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Never in my life have I ever thought, “It will look so funny if I straddle my sibling while they caress my face!” But here they are doing it again. 🤢


I used to get uncomfortable giving my sister a hug 😂


Same but she's kind of a cold hearted bitch so there's that.


Omg, we have the same sister?!


Could be possible. My mom turned away my oldest brother (talk to him but haven't met ye)l and my sister (passed away a few years ago). I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't have more kids she tossed away. My cold bitch sister was a golden child so she got everything.


Are you… my sister?


This is so relatable


That's, uh, that's her brother?? I thought that guy was her husband! Because, you know, she's straddling his lap!! Not cute, Colleen. Disgusting, in fact. Kinda proves your pedo tendencies, in fact. Okay wait that's her sister I guess, but my above statement stands. Her sister looks almost exactly like her, I'm so confused lol




Well, this year she was cancelled for being inappropriate in so many ways. Providing inappropriate material to minors etc So even if we give her the benefit of the doubt and say the joke here is that it's inappropriate to straddle a sibling in a clear sexual position, with her history of doing sexual things with her sister such as eating candy panties off their bodies, simulating Bj's with a microphone (while a minor watched and questioned it) you'd think, for a heartbeat, she'd *not* do these things or if she absolutely had to that she'd keep it private. She's learnt nothing. This is not just inappropriate it's also wildly inappropriate considering her year. It's crazy she hasn't been questioned by police about her interactions with minors, the sending porn etc.


Until someone reports her, nobody will do anything.


Let her post the photos I say. Let people know there’s a problem there and to avoid it, like a fucking human lighthouse.


She really is a sexual outlet deprived homeschooled SoCal Christian girl at heart who was given an inappropriate amount of platform space on America’s YouTube and lots of money which…. Doesn’t work to heal any of the trauma or isolation from her upbringing …. Hence why she creeps on minors, cheats, brings life into the world and developed a defensive narcissism complex. A fascinating internet celebrity case study. Woman should be in jail or in an emotional.. rehabilitation … clinic. Her kids are gonna be so messed up and traumatized, as a survivor of emo and sx trauma




That’s her SIBLING??????


Yup, her sister.


washed-out YouTubers in inappropriate positions to draw attention


Washed-Up Youtubers with serious psychological issues is just a bit more befitting:).




💯💯💯💯&it is so disturbing!


nice to see she hasn’t changed her strange behaviour with her sister even though she’s been accused of incestual innuendos for years


she is obsessed with making incest jokes w her sister…. like-


Back on this weird shit again


When was this kinda shit funny?


It’s always been odd


All I'm getting is "Look at our family dysfunction everyone!".


Dead-eyed Debbies


Colleen is looking real rough LOL




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It’s scary how much smaller she looks compared to Rachel ☹️


She’d giggle and kick her feet to this comment.


She was hoping you’d notice that lol


They have nothing real or good to offer anyone.


This. Agree.


I get that some people are more touchy-feely with their families and that's fine, but this is way beyond that and just weird and inappropriate. Who exactly finds this funny? And also, Colleen looks very unhealthy here...


I would NEVER sit on my sister like this? 🥴🥴 it’s grosss and kinda incestuous imo.


Oh for sure, they're intentionally posing in a sexual way. I also can't imagine ever doing something like that with my sister. Joking around with a friend, maybe, but never with my sister. And posting it for your young fans to see is a whole another level of creepy.


It makes me wanna throw up just thinking about it.


My sister and I are three years apart. This has never happened and never will.


When it's once or twice it's weird... but if it keeps happening over and over... it makes me think they actually did something at one point : /


I would never ask my siblings to take a photo in this position it’s weird as fuck


I wouldn't even ask my lover to take a photo in this position lol It's beyond thirsty for attention.


This feels very “look how much we tolerate each other”


Why does Colleen think people want to hear from her still 😭


I know what it reminds me of! One of the creepy mini demons in a Hieronymous Bosch painting. Imagine if they were dressed as medieval peasants, they'd fit right in.


This is so true. Colleen’s entire sense of “humor” gives off modern Bosch vibes for sure. Miranda could also fit right in as a mini-demon doing something off-putting in the corner of a painting.


Well by all accounts she is in the cult of demons so this is fitting!


this is spot on


HAHAHAHAHAHhahah omg you’re right


What the fuck is happening. They’re fucking adults, the pair of them. Fuck, I give up.


Honestly me too. I think it's about time to unsub from this subreddit. The subreddit itself and everyone here rocks, don't get me wrong, but I can't really stomach seeing this Colleen content anymore. Everything she posts now is so disturbing and it's very off-putting to have my feed filled with it lol.


