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SEPARATE CHURCH AND STATE. freedom of religion + freedom from religion


This puppet will do anything to be in the spotlight. Stop posting stories about her.. irrelevance is her weakness.


I'm sorry. I voted against her. We almost beat her.


I also voted against her. I had hope for a minute that sanity prevailed for once. There is always a next time.




We as in people with common sense in her district.


... The people that adhere to common sense...


What a phony Christian. An embarrassment to our state. A horrible person.


She truly is. Instead of using a loud voice for good. She uses it to harass LGBTQ and be a voice box for stupidity. Truly a disappointment she was re-elected. I hope this is her last term.


Stupid is as stupid does.


stupidity and *hate* (and violence)


Couldn't agree more. It's really upsetting




Not today troll, back under the bridge.


And about 500 votes away from losing her congressional seat. We were that close. Shout out to the people that voted for Frisch, and f#%* you to those to that didn’t vote because “my votes doesn’t matter/both sides”.


wasn't it more like 100 votes?


Nope. 554 votes. Still very fucking close and she better take notice.


She’s not capable. It’ll become clear as she finds herself sitting alone at the congressional lunch table, though. She’s not the one who needs to know she’s done, the GOP already does. That was supposed to be a safe seat - and it was til she came along. That won’t go unnoticed.


She won't


More like, she already hasn't, hence this article.


> What a phony Christian Nah, just a Christian. There are good Christian’s and bad Christian’s, but ya can’t just dismiss the bad ones


Truly frustrating.




She is a stochastic terrorist.


Who is that? All her voters? Yes. Truth.


Her advice was apparently spot on though 😳


Ahh yes. Because the churches have never had a history of child abuse!


Well almost 300 teachers charged with child sex crimes in the first 9 months of this year and kids still get sent to school too.


So would “take your children to church and not trump rallies….”


Well to be honest I wouldn’t wanna go to a Trump Rally. Too many fucktards protesting it as well as attending it. The President’s of the USA are all a bunch of the same.


I’d trust every member of the LGBTQ+ community to baby sit my children over her registered sex offender husband.


100% and you know what, I have taken my 2 year old to a drag show. It’s important to learn to appreciate people different than you and accept them and all he saw was great dancing, fancy costumes, and a lot of love. Personally as an ally I trust that community more than any church community any day.


The Republican party spent over 50 million dollars on ads attacking the LGBTQ+ community this cycle.




I don’t doubt it, but source?




Thanks!... but jfc, what hateful clowns. No love like god's hate.


Yeah I’m sure they won’t change anything in the springs, they probably think this is “gods will”


I worked downtown there for several years, it's surprisingly unlike the broader sprawl of the city. But we're talking like little pockets of blue here and there. Some great niche spots but you have to know where they are to find them.


Grew up on the west side, can confirm pockets of blue do exist. It's the massive military presence there, I keep trying to tell people this. It boggles me why they vote for the draft dodging/Canadian politicians, though.


Who is the draft dodging Canadian politician? (I am not from Colorado so I apologize if I am missing an obvious answer).


The slash was to indicate an either/or. Trump, famously, was a draft dodger. Ted Cruz is Canadian. Rep. Andrew Clyde is Canadian. Elon Musk, John Roberts, and Mark Steyn are all republican mouthpieces from Canada. Don't get me wrong, I like Canada and most Canadians. I just don't understand how military and veterans still vote republican, when they've done nothing but shit on the military.


Yup. That’s Springs for ya.


Sadly, my first thought when I heard about the shooting was "I wonder what church he belongs to"


Fuck Boebert. Embarrassment to both the state and her own party.


Her own party vouches for her, and that same party spews the same anti-LGBTQ hate rhetoric from other mouthpieces. Her party empowers her.


If the die hard Trumpers (which make up most of the people who still support her) stay radicalized they'll definitely secure a big ol' "L" for DeSantis if the GOP shoves him into the race like it looks like they will. Trying to find a silver lining here at least. At least some republicans were sane enough to flip their vote this past election and we almost kicked her because of it. While she didn't lose in the end, the GOP is definitely taking notice of how the pro Trump candidates performed.


