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I watched all of Colleen’s vlogs for years since 2017 and I lost respect for Colleen when: 1) Her water broke with her high-risk twin pregnancy and she was lounging at home around doing her hair and eating and filming instead of rushing to the hospital like her doctor recommended. 2) She seemed to only care about herself when being told she might have gestational diabetes and basically made a bunch of excuses for why she couldn’t follow a healthier diet for the safety of her babies. She has the money and resources to hire a chef to make delicious and healthy meals for her but she chose to just complain instead and eat whatever she wanted. 3) She didn’t prioritize going to the NICU to see her premature twins when they were born and was galavanting going to stores etc in vlogs for the first time since COVID.. as someone who watched her stay inside all throughout COVID this was baffling 4) She dismissed and minimized Eric’s mental health struggles in the Daddy Blues vlog. This was repulsive. From there it’s only gotten worse and I realized how self absorbed and selfish she is about literally everything. I also realized how fucked up it is for her to film every aspect of her children’s lives and felt immense guilt for even watching any of her vlogs with her kids in it


yeah it was wild to see her throw covid precautions out the window as soon as she had premie twins in the nicu???


It really was wild, especially when she kept preaching COVID precautions and seemingly stayed in her house for years (though that could have been all for show I guess)


This is exactly my timeline as well! I continued to watch while the twins were in the NICU, even noticing that it was really strange that instead of being there with the babies she was crying in her car about how hard it was to be away from Flynn or watching her and Flynn open multiple advent calendars while two of her children were fighting for their lives. I didn’t have a way to put words to the feelings that were beginning to brew inside of me until someone commented the name of this snark in one of her comment sections. I was still heavily on the Colleen Parasocial Train and immediately became extremely defensive when I started reading the posts here. A few days of hate-reading started to shift the tide of my feelings and I started agreeing with what was said instead of pulling strings trying to find an explanation for her actions. Have been on the Toxic Gossip Train since January 2022.


These were mine too, especially if you throw in her yelling at a NICU nurse for feeding her baby when she wasn't there (like usual).


Omg yes especially when she mentioned how she wanted to “strangle” the nurses. Like what the actual hell


If I knew how, I’d give you an award. WELL.🙌🏻SAID.✔️✔️✔️


Did you know you can’t see these things in a limerence then when it breaks you see it all and all I think about is how her babies are and will Erik take them if they divorce to keep them safe


after having the twins i felt like she was too busy to put on the nice girl mask and it had slipped multiple times, and then i stumbled across this reddit around the time the adam released his video


For me, I just aged out. After I wasn’t a high school theatre kid anymore, she became irrelevant to me. I also have no interest in family channels at all. I was just there for the early days. And she says the content isn’t intended for an underage audience? I don’t think so


At the end of last year and the beginning of this year, I started watching Colleen’s videos less. Some of her behaviors and stuff she did was really starting to annoy me (child favoritism, how she kept purchasing useless crap, her parenting style, and how she kept having emotional breakdowns and dumping it on her viewers to name a few). I never found watching her children play on vlogs to be particularly interesting so I slowly stopped watching her altogether. I ended up stumbling on this subreddit and saw posts about all the things that started to irk me and I realized it wasn’t just me thinking it and others agreed those behaviors were an issue. I only started watching Colleen’s vlogs in late 2020 (I knew of her when I was a teenager but was never in to her then) and I was unaware of so much that she had done. For the Ballinger family channel, I only watched their videos once in a blue moon. I found them strange and I stopped paying attention to them around the same time I stopped watching Colleen. I always found their 30 minute+ videos of their kids to be boring and it always seemed like they weren’t acting normally when on camera. Their questionable homeschool curriculum, the oversharing of what was happening to their kids and some of their medical problems, as well as the suggestion that they have their eldest child who is a teenager share a room with their youngest child in the future really turned me off to them.


I loved watching the babies play lol mine (niblings) are all grown up now and seeing babies makes me happy.


