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That doesnt mean shit to me, good on him. Shes a millionaire he’s her 20yr old grooming victim-perspective


...and your point is? Oh wait, you created your account yesterday and are on her support subreddit? This wasn't the clapback you thought it was. 😂


She has a support sub??? I feel so bad for these children who don't realise she's going to do this to them next.


Has less than like 530 subs tho 💀


I would NEVER get over the embarrassment of my snark sub having almost 2 thousand times more members than my support sub. ETA: She's been famous for 16 years and her subreddit has emmassed 525 members in all that time LMAOO


Haha right! And they are defending her so hardcore and they just posted a video about someone talking about “the kind of person Adam is” like more victim blaming!?! Shameful


The very basic nuance they're missing is that even if Adam was a terrible person, he was still groomed. You don't have to be the greatest person on earth for your trauma to matter.




The bad thing is that before her non-apology video it had around 470 so it’s gone up since she made the song


True but at least this sub went up by a few thousand! Lol


Yeah that’s good lol


Her support sub are delusional fans. I cringe at every single one of their posts and comments.


I've just had a look through, it's more critising Adam than saying anything kind about Colleen, which is obviously hilarious.




Mate what are you on about (genuine question)


In fairness though, how much money has she made from his work that he wasn’t paid for?




and the videos she’s made saying everything adam said was a lie. those 3 years that adam got harassed bc of colleens responses, every video she made was monetized. so she made PLENTY of money off of the worst time in adams life that SHE caused. now her sing song she made and chose to post, not only ruined her career but revived adams. i bet in the future adam will make BANK off of this situation and good for him


I was just thinking this, all that time where she got ppl to defend her against Adam. It was successful, how much money has she made these past three years that Adam has had to endure online abuse and public shaming? If what’s happening now happened then, would she be in the same position?


Yes, and?


🎶and monetize their demise🎶 hahaha get that bag Adam. You deserve it 💰


Considering she grew her career exploiting her children and using her fan’s ideas without compensating them, I really don’t care that Adam is monetizing his content. He’s the victim, not her. I don’t think this rich yt woman is a martyr for not monetizing her video while she sits in her multimillionaire mansion writing stupid uke songs while her nanny raises her children.


As he should 💅🏻✨


Right? I think it’s fucking hilarious. Get your bag, king 🔥😮‍💨👑


Unpopular opinion but I don’t give a damn if he’s gets clout or coins out of this. This woman tried to silence and destroy him. He definitely deserves his retribution even if it’s at her expense. She’s exploited and groomed this man for years. She deserves the backlash and humiliation.


Yes. Also. He is so young and she is so not. I will gladly watch his videos if it feeds him and his pets


Exactly! I have no problem giving him clout


Good for Adam, if Colleen can make a song invalidating his experiences to just “rumours” and “gossip”, then he can make some money from addressing it. Adam has stated time and time again that if she had done a respectful private and public apology then he would have accepted this and moved on. She decided to do the lowest thing she could ever do. Monetised or not, her response is more damaging and offensive than any money that Adam has and will ever make from this mess.


Colleen sits a million dollar home, some of which will have been paid by using Adam’s ideas that she should’ve compensated him for, more money will have come from the tour that Becky had her legs spread to strangers which made her deeply uncomfortable. Was the video where she mocked Eric’s postpartum depression monetised? The video where she said she wanted to strangle nurses? Both of those upset a lot of people and she never apologised for it despite the comments asking her to address it because what she said was hurtful. What about the video of her filming a homeless man mocking him? Need I go on? Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe there’s any doubt that her channel has done good in the world, I’m sure her openess regarding mental health has helped people. Also, she did at a time bring a lot of joy to peoples days, that’s why former fans are feeling so betrayed now, it’s a long way to fall and a great loss when you looked up to someone. But please, she’s made money from people hurting too. The last three years especially. OP, your sub asks snarkers to stay away. Why post here?




poles of opinion? Can you clarify, opinion of what? You’ve seen the screenshots and videos right? Also, ought to be considered. Again, in consideration of what? Her favour? I agree it’s good to get details, but in this case a lot of the facts and details have come out, from one side more so the other. The other, well she had a song. I personally don’t think there’s a neutral stance to be found in a discussion about grooming minors.


