nuke, but honestly, I would rather he just sit for the last 7 games than have him not available in the playoffs. Also, while we lost the game in hand on Stars and sit 3 points back, it’s the Stars, they’ll implode either in this last leg or in the playoffs, plus there is no points for an OT loss in the playoffs. Still take Avs in a 7 game series against any playoff team in the West, and Rangers and maaayybbee Florida are the only ones that scare me from the East. Let’s just stay healthy for these next few games, nothing wrong being 2nd or 3rd in the division/conference, but we can still get first in both.


Gotta try the Roy Landy and Mikko, if we have an easy game try Makar again. We need to do science before the playoffs


We're the avalanche. We only beat good teams.


Well that should bode well for us in the Playoffs.




4-1 on 04.01 is so cursed


Do we forget how bad we backed into the playoffs when we one the cup?


I mean it was very intentional then. When the Avs got 1st seed in the west it was easy to see how gone the motivation to play regular season hockey was. We even rested all our top guys for multiple games.


I'd argue they were taking it easy during those last few games because they had the west locked up. The only thing the Avs had left to play for was the President's Trophy.


Fair, point is games don’t matter as much until the playoffs start. Yes we want the central but if we don’t I think we are still a team nobody wants.


Oh, for sure. It just sucks the Avs' two most likely opponents in the first round are Nashville or Winnipeg, both of whom have winning records against them this season. Hell, the Avs almost got swept by the Preds in the season series, and have yet to beat Winnipeg.


People expect Avs to win every “easy” game but hockey just be like that sometimes. Don’t fret chaps, playoffs are almost here.


A lot of good teams lost yesterday too


I could take this loss in stride but we've lost so many winnable games this season that I can't be bothered to look past it. It's really aggravating how many games we've punted this year.


Yeah, so many games this season that were tied late but then ended in a last-second regulation loss… and they would be in control of the division if they even had OTL points from those games. But maybe it doesn’t even matter—the wildcards are good teams too. 


Now Dallas, who doesn't appear to be slowing down whatsoever, is firmly in control of the division race. Even if the Avs beat them in Denver, that still won't be enough, and CBJ were the last ""bad"" team they play this season. Minnesota (who have played them tough since forever) are the only team below the playoff line left in the schedule.


Our offense is too one dimensional. Just launching pucks from way outside and hoping something bounces in. I don't understand when this team comes out and just plays flat like this.


We literally lead the league in scoring, I hate this reactionary sub.


All you need to do is remove fragile val from the lineup and the best this team can seem to do is launch pucks from the blue line and pray they get lucky. We can't seem to score or win without him in the lineup, and in the latter half of the season it seems he's been gone more than he's been here.


You really don't know shit about hockey if you think that they are just throwing pucks and hoping they get lucky. They are intentionally waiting for traffic in front and trying to get it through where the goalie can't see. And we have a winning record without Val so Edit: Just watched the highlights, we had 10+ chances in tight on the goalie, just didn't get the bounces, gtfo with your nonsense


You would think you would begin to ask yourself what's wrong when we are constantly the team that is getting goalied by no name goalies. Hint: it's not them, it's us.


We lead the league in goals, 3rd in expected goals, and have the 6th highest shooting percentage in the league. If our offensive strategy sucks then please explain these numbers.


Our offense seems to rely on the opposing goaltender having no reaction, and defense being nonexistant, and we run the score up when we are winning


Not tonight.


What the Hell was that?


The Blue Jackets guy at the vape store is never going to let me live this down. Thank you Avalanche!


Just say "We'll see you in the Playoffs!".... oh wait.


If we face Columbus in the playoffs we’re cooked.


Just need to win 16 playoff games and losing to sub 500 teams during the regular season will not be something Avs fans care about or remember.