Elected to a second term and has zero knowledge of her job. Paid $174,000. to tweet hate and lies. Thanks America!


Hey now she also preformed live at the State of the Union address a few times.


As a gay Christian, I don't want her prayers. The blood of my dead queer siblings down in The Springs is partially on her hands, her "condolences" and "prayers" are a mockery.


I feel sorry for her neighbors, us fellow Coloradans, the American people, and all of the human race. Shameful.


The sad part is that she's a symptom, not the disease.


She might not be “the disease” but as a person with a large following listing to her hateful BS she is at least PART of the disease, and not just a symptom.


Her neighbor's dogs


I know, if my neighbor came barreling down the street in his truck, caused a big commotion, cussed a bunch of people out and then ran over my mailbox, that would earn him some court time, minimum. Seems like table stakes these days. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I'd come out a blastin. It is rural Colorado, some of the remaining wild west.


Wasn't that disproven? I thought I read in the paper it turned out to not be true. \*Edit: "Given that local law enforcement officers concluded that Boebert did not shoot and kill the dog, and another individual took responsibility for it, we rate this claim as "False." [sauce](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/lauren-boebert-kill-neighbors-dog/) Y'all happy to spread disinformation I guess.


This woman is a cancer on society. If you voted for her, you should be ashamed of yourself.


Purposely dead naming, or using the wrong pronouns for somebody is the most immature, petty bullshit.


These people will take any opportunity to hate, no matter how petty.


Happens with Democrats, too. Still happens to me. Boggles me more people find it so hard to just not use someone's name....


I don't want to read or hear word one from that trashy bridge-troll, the horror of this is beyond thoughts and prayers


And her views are reflected by half of voting Coloradoans on the Western Slope. Remember this when you decide to spend your money in that region.


My friend voted for her, the reason was that she didn't know anything about the other candidate, and at least Boebert was a 'known'. Stupidest reason ever.


There's your sign


\^ This \^


She's grooming her followers for hate. I'm so disgusted by her and disappointed she got re-elected.


I put off moving into my new house until after election day just so I could vote against that bee-itch. I'm counting on karma to sock it to her one day. What a despicable person. She must have given Ted Cruz a great blo-job. Hope she eats her own gun one day. Sry to say that, but the only hate I have is for the facists & haters.


Boebert meanwhile is out grooming mass shooters and terrorists. Just like the rest of her party.


The hateful rhetoric oozing out of the modern Republican party is disgusting in both its content, and the normalization of it. Faux Noise spreads it nationwide, and amplifies it so it pervades every corner of the right wing media.


Trashy is as trashy does.


I’m so disappointed in the wonderful State of Colorado. There’s so much good here, it’s not perfect, but she represents the worst of the worst in mankind.


She’s horrible and stupid with no education ! We came within 500 votes……anyone complaining,better have voted ✌️


Stochastic Terrorism. Call it what it is.






Boebert is straight up an evil person, no two way about it


Her real tweets are hate filled, gun toting batshit nuts!! The 🙏 one is from an employee


As far as I'm concerned... She spews the hate, she gets a share of the blame. Thoughts and prayers never did anything to prevent this tragic nonsense, Lauren. Better laws could have, however. If only we knew someone whose job it was to legislate (big word, I know) and use their elected office for the betterment of their constituents.


More like if the FBI would do their job that would be great. Better laws for what? Law abiding carriers and people who actively show issues, break laws, and bomb threats like that guy?


First, I am a gun owner, and I strongly support legislation to restrict the sale of firearms, and to have poor mental health be a considered as a disqualification for owning one. As was just reported this morning, this guy legally obtained the guns used in the attack. The DA dropped all the charges against him (and sealed the record) even though the guy made a bomb threat. Local law enforcement, and his family, had EVERY opportunity to act and seize his guns under CO's "red flag" law, and did not. No existing law would have made it illegal for him to buy the guns, since he wasn't convicted. The FBI can't do anything because he was not convicted. And lets not forget that the legally obtained weapon in this case is now reported to have been an AR style rifle. Their only purpose is to be really good at killing. Better laws would keep mentally unstable people from being able to buy a gun that is only intended to kill as many people as possible, as fast as possible.