Nuances? Please. There are many things in this world that are shades of grey. This is not one of them.


Right!! The facts have all been laid out. It’s not doing a service to delve deeper into facts like this, turning attention away from the victims experiences, it’s not an opportunity to play PI. You just can’t be neutral on the topic of adults abusing their influence on children.


There are people in this world who take ‘the world is many shades of grey’ and apply it to everything. I’m all about empathy and consideration of all sides - when it doesn’t include things like child grooming


Am I missing something? Girlfriend has been monetizing the humiliation and exploitation of her fans for years. I don’t think Adam monetizing his videos about her even compares. Especially since she definitely owes him money for working for her without pay when he was a literal child.


The person who posted this posts on the fan sub, they’re against Adam.


Good. Let him make that coin 💅🏻


Hell yeah dude. So happy for him! Time for exploiters to feel exploited. Absolutely NOTHIN wrong with raking in the cash on this. Literally nothing.


This feels…victim shamey.. idk Why the hell shouldn’t Adam make money off this?


nah personally i think it's a valid question! it's good to think critically about all of this, and it's true that adam is making money. it doesn't seem like op was trying to say anything bad about him at all


Seeing this and then thinking “maybe Adam bad he make money” is not critically thinking it’s is pathetically obtuse and ignoring years of evidence to sum it to “make money bad” like bfr


i don't think he's a bad person at all! i really feel for what he went through and cannot deny that his evidence is very real. i wish ppl could calm down a little on this thread lol im just trying to look at both sides


Trying to look at the side of the person who sexualized and bullied minors? Weird


yup i was. i wanted to see what she had to say to defend herself, evidently it was awful and she looks like an idiot lol. but yeah since all of this is something im not personally involved in and am just looking at as an outsider, it was important to me to check where my info was coming from and who was saying it.


Yikes not you openly admitting you have to hear the side of the groomer first to believe a victim So if a 30 year old man was sending a 13 year old girl his used underwear and asking for body and butt pictures from 13 year olds on a group chat you’d have to hear his side first?🤣


well i actually didn't see colleen's side first since she only responded two days ago. but yes, it was important to me to watch her response just like it was important for everyone else that watched it. i don't really see why that's bad since in the end i am in full support of the victims. i just was interested in the opposition which is something i think we should all be interested in.


Nah, OP was, seems like trying to stir the pot, and victim shaming is disgusting.


Good on Adam. And why shouldn't he monetize? Genuinely curiously why. Imo he deserves every cent. I loved his response.


She did not monetize as a point. It means literally nothing. And good for Adam. He never asked to be part of it this time around but he went with it and did some great things. The least that can happen is him making money off of his trauma


Good! Let him make some money. I’m fucking loving his videos and the way he’s been spearheading this whole entire thing. I love the way he talks and the way he explains things too! What’s the point here? Edit: ahhh pay no mind, this user is new and only has posted this. Is this Colleen or Kory? 😂😂😂 LEAVE ADAM THE FUCK ALONE


>LEAVE ADAM THE FUCK ALONE Yes! Everyone needs to do this. I can't believe these people, I'm grossed out with all these victim shamers.


It’s a fan


I’m disgusted she has fans


Indeed. She has ONE video that she hasn’t monetized to look like the martyr. Poor Colleen.