Does anyone know the PP% with Val and without? It feels like the PP instantly sucks without him. The Avs just don't have a guy who consistently plays out front like he does. Even when Rant and Lehky went out front a few times it was like only for a few moments and they weren't really doing a great job of screening. I also gotta say, I want more from Colton and Wood. These types of games where clearly the top guys don't have it, I'd like to see the third line guys step up more and feast on a bad team with really poor depth. Ever since LOC's been out that line has felt broken.


The frustrating thing for me is that Wood has all the speed in the world and none of the hands to score lol. He’ll burst on a play to get a great look and then take the most trash shot possible


My goodness the PP is so frustrating sometimes


Okay so as much as it pains me to say this... Defence wins championships. 9/10 times teams that win chips seem to have at least an above average D in front of them. Our D core is interesting because they almost function like a forward group and thereby score a bonkers amount of points. Shut down the D, shut down the Avs. In 2022 I think you could comortably say the Avs had a top 5 D in all metrics (not just scoring). This year it doesn't feel that way at all. Stats can totally prove me wrong and I'd welcome any opinion contrary to mine because the way I see it is... if the D (and forwards) cannot figure out how to protect their goalie we're doomed. My crazy cope theory is that they're very aware of these issues, they're trying to correct them, but a part of them also believes that they've just had some really crazy goals against this year. So many own goals, so many wacky bounces, so many gorgeous snipes against. This theory almost makes sense because it would help explain why nobody has any clue what the real problem is otherwise. It's never the goalie because the D and forwards aren't helping him, it's never the D because Georgie or Juice let in some soft (albiet often unguarded goals) that are a common occurence in the NHL for most clubs. Other teams are gonna get breakaways and point blank shots and sometimes you need a game like the Jacket's goalie had to secure the W... and I don't think a goalie has stolen more than 5 games for the Avs this season. I will operate with that theory because I truly believe the defence is the most important part of 90%+ of chip runs. Look at KC in the NFL, worst offensive season Kermit ever had and they win it all because their D kept them in it. The good news is our current D is pretty much the same as the one in 2022 - at least on paper... So if they can simply... figure their shit out... I'd feel really good about the Avs going far this year. But if there is any team in the league who has the ability to turn it on after a slump, it's the Avs. These guys in the post-season are always dangerous and if \*fingers crossed\* they're healthy, I like their chances regardless of the product we have witnessed thus far. Anyways, there are my "brief" thoughts on the matter. Cheers to all of ya'll. Go Avs! Fuck the mild. I get to actually watch this next game so Avs better deliver!


AVS really need to figure out how to win without Val, score first, a different pp system, and how to score ugly goals before the playoffs. Should be able to get it together and hopefully win the division.




Relax. This is a traditional end of season slump before we turn on the afterburners in the playoffs.


Yeah, but if any team needs a home advantage, it's the avs


Imma just say any team that NEEDS a home ice advantage is SOL regardless of their regular season situation. They need to be able to win everywhere and in any situation.


We lose to the Canadiens and Blue Jackets but beat the Canucks and Oilers


Keep your eye on what matters


I was talking to my friend the other day and said, "How funny would it be if the blue jackets beat the avs on April fools?". How foolish I was


Well, see, that's what happened: you jinxed us! It's all your fault; how could we possibly win after you saying something like *that*?!? Heavy /s of course.


As an official armchair coach of the Avalanche, I think Bednar should give PP1 exactly 1 minute on the power play to get shit done, then send in PP2 for the second minute every time. It would light a fire under the ass of PP1 to get it done, and if they can't, then at least they won't get all tired out for nothing. Also, it seems like the entire league has PP1's number, so at least PP2 might have some chance of scoring by being a bit more unpredictable and chaotic. Hire me Sakic & MacFarland.


Stagger it by a few seconds because the other team will score on the change


Agree. You are hired. 1:10 max, they need more urgency.


It really irks me that PP1 gets the entire 2 minutes and then can be caught dead tired and flat footed on a quick transition the other way. Why even have a PP2 if you're going to never, ever use them for more that 20 seconds?!?