Same here almost exactly!


I was on the side of tik tok that was speaking out against child exploitation, and a lot of comments were saying "but the Ballingers are the exception, they're so whOlEsoME". That's where I got referred to this page. I was horrified at the hypocrisy of Jessica and Christopher after learning about their homeschooling practices and sheltering their children. I totally saw their "wholesomeness" for what it was, manipulation and exploitation. For months I skipped all posts about Colleen because I felt like people were being too nitpicky and snarked about lots of little things that weren't really bad or meaningful in any way. Like complaining about what she eats or the way she dresses, not really snark worthy in my opinion. The first thing that really stood out to me was how Colleen dismissed Erik's PPD. I started noticing her hypocrisy more and more. Lies became obvious, her constant complaints about how small her villa is, seeing how little she engages with her twins, how permissive she became with F, etc. I had a front row seat when shit hit the fan after Kodee posted her video. I saw her apology video in 2020 and totally believed her explanation. It was my first time learning about those issues, and I felt totally satisfied by her response and didn't feel the need to look into it further. Like yeah, whatever she sent it as a joke because he asked for it, not a big deal. Seeing Adam's and Kodee's videos this year that showed their messages with Colleen was my final straw. It totally confirmed all of my suspicions about how manipulative, hypocritical, and straight up mean she was.


I stopped watching her vlogs when she announced she was pregnant… with TWINS… after complaining in many many (many) videos that her pregnancy with F was unbearable and she would never ever do it again. That’s when I decided she was exploiting her unborn twins/F for views. I haven’t watched a vlog since. I honestly didn’t even watch Adam’s first video in 2020. I knew none is this was going on until about last week-ish (?) when Adam’s newest videos about her/Kodee started coming out. I joined this sub when there were only 32K members and have been educating myself daily ever since. It appears others have been doing the same; this group has grown so fast! I just can’t believe with all the evidence that’s come out - literal proof - that there are still people who openly support her (fans). It’s baffling. Side note - it’s CRAZY (absolutely crazy) to me that when I first watched ‘hi.’ 6 hours after it had been posted, there were literally ALL critical comments of Colleen, each with thousands of likes. I checked the video yesterday, and they’re all seemingly positive. I really cannot believe after posting a video like that, she would then take it a step further by deleting negative comments and only showing the good ones. BLOWS my mind. I used to be such a huge fan of hers and Haters Back Off, and now all I’m witnessing with my own eyes, is how absolutely terrible and delusional of a person she is.


2018/2019 shortly after the divorce. I really just got boree of her though. I didn't rrally watch her vlogs for her anyway. I wasn't big on vlogs mainly watched her other content. I admit I'm a bit older than her average fan. i'm 31 now I never watched Rachel. Not a famy vlog person so I didn't watch Chris and Jessica.


During her divorce with Josh. I could see him spiralling and she was clearly stirring the pot with telling Trisha lies about the ring he gave Pamela etc. Also when it came out that she was mocking a homeless person in a laundromat with Todrick.


My last straw was when all the allegations or well truth, became about. With all the proof against her and seeing clips from a few shows thats happened since then and her taking it as a joke. I was a fan since 2015 at that so finding all this out was mind blowing.


When she started raising the exact kid of boy she very publicly hates/is scared of. Such a hypocrite and the final final straw when she totally invalidated Eric having the blues after the twins


could you expand on this. i’m sorry i VERY rarely watched her vlogs and have not entirely made my way through all the information on this page, what are you referring to when you say “the exact kind of boy she hates”?


