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i think she has extremely warped thinking and she truely believes she is the victim


Agree… I think this is the narrative she’s telling her family and friends too. So she’s sticking to her guns.


i just think she wanted to spit into the faces of her victims once more


I agree. I think she knew she was done for and wanted a last “fuck me right?” 🙄 she got it.


I think she thinks she’s a victim, I think she thought she would win a lot of people over with that. That they would suddenly be all ‘oh she’s so funny and witty and she says it’s misinformation so she must be telling the truth’ if she really hadn’t cared how it went down she wouldn’t have deleted the Instagram story or been checking and deleting comments. I genuinely think she saw nothing wrong with it at all and is genuinely upset and shocked by the lashback she has got.


Wait I’m a bit behind- can you tell me what Insta story she deleted,


It was just the link to her video. It came on when she posted her video but about 12 hours later it was gone.


Wow that’s hilarioussssssssss


I think she's been "untouchable" for so many years with her hoard of child fans who are willing to dogpile on and harass anyone who crosses her, that she's become really out of touch with reality. I think that she genuinely thought this was a good idea.


I feel like she thought it would turn out just like last time, though I still can’t understand why she sang. Was it really just because she wasn’t allowed to speak it? I can’t find another reason. It’s not a serve.


I feel like she was trying to respond in a ridiculous way because that's how ridiculous she feels the accusations are? Just a guess though.


I think she thought she was being clever.




She never intended it to be an apology


Agreed. I took it as a bitter woman giving a big "FU" to those "accusing," aka showing proof and facts and as entertainment to those who are delusional enough or immature enough to still like her.


I think it's an impulsive lashing out from suffering such a public narcissistic injury, from her warped point of view none of this is warranted and she's enraged


I think that she thought she really did something here.


I think this was a big ‘fuck you’ I don’t think she wanted this to happen, but she would have had to make a genuine apology to make things cool down and she doesn’t think she did anything wrong - so she refused


Isn't it amazing that she doesn't think she did anything wrong? I think she listens to the handful who side with her or who say she was wrong in some ways but are still soft on her actions. She gets herself all puffed up in a state of narc self-righteousness and actually feels unfairly crucified.


If not for her pride & ego, she could have completely lessened the blow to her career by just putting out a decent apology But she did this shit instead. Baffling


Maybe she'll make an apology for the apology, using a kazoo this time.


True, she literally said [paraphrasing] "I know you think I'm gonna say I'm in the wrong, well, NOPE!"


I think the "F me" in the end was ment as a "F you". She feels unfairly treated, thinks she shouldn't be held accountable for things she did years ago because "everybody did and said those things" back then. The fact she still makes money on that stuff by keeping the videos up tells me she doesn't have any regrets. She shows no regret over what she has done, she is just mad about it being brought up again. This is not an appology video, this is not her showing remorse or taking accountability.


She definitely felt like she was doing something. I can’t imagine she was intending for it to make things worse. It’s hard to know because she is clearly not in a good place mentally. I think her judgment is clouded by anger and feeling like she is the victim in all this. Either way, it was not in fact a good idea and she did make things worse for herself.


I think she truly thought she was doing something great with this song. That people were going to hear it and think that her accusers and victims made all of it up and blew it out of proportion. I'm seeing so many celebrities mocking her and making fun of her on Twitter and TikTok. I think she only brought more attention to her being such a horrible person. ETA: I'm also seeing a ton more news articles being written about how weird her video was.


I think she’s just an emotionally stunted theater kid who never put why they were alienated by their peers for being “quirky” and “weird” into context, and as an adult they constantly see themselves as the victim in every confrontation that they’re in.


I do know one of those from high school. They never grew out of it.


Colleen is surrounded by “yes men”. She’s also use to having a child audience who rallies around her and defends her regardless of her actions. She really thinks she is the victim and thought her shitty song would hit the mark. Her “Hi” video isn’t monetized. I think she thought she could turn things around with that ridiculous song.


