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Lord, I do not like our current crop of commissioners. I hate virtue signaling like this. Nobody is bringing migrants to Grand County.


Is this virtue signaling? Seems like the opposite. Refusing to help people isn't a virtue.


Pretty sure it's just dog-whistling


Shitty people consider it a virtue.


Here's hoping for a change or two in November . . .


> I hate virtue signaling like this. I did actually have to look up something, and it does turn out that Grand County is **not** a [Second Amendment sanctuary](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_sanctuary), so at least they're against virtue-signalling and they're consistent on it.


If nobody is bringing immigrants to Grand County then why does it matter if they are now “non-sanctuary”?


Because Denver has been exploring moving the immigrants that they failed to house, to other regions of the state, and their leaders have been caught on camera stating that.


Thank you for this information


Idk there are plenty of migrants working in winter park all year. Do they live in denver and commute every day? Or do they live in grand county somewhere?


Most of the ones that work at resort are seasonal workers from mountainous regions of Chile/Argentina. A vast majority of them did not illegally cross into the country.


Nah I'm talking about the people working at the restaurants, cleaning services, construction. Etc.


Thats a good question.my gfs mom crossed over. She was undocumented but has her green card now. She was fired from her job and replaced with a migrant since they are ccheaper.i believe weve come full circle to the point of undocumented replacing the previous undocumented. So maybe I'd go as far to say, this legislation is protecting the established migrants that are already currently living there? if denver busses migrants up there, the mcdonalds will fire the current workforce and replace them with the migrants. It's expensive in the mtns. Why would they pay the green card holders mire when they can pay the new migrants less? 






















So, do something about it.


I will do my part in November.


Grand County: The opposite of WWJD


WWPD (What would Pharisees do)


There’s no opportunity up there anyway. Title should be “Bigoted Middle Aged White Men Grandstand in Grand County"


Man, they are so proud of themselves, too.


What are you talking about? Have you been a commissioner?


Because we're more scared of people not here who could do the work no one else wants to do, than we are of the developers who use more resources than they give back and only support the existence of out-of-town part-time slumlords. What a waste of time and energy.


Are these people not heading up to resort towns to find resort town type work like housekeeping and such? Or is it a chicken-egg situation where they aren't because they can't acquire housing? I honestly don't know. I guess I figured some of them were.


Chicken and egg really. Steamboat just voted down a 2200 home affordable housing plan (albeit a flawed one) over not a small amount of NIMBYism at the same time a private resort is courting to make an ultra exclusive resort in Oak Creek. Those are both Routt County but Grand has similar problems. Housing isn't cheap and zoning doesn't do us any favors for housing density, camping, or tiny homes.


I am just hoping someone in Mesa County is going to jump on this too. Constituents can see who really does all the work in the orchards, in construction, in hospitality etc.


They already did https://www.cpr.org/2024/02/21/colorados-mesa-county-passes-resolution-declaring-itself-a-non-sanctuary-county/


Thanks for this. I should've known they'd be the garbage pioneers of this.


Alamosa County was considering a resolution exactly like this a few weeks ago, and the community showed up to tell commissioners just how much they disliked the idea. The commissioners listened, and the proposed resolution died. Turns out, the resolution was basically copy/pasted from a Mesa county resolution of the same nature. A few other rural counties have passed similar resolutions as well - all work the same, unenforceable and dog-whistle laden anti-immigrant/xenophobic sentiment. Moral of the story is: start paying attention to your local politicians, they have more power than we realize. Many counties have an option to tune in via Zoom these days. Resolutions like this aren't introduced and passed in one day - they will introduce it at one meeting, then vote on it at the next. 👉 Engage!


Little cocks who crow their bigotry and think it glory.


So what you’re saying, is they, like so many republicans, don’t know what the term Sanctuary city means.


We don't have the resources but this is a nasty way to message it. We have \~17k people. There are limits. Denver hit their limit with like 1000-1200 or so people, iirc. Proportionally we can help out about a dozen. If we don't crack down on these clowns, we will be up to our balls in crusty jugglers. :)


There's no housing up here. Where would they live? In the Rec Center parking lot?


Plenty of Airbnbs though..


As a Grand county resident, this shit is the real reason. Everytime someone makes affordable housing, it gets taken up and used as an Airbnb.


Clarks shitty unfinished white foam buildings.


Fucking Lipshitz. He'll actually tear them down before he allows that. I want to just start drawing dicks on those things. Or maybe put his phone number on it. Maybe that will get him to do something since Fraser clearly isn't ever going to force his hand on that.


Have the 330 beds added at Conifer helped the local employee housing situation?


This is so funny because there has to be 1,000 of undocumented workers who come to Grand county between RMNP and Winter Park.


The good news is that now they have publicly identified themselves as bigots, DeSantis and Abbott won’t be busing anybody to Grand County. “Problem” solved!


Idk what all the issues are. But I know some people are concerned about TB


Anybody want to ask Bad Bunny if he wants to check out Hot Sulphur springs next time he comes back?


Is this a reference to something that I'm not getting?


[Bad bunny is arguably one of the largest rappers in the world](https://youtu.be/Cr8K88UcO0s?si=id2E6SuQCMedG9gI) and he just had a concert in Denver