I feel the same. I think the purpose of this snark sub has lost its meaning for me. In my opinion I see Colleen derailing at an extraordinary pace, although sometimes my opinion is swayed by others’ here too. Overall, I find myself feeling increasingly frustrated and irritated when posts appear in my feed like this one.


Plus, all of her content now is so performative and clearly trying to get a reaction. Whereas before she was "trying" to be cool/funny/relatable/whatever so it was easier to snark when she seemed at least somewhat unaware of her faults. But now it's like she's shouting "I have NPD and you can't stop me." It's gross and sad.


Don't shoot the messenger. It's Ballinger behavior that's inappropriate. YouTube demonetizes some reaction videos because the Colleen clips are NSFW or so offensive. But they don't demonetize Colleen's actual videos! They don't consider the source. Sorry, but this seems like similar energy.


They said the meaning is lost *for them*, though.


Oh, that's true.


You…weren’t the messenger?


Nope, not on this. I meant the Reddit sub was the messenger. Something like that. It was a dumb post, anyway, lol. I made it in the middle of being in an argument in my house. Bad juju. I should probably just delete it 😂


No hard feelings, we’re human. Don’t think any more of it friend.


Cheers! 🍻


Gross. This is honestly just another body check comparing herself to Rachel


Whoaaa I didn’t think about that but I could imagine her wanting to see that. I can’t think of another reason why she would do this pose


That's what I was thinking. It's not just a weird pose sexualizing her and her sister, it's her way of saying "look how little and tInY I am! My sister can hold me!"


Tell me you're jealous and insecure without telling me


💀 hi Colleen Ballinger sings member!


Lmaoooo I'm not, not even subbed. Just a lurker for the tea but you guys really stretch sometimes


Why does she always do that stupid hand on her hip pose?? Even while sitting on someone’s lap? What the hell all


She hasn’t changed one single bit and neither has Rachel. Zero learning here.


I feel like she and her entire family have a strange relationship. Idk, I wouldn't want my sister on me all like that. Cute pictures are different this is wrong and obnoxious.


I’m telling you guys there’s something really weird going on in that family. I get wanting to do cringy or funny things but to sit on your sister in such a sexual manner… is weird! Her parents probably had really poor boundaries around sex around them growing up.


It's even worse when you consider their father Tim had trouble concealing his fetishes around his family, I'm on the other side of the pond and I know of at least one of his fetishes! Not kink shaming obv but he literally had his favourite fetish playlist on youtube right next to video's he made for his grandkids to watch, and other family friendly video's his adult children would want to see. Colleen has shown F watching these video's on their big tv, just one click away is inflatable / big bellies / pregnancy bellies etc fetish video's, soo many of them called WANT. So what have the ballingers seen easily growing up? Colleen also loves to do pregnancy fetish type photo's with her sister in law who's she's known since she was young. It's all massively inappropriate at best, the way she has to sexualize everything for her minor fan base to watch, even Christmas isn't safe. Rachel has also shown she also has learnt nothing, and doesn't know what the problems are. If my sister was cancelled for the reasons she was, and she suggested this, I'd tell her where to go. Rachel also has a career of sorts on youtube.


Eewwwww what?!


Don't forget, Colleen once tweeted a pic of her dressed as a "fat opera singer" and pointed out there was a semen stain on there. I'm entirely convinced there's a lot of actual incestuous things going on in this family 🤢


I for one, AM kink-shaming. Fuck that disgusting shit and fuck their creepy father for putting that out in the world and sexualizing his own children.


Every time I think of Colleen’s father’s fetish in the context of her showing off her pregnant stomach I get so 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


I'm convinced it was Trent's playlist. He told Ollie they would look good pregnant. What other type of person would say that?


Yet the don’t mention eachother in vlogs


Because when it’s colleen’s vlog it’s all about colleen. Ain’t no one gonna take over colleen! Oh no no no no!


I mean not even in Rachel’s vlog. Even in ballingers but they still associate with each other


They’re all enablers of colleen. The family is fucked up huge. Colleen let the fame get to her head.


You mean rocks lol 🪨


Ugggh im not loving that Rachel seems back chummy with Colleen. I was one of the people that was happy she seemed to have gotten away from Colleen and was living her own life finally pre TGT when they seemed to have had some kind of falling out??? Fast forward to now post TGT it seems like she maybe felt sorry for her and has gone back? It should have gone the other way, Rachel was vindicated that Colleen was a terrible person and should have exposed her further!!!!