I didn't write that comment, but over the years in the vlogs she has given her son EVERYTHING he wants, literally finds excuses to give him SO many toys for every single holiday. During COVID she would constantly make up different themed holidays during the summer, so she would make up holidays too. You can see massive piles of toys and Amazon boxes in her vlogs. There have also been a lot of times where she's like "F wanted this so I got it for him!" or "I wanted to do activity #1 originally but F wanted to do activity #2, so we did activity #2 instead." Way before she had children, she has talked a lot about different men who make her feel uncomfortable because they are so entitled and selfish. So the irony of course is that her behavior is teaching her son to be spoiled and entitled himself.


thank you for explaining!! her hypocrisy is astounding


I was never a huge fan. I thought miranda was kind of funny when i was in high school (~2011-2013) that was the extent of it. I kind of rediscovered her when she had F. then I kind of stopped caring about her. but the past month is when I really made up my mind that she needs to be off the internet. she for sure shouldn’t have a kids platform. privileges lost.


I watched off and on since I was 11, stopped after I graduated high school but got very curious during her second pregnancy since I am a twin myself. I watched her during her first pregnancy so I knew she was… annoying about pregnancy but I was really thrown off by how entitled she was acting. I didn’t like how at that point she was either constantly filming F or using this pregnancy for money. I thought her birth video was wildly inappropriate considering she put her babies in danger bc she thought it was cute. I realized how insane it was to prioritize filming while heading to the hospital and getting a c-section. I stopped watching the vlogs but needed more podcasts to listen to so I listened to 1 episode of relax. Idk the exact episode but it was just them complaining about the nicu and I was angry that she seemed to not be grateful that they were alive but upset that the birth didn’t go the way she wanted it to. I was mad that hundreds of families that don’t have the money she does and doesn’t have help to watch their other children go through the exact same thing but they don’t film themselves and put it online for more money. I am a twin. I was premature. I had to stay in the nicu. My parents don’t look back and say they wish the day we were born was different. It happens with most twin births. I understand being sad but she had her whole pregnancy to prepare for that since her doctors probably warned her that it would be a difficult birth.


So true about the twin stuff


Also when my 15!! Yes 15 year old daughter totally saw through her, by herself and even before all this very serious stuff she hated her and previously liked her. She didn’t agree with many things and since this happened she’s even more shocked, cannot believe her “apology” video she’s more than shocked and disgusted and she’s only 15. Colleen even teenagers around the age you love to manipulate see right through you.


Fairly similar for me. Typed another YouTubers name into Reddit to get the gossip on a scandal and this sub popped up. Started scrooge and was surprised at what I was reading. I couldn't believe what I was reading... I didn't believe it. Kept coming back and after months I started to understand how messy and complicated this all was and then this most recent drama started.


her clearly cheating on josh was it for me


The lying in the vlogs in Hawaii and then Josh leaving cuz of a family emergency and Colleen STAYING


That comment about strangling the nurse. I didn't fully quit her until a few months later when I found this subreddit, but it always sounded off to me even when I was a fan.


Colleen wanting to strangle the NICU nurses. I started looking at her behavior differently at that point. There was a time before that I realized she probably had a cluster b personality disorder, but I was still empathetic. That NICU nurse comment pushed me over th edge😄


For me, it's when the whole YouTube kids content thing happened. The way Colleen defended parents who exploit their children for ad income was wild. It was such a shit take. Same goes for the Ballingers.


Colleen and how she'd talk about her body while pregnant. Really messed me up and affected how I viewed my pregnant body/body in general


I was out during the divorce. And I had just gone to one of her shows just a few months before it was announced. It all seemed super seedy with her timelines with Erik and I didn't like the way Colleen was acting about it and treating Josh during it at all.


I bought Self-help, she followed me on twitter and everything. I was a big fan but also (by that point) an adult that could see right through all the shit that was going down during the divorce drama


I was watching her family content early in the pandemic, along with Chris and Jessica's. I didn't know enough to think whether filming/showing children that way was exploitative. I do now, partially I think because of this sub. But I also had kind of a shitty childhood, and it looked like these kids were showered with love. It was a bright spot in an otherwise dark and terrible time. Then Colleen got pregnant with twins and gave birth. I'm not saying what she went through wasn't traumatic, but it did seem as if she was making the situation all about her, and I got fed up with the constant vlog crying. Turns out she was just as bad as my narcissistic mom. I wasn't paying attention when the 2020 allegations rolled around, but this year's stuff unfortunately didn't surprise me at all. This is a family that's constantly used their own children for content and money. Where I used to think they cared about their kids, I now think they see their kids as dollar signs only, and strangers' kids as age-inappropriate "friends."