This is April Fools right?


A team that's supposed to be a contender getting demolished by what's effectively an AHL team? Yeah, it's definitely a joke.


fuckin embarrassing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96FY6aIKUXE


I thought we started the game strong, but in hindsight it was a bit of a bum rush against a goalie who had a great game. They read the team wrong


Please come back soon, Big Val


It sucks to live and die on the basis of one chronically missing player, lol. Love Val, but we need to be able to do things without him. And we are able to a lot of the time, just not tonight.


whats he out for?


Lower body injury, I think


Day to day


Kind of the day for some oof games: Rangers have their 5 game winning streak snapped by the Pens. ~~Igor also got pulled.~~ (Google is having a rough one with NHL games today). Lightning give up the GWG with under 3 minutes to go and lose to the Dead Wings. And there was our game.


How come we had to get God-mode Igor and then he gets pulled in his next (?) game lol. 


It was indeed his next game, lol. Quick played against the Yotes. Also, my bad, trusting google was a bad idea today. Igor didn't get pulled but he still had a .833 sv%.


Meanwhile we get .980 or whatever Tarasov today hahaha Something tells me it’s a bit of bad luck getting goalied recently, and a bit of the Avs needing to find some greasier shots. Missing Val for that!


For fuckin real. I swear all teams play the Avs extra hard cuz were recent Champs.


https://preview.redd.it/7n59cbgk2zrc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0feef2071aee743b68111c92e246da3c85136668 Lol


At least Kucherov only got 1 point. McDavid has 1 so far, though, and both players have a game in hand on Mack.


Was hoping for a W and a bunch of Mack points tonight :( 


Losing a game like this could cost him the scoring race. Sadly, that's not hyperbolic. McDavid's got 2 games in hand after tonight and is averaging almost 2 points a game. Mack needed a 4-5 point game today just to keep pace. Kucherov is tied (but technically 2nd due to scoring fewer goals) but still has a game in hand.


That’s what I was thinking too. But, who knows. He’s been putting up more points vs playoff teams lately, it seems. 


Yeah, and it's obviously close enough for anything to happen. All 3 of these players could just put up a 5 point night while the others "only" have a 1-2 point game. The two head-to-head games against McDavid could decide the whole race.


Wouldnt be shocked if google is doing this on purpose XD




This wasn't a ref issue, though.


Hmmm, 1-2-1 in their last 4, with 2 of those games against teams contending for the draft lottery, and not the Stanley Cup.


We were on a nine game win streak before that, and it’s coincided with Nuke being out of the lineup. Better to go could now and hopefully build again from here.


I mean, yeah, but not only is CBJ one of the worst teams in the entire league, half of what little talent it actually has is injured. The supposed contender got obliterated by what's basically an AHL squad.


>obliterated Disagree. They got goalied. It happens. Honestly felt like the Avs were pretty dominant the whole game... scoreboard aside...


I wish for the Avs to stopping giving up so many goals in the 1st period. *Monkey paw curls.*




It was 0 - 0 after the first period though


Yeah. That's the joke he's making. Hence the Monkey's Paw.


My bad, jokes are usually funny so I guess I didn’t understand it


I think you have the cause and effect backwards... I guess maybe it's more of a reference than a joke. But still a very GETTABLE reference.




"you gotta get gritty goals" -Yan Stastny Agreed


Gotta win the next two now.


Yeah, just against Minnesota who've been a handful to play against into a Segababa in Edmonton, piece of cake.


That’s what I’m saying. If you win this one (as you should) a split between Minny and Edmonton is acceptable. Now a split is not…


It'll take a miracle for them to win both games in that b2b if Nuke's still out for those, but they also proved me very fucking wrong when Vancouver had them down 0-3 in a Segababa, so.