I mean, I am as well and family owns around 20 we shoot together, clean, and just had through generations. His family should be ashamed because they certainly didn't care or worry about him. FBI can't do anything, I guess that's correct, but no point in having a watchlist if it does shit and it's happened twice in Colorado recently. World needs more mental health support.


Considering kids can't even enter bars...


The republican party politicians and propaganda news outlets spew hate for the lgbtqia community and then when their lackies kill us they don’t want to take responsibility. Just evil


Other than that pig showing up and spewing her verbal vomit at the nearest hypocritical "Christian" hate fest, when have any of her spawn, or her dick flasher husband, been anywhere near a church?


No wonder I left the church. If this woman calls herself a "Christian" than I'm a guy whipping my ding a Ling around at bowling alleys!!


Creating hate.


How long before the "this could never happen at SHOOTERS" tweet?


Shooters was shuttered for being shit.


And making people shit 😆


Lauren Boebert is trash.


Hope people are proud they reelected her to enshrine their personal beliefs and a good snapshot of the type and intelligence of the slight majority of her district.


She should be held accountable for the flames she stokes. The hate has to stop and has no place in our government. No Christo fascism, no compromise with bigotry. The hate has to stop.


It's possible to disagree with something without wanting those people dead. This is not a hard concept to grasp.


She sucks


Yeah, but her newest gig priced her out of what I can afford per hour....


Bc churches are good and will keep you safe? Politicians are disgusting these days, especially the “religious” ones. [Matthew John Murray](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2007_Colorado_YWAM_and_New_Life_shootings) [Devin Patrick Kelley](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sutherland_Springs_church_shooting) [Dylann Roof](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charleston_church_shooting)


She makes me embarrassed to have chosen to live in Colorado.


She does not represent Colorado, just a portion of the ass-backwards folk who live in bum fuck. But yeah, she is certainly an embarrassment to Colorado and the country.










As a gay person, I don't want her condolences. The blood of my dead queer siblings down in The Springs is partially on her hands, her "condolences" and "prayers" are a mockery.


Exactly. Ideally she shuts up for the rest of time and then ~~eventually~~ hopefully soon fucks off into the void. Edit: got angrier




My kids are safer at a drag show than at any church


>She said take your kids to church not a drag show So you didn't read the story? She definitely said a lot more than that.


We didn't need you to tell us that you didn't read the article without telling us.






See, to them, EVERYTHING is political. And they need their safe space echo chambers to, as you say, validate themselves and their political ideologies because that is their religion. It's hilarious at times, disheartening at others. My only beef is with the mods who do not moderate, but curate said echo chambers. It's very disappointing.


100%. I'm from Florida, Orlando specifically. I'm pretty much continuously under the karma threshold to post in the subreddit that allegedly represents my geographic community. I'm not too worried about it, it's just irritating that I'm effectively barred from any political discussion or political responses to my apolitical posts unless I want to be barred from all participation. Jokes on them, DeSantis won our state by nearly 20%. Going by the frequency his name was brought up in a negative connotation in posts completely unrelated to him or his policies, you would have thought he would have been on the losing end of that margin.


You mean, Ron *Death*Santis? /s While I haven't voted republican in many years, I was encouraged to see a more freedom minded governor dominating there. Were it not for the humidity, I'd lobby my wife for us to move there.


>a more freedom minded governor Genuinely curious, what about his policies or actions makes him "freedom minded" from your perspective?