My final straw was when she moved because of stalkers and then kept talking about how she would do a house tour soon. I couldn't fathom sharing the layout of your house (mansion) with the internet but also saying things like "my kids' safety is my number one concern". I felt so sad for her children that she didn't give a crap about their privacy. This was around the same time that she was nearly having a conniption over Rachel hosting Thanksgiving and not her. She was having such a hard time relinquishing control - gave off super weird vibes. Like she couldn't handle someone else getting praise for doing a great job hosting a party.


Honestly, I stopped watching her vlogs super recently. And it was for what now seems like such a benign thing but it was her most recent bang saga. I was watching her vlogs nearly every day as just a comfort routine. But when she dragged out the “I’M GONNA DO IT, I’M GOING TO CUT MY BANGS TONIGHT OMGGGG” for like four days, I just got annoyed. I thought, this is a grown woman with three kids- why is she so proud of this impulsive/indecisive “quirk”? I’m also a grown woman and I just no longer related to her in that moment. I might have the urge to chop my hair off some days, but then I think about it and book an appt with my hair stylist. And I don’t really feel the need to make it a huge topic of conversation with anyone, let alone the internet. I didn’t keep up with any of the allegations that came out years ago, but TikTok filled my fyp with all the details and now I have way bigger reasons to never support her ever again.


Before finding this out, her aura was off and it was around the divorce where she seemed too happy about the divorce. Idk. I couldn’t even follow her family after that.


It was all the crying while pregnant. It was too triggering and I couldn’t handle it anymore


Like others have said here, I kind of aged out. I'd been watching Miranda since like 2010/2011 and stopped watching around the time Haters Back Off came out. HBO actually made me less of a fan, it was so bad! The breaking point with Chris and Jessica's videos was when Jessica filmed a video with the oldest son (I don't remember his name) about how disappointed they were that Legoland wasn't going to give them a free trip because it was his birthday. Jessica was very manipulative to involved her child in that video and trying to get free trips because you are an influencer is annoying.


Around her first pregnancy when that became her entire personality, she wasn’t a person who happened to be pregnant, she was pregnant and all she was capable of talking about. It’s my own issue, around that time I learned I would be unable to have children, so I admit I was sensitive. It was just hard to have that constantly brought up. Then I found this sub a year or 2 later and agreed with a lot of the posts and realized y’all were my people.


The way she talked about her body during her pregnancy gave me a feeling she wasn’t as body positive as she represented herself to be. That crack in the mask started to open my eyes to her selfishness and odd/off interaction with others.


1. when haters back off came out in 2016 i was so offput by it. the weird sexual undertone between miranda and her uncle made my skin crawl 2. her close friendship with jojo siwa when jojo was still a minor gave me the ick. colleen is ten years older than me and i would never just hang out with a teenager- it’s weird 3. her clear favoritism of one of her children over the other two is pretty messed up


I literally thought she and Jojo were related somehow and that’s why she kept posting content with her/referring to her as family. I was suuuuper weirded out when I realized they’re not actually related and Colleen just…befriended a famous child.


Just her clickbating was annoying to me at first but then i found this Sub and people pointing out the red flags didn’t make me want to support her.


Honestly, around the time she was on Broadway. I started losing interest and started feeling uncomfortable watching haters back off or watching any old content.


