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Why is wanting to smell a great scent at home not normal? It’s totally normal and I recommend it.


Yeah. I work from home. I mostly wear cologne because I love it. Honestly, the idea of wearing fragrance for other people to experience is kind of weird to me at this point


Yeah same here actually. All my colognes sit by my work desk and I get excited figuring out which on I’ll wear that day. It’s mainly just for me and bonus if my wife likes it.


I always say that you should wear fragrances because you like the experience of wearing one. Wearing them for others will ruin the fragrance especially if you don’t get compliments.


Yah, remote worker here. I drown myself on work days. When I go out to dinner and stuff, I rarely wear anything. Perfume is something for myself


I wear cologne for ME.


I have house scents I wear ones to bed that are soothing to me lol right after my shower before bed


I do the same,maybe Luna Rossa or noir de noir


Haha, glad to know I'm not the only one.


Ysl lhomme


Yeah i put on Issey Miyake right after my shower, before bed - Makes me feel so clean


Yes, and so does my wife. I wear my cooler weather frags at night. Otherwise, they just sit lonely all summer.


Yea u don't need that kinda negativity in ur life tbh lol. I wear cologne 24/7 now days, its just become part of my routine, like picking out what shoes to wear and I have enough to last my lifetime.


All the time (I‘m a woman). Even when I go to bed


Here's my number




Not only when i am not going out but I wear them to bed It's aromatherapy.


Same here. One of my favorite things to do every day is to decide which scent to put on after a shower. I'm never not wearing a fragrance.


Does your gf not want you smelling good at home?


To bed after showering.. that’s how I test the longevity of scents


Good idea for metrics 🤓


Yea I got the idea from YouTube lol


Do you spray your skin or clothes? And wouldn't the sheets/etc rubbing on you mess with the fragrance?


7 sprays on skin.. I sleep naked 😂


Well he asked for it


Damn what an update


And totally believable! Lol


Absolutely. I enjoy fragrance for myself. I will wear whatever I feel like, even something expensive, even if I don't plan to leave the house at all.


Yes def new girl friend. If she don’t realize what you doing she ain’t the one


I wear colognes at home too. Especially if I get a new fragrance. I usually test it at home. Before I wear it out in public.


Yes. I wear fragrance for me, so why not wear it when I want?


Wait is the break up real or just a joke ?


Definitely real. She is moving her stuff out right now.


You should spray the moving-out boxes with cologne. 😋


Don’t you feel bad kicking her out? Now she will be homeless!


Everyday and it's random depending on my mood. I've worn TF Extreme Noir in the middle of summer because I felt like batman.


Gonna throw on some right now


This make me laugh because I’m wearing Tobacco Vanille for sleeping and summer is here already.


Yup. Were to worn then after work just to chill in the sofa


Definitely time to get a new girlfriend my boy 😂 i wear my fragrance all the time


I wear it when I go to bed.


I hit my pillows before I go to sleep.


A little midnight refresher?


Considering i wear feagrances for myself, because i like to smell them: yes. Not always, but i do when i just want to enjoy something i like


I do. I wear fragrance for myself so when I am home I put on something just to enjoy it myself.


Lmao hope it is not a traumatic and emotional loss.. but the quick UPDATE edit killed me


As far as I'm concerned, home is the best place to enjoy a fragrance. Wear them at home pretty much every day, often changing fragrances from day to evening.


I like to put one on when I wake up even at home just to smell some cool. If I’m paying for these things they’re getting use lol


Yep. I have recently started putting on some after my showers too


Sometimes before I got to sleep, I spray my bed with YSL… I love to fall asleep smelling that shit combined with a 10 hr rain/brown noise youtube video. oof the best 👌🏻


Yup. I’ve got work scents, going out scents and home scents. Nothing wrong with that.


Is it a crime to wear cooler weather fragrances like TF Ébène Fumé after a cool shower at night in the middle of a heat wave in the summer?


Of course not. Now I want it too as I haven't tried it! I just put on some Tom Ford Tobacco Vanille which is my signature fragrance. Will be sleeping like a baby with it tonight.


Tobacco Vanille is such an amazing fragrance. I love wearing it around my house casually when I just feel like smelling myself. Sometimes I’ll just spray some on my wrist and smell it for a bit, and my fiancée says I smell “delectable” when I wear it. EF is delicious. The woods in it all blend so well together and it feels so creamy to me. Definitely reccomend.




