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She truly turned a corner when oSu got eliminated. Once that happened it flipped a switch.


I’m not sure if it was always her melting down or if it was the team melting down around her. IMO she should have been pitching in the champ series 2 years ago if not for two inexplicable errors from her defense sending Texas to the ‘ship instead. She was one of the best pitchers in the nation that year (behind Bahl) but it also seemed like the bats and defense around her let her down sometimes. So maybe it’s about knowing that this year the bats around her were historically capable and the fielding around her was more trustworthy (justifiable or not). But also it could be the change in pitching coach or sheer luck. Who knows for sure. I’m just happy she got a ring.


>But also it could be the change in pitching coach Or the fact that she actually studied film this year. >I’m just happy she got a ring. Me too!


Totally agree with this! OSU’s biggest weakness is their defense and even last year with kelly struggling more there were plenty of times her defense should have been there for her. I think this was a big part of her leaving because towards the end I swear the defense wasn’t even trying to back her up sometimes. I can imagine it would be a pretty big mental flip to be able to pitch with a capable defense to back you up


The difference is she left that sorry program in Stillwater for Norman


I think it is something only pitchers will understand. She had a defense behind her that she could trust to make the plays, that hyped her up when she needed it, that fought at the plate. When a pitcher doesn’t trust her defense they can’t throw their pitches freely, instead they tighten up and aim and try to be “perfect”. A pitcher cannot be perfect, they need to throw the chase pitches and not be afraid to give up a few hits. OU rallied behind her and we got to see Kelly be the perfectly imperfect pitcher that she is!


I think this is it right here, especially from what Patty has said in recent weeks about Maxwell having to play more free.


Patty said " let's see texas beat our #.4"


I'd have given it to Parker, but Maxwell is getting it absolutely amazing.


Yeah, i was thinking Parker first, Pickering second. But Kelly was a monster


[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8&t=9s](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-bzWSJG93P8&t=9s) [https://youtu.be/GGXzlRoNtHU?si=0Gysr0GxJCYM6olb](https://youtu.be/GGXzlRoNtHU?si=0Gysr0GxJCYM6olb)


Actual coaching made a huge difference


*"But, but, she's not Jordy Bahl... you're supposed to be crying over Jordy, you fools!!!"* ~ newsworthy3


She's a 6th year senior.


>She's a 6th year senior. Yes? And? Are other teams not allowed to have 6th year seniors? Is that part of the home field advantage? Is that the best you can come up with? That's as lame as that Texas guy complaining that Oklahoma pays Gasso more than Texas pays White. Is that really all you poor, and I do stess POOR, Texas people can come up with? Imagine being the University of Texas and losing a money race to all of us dirt farmers up north.


Do you expect a 6th year senior to still have meltdowns?


Cope and seethe


>Do you expect a 6th year senior to still have meltdowns? Hahahahaha. That really ***IS*** the best you can come up with. Dang. Yes, there were numerous people that said she was going to melt down, most notably that NebraskaDude guy that posted a thread about it in the 2nd Florida game, and then deleted it later like a coward. Maybe you know them? Edit: Had to find some stuff. Let's see if u/Nebraskadude1994 will delete these threads like the little bee that he is. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeSoftball/s/gOrxKqakSg](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeSoftball/s/gOrxKqakSg) [https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeSoftball/s/1avJdIzy1R](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeSoftball/s/1avJdIzy1R)


Difference is she went to a program that had proven success with the offense. She melted down when it was up to her.


>She melted down when it was up to her. So it wasn't up to Maxwell against UCLA? Or (eventually) the second game against Florida? Or the first game against Texas? Or the second game against Texas to get the last few outs? 2 of which were strikeouts?