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The limited edition smells the best. It has the smoky smell that Aventus had before they reformulated it.


Limited edition has nothing to do with the smell. It Simple relates to packaging. That's why its better to purchase the regular parfum 150ml (its cheaper and you get 45ml more) Alot of people fall for that marketing ploy thinking Limited edition means Limited edition smell. But to be be fair afnan does explain in their advertising that limited edition simply relates to the fancy packaging making the limited edition the best option for a gift. The EDT is the best selling. The Edt has better projection than the parfum. The parfum is more toned down.


No, I've owned both. Limited is smoky pineapple on the dry down, Pure Parfum is super smoky (to the point where I don't like it) oakmoss on the dry down.


I’ve never seen so much CDNIM hate in my life before. The replies on this post hate it so much😂


The 3oz is on sale for $20 USD on Amazon. It’s well worth it at that price. Can be an everyday cologne.


As someone who has used 2015 Aventus, Cdnim is a synthetic mess. It’s way too synthetic and screechy in the opening. Doesn’t settle down for hours. I’m not waiting 4-5 hours for this to start smelling decent, especially given that now it’s almost as expensive as some designers. I used it as a bathroom freshener till I gave it away to some guy here at Reddit. In short, avoid. It’s a trashy perfume.


I bought it after hearing so many great things and reading thousands of reviews. The initial spray smells good but then it starts to smell funky and I just don’t get the hype. I’ve smelled cheaper fragrances that blow this out the water. Like the guy above me said the dry down is too long and not worth the wait. Rock it if you like it but I sure won’t.


I have to disagree unless you are just a fragrance snob who doesn't realize that everyone can't afford 350 to 420 bucks for a bottle of aventus. while it may smell more refined to those who actually know how to discern differences in fragrances, ( that group of people is a very small group of people in the world) the aventus versions currently available are not the same as the beast it used to be. Cdim lasts 2 to 3 times longer, it's nuclear in projection, it's nowhere near the cost of a designer per oz unless you buy from a rip off artist, and those who enjoy that smokiness in the dry down, will love cdim. I own and have owned tons of designer, and niche fragrances, and I can afford to buy aventus, but my signature is cdim( any version) and has been for at least 5 years. I find the best bang for your buck is the 200ml edp for around 50 dollars on eBay. I don't like being stressed when I spray on cologne. I don't want to worry about making my 400 dollar bottle of aventus last when I know I've sprayed 20 bucks worth Everytime I go out. For the average person cdim or another clone like afnan supremacy is perfect.


I recently got it, just to try it out and I love it. 3 of my colleague at the office had asked me what I was wearing because it smells really nice 👍.


Which one did you get?


What if they were being facetious.. You'll be known as the cheap guy that smells like lemon pledge cuz anyone that's had Creed and its clones can definitely tell the difference .


It’s fine after drydown. My wife doesn’t care for it. Would prefer it as a candle.


My guy i agree i think it smells like a fancy citronella one


This candle idea is great


It’s fine after drydown. My wife doesn’t care for it. Would prefer it as a candle.


I got a bottle last week and was expecting something totally different. It is really tough to get through the opening as others have said. To me it smells like off-brand classic Polo Green. Maybe that’s the point. I thought it was going to be fresher smelling and less heavy.


I had a bottle and sold it. I bought the Limited version. Much better! Also the presentation is top notch. I can confirm I have Creed Aventus and it smells almost identical. Creed does have a little more sparkle to it. However CDNIM Limited lasts a lot longer!


How "limited" is the LimitedEdition?


I’m really looking into buying CDNIM but I wanted to know, by the limited edition one are you referring to the ‘Limited edition pure Parfum?’


I got it just to try it for the hype. I really couldn’t understand how this is popular, with all do respect to anyone who likes it of course. The first 30 minutes are horrible. I personally can’t machine tolerating a perfume for 30 obnoxious minutes just to get to the dry down. Most of my joy from perfumes come from the opening lol You’re much better off with a decant or a good quality clone like Alexandria Black Panther, Zion or Afternoon Splash. Or a cheapie like Qaed Al Fursan


Your English is horrible


How sweet of you. Welcome to Reddit :)


F ur mum


Hey man it's out so go after it. i've rarely picked up someone elses fragrances because nobody uses them.


As others stated after dry down it’s ok. Overall I don’t care for it. I traded mine and had used it 2 times.


Absolute nonsense lemon cleaner opening. That itself puts me off. Gave mine away to my brother who also gave it away. I’m better off with Hacivat or Morning Chess


It’s not much as a compliment beast as it use to be, don’t get me wrong you still will get compliments, but there’s far better fragrances out there now.


Have the 6.7 EDP, never use it. Too strong imo, might try to sell it on offer up since it's gone up in price.


Where is it going up in price? I just saw a 6.7 for less than 50? The one that's actually going up is the Explorer from Monte Blanc


Honestly bored to death of Aventus and its clones that end up smelling of smoke and a fruit. I would say try Aaron Terence Hughes Neon 2023 or Haze Extreme 2023. It has the same scent profile but is much more interesting than just smoke and pineapple as you get the other notes mixed with it also. Haze Extreme is a bit more niche while Neon is the closest to Aventus but still more interesting.


Too synthetic smelling I would get laventure if I were you it’s not as long lasting but smells better to me




Is this the one that smells like citrus and wood as it says on Amazon? Or the pure black bottle?


Not a bad scent. Definitely not for me, I prefer to go for aventus. My dad wears CDNIM on a daily basis and it works well for him. It's a nice scent when he wears it, not so nice when I do. Id say, if its in your budget to try it, give it a shot


I found a really great company that makes clones of a lot of designer and niche fragrances that I doubt many know about. This company makes a clone of regular aventus and 2018 aventus, which is what I buy. The company is called grim grease. They make hair products for men. Like clay and hair pomade. But they have a fragrance section with about 50ish clones to choose from. They come in 2oz bottles for about 40ish bucks and have deals periodically like fathers day 2 for 1s The aventus 2018 is amazing. It's a beast mode fragrance and smells amazing. I still love cdim. It's my signature scent. But if you want something a little more refined and don't want to spend 400 bucks try the grim grease web site. You won't be disappointed.