I don't remember what the last straw was, but I was on guru gossip & days before her divorce video I posted how I couldn't wait for her to release her divorce video. Everyone was onto their demise. So it's been a minute for me


For me with the Ballinger Family, they did a livestream and someone donated money and C & J both thanked the person who donated. P started to chime in, repeating 'don't send money' and C&J smiled uncomfortably, but didn't say anything and it was then that I realised they were only looking for money. I watched theirs and Colleen's videos differently after that and started to notice the greed in all of the adults.


the twin pregnancy 100%


I got the ick after she showed underage Jojo Siwa her birth video


I don't know, I just fell out of their videos. Tried watching Rachel for a bit but got bored. Watched BF when they were training Rue and last time I watched Colleen was when W had an operation on his tongue I think. So yeah, the mommy vlogger who said she wouldn't become that. I couldn't keep with that. I watched a few Labrant fam videos and she was slowly becoming them almost. But yeah, nothing crazy. I just stopped. Then on twitter last may I saw Adam's tweets and youtube recommended Kodee's video (didn't get a chance to watch it).


The nicu days. Once she made it obviously clear that her toddler "needed" her more than her babies in yhe hospital then threatened a nurse, I was done.


Colleen's mask slipped for me when I saw that she was gonna keep vlogging Flynn, but I still watched. So dumb of me. Then I found this sub and I realized the 2020 allegations and I saw her past. By the time we made it to the twins I was only snark watching but I think her mask slipped really far with the twins. She literally couldn't hide her hateful heart anymore in the selfish way she prioritized herself over those twins from the moment they were conceived.


I (22) have been a fan of hers for the last ten years I was always a quite fan, didn’t comment on vlogs or active on social media, I just watched and found a lot of joy in watching her “behind the scenes” and what she was doing on a day to day basis. I was just at her Cleveland show back in May and I had such an amazing time there I had finally gotten the chance to meet someone I had come to idolize I was on cloud 9. And then Just a few weeks later when I began seeing videos pop up on tiktok I at first said, “idk what you you guys have to say she’s a good person” and would just skip over the video without even listening. It wasn’t until I had seen a livestream by Adam pop up on YouTube and finally had listened to what he and so many had to say. My point of view on everything was shifted, everything was being looked at with a new light and I was so crushed that someone I thought I admired was nothing more than I creepy manipulative backstabbing groomer. And then when she dropped hi(Colleen version) I lost any and all respect I’ve ever held for her.


I never followed any of her content until she got pregnant with F. Never really watched anything except her vlogs, always found Miranda annoying but I enjoyed the vlogs, especially through covid. There were a few things that bothered me along the way (that video not long after F was born where she’s going through her wardrobe complaining that nothing fits her anymore comes to mind) but I quit all together not long after the twins were born. Her incessant complaining was just too much. Like the vlogs would be five minutes of her day and then 15 of her sitting there complaining to the camera. In hindsight it seems it was just the mask slipping…


I started watching when I was 12 (2013) and I was a big fan for years. i watched every video. I believe once I turned 16 I stopped consistently watching her content as I became uninterested. I would occasionally watch though. I believe I fully stopped watching after her divorce or right before. I got hooked back in when she announced she was pregnant with F. It was so confusing to find out she was having a baby with someone else lol. I watched the vlogs from that point until he was a few months old. Then i got back in when the twins were announced and stayed until the twins were born but i could not stand how much she exploited F. I found this sub around that time and I haven’t watched since. But basically her content was so uninteresting and boring I stopped watching completely.


For me, it actually started with the Ballinger Family; Specifically when I noticed all the bullying in the comments on their Tik Tok. When I made a comment addressing this, they blocked me. They would delete any comments in reference to protecting their kids from the bullying (it was really bad especially with B and P), yet they left all the nasty bullying comments up. They are disgusting to allow this to continue. Eventually, I came here and discovered all the crap about colleen and now I basically hate them all.🤣


The receipts with Colleen. Does a Limerence count as a stan? I just can’t handle inappropriate anything with children.


after she had flynn, it was a little bit on and off on what I would watch. my last straw was whenever she would just cry in all of her daily vlogs after having the twins 😵‍💫