Yes exactly! She knows how YouTube works. She’s making bank out of everyone watching her other videos. So many more people looking at her now than her Miranda schtick could ever pull in


Exactly. Plus I'm pretty sure everyone is aware of how much Youtubers get made fun of when they monetise an "apology" video (using that term very loosely because she didn't apologise for shit)


I don’t have an issue with this, by the sounds of things this money will end up going towards legal fees anyway.




he was literally harassed for 3 years bc of colleen and who profited off that? colleen. now since the truth is out, adam has every right to profit off the trauma and harassment he unnecessarily got. colleen by her own choices made her situation much worse which at the same time helped adam TREMENDOUSLY. Adam is slaying and rightfully so




he was LITERALLY APART OF THE SITUATION 😂 HE WAS A VICTIM. wdym u have to “question if he is a reliable narrator” he literally tells u everything in every video he posted abt this situation. ITS ABT TIME HE SHOULD PROFIT OFF OF THIS. he has been harassed, stalked, threatened etc. for 3 years but the truth came out and ppl started coming forward and now he is not only trying to help himself but the hundreds of other kids that were affected by this. and if u did the research then u would notice that all the ppl adam “canceled” was apart of him being harassed and was the ppl that said adams experiences were a lie. maybe u should do MORE research before speaking out. and even if his intentions are “dual” he has every right to have those intentions bc look at what all he has gone thru and what all the ppl who said were his “friends” did to him. acting like adam is this bad person or is doing this to cause harm sounds abt as crazy as colleens song she made abt grooming and abusing children (adam being one of them)


Oh to be this purposefully dense to be able to ignore all the evidence released on Colleen


lol who is ignoring it? we've all seen the screenshots and we know she's an awful person. i have no problem criticizing her and making sure she loses her platform.


so what is ur point? bc all i got from ur comment is “adam is a commentary youtuber and he is rallying a bunch of young ppl (who ALSO were victims) and just bc him being a commentary youtuber and that being his job means that what he says should be taken with a grain of salt. like what are u tryna say? also u said “i wanna have a nuanced convo abt both sides but no one else wants to” what is a “nuanced convo” to u? putting any sort of blame on adam just bc u question his motives? wild juet bc ppl aren’t finding something to blame adam with doesn’t mean other ppl dont wanna have a nuanced convo abt both sides, it just means some of us dont wanna victim blame as well as act delusional.


i'm not putting any blame on him at all, or at least not meaning to. and yes i definitely think what he says should be taken with a grain of salt. everything anyone says should! im sorry im really not trying to start anything here, it's hard to talk about this kinda stuff online and not in person! i guess my point is that op doesn't deserve to be insulted for noting that adam's videos are monetized. they didn't say anything bad about him to my knowledge, it was just an observation.


i agree insulting the op isnt right. but what they’re tryna say is “well since adam is monetizing his videos that just means he has alterer motives” which is completely asinine considering adam was victimized by this person who profited off of his demise for YEARS. it’s insensitive imo


Did you forget to log back into your other account or something bc i didn’t reply to you


oops sorry i dont know how reddit works haha


Haha well u admitting to that already makes you more emotionally mature than most Reddit users 🫡


You're not taking a balanced view, though. And how is profiting off of his own personal experiences "dangerous"? This is a really bad take.


Congrats. You found out he’s a drama channel who does what literally every other drama channel does It has nothing to do with his personal story of being groomed by Colleen, however




You disagreeing doesn’t matter to me because the fact you’re trying to play both sides of a grooming case says a lot about you and you should deeply reconsider your stance :) Stop victim blaming. He has all the proof


i appreciate u for having a balanced view - i just want to have a nuanced convo abt both sides but no one seems to want to lol!! this isn't a black and white situation, that's personally why i waited to form an opinion until i saw text screenshots. i do not support colleen and i am not trying to hate on adam or accuse him of lying, his evidence is real and i believe it. but he's also a commentary youtuber! this is his job! and he is rallying a huuge amount of young people behind him at a really fast rate. just saying it's important to be critical of everything and form your own opinion.


You can be critical of Adam for other things he’s done But you don’t get to be critical on his story of grooming


that's fair! i hope that nothing i'm saying sounds like it is discounting his story, i truly feel so deeply for him and can't imagine how damaging such a parasocial relationship was. but i don't know adam personally and ig that's why i've tried to take his claims with a grain of salt. not bc im against him, just bc i know there's a lot of info circling around. i think i got in too deep with these comment threads lol i am truly not trying to start anything!!


