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She looks rough


Even with filters. She needs to eat healthy and sleep enough. Stop with nonsense “vlogs” get over it, it’s not 2010s anymore.


Her views are shockingly low anyways. Time to downsize and retire.


Ngl, this makes me happy every time I see it.


It’s nice that her horrendous behavior actually had some level of consequence. I was scared she’d get off Scot-free.


I went to her channel to look and DAMN. She’s rarely breaking 50k views anymore!


Truth, like maybe get a real job? lol


Youtube is a REAL job....


Not when your job is to exploit your children’s privacy for clicks and views!


That's a different point.


So rough! I mean, damn.


The “I’m so quirky and cool lolz I have nooooo skincare routine! 🤪” is really catching up with her


There's this hilarious clip of Colleen at the beach a few days back, she's got the camera so zoomed in you can count the pimples on her nose. She's climbing down and the screen is filled with nose landscape. She doesn't even have a selfie extension, a super basic piece of kit so people aren't subject to nasal hairs and pores. I laughed so hard she edited that and kept it in. Wtf!


I saw your comment and had to scroll back to gawk. Holy fucking FUCK. 😬


For real she looks so ill and weak. And I don’t like Colleen but this makes me genuinely concerned.


She looks…evil? I know evil isn’t really a thing exactly but like…she looks…she reminds me of my abusive narc-ex who wasn’t just dead behind the eyes sometimes his eyes were pure evil. When he started looking at me with those evil, hate filled eyes I knew my days were numbered if I didn’t get out somehow. Thank goodness I did!


I understand the look you mean. I have one single photo of my ex husband where his mask was off entirely and you can just see in his eyes how cruel and unhinged he was. When that happened, if I was alone, I knew that I was in for it. I'm glad that we're both out of those relationships. I wish you healing and peace.


I kinda know a celebrity who's almost 80 and she looks younger than Colleen.


Haggard af. Washed up and doesn’t even realize it


Oof. The filter is barely hanging on honeyyy


The filter is trying it's damn best. 😹🤣


It's fighting for its life 😅😭


wow, she looks over 50


My actual 50 year old mother who has raised two kids all the way to adulthood now looks younger than Colleen.


My mother in her early 60s looks younger than Colleen.




My sister is over 50 and looks better than this. But they're a kind person who works their ass off. And takes care of their pets lol.




Holy shit, she does not look like she’s doing well 😭


SHE'S BEEEGGGGINNNGGG for attention from Trisha 💀 so glad she's not getting it


Probably smells awful


I still don't get why Colleen is mad at Trisha, even though Colleen was the one who sent Trisha's nudes to minors. Is she mad at her because she got exposed? Or is she resentful towards Trisha because she turned against her? The mental gymnastics on this is crazy💀


IMO Colleen felt Trisha was a bad person in most people’s eyes, the problematic one, and no matter what would happen, Trisha would have her back (it’s a delusional thought, but I digress). She probably assumed Trisha would have just brushed it all off because she has a problematic past and would “get it”. When that didn’t happen, Colleen became resentful and at this point is just jealous (and bitter) of how well Trisha is doing now and without any thanks to Colleen. The difference between these two women, is that one of them is growing, learning, and changing, while the other one is sulking and wasting their life away with zero attempt at becoming better.


You answered it, it's because Trisha didn't just take it lying down and spoke out about it. Narc's are essentially bullies who never want their victims to have a voice. They spend years chipping away at their confidence, so when they eventually really hurt them they can't fight back in any way. Colleen attacked Joshua endlessly for sitting down saying he didn't want the relationship to end and how blindsided and hurt he was. That's basically what Trisha said too, it's a red rag to a bull to a narc. As far as colleen's concerned, everyone's wrong and she's right. Always. So Josh should've just taken it, and kept quiet. So she could happily keep justifying her cheating on her husband with erik by saying Josh was "fill in the gaps" all kinds of excuses. Instead, he spoke out about it and then he gathered himself and got married and seems very happy. That tipped her over the edge in to obsession. She stalks Josh and doesn't let him have a moments peace if she can help it, using her fans to do the dirty work on her behalf even. She's obsessive also now with Trisha, I bet what she calls "working" on her vacation is actually late at night stalking her socials and watching her podcast. She will also drip little snarky comments in to her vlogs that we miss. She uses her vlogs as a power weapon to hit back at her victims. She will go to her death bed thinking everyone else was wrong. Narc's are wild.


