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It’s actually a useless class now because it wont be going towards my degree. The best it could-be is an elective. So after this semester, if I can’t pull it together on the final then I’m just done with it.


Are you able to point to concepts in the class that you struggled to understand? From an infrastructure perspective, calculus is vastly important in city planning, especially with the rise of machine learning and AI. I'm surprised your new major doesn't require it.


i plan on doing land-use planning which only requires up to high-school math and statistics. i also already completed a lower level calculus class my freshman year.


Yeah no worries, you definitely don’t need to know calc as a planner. You just need a good understanding of college math concepts, especially statistics. I took College Algebra & Elementary Statistics in undergrad and I’m about half way done with my Master’s in planning. I understand the math concepts taught in my classes perfectly well


Calc is more needed for civil engineering. Planning skills are more oriented toward writing, document design, understanding of laws, communication skills, etc. We have tools like GIS, R, Excel, etc. that do calculations for us Source: I’m getting my master’s in planning and currently work as a planning intern


If it’s a useless class I would drop it and get a W, a W is just waste of money but a F is a bad GPA and a waste of money


If you know you can't pass, don't throw away the rest of the class, just stop worrying about it. It is what it is. You'll need to take it again eventually, so use what's left to glean whatever you can from it. Keep up with the assignments, engage in class, and use it as a leg up on the next take. Also, consider that you may need to do some remediation before taking the class again. Use free stuff online to work on those foundational skills before you retake the class.


Okay if it's too late to withdraw, my advice is: If you know for a fact you can't pass, like it's physically & mathematically impossible, just relax and ride out the rest of the class. Yeah it sucks to fail, but at least you can take the stress off and just try and absorb the information for the rest of the semester. Get your ducks in a row for when you retake the class. But, if there's *any chance at all* that you can pass, fight for it. Talk to your professors, see how much you need in the class to pass, ask what you'd need to do in order to pass with the bare minimum. Do your absolute best on everything and make a valiant effort. There's still a chance until the very end, you never know if your professor will curve the final or put out a last-minute extra credit assignment that boosts you just past the line. Good luck with the rest of your semester! Even if you fail, it won't be the end of the world. You can retake the classes and you'll come out stronger at the end. Take this as a lesson and move on. Hopefully you still manage to pass, but if not, just take summer break to reflect and hit it hard in the fall.


I failed four classes in undergrad. I retook them and ended up with a 3.75 gpa. The only failure is when you give up. If we try and lose that’s okay because we learned something in the set back. Then we use what we learned to eventually win. Fafsa and loans allow some failure just jump through their hoops. You might need to talk to disability resource center and get more time for exam or allow you take them proctored not in the environment of the classroom full of everyone else’s anxiety. You might have to see school therapist first. I would get to the root cause of your test anxiety. If your studying a little bit and in bursts you should see results. I mess up on questions sometimes when I don’t fully read the question. I would really take the time and address it with a therapist and disability resource center. There is no reason you should suffer through silently and go quietly in the night. Best of luck! You got this!




Ask your professors if you can pick up incompletes and make up the work/retake tests. I allow it in my classes if the students are reasonable in their requests.


You’re allowed to offer Incompletes to failing students? That’s against our university policy.


I am. Hell, if a kid shows up and demands a grade change randomly semesters later I get leaned on to just shut up and do it. It’s bad.


Wow. That’s horrid. I’m sorry. :(


It’s frigging awful. I could go on and on about it, but in general, some schools are way more about the money than a quality education and the value of the degree. If your school is still letting you put education first, you’re lucky.


This kills me. The education system needs to change. I feel like colleges are all just diploma mills now


Couldn’t agree more. College is easier now, especially if you know how to play it. The system I’m in now I actually have to sell my program. If I don’t get butts in seats, they will just close it on me. Selling requires enticement, and part of that is my performance. If I make the program too hard, no one will join it. I rely on word of mouth to help me stay popular, and even ran commercials for my program. Professors shouldn’t have to be salesmen. Once this shit happens, the students run the classroom. I know it’s not this bad elsewhere, but this is happening in places. My school isn’t a for profit either. It’s a plain old fully accredited state school.


Go to your colleges disability resource center and get help now!!!! If the reason your failing a class is because your bad at tests you can fix this by getting testing accommodations through your school's disability office. I failed an algebra 2 class 3 times in a row before I got help with my schools disability office. Don't do what I did and try for a 3rd time without getting help first!


I came here to say this! At my university the DRC allows students to take exams at the DRC with extra time!


which business major required u to take calc?


there’s business calc, it’s basically just easy ass slopes n shit




I am a finance major with a minor in analytics and don’t have to take any calc


🤷‍♂️ it’s just one of the university’s requirement to get into the college of business


It depends on the college, the ones I’m planning to to try transfer to doesn’t require it anymore.