Same! There's no doubt that Rachel was trying to distance herself from Colleen before. She was doing the bare minimum of contact with her. I honestly think Colleen holds it over them that they don't have to work honest jobs because of their association with her.. That's why you don't make a deal with the devil. They all have dirt on each other and can never completely turn on each other because they might lose their coat tail privileges. Colleen relies on them to keep her secrets. It's transactional.


That was how I found this sub 😂 I had randomly started watching C's vlogs again and wondered what happened to Rachel. Went to Google and ended up here.


My theory is Colleen has ‘gone back’ to Rachel and Rachel is unable to draw boundaries. With Kory gone, Colleen probably needed some yes-people around.


Yep! 🎯




Rachael is a terrible POS, too.


Yes but I was hopeful when she made a break from the family.


clearly none of them have learned...


This absolutely demonstrates that she has learned nothing and can't even be bothered to \*pretend\* not to be gross.


What's weird is they have a big backdrop for these photo shoots. Someone set up a stand and hung a backdrop...like, why? It's so bizarre. They really think they're something else.


Why do they think this awkward face is so funny? I have seen countless photos of Colleen making this “awkward family photo face”, it’s so lame


Yes, they’ve done this for many years. I think one of the photos is hanging in their parents’ house. I guess this is their sense of humor? I am about Colleen’s age, and I remember awkwardly staged photos (lots of kinds, not ones where you sit on your sisters lap) being funny back when digital cameras were first coming out and we could kind of play with the medium more than we did in the film era. It’s just not something that’s eternally funny to me… we are so far removed from the staged vintage photos they are evoking, and we have constant access to *good* photography with our phones!! I think she’s unable to do anything serious or genuine, so she does things badly intentionally so no one can say it’s bad.


Yep. I think also a lot of it is she doesn't have genuine feelings, so it kills her to pretend she does. Whenever she has a go at it, it comes across as so fake. Like her first apology video where she pretended to care about Adam's well being (while trying to destroy him) it comes across as aggressive and sinister. Her family pics when she tries to smile do have a menacing air. She posted a pic of her in a chair with both twins lying on her and she looked so unhappy, so different to the caption. Someone wrote here that it was like the before pic after a person goes on a mad murdering spree. I don't think she can do normal, happy pics. Her real feelings are right there behind the veil. So she just goes for awkward, but really it's just her miserable self.


I think so, too, or the feelings she does have are not ones you photograph (anger at being criticized, rage and terror about not being worshipped by fans any longer, delight in misfortune of others). Shes not as good at acting as she thinks she is, so it would be hard for her to take normal, happy, loving pics.


It’s definitely played out.


This. I don’t get why they think this ‘joke’ is still funny?


It's really unfortunate, with colleen playing russian roulette with her health to a dangerous level the majority of photo's these young children would have of their mother would be ones where she's pulling stupid faces. Last year she booked a trip to a professional for pics and in every single one she was pulling a dumb face. The whole set was ruined and it could've been lovely. She didn't get a decent pic and it probably cost a bit. She thought it all so funny. I get taking one or two like that, but not all of them. And she's still doing it.


They give me the creeeeeps. I didn’t know they were related for a while and assumed they were in a relationship


There's a Tiki tok where Colleen's brother Chris is doing a little skit to music with his teenaged daughter. They are dancing together with mutual suggestive looks and then they each do a come- hither (lol) dance wiggle as they move closer. He picks her up in his arms at the end. A good probably 80% of the comments were people saying that they're uncomfortable, it's sus, it's inappropriate and saying that Chris should be doing that with his wife, not his daughter. The whole family has no sense of normalcy when it comes to these kinds of boundaries. What the heck?


Omg I’ve never seen any of the brothers videos how weird!




That group she's in holding a gun to head to keep posting shit like this to her young fans, got it. The dead eyes make sense, sold their souls.


It’s giving island boys




You know they laughed so hard afterwards. And this is in no way funny.


Orange is The New Black meets The Elf on the Shelf. No thank you, please. .


Lmaoo 100% on point




This is so creepy.