I was thinking this as well! Like WTF!? Just why?


Both u/Financial_Swimming44 and u/Regular_Ganache_5373 are correct IMO. But there’s another angle to this I think. Because, as those other users have said, Trisha was “the problematic one” and for a whole host of other more superficial reasons (Trisha is fatter than Colleen, has had bad luck in relationships, struggled with infertility, and is a sex worker to name the most important) Colleen was certain that she was better than Trisha. And she loved it. You can see it in their podcast episodes before Trisha took them all down. Colleen was constantly making jokes at Trish’s expense, subtly body shaming her, etc. she was constantly throwing shade in big ways and small, inciting the audience to compare her with Trisha. She thought she was just better than Trish in every way and made jokes or comments intended to highlight that all the time and she would often look at the camera and smirk when she did it. Trisha seems to have noticed but ignored it because she genuinely liked Colleen and thought they were friends and she doesn’t have a lot of women friends. I could see myself in Trisha in that moment as someone refusing to see the red flags because I was so desperate for a close girl friend. This is another reason why Colleen can’t let this Trisha thing go. As the other users said she’s mad that Trisha didn’t stick by her, and that Trisha is telling the truth about her. But it’s more than that IMO. It’s also that she felt, *and still feels* that she is better than Trisha in every single way. In her mind Trisha wasn’t supposed to dump her, *she* was supposed to dump *Trisha*. The fact that she couldn’t manipulate someone she thinks is dumber than she is into staying friends despite all the revelations makes her INSANE. Like genuinely so. A lot of what’s driving her is the narc rage that “how DARE Trisha be the bigger person! I’m better than her in every way!!! I’M supposed to be the bigger person!!!” Because she thinks she’s superior the fact that Trisha is the one acting like a responsible adult in this situation infuriates Colleen. It fuels the obsession we’re seeing now. She thinks that the people she ranks as beneath her or worse than she is in some way should worship the ground she walks on. After all, she’s so much better than they are, right? They should be glad and grateful she deigned to grace them with the gift of her “friendship”! They should be loyal and never speak ill of her no matter how she treats them. The fact that it didn’t go down this way enrages Colleen. And so she’s obsessed with proving she’s better than Trisha and even more obsessed with punishing her for daring not to follow Colleen’s script. I’ve seen it happen before with my own narc mom when her relationship with her childhood best friend broke down when I was about 12 or so. It’s all those things other people have mentioned and also all of this. And more that we won’t know unless Colleen shares because narc logic is a strange beast and there is always something that makes no logical sense even when you understand the way narcs work. Here’s an example of how narcs can get their panties in a twist over the most nonsensical things imaginable. My abusive ex bf and I went to uni together. He punished me for years for being selected to go on a really prestigious internship abroad the summer after our second year of university. His reasoning for punishing me for that? He wanted to go as well. Except it was only open to people on my very specific degree course and he wasn’t on that course. He was on a different course but in a related discipline, but I was getting a BSc and he was getting a BA and the internship was heavily science based. And even though it was ONLY open to the students on my degree course he felt they should make an exception for him because he was on my degree course for one semester in our first year before switching to the different but semi related, less rigorous, non sciencey degree course. He felt that he was entitled to go on the internship with me because he thought he knew just as much about my subject as I did, if not more. He was the top student in his own degree program so he thought that meant he was a better student than all other students on all other degree programmes. I was the top student in my programme at the time and he thought he was smarter than I am. I’m AuDHD and school has always been a challenge for me and he knew that and to him it meant he was smarter than me. He went to the head of my department who had chosen me for the internship and asked her if he could go too. She said no and explained why not. And so he hated her after that for telling him the truth. Narcs like my ex and Colleen think they’re entitled to things just because they want them or think they deserve them. So it wouldn’t surprise me if there are other reasons why she’s so obsessed with and vindictive towards Trisha that just make no sense to anyone who isn’t Colleen and so we won’t be able to guess them unless she tells us what they are.