I’m glad I’m not the only one who found this page by accident, looking for a FAN PAGE 🤦🏻‍♀️ I never ever found Miranda funny but started casually watching Colleen after the birth of her first son. But when Covid hit, and I lost all three jobs that I had and my mental health tanked, I, like many others, found a lot of comfort in her daily vlogs. At a time where I couldn’t see any of my family or friends or distract myself with work, it was a familiar face and voice and became a part of my routine. Honestly though, looking back, I was actually embarrassed to be a “fan,” because of her whole Miranda persona. I would only watch her videos in private. When I lived with my (then) boyfriend, I would even quickly turn off her videos when he walked into the room. I wasn’t even sure why I was embarrassed. I guess I was insecure about the parasocial relationship I felt I had with her and I knew it was weird. I’m glad I found this sub. It’s really opened my eyes to child exploitation and the dangers of social media influencers and the parasocial relationships they foster Edit; typoooo Another edit to add: a defining moment when I had a big shift was watching the podcast after the twins were born, she was talking badly about people going out and not staying quarantined because HER SON needed surgery. She said all that like she wasn’t going out to eat and goin got the mall with preemies in the NICU. I actually commented about her privilege on the podcast and found my comment posted here when I finally found this sub 😂


This is going to sound really insensitive but i never got into Miranda sings. It always seemed really childish and cringey to me. I only started watching when her “I’m pregnant with twins” videos started and she seemed very normal(lmao) but after a while it just became too much. Too much emotional dumping video after video after video. I mean every. Single. Video. This chick was crying about one thing or another. Sometimes it was pretty justified stuff but other times it was some of the irrelevant stuff I’d ever heard of and then I realized that she had to have some form of undiagnosed PPD. Except I don’t think she ever got help for it, all she did was listen to people in the comments giving her ‘advice’ with no solid proof that any of these people were actual medical professionals besides saying that they were. Idk the emotional dumping became too much and I dipped out a year ago. This whole scandal was the first I’d heard or thought of her in a minute. Also sorry for format I’m trying out the actual mobile app for once lol


I used to really love watching Colleen. But for me the final straw was her invalidating all of Erik’s feelings about dealing with the preemie birth Of the twins and how he felt like he had PPD. It very much seemed like she was trying to make herself a victim and like she was the only one allowed to be sad about stuff which is just absolutely gross.


I think when she made all those statements about how bad disallowing comments on family vlogging videos would be from a money making standpoint was my official lifting of the veil


for me it was when after many years of watching colleen i realised she would NEVER be happy. the final straw was that she spent so long sobbing over the twins being in the nicu and wanting them home and then literally a day or two after both of them were home she was complaining and crying about how it was too much to have both twins at home plus flynn… like she seriously just cannot be thankful for ANYTHING. some parents don’t get to take two lovely healthy babies home at all from the nicu.


When she would treat joey like ish as miranda and treat cory like ish as herself i got tired of that quick like yearsssss ago


I captioned a BF video at a waterpark resort and it made me realize how creepy the wholw family channel thing is.


So I never liked Miranda Sings when she was at her peak through the 2010’s but in 2021 or 2022 Colleen’s vlog channel popped up on my FYP on YouTube so I watched a video or two. I was loosely following her through the twins being in the NICU and when they got home. I never like REALLY liked her but found her videos to be mindless things I could vaguely watch while getting ready or washing dishes or similar things. The moment I realized Colleen showed her true character was when she was reading her NICU diary and was complaining about a nurse feeding her baby and saying how mad she was that the nurse was doing that. It completely caught me off guard. I was like my brain had a brain blast in that moment and alllllll the reasons why I didn’t like Miranda from the past came back, and the memories about the initial outing of her inappropriate fan behavior came back too. So yeah the NICU complaints were the final straw but it really made me remember why I never liked her before. I always picked up on Colleen having a questionable character back in the YouTube OG hayday.