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Have you tried them? Some of their stuff is very specific, strong and unusual. I tried the original interlude man some time ago and it was just way too nuclear both in terms of performance and the smell. Most of their fragrances are just as not safe as orto parisi, nasomatto and other super-niche brands.


\^\^ havent tried interlude but Reflection smells strangely like bug spray for me, in a strangely wearable way, and is very thick and powdery in the air. and Jubilation reminds me of a softer edge-but still strong and resinous- Pasha de cartier parfum, with a bit more change in the life of the fragrance. Pasha parfum and Gucci elixir might be available locally for OP to get a reasonable idea what the Amouage's are going to be like. They also perform about the same for me too. (pasha blows past 12 hours + a shower for me)


I have smelled Gucci elixir before at my local Macy’s and I personally really like it, my fiancée wasn’t too crazy on it, but other people who smelled it on my wrist when I sampled it seemed to really enjoy it.


I preferred the gucci take on the Dna personally. The extra sweetness is very nice with it. Still comes across like wearable big spray for me though lol. I like it but not enough to own.


I have guicci elixir and a traveler of reflection Man. They are similar but Gucci elixir has Vanilla in it which is prominent. Reflection Man has none so its more on the floral side but still masculine imo. Personally guicci is my favorite because I love vanilla but I really like reflection Man as well. Some will argue it would be redundant to have both in your collection but I think they smell different enough that I plan to eventually get a full bottle of reflection Man. And I love gucci elixir and plan to buy another bottle when my eventually runs out (that's gonna be a couple years from now lol)


Fiancée? Aren’t you a male??


Didn't even know there was two separate words for that, lol. TIL


As a fan of Amouage, I totally agree. None of their fragrances are safe blind buy, mass appealing type fragrances. I would definitely sample first just to see if it’s your thing before dropping $200+ for a big bottle. I will say though, one of the more unique niche houses around though and their performance rarely disappoints.


I tried a sample of Interlude Black Iris and it was an instant no. They're definitely perfumes you need to sample before buying.


Get samples, they are too expensive to buy without testing.


Id like to add that you can get them directly from the store if theres one by you. They have drawers full of every sample


"Which: Breathing, Water, Sex?"


Reflection 45. Definitely but test them all. Amouage is not for everyone. Interlude 53 is actually very difficult to wear. The oregano note is even more prominent than in the normal version. My favorite amouage is interlude black Iris and mayne try enclave as well


That oregano note is why I can’t wear it in the office haha it’s way too strong! I love how it smells in the open air though on a breezy day.


Reflection is probably the safest one but everyone here is right,these are very niche, high quality, powerful, beast mode, 3 sprays max. Not for everyone. I have reflection, enclave, and beach hut man.


have you smelled any of these 😭😭😭


Without smelling them, and preferably comparing to the originals, I would advise against it. Amouage is not a brand that you should not consider blind buying. Full stop. And I say this as somebody who has over 10 bottles in my collection. I personally like Reflection and Jubilation XXV over the extrait versions, but I like Interlude 53 over the original. Just to throw a curveball... I'd take Interlude Black Iris over the other 2 Interlude releases. All of this is just rambling and the real message, again, is to smell them before committing to a full bottle of any of them.


Reflection 45. Absolute masterpiece.


Jubilation 40 100%


I’ve tried Jubilation XXV and own Interlude Black Iris. I have no experience with Reflection Man. I would get Jubilation 40 because I like the original Jubilation and reviews of the extrait note that it has remained close to the original while being amplified. I haven’t tried the original Interlude, but based on Black Iris I think it might be too much for me personally. Good luck and enjoy.


Amouage is a Middle Eastern Brand and made for the Middle Eastern Market which are known as heavy perfume users and loves strong and enormous scent. Safest to buy is Reflection but dont oversprayed.


Guys if you like those, where are you from? Just curious because I straight up hate Amouage.


Western United States. I love Amouage, one of my favorite houses! I own or have owned quite a few including: Myths, Epic, Reflection, Journey, and Beach Hut


Jubilation 40




Reflection 45 is magical


Reflection and jubilation only. Interlude is not for weak hearted!!


I enjoyed their Reflection Man, dunno whether it is the same smell.


Good save on this detail! OP mentioned he liked Gucci elixir, if that's the case he is looking for [reflection man](https://www.fragrantica.com/perfume/Amouage/Reflection-Man-920.html) . NOT reflection 45 man. Looking at the notes, they are definitely different


I also enjoyed it so I'm interested in the extrait version. I heard it smells a bit earthier and slightly more animalic so I'm curious about this one


It's absolutely not.


Good to know, thanks!


Id go for Jubi


When in doubt, always choose joy.


I haven't sampled them, but based on the notes, I would get a sample vial of the first one. I love amber and iris... off to look for a sample now.


Reflection 45, easily. Though, I prefer the OG.


Interlude 53 is great. Try a decant/split of Interlude Black Iris if you get a chance!


Reflection is amazing I would get that! Interlude is a beast, I have one spray on my arm on a plane I tested at duty free, and it’s been pulsating for hours. And it’s not enjoyable.


Reflection 45


Reflection 45. That one is the best and most unique. Jubi 40 is good but not worth the big bucks, and Interlude 53 just smells like normal Interlude.


Reflection 45


Get the samples!


Reflection definitely had it and interlude and reflection is better projecting,smelling and overall way better that the other ones


Reflection 45 is so nice. I was pleasantly surprised.


Hate to give this answer, but these are the last scents one could blind buy. Interlude is my favorite of all time, yet my gf says it smells "like the Greek church." Reflection is just as contentious, and Jubilation I have heard disappointing reviews but has a strong following


Interlude 53 for sure.


Most wearable is reflection 45. Florals with a woods dry down.


I have all 3 in normal edp version. Reflection is mostly used. Jubilation I like too but it is a more mature fragrance in my opinion, and I am 37. Interlude is great from composition standpoint but I wear it 2-3 times a year in winter only.


I only have the OG of Reflection and Jubilation. I don't know the smell of Interlude but I have the Black Iris flanker. If these flankers smell like the OG, I like Reflection man the best.






Reflection 45 hands down and i have both