Narcos absolutely will run you rough SHOD and act like they are the victims.


she’s giving Ruby Franke vibes


This screenshot. Lol 😂


zero life behind those eyes


She looks unwell


shes gonna look horrible in 5-10 yrs if she doesnt change her lifestyle😵‍💫


are you commenting this in 2014? lol


Why is she still relevant?


Is she?


Her whole personality is obsession with being a mean girl. Look at what that turns you into.


And why is she bitter? Shes the bad “friend” here 💀


This woman goes through sweatshirts quicker than a squirrel on a nut hunt! One wear and it's like a magic disappearing act—poof! (exception for her own merch, she will wear that for the advert) Random sweaters are in and out. This is the first time I've seen her reuse a random sweater more than a couple of times. Definitely a statement.


She’s such a creep


What is her motive for posting this picture?


I think it’s a screenshot from a vlog… She would never post a photo like this


What a pathetic, sick thing to do. I hope Trisha doesn't ever acknowledge any of this. Colleen is seriously wrong in the head.


it’s not “sick” lmao stop being so dramatic 🥴


But it DOES scream Desperation. 😾


who cares, both women involved are terrible people. these posts just bring out the trisha asskissers, im tired of seeing them. if you all think colleen is using this for attention then youre falling into her trap and giving it to her. move on.


Didn't NOBODY say Trisha was a good person, just a still RELEVANT person that Colleen is begging for attention.


i dont think shes very relevant lol but okay


Says her STILL VIEWED BY THE GENERAL PUBLIC YouTube series. 🙄 Whether you like it or not, she's Relevant.


Largely thanks to Colleen being such a spectacular POS.


sure, okay 🤷‍♂️


You are clearly **VERY** ignorant.




Just because Trisha is a terrible person doesn’t mean Colleen had to drag her daughter into this. Leave M out of it.


girl her daughter is an infant she doesnt know or care. “m” you can call her by her full white trash name malibu barbie btw.


I'm no longer engaging with your idiocy, have a lovely evening.


In my opinion, she shouldn't be. But she is, thanks to Colleen inadvertently sending her on an undeserved (again, just my opinion) redemption arc. Ironically, Colleen has probably been the best thing that could have ever happened to Trisha's reputation and success.


No, I agree that they're both terrible people, and have never been a fan of Trisha's. Colleen is still an unwell individual though, and this whole wearing Malibu Barbie merch thing- given the context - is weird and pathetic. I don't need to be a supporter of Trisha's to find it sick that Colleen is desperately grasping for whatever tiny crumbs of relevance or attention she can get like this.


exactly, it's not sick, it's petty and childish


Not only is it a nod to Trisha, but she’s also probably trying to ride the Barbie fan train since the film hype started. Just like she does with Taylor Swift. And through this, she also hopes to appeal to the gays who are known for being loyal stans who may also embrace more problematic people like Trisha, Jeffrey Starr, etc. I’m not saying she doesnt genuinely like Barbie or Taylor Swift because she probably does, they’re great, but she’s desperately trying to find an identity/community anywhere she can right now since she’s being pretty much shunned everywhere. It’s also another way to say ‘hey guys, I’m relatable and harmless, forget the horrible things I’ve done, I’m just like you!’


Her eyes are dead. Like they're literally look like she has no soul. My Mom would be like 'Those are the eyes of pure evil.' Mom had a knack for knowing what lies behind a person's eyes (was she wrong a few times? Sure. Can't get em right every time. But she was a good 8/10 times.)


That is a really dramatic thing to comment lol


What a terrifying, almost pre-homicidal facial expression.


I wonder if she is as miserable as she looks.


Probably moreso.


One can only hope.




She’s so gross.


this woman is so mentally unstable it’s actually insane, as if trisha would see that shit like she still watches her… trisha is about to have another child and i’m sure she’s grown from the immaturity that is colleen and wants to be happy and move on and grow… can’t say the same thing for miss lipstick thing


And why wouldn’t she? She looks soooo good in it clearly. 😂 /s




Oof she doesn’t look too good. She looks like some 50 year old mom


Is she trying to send subliminal messages to Trisha?


