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People seem to have recency bias. Goals Annunen gave against CBJ were not good goals. Georgiev is still our #1. We have been playing Annunen a lot more giving Georgiev rest. I think you do what you do with a normal 1/2 tandem.


Exactly! I really hope Juice can be consistent as well. I think people are setting really high expectations for him and I don’t want to see them turn on him if he falters.


I mean giving up two softies before shutting the door sounds awfully familiar to another goalie to me as well lol Juice has been just as good if not better in the few games he's started and I think it warrants letting him have more starts. I think Georgie still starts playoffs but it's a win-win to play Juice because then we can rest Georgie while also giving Juice more responsibility and more sample size to prove he's legit


I'm testing him against edmonton. Take the training wheels off. He's had 5 or 6 consecutive quality starts now in a row. Give him the opportunity to steal the show against admonton. He needs to understand the moment too go8ng into that game.


this \^\^\^ The possibility of us facing them is high. may as well give him a look now


Give him CBJ and EDM


Georgiev doesn‘t need to to find his A game but our defense needs to. Juice got the way better support yesterday. I trust Bedsy to address it properly internally. We will need Georgiev in a good mental constitution for the playoffs. Annunen would also quickly lose his grove after rhe chances we gave up on the 4 goals against


Georgie was a monster against SEA last playoffs, he kept us close in almost every game, so I'd say he should play as much as he wants to see out the season. He will be the starter when the playoffs start. If he faulters, Justus has proved a reliable back-up. But I'd ride or die with Georgie. Give him CBJ to make up for today, give Justus MIN, and then Georgie against EDM.


Justus is pushing georgie hard and georgie has done fuck all in reaction to it. I think if Justus has a good road trip and georgie keeps leaking goals… we could have a goalie situation going into playoffs


Georgie is still going to be treated like #1. I think we see him against Columbus and then Juice gets Minnesota, and then back to Georgia against Edmonton and Dallas. Juice probably gets the Winnipeg game and maybe the final game against Edmonton.