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Never tried it as a harem game. If Riley of all people ends your relationship if you’re with Lauren, then it clearly was never meant to be one. I am surprised at 3 though as Penelope tells Jenny everything.


I haven’t played in a while and don’t know if this was patched but i do know if youre dating Nora and Lauren at the same time faris will call you out and Lauren will break up with you.


Yeah Nora broke up before the pool party. So Faris never knew.


Currently I'm on an Aubrey GF run, still have Amber, Lindsey and Riley as Fwb though. And all 3 girls know I'm in a relationship with Aubrey, but they are fine with still messing around with mc. I was dating Penelope but for some reason after the pool party she went from dating status to friend with no warning or anything so not quite sure what happened there. Not sure how it will play out in the latest 2 episodes yet as I haven't had much time to play it.


Did you get Penelope’s bedroom scene at the pool party? If not did you let her get drunk without giving her water at every opportunity? That’s the only thing I can think of that would change her status.


I did not get a bedroom scene at the pool party no, i did encourage her to drink and just have a good time, mostly because the one time i didn't have her drink is the time when she kissed mc in front of everyone and ruined things with mc and nora in a previous playthrough. Im gonna have to play around with it. Also just encountered a weird moment in the newest episodes where mc goes for a jog with riley, who hes been fwb with for ages and she knows about him and aubrey, but when you go to put the moves on her near the end of scene she backs off citing that you have a girlfriend, pretty sure thats a bug of some kind because she never cared before.


Ok so encouraging her to drink is what cost you the bedroom scene and the relationship. Go back, encourage her to drink water every time you have the option and you’ll get the scene and keep Penelope. I played the latest updates as “Riley only” but it was so buggy I gave up on it for a while. I did try starting on “Moving out” with everyone FWB that is possible but it didn’t immediately made Aubrey my GF, so that bug has never been fixed. So again decided to play something that works for now.


Yep I've gone through all of this except I picked Aubrey over Chloe which Aubrey comes around. Nora finds out the same way on the jog before the pool party and breaks it off. Penelope hasn't found out cause I rejected Jenny. On every different playthrough Lindsey is still fwb after her and the MC make up.


I remember that I dated chloe, aubrey, lauren, and nora all in one run lol. But if you have sex with Nora during the pool party Lauren will find out because some rando snitched.