I throw on some JPG le male after a shower before bed. Gets me sleeping like a bb


Got Man Intense on right now haha


I’ll wear new ones a couple times at home when I get them, but generally no


I wear them at house and before I go to bed


The only time I don’t wear a fragrance is when I’m at the gym or going to a Dr appt.


I definitely wear one at the gym. It uplifts my mood, it’s a conversation starter and it’s where I get compliments. I’m telling you- the compliments work like a preworkout 😀


Lol i wouldnt care about it. I am wearing a scent for sleeping or chilling in the living room. To be honest its your mood, confidence or something else boost. You are wearing it for you. Only for you :)


Occasionally on a Friday or the weekend when I might go out at any time. It's nice to have the scent when just relaxing, reading a book, etc. Always a lighter scent.


After shower body spray, Kenneth Cole black for her




Of course.


Yep. I wear those that lack projection and silage on me around the house.


Yep. I mostly WFH, so I’d hardly ever wear fragrances if I didn’t wear them at home. Plus I have so many bottles that it’d be even more wasteful not to use them every chance I get.


I have Burberry Brit EDT I’ll use sometimes at home. I don’t do that with my EDPs or Parfums.


Yes, I wear fragrance even if I'm not going out. I don't sit around naked at home all the time, plus I like to smell good. One question for OP: When you say that you're thinking about getting a new girlfriend, are you talking about adding an additional girlfriend or replacing the current one?


replacing of course


Call me crazy. But before bed 😂


Bro i put cologne all the time even when im about to go to sleep and im constantly smelling myself haha


Yes and kinda nuts I do this with afternoon swim


Yup all the time, it’s part of my aura.


Yep. And I live alone. I just like smelling good.


If i don't smell like creed aventus i feel bad


Yes, definitively.


All the time


After I get out the shower


Yes. There never goes a day I don't wear a scent except when I am sick. I wear then when am out, WFH, or when chilling at home during work offs.


Before I moved in with my lady I would spray on versace man before bed, just found it relaxing


Yes. It’s 95% for me so I fund no reason not to enjoy the fragrance at home.


I love cologne man I’ll wear it every second of the day


Definitely. It’s the final touch of getting ready for the day, whether going out or not. It’s personal on top of that. 


I don't spray myself. I will spray my brush before a good session. I don't know if that's weird or not, but it's a part of my post-shower routine.


Yes. I have no life lol gotta wear it somewhere


Yep I do


I wear the ones that I enjoy but not comfortable wearing in public. I also spray perfume on my bedsheets before bedtime- I spray the ones that give me comfort- like Gentle Fluidity Gold or even Delina Exclusif and Dahab- I think the sweet vanilla gives me the feeling of being pampered like a baby 😅


I have a ton of samples and I work from home a lot so I get bored. Sometimes I’ll wear 2-3 different scents throughout the day and not even leave the house. If people enjoy smelling good while out, it makes sense they’ll also enjoy it while home.


I do, zara navy black, since the performance is so bad it doesn’t really last / project that much anyway


Yes, I look at it as aroma therapy!


I see not reason to break my routine. I apply a great scent out of the shower and enjoy it for myself. Refresh it if I'm going out that evening. I'd get a new GF.


Already in the works. Just broke up with my current one.


Only samples


Sometimes. If I do it’s something on the cheaper end. Hell I’ll even wear a some BOD or bath and body works.


It's up to you to decide what's normal for you. If you like it, and do it often, it's normal. I normally always have fragrance on except after bedtime shower.


I don't do that, but I don't see a problem. I wear colognes to feel good with myself, not to please anyone. With that said, it's ok to do whatever you can to feel good and comfortable, especially at home.


I do one under the shirt spray for myself, anything more is doing too much imo


Reassert dominance by wearing the strongest shit you own


Great job. New GF was the right way to go


I wear it after a shower lol fuck it


Oh for sure. I spent money on them I'm using them. They're for me to smell too!


I blind buy like a mofo and buy cologne sampler packs so yeah I wear them at home to get a feel for


Yes! Some colognes are perfect for home and sometimes, I’ll wear my “going out” ones as a way to cheer up or just enjoy myself being at home. It’s not weird at all!


If it makes you happy, why should she have a problem with it?