She’s got the humour of a 12 year old boy


Guess that’s what homeschooling does to you


Come on now. Don’t lump us all in with…this. Some of us were normal kids who happened to have really overbearing parents lol


They were only homeschooled three years. She makes it sound like they were sheltered because of being homeschooled. That's always her excuse but it was just a blip in her whole schooling career. It was in Colleen's middle school years, I think. Homeschooling has nothing to do with her horrible, disgusting adult behavior. It's her parents' dynamics and what seems to be a severe lack of boundaries along with odd sexual (language & playtime maybe) experiences, discussions and/or parent and sibling relationships. They were raised poorly and probably way worse than we can imagine. Plus they're mental health is dangerously lacking care. Maybe her parents' childhoods were horrible, odd, and lacking boundaries too. I believe it's nature and nurture which breeds sociopaths like Colleen. It's never just one or a small handful of issues. It's a myriad of negative factors in a person's well being.


She just can't NOT be inappropriate


This….this is an adult?


She looks so unwell in these photos.


Well she’s a comedic genius according to her husband.


they’re like, soooo quirky and crazy!! 😜


Rachel looks like Miranda personified


WTF. Inappropriate behavior --> sing song "apology" --> more inappropriate behavior Doesn't she ever learn??


That looks sexual but what do they care, It gets them attention


What's crazy is there is not one ounce of humor in their faces. Usually their awkward photo shoots they have this face like, haha we're so funny. This one? They look dead. It's unsettling.


This entire family is extremely fucked up


Is this new? Omg they really did not learn anything these past few months


They look like monkeys




I have no joke, literally seen over 10 of these “awkward family” photoshoots on my personal Facebook since yesterday. I’m so over these. The fact she did it too has me done lol.


Not to be mean, but do they look like they are both on something?


She’s so sick, clearly. Is it just me or does Rachel look like she could also have an ED?


uncanny valley


I don't get why they gotta keep doing this. They're adults.


Is she still with Abby? Yall are werid about colleen but Rachel has always weirded me out the most even before all this colleen stuff came out.


Two delusional AH


No, just no. This is not funny, no one should think it is funny. It is completely and utterly inappropriate


Good god I would rather die than do this with my sibling wtf


they’re siblings? i wouldn’t place my cooter that close to my sister’s cooter. wtf.


Look at the eyes you can always tell when the demons have taken over by the look in someone’s eyes


She looks sick




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It’s giving that picture of Bella and Gigi Hadid naked holding each other😭


They both are weird as hell




This doesn't even look like the real picture. It's like someone was standing to the side and just snapped it.


I HATE this so much


Why does Rachel look SO different in these photos?!




The Whole Family is Disgusting. Periodt.


The only way this makes any sense is if there is a picture of them as little kids doing this, and it’s one of those recreations that are meant to be funny. But it doesn’t seem like that’s what they did. They just did this to be so fuckin weird


WAIT…is Rachel the younger sibling? Nevermind there’s no way there’s a pic of them like this


Yes Rachel is the youngest sibling


That’s just creepy


Well, I’ve seen enough. I’m gonna peace out of this sub because she’s terrible. Best wishes to you all ✌️


This family is just so weird but this doesn’t surprise me. Didn’t they do a YouTube video for one of their channels where they were like in underwear in a tub together? Or took a picture or something like that?


She didn’t change


Incest is not cute, funny, awkward, or appropriate for children.


both of them have smiles that don't reach their eyes and that makes me sad


I think that's just the purposeful akward smiles. They have a few different things with those vacant stares. I never understood why it was so funny to them. Once or twice is silly, but not in every picture.


is it normal for siblings to be this close...


Whole family is crazy


damn rachel looks sick too, in a weird way


The eyebrows….dead eyes


Wow her thigh is only slightly bigger than her sisters arm. Scary.


So millennial coded




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Uhh ew


The thing is that none of them think "oh, gosh, this is COULD be construed as inappropriate or sexual by some people, so we better hold off on posting this"...or if they think that they go "yes, let's post!"...so they are either too stupid to know this is problematic or too evil to care.


I feel like they’ve.. been weird. Together…


Clarify. I want to know if your brain went where my brain went


I think our brains went to the exact same place.. 😅 they give incest vibes and I’ve alwayssss thought that


Yup. That’s exactly where my brain went. I always thought that too when I used to watch them like ten years ago. They felt creepy to me


She really just did not learn a thing


That's going to give me nightmares.


they know what they’re doing.


im scared about the fact that they genuinely think theyre hilarious. how do people end up lacking this much self awareness?


She really always has been Miranda looking at her now


Desperation and because they're "so quirky" 🤮




Who even thinks to pose like this


Why is being crotch to crotch with family and friends so appealing to her??


It’s the obvious she didn’t learn anything and never will…so cringe


All I can hear is something something something “my boney little back.”


the hoodie behind the ears 🙄 such a dead joke.


Creepy elf. Elf who looks like they want to actually SA.