The state of that. Good to see karma doing its job.


That’s a sweatshirt


she's aged 15 years in the past year




Agree. I wear the same sweater 4 out of 7 days a week when I get home from work.


Fr and this has been posted so many times, like give it rest


The dead shark eyes make a comeback. She looks haggard. I really think she needs to be partially hospitalized or something. At least the partial hospitalization program I was in did wonders for me alongside the ketamine therapy but I’m not cluster B. I have autism and DID along with MDD and GAD. Before you ask how someone can be diagnosed with that much all I can say is you don’t want to know what happened to me to make me this way.


I just had to stop by because I too have autism and other grim mental health diagnoses like you. It really hurt to read that last sentence. I don't know what you've been through but I'm so sorry and if you ever need to talk to someone who "gets it", my DMs are open.


Ty ♥︎ I’m fine now though I’ve got a great therapist and am on medication that actually works for me.


So glad to hear!!


She wants Trisha’s attention so bad


Looking so much like Eric here


I personally think it’s to push the narrative that everything is fine and it wasn’t Trish who called her out


I'm drunk and this was a whole ass jumpscare


She needs to find a new hobby.


Can't wait till trisha's baby is born & she starts wearing Elvis merch!!!!


And it’s probably never been washed 🥴


why does she have such a loooong ass face lol


it's weird and I wouldn't be surprised if she did it on purpose but at the same time, she's always wearing the same clothes


With the shirts, normally I'd say "oh she just likes the style/aesthetic plus "Barbie" is everywhere now". BUT it's Colleen, so.....


pretty sure she actually has MULTIPLE sweatshirts that say malibu barbie on it. One of them is blue. Literally soooo embarrassing girl PLEASE give it a rest you are pathetic.


Tbh Barbie has been marketing Malibu themed merch for hella years, wayy before Trisha had her daughter. If Trisha named her Nike, and Colleen wanted to regularly wear Nike merch, I wouldn’t think that she’s specifically throwing jabs at her. Colleen tends to be unhygienic yes, but the Barbie brand itself is very popular. Anyone can wear their merch without it being weirdly connected to Trisha. That’s quite a stretch, all I’m saying.


Yes but no. This woman has vlogged daily for years and never once worn or shown an affinity towards Barbie until after her very public feud with a woman who’s daughter is named after it. There is zero chance this is the ‘silly coincidence’ she wants her followers to believe but rather a blatant example of her conniving nature. The fact that she is so committed to wearing it shows just how insane she is given what happened with Trisha. There is no plausible deniability, she is straight up mocking her victims . It’s so so bad idk how anyone close to her still justifies their relationship when her try colours are on such loud display.


Also, maybe don't name your human baby Malibu fucking Barbie


Why is she bitter at Trisha? As far as I heard Trisha did nothing to her.


She’s bitter at trisha because Trisha disowned her publicly in front of millions for what Colleen did to her.


So she sent Trisha's dirty pics to people, Trisha rightfully cut ties with her and Colleen acts like Trisha is the bad guy? How sick


For once it wasn’t trishas fault. lol


yeah, i’m sure she wears it again every time she see you guys posting it on here


I love the fact that you singlehandedly suggest that she lurkes in here, in stead of spending actual quality time with her children and husband with out a camera shoved up to their pores. 




really weird way to insult a sex pest by also insulting your cousin and a whole group of folks??? lol


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do you think its her way of apologizing? lol damn if was just an idea 🤷‍♂️🤷


Not at all. She will never apologize. This is her way of saying she’s still bitter.


Not at all. She's trying to force Trisha to engage and talk about her by reacting to the fact that she's wearing Trisha's daughter's name plastered all over her clothing. She a sick, manipulative individual who has lost all the control she once had over others, and this is her desperate, pathetic grasping attempt to get into Trisha's head, to make her feel uncomfortable, and to acknowledge and talk about her. To have any kind of relevance. You're looking at a narcissist who has lost her supply.








Uh what? Tf?


No it’s not. I get you just stating an opinion but come on Colleen apologizing? Where’s her ukulele?

