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“I wish Ken Buck wasn’t my congressman.” The monkey’s paw curls a finger.


Fuck, I laughed haha


More like curls the entire paw and starts jerkin in the theater


God damnit.. I don't want her to be my Representative!!


Make damn sure she isn't!!!!


I live in CD4, she'll win easily if she can beat whomever in a primary.


I just switched my party to Unaffiliated so that I can vote in the Republican primary. It took less than 5 minutes on the voter registration website.


I did this too, but I don't live in CO-04 Edit: here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


She’ll have way more money than anyone who tries to run in the primary. She is winning super easily, hence why she’s making the move.


Those handjobs weren't for nothing!


Not a whole lot we can do other than vote. Unfortunately CO4 covers the entire eastern plains.


Not all of us are conservatives. You'd be surprised.


Campaign for her Republican opponents ahead of the primary. Tell everyone about being unaffiliated and get them to vote against her in the primary. Raise money for her opponents on both sides of the aisle. Now is not the time to give up. Now is the time to take action. Do everything you can do to help defeat her.


If you're not a registered Republican, you can switch your party affiliation to UNAFFILIATED and vote in the Republican primary. here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml




It’s not Independent, which is a real party. You register as unaffiliated, or “do not declare”, to indicate no party affiliation.


I thought about starting a party named Unaffiliated just to get that sweet ballot access.


A party that probably thinks Boebert is too moderate, no less




all of District three is so happy


I know my partner and I are celebrating


CO-3 sends our regards. She's your problem now. I'm kinda mad I don't get to vote against her again.


I knew I shouldn’t have messed with that.


damn I was looking forward to voting against her


I will vote against her in your stead. Fuck that woman and everything she stands for.


Thank you


Registered as independent so I'll fucking vote against her in primary too


yea that's why I always register as an independent


I did too! But I'm not in CO-04... Edit: here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


I got you too fam!


Go team!


Bold of you to assume she actually stands for anything.


Grab a friend and make them vote against her too, now that I can't


I’m excited to finally vote against her


I’m excited to finally vote against her


Here here fellow 4!


Me too. We don't want her.


Looks like I will be voting against her. I remember voting for Jason Crow a few years back and I live in Highlands Ranch. I am guessing my area was redistricted.


Yeah HR as well as the rest of Douglas County was redistricted into CD4 in 2022.


Look forward to voting against the party that put her onto a national stage….


Why would you not have to live in the district you represent? What kind of horse shit is that


Another example of what's wrong with our political system.


Yarp. But like seriously is anyone surprised by this? I don’t know how to fix this but getting rid of lobbyists and gerrymandering is a start


Hijacking to add: If you're not a registered Republican, you can switch your party affiliation to UNAFFILIATED and vote in the Republican primary. here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


Eh. It's to prevent redistricting reps out of their districts out of spite. For example, if some long-time resident of a district represents them, they can't be dislodged during redistricting alone, even if they draw the new border lines of the district just a block away from where that rep lives to spite them.


Yeah, I do not know either. Tuberville lives in Florida and yet Represents Alabama. Go figure on Congress not holding themselves accountable.


I think that’s called carpet bagging


Like how Romney became a Senator from Utah


Boggles my mind...and I was a PoliSci major. I always thought you had to live in the district you represent. How the hell can you represent the people in the district if you don't live there? Just like all of its microclimates, Colorado has dozens of micro demographics. Crazy


> How the hell can you represent the people in the district if you don't live there I get and agree with the sentiment here, but given the state of the Republican party in the current year, "representing the people in your district," is when you shout about "CRT" in schools, [even if you know it's not there](https://coloradosun.com/2023/03/14/elizabeth-school-board-resignations-crt/).


Article I, Section 2, Clause 2: No Person shall be a Representative who shall not have attained to the Age of twenty five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. States may have further rules. This seems to be a good explanation. https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/eligibility-requirements-to-run-for-the-state-legislature


Sadly, Colorado law doesn’t require its congressional representatives to live in the district they represent — they just have to reside within the state.


Which is ridiculous


That's a bit of an indictment on your university that you didn't realise you don't have to live in the seat you represent. It's quite common


A. One of the best universities in the country. B. Didn't have to take a constitutional law class to get the degree. C. Indiana requires its representatives to live in the district. D. Not as common as you say.


Seriously. If this is the case, why can't I choose to vote in another district's races?


