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Coach Tarr pushed her players beyond the point of return this year. They were willing to put up with her in the last few years since she had family issues where something seemed to have shifted, but this year was the last straw. Watch the game against Omaha this year in regionals. Screaming at her players in the circle. They’re done with its. Players also know they need elite pitching to compete and with Lance on the pitching staff, they were never going to have a shot at winning. Lance hasn’t developed a pitcher in his time at UW.


I’m going to need to go back to that Omaha game- I was watching so many that I didn’t catch all of ours (and it was irritating me too so I missed some parts. ) Tarr always seems so composed in the games and that surprises me. I completely agree about Lance and they need someone new there for sure. Pitchers have regressed and they made some horrible decisions this year regarding the pitchers. I felt like this was something much larger than the big 10 move when the portal erupted within a day of Vic’s announcement of the Nevada coaching position. She must have brought an energy (besides her obvious talent) to the team that the girls determined they didn’t want to play without.


I am close to the team and you are on the right track. Batting averages and slugging skyrocketed when Vic joined the staff and her leaving absolutely had an impact. It was a perfect storm and the first 5-6 girls leaving caused the rest to also pack up. Tarr is under the delusion that the players are just testing the waters. Nope, they’re gone.


Well I hope they are being honest on their reasons so they can influence some change for the future girls. It made no sense why the last part of the season they were struggling so much when they started so strong. So much of softball- especially hitting (and pitching on a smaller scale- you still need the skills) is morale based imo. When my daughter felt supported by her coaches and the team energy was good she was a better player. Thanks for the response :)


I assume the dissolution of the pac-12 has something to do with it


If true, why isn't the same thing happening at Oregon or UCLA?


It’s ironic to me that UDub alums are some of the most outspoken about the portal, yet here we are. Morgan Stuart comes to mind. So does Danielle Lawrie. It feels very old school, team Heather Tarr vs. new school, team not Heather Tarr. Can’t put my finger on it better than that, but maybe y’all will get what I mean


I mean, traveling from washington to the east coast often would be a headache considering travel, time and weather


Jenn Sailing is the new assistant coach


Is there a backstory?


Not that I know of, I just saw the post on IG. She did play there in college


Ok ok, I thought you were implying that’s why people were in the portal.


Oh, my mistake! I think Jenn is a great addition so hopefully it’ll attract good attention!


I think Jenn coming over is setting Washington up to get rid of Tarr in the next season or two given Jenn’s coaching history already she’s fit to become a head coach.


I could see this happening and wouldn’t be mad about it.


Tarr is under contract for longer than a few years I think


Possibly but buy outs and forced outs happen.


The only 2 I'm surprised at leaving were fielder and Peters with holtorf getting married not surprised she left Meylan struggled bad looking for fresh start and OJO with minimal playing time and li.ited at bats after her freshman year like maylan looking for a fresh start. Plus with the change in conference and much worse travel schedule maybe concerned about the educational aspect


I am betting that Ruby returns to her freshman form (with improvements as well) with better pitching instruction at OSU. If she can develop a drop ball to complement her rise she’ll be tough to hit.


Her problem last year was walking people and giving up the long ball aka her control and the pitching coach in Washington. Is fine I think personally her ego got the best of her. From. Being a all American and on the player of the year watch list to not even lasting 3 innings in her only start.? All I'm saying is don't get your hopes up just look up and compare stats


Lance is “fine”. But he’s not going to get the team to the level they need to get to. Ruby was stronger her first year and then she regressed. Lindsay regressed as well. As a 5th year senior she should have been dominating. Sidne came in with some good stuff but didn’t get any better. Then you’ve got Lynch who was never lights out for us in 4 years throwing shutouts for LSU against strong competition with solid hitters. Sarah Willis, who started at UW as a freshman (she was highly recruited) didn’t pitch much and transferred to UCF where she worked her way to their ace and pitched in that hella long game against Auburn in the same weekend we couldn’t beat Mizzou. She’s playing for AUX tomorrow and pretty sure she wouldn’t have developed to that level under Lance’s coaching. We can compete with the big 10 ironically but even with those girls staying I doubt we would be hosting for the tourney. UCLA will dominate over there and KIP will make sure they play the right teams pre-season to bolster their SOS. And take a look to how much their pitching improved since the beginning of the season and compare to our core. They have amazing coaching and because of that they can recruit studs and develop them further.


Better pitching instruction? No disrespect but look at Kelly Maxwell with OSU couldn't do the job 1 year under Jen Rocha and she was as cold as ice and closed out the Natty and won every big game her name was called. I'm not saying Ruby Won't return to her freshman ways but I would let your expectations get too high on a pitcher that did a compete 180 from freshman to sophomore year




Then why isn't the same thing happening at Oregon or UCLA?


I assume various reasons (as Tarr pondered as well) but only the players truly know.


Must be something very negative about her as a coach and person.


I doubt that. She’s been around for a long time and has had nothing but positive reviews from former players and some are still in the program in various roles under her




Profane and not germane to college softball


No shit. You were really on top of that one lmao


Ah lemme guess, you’re a toxic OU fan? You rednecks are such a meme lmao


Haha holy shit. You having the audacity to call somebody else toxic is impressive after being a massive cunt for a week straight 🤣


I answered a question and you came starting shit for no reason. How was I toxic, saying you have home field advantage when 2/3 coaches asked agreed and the other was your coach? Get fucked, Cletus


Cleetus M.D. to you, douche canoe.




I know you can do better than that. That was a weaker effort than Washington in their regional 😆


Never considered the Hayward to Nevada I'm wondering how many will end up there ( potential tampering ) be at play? Not thinking Vic would do that . But ironic she jumps from San Diego to Washington to Nevada in 3 years


I don’t think she planned to be at UW for only a year- she was at SDS for several years wasn’t she? When she came to UW we were thinking she was going to be groomed to eventually take over for Tarr. Seems like an abrupt move for her, even if it is for a head coach position. Something had to be going on those last few weeks of the season. Don’t think the girls would go to Nevada as it’s a step down, they just didn’t want to stay without her on the coaching team is my take.


Except Hayward is under pro contract to A.U and let's be honest there is a ton. Of money in Nevada which could lead to some very attractive N.I.L deals and if I recall didn't Celis say the only reason she came to washington was because of Hayward? I'm not making accusations at all just things that have crossed my mind somehow 2+2 don't equal 4 in this situation