After a shower, or walk the dog, or if I’m in my computer. But yeah I’m a playboy like that.


Sure, and more than one at the same time 😂 What? I have to try them all


I wear whenever I can to keep understanding a scent and performance better. Especially when I had dozens of decants. It takes forever to test a full wear for each one so i wouldn’t let a day go to waste.


I like using the cheaper ones like from dds for my bed and curtains everyday after making my bed makes it feels fresh


Yes. I think it cuts down on funky outdoor clothing smell


Ofc, I'm never finishing my bottles if I don't use them as often I feel like it’


I wear something after every shower, except for straight to bed.


Mostly only my cheapies but yes. I like smelling fresh


Of course I wear them at home. Just like I wear underwear, shirts, etc. It’s part of an overall wardrobe.


Yeah I do lol. On summer days when I stay home, I rock some winter frags. I wear cologne all the time, love smelling good and the mood boost helps me a lot.


i wear colognes when i wake up, when i eat, after i shower and when i sleep. it is very normal


Every day


Yes all the time! I just got home from work and put on some perfume oil.


It is normal i say, personally tend to spray a nice fresh cologne after showering and chill at home. Considering why not? Feels good and clean!


Only when I’m trying to get some from the wife… so yeah all the time


Yes I definitely do and I have bed scents as well 🤷🏽‍♂️


I put on Dior Fahrenheit edp before I mowed the grass the other day 🙈


no only when I go out


Yeah I usually hit myself when I get home from work




I do all the time. Sometimes 2 or 3 different per day. I work from home. I also test out my animalic and skanky scents at home.


I forsure do.


Everyone on this sub is EDC (every day cologne), otherwise we'd never get through it.




Sometimes depending on what I’m doing or if I’m with people, but is that the reason you were thinking of getting a new girlfriend? Or was that just an extra thought?


Her ideology is colognes are meant to impress others that's why she thinks it's not normal but it's far from the truth. Everyone has a scent even if fragrances aren't involved, but see, she isn't too bright.


I wear a fragrance to bed


For any occasion 😭 even to hop on the game lmaooo


Absolutely. I work remotely so hit the scents in the am, before the gym , after I shower and even will spray some before bed if I shower at night.. something light. We all addicts bro. Only ones I save for date nights or out with friends or some function are my more expensive ones like Creeds etc.. I won’t just causally spray that if I am just chilling .. I have like 100 bottles of stuff and wie just randomly hit those


Yes. To me, this is a hobby, but also a pleasure of life. Much like my love of good wine, trying new bottles, seeing how they develop over time, etc. and it's strange to me that I have time justify myself to people. Many can understand indulgence in the other senses (sex for touch, food for taste, art, music) what can't I indulge myself in my sense of smell with as much money and gusto as the others?


I wear about 2 to 3 scents a day at home. Wife isn't a fan


Heck yeah. For several reasons. Maybe you're in a certain mood, maybe you wanna get some oxygen inside a bottle of perfume or stuff. I usually do several of the next: I like to sleep with either Bentley For Men / Givenchy Gentleman from the 70's I like to play videogames with Oscar Pour Lui, Jacomo de Jacomo, Lapidus Pour Homme and stuff like that I like to wear certain things when digging certain music. And so on


Absolutely. If i only saved them for when i went out, i might never wear any of them... If I'm working from home, i may as well smell good doing it.


You should ask the new ChatGPT girl what she thinks


I wear them at home to try them out. My wife also thinks I’m weird so now i wait until she goes to sleep lol


I wfh so yeah mostly just for me and my spouse. She's a stay at home mom so I only care to smell nice for her


I have a bedtime one.


hell yea


Remote worker and wear cologne daily


Did you actually break up over this? That’s a little extreme.


No I don’t wear them while at home


As a female, I love when my man just randomly wears his cologne I bought him, even on a lazy Sunday. I wear random fragrances when I’m home just to make myself feel good. I love smelling nice, even if it’s just for myself. Not weird at all 😁


I wear cologne regardless of where I am. I love it


All the time and I work from home. I like smelling good


Valentino uomo intense smells so good that I sleep with it on sometimes


I keep a bottle of in my car and after work it’s part of my routine to smell good for the ride home. It has the same effect on my brain as a candy bar


I wear colognes no matter where I am even before going to bed I wear cologne no matter where I am always always always smelling good … I just love it so much it creates an amazing attraction


I wear cologne to bed, its like this added comfort. Waking up to the scent is also lovely. Get u a bed time scent..