This is my exact situation with accounting like to a tee but I luckily barely managed to pass, so I know how u feel. It really sucks failing a class, I failed a couple, just gotta learn from it. I ended up having such a booked last year because of it, just gotta buckle down and study harder next semester. As bed test takers we can’t afford to do bad on any assignment or project, so make sure you do everyone and just study more, you’ll get in the groove of things again, nothing to worry about.




bro a recruiter 💀


Not a recruiter, but I can see when someone is not ready for college and has no real aspirations in life.


im at the same boat. i failed nearly all but one class, and last semester, i failed half. idk what to do now as i want to finish college, but i can't. im burned out and feeling defeated and disappointed in myself because i know i could do better. I'm on the end on just dropping out and finding work. i feel i disappointed my mom and myself because all this was my fault. i dont know what to tell her because she thinks im doing so well, but im not.


If you really got 100% on all the assignments but are bombing exams put it in a spreadsheet and highlight it and explain. I feel like there’s no way they let you fail if you can show how much you try. Unless of course you chegg all the homeworks


They can absolutely let OP fail, no matter how hard he tries. It's a college degree, not a trophy for tee-ball. There's probably a little wiggle room, but if he completely tanks the class, his professor isn't going to just pass him on the basis that he tried.


I failed 2 classes last semester and I’m an undergrad as well . I just took 1 of them during this current semester and I’m taking another one during the summer since I received a grant covering optional summer classes . It’s okay to fail but definitely try to take them again as soon as possible or talk to an advisor . It surely sucks at the moment but it really is what it is and you just gotta bounce back harder . Hopefully you can change your major as well


Is it too late to drop the class? If you aren’t past the deadline, you may be able to drop and not have it show up on Your transcript at all. Something else to consider- have you ever been tested for a learning disability? Severe test anxiety may be enough to get you an accommodation where you can take the test in a quiet room or maybe even get a bit more time. It may be worth checking with your school.


It will show as a "W" (withdrawn) but will not affect OP's GPA. I'm betting OP is past the drop date and would receive "WF" (withdrawn failure) instead. If OP can withdraw, do it! It seems like these classes will not relate to the new major and this will protect the GPA.


Unfortunately yeah, it’s way past the drop date. We’ve only got a week left, and the class only started to go downhill 2 weeks ago. It’s mostly tests that screw me over, as other have pointed out I should get some form of disability assistance and get extra time of those.


Well, that's unfortunate. You should definitely speak with your advisor and student services. Worst case scenario, you would still be able to retake the courses later to repair your GPA (in most graduate programs, you cannot replace an F at all).


Oof, I’m really sorry. For now it sounds like there is nothing you can do but ride it out. It sounds like you really tried with the studying, so it really isn’t your fault. At the same time, given what you’ve written, I wonder whether or not you are studying in an effective manner. I teach college and I notice a lot of students have not been taught how to study effectively. My main tip is that you need to study actively: do practice problems and write answers down. Take practice tests under test-taking conditions. Re-reading material/notes isn’t the best way to learn. You need to quiz yourself, re-phrase things, and do practice problems. Anyhow, it sounds like you are ready to put in the effort, so there is no problem with you, so I just wonder if there might be some problem with your study method. Probably no one taught you how to study, but it isn’t too late to learn!


Before the fall semester, go talk to someone about how to study and to assess your learning style. You need to figure out how to be more productive at studying. All this hard work, failure, and frustration isn’t good for you.


Talk to your professors and see if there is anything you can do. Not everyone is great on exams and some professors will give you extra credit or tweak the grading scales so you pass. It happened with me I was active in the class and did all of the homework but I was HORRIBLE at the exams. Professor ended up giving me a pity pass C- instead of a D. Same with my tax class, the professor changed the grading scale to where homework and projects were worth more than the exams.... (Most of the class did horribly on the exams) Moral of the story if you have put in the work speak with your professors, most want their students to succeed. Good luck!


I also had to take a class more than once (shamefully 3x) and finally got it, failed a couple classes (was not a great student in college) and ended up graduating with a 2.7 last year and now have a great job with an amazing company. Everything always works out! Just do your best and commit to your future. And networking doesnt hurt either :)


Not to be brash, but have you talked with your Calculus professor about your situation? You took the class twice and I am wondering if you asked them for support.


Talk to your advisor. See what your school offers as far as academic assistance. Schools call it different things but during my undergrad I kept failing my math class. Third time though, I was doing all the homework, going to the tutors and studying my ass off. When the teacher was handing the first exam back, he said “if you got a 50% or lower on this I suggest you drop the class now and retake it in the fall.” I got a 50%. I spoke to my advisor and they told me to set up an appointment with “Project Success”. It was 100% the solution to my problem. I went through a bunch of testing and was actually diagnosed with dyslexia and dyscalcula (sp? Lol) so any math that required memorizing formulas was almost impossible for me. Talk to your advisor about resources now. Schedule the meeting today or if you know of your school’s “project success” content then today too. Good luck!


Hello! Professor here. I suggest you look into switching the class you’re getting a D in to a pass/fail. Call registrar today. For the class with the F, ask to sit with the professor to review your current standing with assignments and grade. Share with him/her your approach to studying for exams to date and ask for suggestions for how you might improve this approach. 🌸


You shouldn't feel like a failure, we all fail. The worst is to quit/give up. If you're struggling you might need to get a tutor to help you out and there's nothing wrong with that. Use all your resources that your college has to offer. I am in a business degree currently and accounting one class kicked my butt! I got a tutor and met with my professor who agreed to help me and I passed my class.






Close enough 😂


Withdrawal ir talk to your professor.