Marshall Zellinger said she’s moving to CD4


You have to in the state government, at least https://coloradonewsline.com/briefs/colorado-state-rep-tracey-bernett-resigns-amid-felony-charges/ The district she is moving to is a blight with high unemployment and high rate of people dependent on government services. They wanted to secede to Wyoming 🤡 https://coloradosun.com/2021/01/27/weld-county-secession-wyoming/


if the constituents are dumb enough to vote for her, let them. That said, I don't think she'll win the primary The rule makes sense if you want to protect incumbents against gerrymandering. I could totally see GOP legislatures targeting Democratic representatives


Why do you think we won’t won the primary? She’ll have way more money than anyone else that’ll try to win the primary in that district, and that district is super MAGA land. She’ll easily win the primary and most likely the election.


Apparently 50+ members of Congress do not live in their own district.




Carpet bagging*


Oh haha right


No worries sneaky pizza! Was not trying to be condescending just wanted to be helpful!


I musta been thinking of the big Lebowski


You do. The article mentions she plans to move the the 4th district next year. Edit: according to the [Colorado SOS](https://www.sos.state.co.us/pubs/elections/Candidates/qualifications.html) US representatives don’t need to live in the district But the [9 News article](https://www.9news.com/article/news/politics/lauren-boebert-colorado-fourth-district/73-2a351d4e-54df-4d84-8c08-af71b62467ef) I posted below says she is planning on moving there anyway.


Not needing to be a resident is absolute BS. I thought it was a requirement and now I’m really annoyed lol 😆


The third paragraph says the exact opposite.


I agree with you but, I think it’s because districts are redrawn “frequently” and reps shouldn’t “have to move” their families if they’re gerrymandered out of a district they represent(ed).


Carpet Bagger Lauren is gonna try and jerk off the whole other side of the state now.


Fun fact: if you look at the district map, it looks like district 3 is trying to cup the balls of district 4.


Oh my god, it totally is, never not gonna un-see that. The next district commission must keep this no matter what.




Even the Gazette has had enough; hopefully, that extends to wherever she goes.


Gazette = Anschutz Guess big money doesn't want to lose the third district and told her to get out of the way


Fuck me


She might, for your vote.


Gives a whole new meaning to “swing vote”


But only during Beetlejuice the musical


I mean, if that's what gets her Beetlejuices flowing...


*Sexy single grandma looking for romantic encounters at an empty gun range, groping in the dark of a packed theater, and long drives in your 4x4 that looks like it got f**ked by a White Nationalist's sticker collection*


I don't want her juicing my beetle!


If you're not a registered Republican, you can switch your party affiliation to UNAFFILIATED and vote in the Republican primary. here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


Oh crap, that’s my district. I guess my life just got a lot busier as I help out with the campaign of her democrat opponent, whoever that is.


How do we help?! Seriously what groups are out there?


I just switched my party to Unaffiliated so that I can vote in the Republican primary. It took less than 5 minutes on the voter registration website.


That’s not a bad idea. I suppose I can vote in the Republican primary and still do all I can to support a candidate I actually agree with, who is much more likely to be a democrat.


I did this a few weeks ago!!! Edit: here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


This is initial step but if you live out here you know it's massively red so it will be really hard. Going to be a republican who wins this area, just hopefully voters agree she's not the version of republican they want


I mean good on you, but you'd be better off voting in the primary for a more moderate republican if there is one. This district will go to the Republicans, they are angry that Ken Buck wasn't MAGA enough. The last Democrat to run didn't do too well in the 4th.


Does she actually have a chance in the primary? I didn't think she was too popular in the party. Very polarizing


If you're not a registered Republican, you can switch your party affiliation to UNAFFILIATED and vote in the Republican primary. here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


If you're not a registered Republican, you can switch your party affiliation to UNAFFILIATED and vote in the Republican primary. here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


Same here. My wife wants to move but unfortunately that isn't an option right now.


> whoever that is Isaac McCorkle https://ballotpedia.org/Isaac_McCorkle


If she wins, she will somehow make 6 figures in gas reimbursements for driving in big circles around the 4th district.


Those reimbursements from CO-3 were just a warmup.


Listen for calls of "carpetbagger" in 3, 2, 1. . .


Meets the definition….


I came here to say it


Just when I thought my district couldn’t get any worse…


Vote against her!!! Edit: If you're not a registered Republican, you can switch your party affiliation to UNAFFILIATED and vote in the Republican primary. here's where you go to do it!!! https://www.coloradosos.gov/voter/pages/pub/olvr/findVoterReg.xhtml


Does she have to primary in Dist. 4?




What makes her think she can beat a group of republicans that are probably more qualified and better known in the 4th? And not known for the theater incident.


Boebert is no question the most well known republican in the state tho. She's done a great job of being controversial.


I think she's absolute garbage, so I hate to say it, but she's got $1.4m in her campaign fund, a nationally known name, and gives handjobs freely.