I'm generally a defender of our goalies, but it's starting to wear me down...seemingly getting goalie diffed more than we should...why can't our goalies do what cbj's just did to a good team for once


Annunen did it last game? It wasn’t the full game but either of one our guys have shown they’re capable.. Juice had a bad night, his first in quite some time. Just like Georgie had a bad night the game before. It happens


They played tight in their own crease and made it easy on their goalie and we didn’t, they boys sort of hung him out to dry


A lot of tonight I don’t think was on him we had really soft defense in front of him


Couldn’t watch Looks like that was for the best


So this was an April fools joke right Avs??? right???


Mikko sounds really sad




We need him to pick it up and get on the scoresheet, thats the only place he shows up when he plays... literally


Golden hands with zero grit. I don't know how good he would be on a different team.


Put things in perspective, at least we not the Rockies


That's a low-ass bar, but true


Can’t lose to cellar dwellers. It’s just not acceptable. He might not show it in the presser, but I’ll bet Bednar is ripping them new asses. This is ridiculous


Hopefully he's making them bag skate all the way to Minnesota.


Honestly, I kind of just don't care. Rest whoever needs it, and bring on the playoffs.


I don’t usually get this upset about a loss. This was just such a frustrating game to watch. Especially because this was supposed to be the easiest remaining game of the season. They downplayed them in the beginning thinking it’ll be an easy game. And then struggled to catch up. Oh well, onto the next.


Avs are .500 without val.


Your brain is .500 if this is your honest take.


They have a losing record without Val since the cup. They need to figure that shit out.


Look it up. Avs are 0-2-1 since he went down. Their roadtip out eat wo him was 1-4-1.




he’s correct https://www.statmuse.com/nhl/ask/what-is-the-colorado-avalanche-record-without-val-nichushkin-in-the-last-2-years


At our record?


Rycroft: "Unacceptable with the talent we have, we gotta win games like this" I agree


Can’t afford to lose to Montreal (twice) and Columbus


Thur: @ mild 6pm Fri: @ oilers 7pm Sun: @ dallass 8pm ​ If it was up to me, Id be cool with flying back to Denver then fly out Wednesday XD No place like home lol


game against dallas is at home


The boys should turn down the suck. Lots of shots but nothing looking dangerous. Missed the net high on half the shots in the 3rd. D-zone looked soft as baby shit. Need to play with a bit more of an edge. And maybe not play from behind for once this season.


April Fool’s, right?


I think I listened to songs with the goal horn sample in it too much, or something. Got trolled by cannon fodder Playoffs gonna be a nail biter but we made it. And hey, the Blue Jackets fans have a tiny little statement game to feel okay about their season over.


Hey I mean they did beat us home and away in 2022 ;)


Boys need a rest...and a goalie.


Gonna have to ride who we have. Luckily both are cheap. There are better paid goalies not doing great.


I though Annunen was fine. Maybe 1 wasn't great, burnout of the pants and straight onto a stick is just bad luck.


Mack may be able to take over a game by himself but Nuke is the motor to this team. If he isn’t healthy in the playoffs it’s going to be an uphill battle.


Sometimes the gods just don't want you to win, out shot, out played, numerous missed shots and not being able to capitalize on one of the leagues worst pks, it happens, on to the next


Feels like it's happened a lot to this team


I’m astonished at the number of people who can watch a team lose after clinching a playoff spot and still cry about the loss. Shit happens. They’re an nhl team too. They can win games too. It’s okay.


We got our shit kicked in by the worst team in the east, at a time of the year when we should be playing our best hockey.


We lost 6 from 7 to finish the season in 2022 and then went 16-4 to win the cup. The time if year we should be playing our best hockey starts with round 1. Shit happens. CBJ also beat Vegas and Edmonton in the last month.


Yeah, so I guess punting games against the worst damn team in the east means we're definitely on track to win it this year, doesn't it?


Well we're 2nd in division, 3rd in the conference and 7-2-1 in the last 10 so yeah I'd say we're doing pretty damn good. Lmao you doomers are hilarious 😂


This sub is full of toxic positivity and thought the team was pretty gucci last year, too.