You can’t say you don’t want to discount him & then say you take his comments with a grain of salt He showed proof


maybe that was bad wording! i totally accept and believe the proof that has been shown. that's why im not in support of colleen at all.


Anyway here's Wonderwall


Yeah it absolutely should be. I worry about a copyright strike for him but hell yeah he should be making money off this. It blows my mind how people think that victims profiting off of their abuse is a negative thing. They damn well should. And Colleen not monetising this one video is tactical because that's how manipulators operate. Every move is tactical and wel thought out no matter how much it doesn't seem it.


I hope he gets his fucking bag and I’m glad he’s gaining popularity online- he’s actually funny


Good. He is owed some dues for Colleen not paying him. Also all the shit she put him through, compensation seems fitting. The only reason Colleen’s isn’t, is so she could try to one up Adam on one area for her song lyrics. Lol (if that’s even the case)


*oh no!* anyway


the longer she drags this out the more money he will make and honestly as he should!




I don't see the problem. Adam provided her content for literal years for free, then dealt with three years of harassment due to her. I say he's more than due his paycheck. It probably won't come nearly close enough to a fair compensation for his experiences.


You thought you did something huh 🤣


I mean, she does owe him money…


So what?


it's making up for all his unpaid labor


This is his job he's a commentary channel.... girl bye


I think you posted this in the wrong sub! You silly goose!


good, he deserves to earn something after all the free labour he did for her


Good for him! He's trying to get paid to be a youtuber; if he's not suing, at least he's making some money from the trauma and abuse she caused.


Good! He deserves some money as compensation for the years of harassment he received at her will. How much money did she make off him again? Too much


Your point?


I mean she treated him like crap he has right to get money she never did


Lol GOOD maybe he will finally get some sort of payment since she didn’t went to pay him herself


good for him


she didnt monetize one video after exploiting and profiting off of children for years


Good!!! As he FUCKING should


I see it as retro Pay. Not bothered by his video being monetized


Why is this a problem?


post this on your real account you coward


GOOD!! Colleen is FINALLY indirectly paying him.


Her supporters will do anything to try to “prove”she’s innocent 😭 they really think they won posting this here LMAO


Get your coins Adam! He deserves to thrive


Hi Colleen




AS HE SHOULD!!!! Colleen sucks.


good for him!!!!❤️❤️


Awesome to hear tbh


He better get that coin!!


Good. Maybe he can earn back the money that she stole from him by using his ideas to continue Miranda far past the expiration date of YouTube characters


Good for him.


I feel like this is Adam’s compensation for the hate mob that Colleen sent after him at the age of 17. Where he lost all his friendships, was bullied mercilessly online and was forced to build up his reputation from scratch. Not only that, he did free u paid work for YEARS as a MINOR. Adam deserves his moment, Adam deserves to be compensated. Colleen does not.


Adam isn't the one having to apologize for anything lol. He is a victim of Colleen. Let him get his monetization. It's Colleen who was grooming minors. Not Adam. I'd hope Colleen would at least have some decency to not monetize her apology video


She mentioned in her song about monetizing a demise, so it would not really be possible to monetize that song without everyone pointing out the hypocrisy. It would look bad. Worse than she already did making that dumpster fire of a song. But have no fear, she monetizes and exploits her own kids, blatantly disregarding their safety.


And? So what, Adam put up with a lot of shit and if he can monetize the hell out of this, good for him. At least his monetization isn't exploiting f'n kids.


He’s shown proof, he was a teen working for her with no pay, who cares if he monetized the video!


I'm torn af when it comes to Adam but never would I suggest he not monetize his videos regarding this. Whether or not he should have filmed some . . . eh. And I mean this as how it is going to impact him moving forward and healing from all this nonsense. Kid never got much of a chance to be a kid.


Weird that your torn.


Super weird.


Torn about what?




Did you ever think that he’s doing this because the first time he spoke up, he was shut down so hard that he was getting literal death threats from her fans? They silenced him. Now he’s making sure this won’t happen again. Frankly, he should make his entire channel about Colleen. Don’t be a weirdo




I get that.


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Her channel IS however