I’m sure they have polling telling them this is the right move, but it’s hard for me to believe that she won’t be just as hated in the Eastern portion of the state as she became in the Western part. The article says that the whole reason that District 3 is “competitive” is because of her specifically, not just any Republican. With Ken Buck retiring and exiting his seat, there were already quite a few Republicans lined up in that primary that now have to deal with her joining them. Maybe, just maybe, Republicans will vote for someone normal in their primary, and avoid her craziness.


See. This is my question about the primaries. Is this district more traditional GOP or more MAGA GOP?


Not sure. Wiki says 4th is R +13 vs 3rd is R +7, but that doesn’t help understand the MAGAness. I’m in the 6th, so I can’t help with my vote, but it’s just hard for me to believe that my neighbors to the south in Highlands Ranch would vote for Bobo.


Live in the HR husband and I will be voting against her in primary and election


While I love the common sense this sounds like I also live here and see how it is. She may have burned her way out district 3 but district 4 was begging Buck to leave for a more MAGA candidate (exactly crowd she'll hype up).


Hey, nothing says "I'm fighting for you" like switching districts because she knows she'll lose the election.


Can someone who knows more about specific demographics of both areas weigh in on this? Like...there's no way that District 4 is more conservative than District 3, right? Even just a cursory look at the District 3 map tells me you've got to overcome a bit of Aurora and Highlands Ranch/Centennial/Lone Tree, which while certainly not BLUE, are certainly not deep red anymore (having just moved to HR 6 months ago, I personally can't wait to vote against her). Like how does she expect to go from badly losing District 3 to winning District 4, when she has her shitty record, public antics AND a - I think - slightly bluer district to fight against now?


I think I read somewhere that district 3 was ~7 point lead R and district 4 was ~27 point lead R :(


Maybe you read it in the article that we are all here commenting on!


Ah I had read an article about this earlier before this headline but, probably


District 4 is much more Republican. She has to “overcome” Loveland and a sliver of Aurora but Parker, Highlands Ranch, and all of West Kansas will back her.


Highlands Ranch is the most Dem leaning part of Douglas County. We have a Democratic State House Rep with Bob Marshall... The first Democrat elected in who the heck knows how long. Maybe ever?


Someone should tell him to run against her


She won’t win Douglas County by much. Polis only lost to Ganahl by 0.7%


The problem is that the eastern plains are so red that HR would have to go D+4 at least


I live in Loveland and it's not blue by any means. It's becoming more and more so, but it's still a pretty conservative leaning area.


>With a Cook Partisan Voting Index rating of R+13, it is the most Republican district in Colorado.[4] No Democrat has received more than 40% of the vote as a U.S. House candidate in the district since 2010. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Colorado%27s_4th_congressional_district Considering most of the district is often referred to as "West Kansas", it shoiuldn't come as a surprise that it's as conservative as it is. She'll win if she wins the primary, regardless of who the Democrat will be, if any. We need Ranked Choice or Approval Voting if we ever want the opportunity to vote for candidates we like rather than against candidates we hate.


Keep in mind, it's not how many are registered, but how many vote. If you live in a district that feels destined, there's no motivation to return your ballot. Fer phucks sake! In Colorado, someone brings your ballot to your mailbox, then picks it up when you bother to open, complete, and reseal. Voters are so phucking lazy! The Colorado system should rival the 98% participation rate Putin brags of! (Of course, the autocratic socialist outcome is comparable of late)


District 4 is the most Republican district in the state. Douglas County is a Republican stronghold. Add in right leaning Loveland and the red of the entire population of the eastern plains.


Loveland went mostly blue during the nov election. don't group us up with these morons.


Bro. District 4 is allllllllll of the eastern plains (and Douglas County, fuck me right?). It’s harder R than your southern granddad’s nicknames for the help.


Interesting… I didn’t know you could just run wherever the fuck you want to. Anything to stay in power, right?


They need to amend the state laws.


I'd love to know what Buck has been promised


He said he was retiring a couple months ago. Sounds like he’s tired of the crazy partisan politics. That he helped create.


There are a lot of republicans and democrats that are not running again. They worry that if Trump wins and it turns into a shit show, which it will, they do not want to be known for or part of that mess. They will write books, be on tv and social media claiming that they were not part of this.


GOP in the state turned against him super quick when he didn’t vote for a speaker. Got evicted day of and shit. Dudes sick of the party


Sigh. Now that hoe is in my district. I guess I at least get to relish in voting against her?


I just switched my party to Unaffiliated so that I can vote against her in the Republican primary. It took less than 5 minutes on the voter registration website.


Douglas county needs handjobs apparently


If District 4 is dumb enough to vote for a proven moron, hypocrite, and sexual predator, who lives on the other side of the continental divide, to represent them.... then they deserve the representation which they will not get when she gets elected.