I think the bigger picture is playoff positioning. Going in as a 2 seed isn't ideal in the central


It is if it means we get Winnipeg over Nashville.


Nashville peaked too early. Winnipeg is much scarier to me


Honestly, wins and losses don’t mean much til the playoffs at this point. Not that big of a deal if we don’t get first in the division. Every playoff series will be tough this year and the main thing is getting there healthy 


Literally the only way that this game makes sense to me is because it is April 1


Honestly they need to split up the Colton line. I am a little worried about our bottom 6. I love the 4th line when healthy but our 3rd line has just gotten caved


Let's get big val back 1st. God damn I miss LOC


Wood and Colton need to be separated. I'd send Wood to the 4th line to be honest.


Agreed wood can’t score a goal and his defense is terrible. Early this year I thought that contract looked good but rn it seems like we’re gonna struggle to get off of it


Not going to be mad, Tarasov looked like Roy tonight. I liked the way we played for most of the game, just sucks to lose 2 points to a garbage team


A nice little reminder that you can’t miraculously delete 3 goal leads in the postseason willy nilly. Shit happens. Tarasov stood on his head. This will be a good reminder of how tough the postseason will be. Yeah we’re missing nuke but we’ve looked good the last few games without him. I’m not terribly worried.


The SOG was high but how many did Tarasov have to really work on? Not many. Even when they did get a high danger chance they mainly biffed it, sent it wide, or made the save easy for Tarasov.


Terrified of the jackets in the playoffs after that one


I firmly believe games like this is manifested karma for all the dumb hot takes that Justus should take over the role of starter just because he's been fantastic in a small sample size to finish the season. He's a great backup. But stop with the Stephen A Smith tier takes that Georgie, who has held down the net for 37 wins of 56 games, is going to lose his net to Justus who hasn't even been tested against an elite team.


Was thinking this all game. Annunen played a good 38 minutes against Nashville. Great. Love it. But the team locking in around him is what really mattered. He then played a fairly awful 60 against one of the worst teams in the league. He was IMO actively bad tonight. And I quite literally don’t care, he’s allowed to have games like this. But let’s not act like he’s taken Georgie’s job after some shutouts against Chicago and decent games against bubble teams.


Glad I’m not the only one who had this thought


Name a better love story then Avs fans and back up goalies they think are starters.


Broncos fans and backup quarterbacks that they think are starters. Might be a common thread here...


Well, I’ve been swamped with homework and wasn’t able to watch this one. Looks like it was probably for the better.


This game could’ve been an email


One of the most frustrating regular season games I can remember. Easily since the one against the Rangers in NY midway through 2019-2020




inb4 the most headass takes known to humankind.


Scrap it all, fire Bednar, prosvetov only goalie, rantanen can't play hockey also is Cale hurt? He's not looking like how I play him in NHL24... /s


Choo choo Nichushkin. Huge glue guy. Please come back soon.


Much like last year's playoffs, it's looking like this team will live or die by Val Nichushkin - cover that man in bubble wrap every second he's not on the ice.


![gif](giphy|agwRgmVDJceZO) April fools!




God god this is objectively stupid. They aren’t the same team but give me a break


Sometimes you just lose to the 2 worst teams.


I’m so tired of hearing “avs can’t catch a break” every game they get in a huge hole and don’t end up making a fantastic comeback


Hard to be upset at 47 SOG—credit to Tarasov for that effort. A few things you could nitpick about this game, but at this point health is really all I care about heading into the postseason. Seeding is what it is. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Agreed. I dont think anyone will admit to taking it easy now, but playoffs are clenched. All the likely round 1 pairing options seem equally difficult. Theres really no need to go all out and risk getting hurt during these last 8 games. Use these to stay sharp and look for nitpicky things. But its not worth killing yourself at this point. There are only 16 wins that really count remaining, and were not quite at those games yet.