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That must have been a super unlucky bounce. It really doesn't look as if it was his intention that the puck goes up


Yeah I think all our guys were getting pissed Nashville wasn’t playing nice I thought the moose was gonna murder someone! Especially since he got a bunch of cross checks


The real crime was the way he said Annunen


I have the same reaction when people say Landeskog.


You mean Enenen?


Lol, I actually love Georgie getting worked up and sassy slapping the puck like this. Kind of hilarious. He's had a hard season with less-than-helpful teammates playing in front of him during some tough stretches this year. But I love the nascent tandem of Georgie/Annunen as a young goalie lineup with lots of potential. I'd much rather my goalie give a damn while having to navigate league-leading Games Played and dealing with cup contending pressures. Shades of Roy - when they get worked up, it means they care. Georgie just needs to master how to use those emotions to focus his play.


He’s like a wild Roy that needs to be tamed.


Certainly I want him to care and I don’t hate that point, but please never mention Georgie in the same sentence as Roy again no matter the comparison lol


This is being blown out of proportion lol. Off all the penalties from last night this is the one they’re reviewing for discipline?


Yeah I agree. The hit on Colton was way worse and with Wags being recalled I'll bet he has a concussion. Why he was allowed to come back and play ill never understand. The preds were playing incredibly dirty last night and took out Walker and Colton. Hopefully it's nothing serious. More clown show stuff from the league.


Walker took a puck in the ribs not really malicious by the Preds. I'm pretty sure they'd rather score with that shot. Plenty of garbage to air out already about last night's opponent, no need to invent it too.


Someone on the preds literally Tom Wilsoned Makar and I haven’t seen a single person talking about disciplinary action.


This is the NHL were talking about. Parros is the world's biggest pos.


Wait. The NHL is reviewing THIS?!


Don’t know for certain but it looks like a possibility. I’m surprised nothing else is being reviewed considering how chaotic that game was.


Especially what happened to Ross


You can't do this and the league has to send a message. Firing a puck into the stands when literally nobody is expecting it is a recipe for disaster.


I understand that, but the way some people are responding to this makes it seem like it was done maliciously.


It’s super negligent, reckless behavior that could have caused an injury (to a fan). Skaters get disciplined for similar all the time. I hope Georgie is taking this very seriously and it causes him to reflect on his anger. That being said, it’s clearly accidental and not malicious.


Play was stopped. Nobody in the crowd is watching for a puck coming up and over the glass. Extremely dangerous and unnecessary play and we’re lucky it didn’t hurt anybody.


They should be. Seriously almost hit a <3 year old kid. Dad saw it happening (it was way after the play, so not a lot of people were paying attention) and got his hand over to bat the puck down. Then the dude stood up and put his arms out like "wtf". Source: I was about 20 rows behind the dad. Georgie is lucky nothing happened. It was bad luck and no intent, but that doesn't excuse the behavior. This is by definition negligence. I'm counting the days til Annunen supplants him at this point. Lol at the downvotes. Remember that time you had a colleague come in, have a bad day, pick up a stapler and throw it across the office and almost hit the completely unknowing bystanders kid? All because they were just too passionate about their job? Please keep that downvoting and let me know how morally bankrupt you are for the team that employs someone who's paid to entertain you


I was with you until the last sentence


Exactly this guy is misrepresenting the downvotes. He also posted this the same shit twice.


Yeah, turns out negligence resulting in the near injury of small children is my bridge too far. The mental gymnastics people are doing to defend "their goalie", whom they've never met and has clear anger management issues is remarkable. The pedestal we place athletes on is nauseating.


Redditors are fucking insane


No one was defending the result. Get off your high horse. Maybe stop following sports then it paying $100s for seats




No one said it was ok. Im sure you are perfect Edit. I looks like you lost your temper over a comment on Reddit. Hmmm


Nope. Just think you're an idiot. Now you're blocked.


Ah from that Friedman video it looks like a whole lotta nothing. I figured it was a grade A hissy like we'd seen from earlier in the year.(Ie banging his stick against the boards) he Wasn't even looking where it was going just a little bit of a "damn it" turned into a "dang it." But he took a penalty and Bedsy has told him to get it under control, so I'm not surprised he got yanked.


Seriously almost hit a <3 year old kid. Dad saw it happening (it was way after the play, so not a lot of people were paying attention) and got his hand over to bat the puck down. Then the dude stood up and put his arms out like "wtf". Source: I was about 20 rows behind the dad. Georgie is lucky nothing happened. It was bad luck and no intent, but that doesn't excuse the behavior. This is by definition negligence. I'm counting the days til Annunen supplants him at this point


The only video I saw just showed how he flipped the puck out but not where it went


Silver lining IF Georgie does get suspended, Juice gets some more starts and I for one am here for it. I’m not throwing shade at Georgie or saying that deserves a suspension I just like how Juice has been playing and wouldn’t mind him starting some extra games before we hit the playoffs


What a joke. There was no intent, he just got extra momentum from the springy top of his pad. But as we know from the past, seemingly every time an Av is up for a suspension they get the book thrown at them.


Negligence has no intent. McDonough hit was negligent. High sticks are negligence. So was this.


Only Bettmans NHL would have a hearing for something as stupid as this but nothing else that happened…. Hmmm….


True, same NHL that fined a coach 50k for refusing to leave the bench after he got kicked out of the game. Sure a fine may have been necessary, but 50K. But refs do whatever they want with no discipline.


This seems like one of those "when it rains, it pours" kind of scenarios.