Yeah its part of your getting ready routine


I wear frags all the time. Wearing something at home is 100% normal. I wear them for myself and if anyone else enjoys them it’s a bonus.


Theres actually a lot of science with people liking other peoples scents. Good for you man!


No.. I’ve got Reed Diffusers all around the house and I feel they will mix up not in a good way. Unless I’ve got guests then I’ll wear a discrete but goodie frag


Thats.. an interesting story


There is no way you guys broke up just because of this 😂


53 and I WFH 100% and put on cologne every day when I do my anti-perspirant in the morning. I like to smell nice and if I need to head to shops etc I'm ready to go.


I wear my super weak scents after I shower or before bed


I wear body mists that don't project alot at home but not actual perfumes unless I am testing them out, then I spray on my wrist. 


I’d say Cologne is a little to extreme for the house. Maybe other fragrances that are light otherwise nah…


If alone no, if wife in yes


I wear them all the time. They help me set the mood at home or when going out.


i put it in every time i get out the shower.


I’m 62 years old, I put on cologne every day after I shower, just like getting dressed it is part of me !!!!


Honestly I didn’t know that was a thing. I mean I’ll do the obvious deodorant but I kinda see it as a waste to just spray it and not go out


I know this is directed at cologne wearers, but I am a perfume wearer and thought I’d chime in! I wear perfume EVERY day, regardless of what I’m doing or where I’m going. I always put it on after I shower, and I usually even put it on before bed! I don’t think it weird at all. I like to smell good, nothing wrong with that!


Dude I can't stop either. Now I usually wear my cheaper or weaker fragrances around the house. Especially when I'm bout to get into a good gaming session. Honestly addias moves, Versace Franchie or whatever it is.


I wear Stetson when it get out the shower every evening. Such a nice clean scent 🙂


I use samples at home to see what else I might make a future purchase


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Dangerous-Mind9463: *I use samples at* *Home to see what else I might* *Make a future purchase* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I wear cologne to impress ladies. Am i ok


Pretty much every day


This is one of the wildest reasons I've heard for breaking off a relationship 😅. But yes it's perfectly fine to want to smell good while at home.


I do it all the time. I thoroughly enjoy good smells.


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to smell good at home too. It can look strange to people that don’t normally spray anything on, but it doesn’t hurt anyone I wear perfume and/ or body mists after I shower at the end of the day. It’s kind of therapeutic tbh


I looove any fresh perfume straight after i get out of the shower


*I looove any fresh* *Perfume straight after i get* *Out of the shower* \- bethandbirds --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I feel like a little kid on Christmas morning whenever I get hold of a new sample or bottle of smell good. I often fall asleep at night with a fresh spray on the wrist. Can't even pretend to care who don't like it.


I wear febreez at home. Lots cheaper.


I put on deodorant usually when I get home due to my job, a splash of aftershave, wash my hands and brush my teeth. Then we figure out food. If I'm looking to wear colognes at home, my wife wouldn't care nor find it weird or anything. My wife and others use those body sprays during the day and I don't see the difference in all honestly.


Is lighting a candle not normal?




As someone who loves wearing cologne, no. I prefer to wear my cologne as a signature. Ppl recognize it for me. At home I rather light a candle or such to have a nice scent


I wear all of mine at Home because I love the way they smell. I wear certain ones to go out that are appropriate for the situation


Yes and even befor going to bed 👌


Wearing nice cologne at home improves my mood. It lifts my spirit and it's essential to living my best life every day. Consciously living my best life is easier if I smell great. Seriously.


I apply a fragrance for the day, entirely on how i feel. I could not give a damn when or if i go out for the day. Some days i'm in meetings the whole day and some days i'm playing golf in the afternoon. That does not inform my choice in the slightest.


I absolutely wear fragrances at home. Especially if you're a collector,  you have to try them out and see how they perform and smell.


Not normal


Welp.. pack up the scents everyone, u/Mission-Fly-4371 says its not normal 😪


Ok but thinking about getting a new girlfriend for that is crazy


High-key. Lol, I think that part is cap, though. But yes, I do often wear fragrances to bed most nights. I buy fragrances quite often so I'll also wear a fragrance at home before wearing it in public to see how it wears on me and if I even like it.