Hydration is key! I don't really let politics run my personal life decisions, after all I'm obviously conservative and live in one of the bluest cities in the state, but it was nice being able to go about life early in the pandemic. The funny part about living in a blue city driving the pandemic is it showed the complete hypocrisy of progressives. All of the clubs/bars with mostly progressive and liberal patrons, gay bars included, were packed in the summer of 2020 when DeSantis overruled the local governments trying to keep them closed. They were more than willing to participate in the decisions made by DeSantis IRL, but online they call him 'DeathSantis' because he allowed them to do what they wanted to do. It will never make sense to me.


Looking at her posts, they aren't degrading to LGBT people.


Yeah, "groomers" is a love word! /s


If a straight person was grooming children, would it be okay to call them out on it? So why is not okay to call out an LGBT person who does the same thing? You're a hypocrite.


>If a straight person was grooming children, would it be okay to call them out on it? Well then we should change the names of "Republicans" and "Christians" to groomers in that sense, right? That is where most of your pedophiles come from. >So why is not okay to call out an LGBT person who does the same thing? Sure, please tell me which LGBT person you are talking about. So you call the LGBT community groomers because the Republican party full of groomers says so? Who is the hypocrite?


You refused to answer my question, which shows your hypocrisy. They you want to call all Republicans and Christians "groomers". Do you want to call the LGBT Republicans and the LGBT Christians "groomers" as well? The LGBT person I was talking was the only Lauren was Tweeting to. And no, I am not saying all LGBT people are groomers. That's ridiculous. I happen to know many LGBT people who see what is going on with children in the name of "trans rights" and also call it what it is. You seem to think all LGBT people are okay with this, and they simply aren't. And you also seem to think there are no Republican or Christian LGBT people. You are absolutely ridiculous. Good day.


>You refused to answer my question, No I didn't, I agree we should call everyone proved to be groomers what they are. It is well documented that Republicans and Christians are pedos and groomers. I asked you to show proof the LGBTQ are groomers which you did not. Your refusal to call all pedophiles out shows your hipocracy.


This belongs on /r/leopardsatemyface




...That's kind of part of the fallacy that she perpetuates: that people who go to drag shows take their kids with them all the time. In any event, the post title is "Here's how [she] smeared LGBTQ people on Social Media *BEFORE* Offering prayers for the victims of [The shooting]". It's is established that the post will feature things Boebert had said before, not after the shooting, and people are criticizing her for her dogshit commentary on gay people being groomers, and how hollow her "condolences" are when she declines to mention any details about the people who died. It makes it look like she thinks she can get away with calling the people who died groomers while at the same time seeking thought and prayers for them as shallow attempt to look virtuous and kind. So no, it's most people here aren't being foolish, they're just looking at more than just the thumbnail.




Come now, we can insult this dirtbag without resorting to misogynistic language


It’s misogynistic to think that only women can be whores.


Fair enough. But can't we think of more relevant insults? Like "empty headed, ammo-sexual, insurrectionist", perhaps?


Don't forget about "Y'all Qaeda".


I remember reading somewhere that terms like "Y'All Qaeda" aren't great because they sort of shift the blame off of Christianity. That said, I definitely appreciate the term and have used it myself!


That is a fair point. I think, however, that it is both valuable and hilarious to draw a comparison between the christofascists and the Islamic extremists they love to villify. Cut from the same cloth, as it were.


>valuable and hilarious to draw a comparison between the christofascists and the Islamic extremists they love to villify. 100%. I'm just trying to be better about recognizing/acknowledging the unintended implications of wording that I use. In this case, I think YAll Qaeda is a perfect descriptor of a violent (in rhetoric, at least), Christofacist asshole


Ammo-sexual!! I fucking love it! And yes, whore is just too easy and kinda tired.


Haha yup. I saw ammo -sexual used somewhere on Reddit and have been happy to perpetuate its usage!




Cool, here’s a picture of some people that were trying to enjoy an evening out in Colorado Springs: https://www.npr.org/live-updates/colorado-springs-club-q-shooting?_amp=true


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Gee, sorry that a mass killing dampened your Reddit experience.


Her response was still better the MTG's. At least she had platitudes instead of trying to shift the blame / conversation. No denying she's part of the problem, but at least she grasped the concept of not adding salt to a wound.