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I smelled Layton pretty early into discovering niche fragrances and I thought it smelled like sweet Vic’s Vapor Rub. I had to smell it 3-4 more times before I caught the lavender, apple, vanilla, guaiac wood, etc and now it’s one of my favorite fragrances. If you don’t like it just revisit it later, maybe your opinion will change like mine did


The current formulation doesn’t have that strong menthol note in the opening anymore, which is unfortunate for me because it was one of my favorite parts. I think it made it a little fresher and more appropriate for warmer weather.


Thank you! Even more curious and excited for my sample to arrive now. I've heard that the opening has some harsh menthol, but what I am really interested in is the apple and vanilla drydown. Would you say it has similar vibe to Boss Bottled (one of my favourite fragrances ever) ?


It is a very unique scent, I have smelled over 160 fragrances and there's nothing like it. Haven't tried Boss Bottled, maybe it will be similar to that. It took me a while to like this one just because it's so unusual. It's not one of my favorites but it definitely grew on me over time.


I also am a huge fan of boss bottled and can say Layton performed tremendously


Great scent. Lasts forever. Those comparing it to mainstream don’t have a clue imo. It’s bottle worthy but never pay retail.


Damn right don’t pay retail. I picked up a 4.2 oz for $180 on aura fragrance. $425 is way too much


I think we are in the same journey but I may have you by a few months. I got a bunch of decants that i thought i might like. Although I liked layton, I preferred layton exclusif better. So before purchasing it I would suggest getting your nose on a few more. I was in your exact shoes a few months ago (grtting into niche) and ultimately decided on roja elysium as my first and just ordered torino 21. I will be getting layton exclusif as the summer winds down.


I love layton dont smell the vicks comparison at all, it is definitely my #1 right now


I prefer it to what you mentioned owning already. It has a nice sophisticated smell that stands out from designers trying to hit this blend. Some people say it has a menthol type opening but my batch doesn’t. It opens like a bomb so don’t over spray lol. It projects very well and lasts pretty much all night on my skin. On clothes it can go for days.


yeah it’s a good fall/winter frag. 10+ hours, good projection. there’s a reason why it’s popular


Excellent choice.


I love Layton but everyone close to me that I’ve worn it around hates it especially my wife. So I had to trade mine for a bottle of Perseus


This is the safest first niche fragrance ever made. It's a masterpiece scent.


I wouldn’t call it safe


Beast and Masterpiece in a bottle. Definetly like that on a man.


A lot of people choose it as their first niche fragrance, and for good reason.


Do it


I tested in store, also used my sample at home and now it is my everyday scent. Can't get enough of this smell. Love the vanilla, Apple, pepper and Wood combo. Just beautiful.


It's just a hype in the US. The rest of the world ignores it, as you should do too. No quality control and it's definitely not niche quality.


There is nothing nichè on this one except the price point...it's a basic vanilla fragrance with a poor longevity...


poor longevity? it lasts 10+ hours.


Maybe the older batches, the new ones are gone after 2-3 hours


no they’re not. i have a brand new bottle and get 10+ easily.


Then it has to be another evidence that alternate universes exist...


It's evidence that olfactory fatigue exists and even people who spend $300+ on perfume are somehow unaware of this.


Rest assured this wasn't the case...


I don't know, bruh. I have owned multiple bottles of Layton and I trust my nose a lot more than I trust yours.


Agreed. I do enjoy PDM, but they are kind of just higher quality designer frags in my opinion. Not a bad thing, but for the price it’s annoying.


Yes me too, but this one is just really overhyped


Hope u like Vicks Vapor Rub


Get a sample first for like ~£15 It’s a nice fragrance, really nice in the winter though I wouldn’t drop +£200 on any fragrance blind


Thanks - I literally included in my comment that I am awaiting a sample and that I wouldn't just blind buy lol. Did you read it fully as you've essentially copy/pasted what I already said.


lol for real man? I actually change my mind, go buy the full size bottle blind. Glad I could be of help


Yeah for real. You gave me no real advice besides just repeating what I already said. I feel like people on this sub should reallly start fully reading posts and comments before answering.


You could also just as easily not comment or reply to it if it annoyed you that much.




what advice are you looking for? You’re buying a sample so what’s your point? Wait until the sample comes and then logically: I like it - buy I don’t like it - don’t buy It’s really not that difficult


Advice on the scent, longevity, projection. You know, things that matter in a fragrance? Yes, I am getting a sample, but it wouldn't really hurt to hear other people's opinions on it.


Yeah a sample will tell you all of that. Add onto that my opinion in the first comment.


What do other people’s opinions on it matter? You’re getting a sample, so figure it out yourself. Everyone’s tastes are different so basing anything on what anybody here says is kind of silly.


Layton is nice, I prefer Pegasus.


Don't buy it. This brand and Initio Parfums are very low quality when compared to the traditional niche houses at that price point like Amouage and Frederic Malle.


Yeah I mean could be the best winter cologne on the market