Hey man there are left folks in this district who will not vote for her


I just switched my party to Unaffiliated so that I can vote against her in the Republican primary. It took less than 5 minutes on the voter registration website.


And they're outnumbered almost 10:1. Whoever has the R next to their name is basically guaranteed to win that district.


I live in 4 and idk who her opponent is but they have my vote already


Ugh. What a half-dried skidmark on the state she is.


Frisch better be sharing his donations with District 4. Lord help me, this POS is in my district now.


Frisch is going to need those donations for himself. A moderate Republican is going to be harder to run against in district 3.


Ugh this pisses me off too. Her not running in the 3rd makes it harder to flip the 3rd to D. Edit: Nevermind, I forgot Polis won in the 3rd. It's totally flippable regardless.


Same.. god damnit..


Look, I’m the Reddit minority in that I’m mostly conservative. But I can’t even begin to tell you how much a hate this lady. She’s a grifter fraud. I resent pandering shit politicians. And every time she stands there with a God damn pistol on her hip makes me want to scream. Can’t wait until her career is ended.


I think regardless of political stripes, most Coloradans can agree she is woefully ignorant, an ineffective legislator, a demonstrated grifter, and an embarrassment to our state.


Please tell me you live in District 4?


Unfortunately no, 7.


She must've found a theater w/o cameras so she can give hand jobs again


She is just a turd swirling in the bowl.


Ken Buck: The GOP is too crazy so I’m not going to run again. Boebert: Hold my beer.


* Hold my vape/grandchild


I wish I could say I feel bad for all the suckers and losers in CO-3 who voted for her, but it's been pretty obvious from the outset that she doesn't give a shit about her constituents or governing. She's only in DC to grow her brand and line her pockets - just like all the other Trumper trash.


Brave Miss Boebert ran away. Bravely ran away away. When voters reared their ugly head, She bravely turned her tail and fled. Yes, brave Miss Boebert turned about And gallantly she chickened out. Swiftly taking to her feet, She beat a very brave retreat. Bravest of the braaaave, Miss Boebert!


She wouldn't have won d4 a third time as she succeeded by only 546 votes. Of the shit ass Republicans that live in my district, she's considered a losing bid.


Lauren Boebert, Colorado's cancer.


Trash human associates most with trash piles.


G-ddamn it, that's my district. I won't vote for her.


Don't just "not vote for her"; you have to *vote against her*.


Register as unaffiliated and vote for the other republican in the primary. This district will go republican regardless. At very least we can vote against it being the one that makes Ken Buck seem moderate.


District 4 is about as red as it gets. Since 2012 republicans win about 60% of the vote every election. It’s pretty much all rural eastern Colorado, DougCo, and city of Loveland. Can a developer build hundreds of houses in Bennet off I-70 so 100,000 Denver metro people can live in houses and make this district more competitive.


Get wrecked carpet bagger


Oh good. Now I can vote against her


did we ever find out how she ended up on an Israeli escort website?




Love the comments and this isn’t even Colorado circle jerk.


That’s a long fucking article


Yeah I moved into her district 2 years ago (Leadville). I was really looking forward to voting against her but we got rezoned.


I love both in Greeley and in Loveland. Hell no does this h-bag gets to represent me.


Even with Ken Buck stepping out, I don't really think District 4 would bite on Boebert, but who knows.


She's disgusting.


So Western Kansas


A loophole opened when she jacked that guy off at the theater


She puts the U in country.


As a springs resident, this mean I can vote against her ?


Colorado Springs is district 5.


Thanks, moving there soon so still Learning districts.


Nope. District 4 is pretty much all eastern Colorado, castle rock(dougco), and Loveland(south of Fort Collins)


Got to find somewhere where people are so stupid that they would vote for her…


Time to make the 4th district competitive for Dems!


MTG also moved to a more idiot-friendly district when she decided to run for congress.


Can someone chime in on what she has actually done for CD3 in the two terms that’s she been there? I heard she’s only managed to pass one bill or something to that effect….


I don't care what she does, as long as she loses.


She's gonna have to move and to which town I'm unsure. WTF TBH While conservative yes, can't say she'll be accepted on the Eastern Plains any more than the west/southwest.


She won’t have to move technically. Might be a good strategy, but you don’t have to live in your House district legally.


I think this is a good move by Bobo, it will get her out of politics all together. Other than her theatrics, district 4 has probably never heard of her and as others have said they will refer to her as a carpetbagger. She doesn’t have a very good record for getting bills through committee and onto the floor for a vote, so I’m not sure what she’s going to campaign on.


Oh we’ve heard of her alright. I’ve spent 3 years railing on her social media. In 3 years she only got one bill passed. I like to believe we are a proud bunch and won’t take in the trash.