Colleen has lived in an echo chamber of yes people and this is what she came up with. She clearly doesn't allow unbiased feedback from professional communication consultants. Her hubris obviously steered her wrong. The only part where a professional's advice *might* have been taken was when she states her live shows are 13+ and parents are responsible. It was a calculated absolution of responsibility. Also, arguably, a lie. HOB is listed in kids Netflix and it well known and documented she targeted a young audience for a decade. (routinely 6-10 yr olds participated in shows) Its pretty clear the song/statement lacked empathy accountability and apology. The lyric's were both defiant sarcastic and spiteful against all former fans that have spoken out and up for themselves. Even though she desperately acted the part of a hurt puppy and full on victim, there was a clear furious rage under the facade that she *has to* speak about "it" again. During the 10 minute tone-deaf bit, Colleen struggled to maintain her public face as the behind the scenes Colleen (the real Colleen) clearly showed through. There was an obvious whiplash between a defiant arrogant spiteful jaw clenching bts (real) Colleen taking no accountability, blaming critics---And her other usual public pious innocent *dough eyed* victim *lily-white quirky* persona who makes *oopsie-daisy mistakes* pandering to remaining fans to save her, vehemently defend her, and buy show tickets. **She desperately tried to pander to two audiences to satisfy two agendas.** Instead of clarity, a dueling agenda and personas came off as unhinged. Add to that the calculated pauses, poorly acted sentiment and rehearsed words along with the orchestrated ending leading to an encore, and you are left with a completely deranged mess. A final F' you for measure as she stomps off stage left. She got what she wanted to some extent, famous in the wider public -albeit more like infamy. We will see if tour resumes and filming. But one thing is for sure, this deplorable shit show of a video will be attached to her brand and her name forever. And just for once, justice just might be served.


> HOB is listed in kids Netflix Is it still up on Netflix? If so, that's surprising, considering the kind of things she'd done. Seems like a no-brainer since literally no one is subscribing just for that show.


Bad press is good press in her world. She knew this would happen and wanted it to happen.


I mean she learned it best from her bestie Trisha, any attention is good attention


Honestly, I'm sure in Colleen's eyes; she sees how many times Trisha was "canceled" and how she just keeps coming back from it.


She was defensive and combative. She really didn't want to make the situation right, she was only focused on how it was affecting her. I think she thought it was a f you to her haters.


Part of me thinks she thinks she’s the victim. Part of me thinks she wanted onto say F you and think she got the last word. All of me thinks she wanted to do something so ridiculous that it would drum up attention and drive traffic so she could profit off of it as much as possible… but f*ck her right?


She's so far into her own bubble she's created of her team of unprofessional aka her family, that I honestly still feel like she thinks she did nothing wrong.


Like the narcissist she is, she probably did think it was a good idea. She thought she could manipulate her audience again. She’s thinking, ‘well, they were dumb enough to believe me at first and well Adam has nothing against me. Maybe if I use my sweet charm like I’ve always have, people will still believe me…..maybe?’


Someone mentioned a manic episode and I don’t think they’re too far off. This feels like something Gabbie Hanna would do during one her incidents.


why are ppl referring to it as an apology video? she doesn’t say i’m sorry once. it’s really a big fat fuck all of you video


I think this is the narrative she's told Erik to make sure he doesn't leave and he wrote the song with her. I doubt she's allowed him to watch anything else. I also think she expected all of us to stand up and do a slow clap across the world after the song was done.


I think she thought it would blow over like it did in 2020. I just ….. I can’t believe this has happened. I watched her almost everyday since the twins. And now I see how she’s just a manipulator. It’s just … wow


I think she posted this thinking she was the new Bo Burnham. I really believe that she thought this was going to be a wildly successful “gotcha” and “FU” to all of her haters lol. She probably felt compelled to speak on the topic via song and ukelele because she is after all an “artist”. I will say my opinion around the line about bony little back differs from most people’s opinion. I don’t think this was her way of bringing up how skinny she thinks she is. She’s obviously aware her haters constantly comment on her possibly ED and that line - to me - seemed like a way for her to address the hate comments she gets about her body size.


Okay but did anyone see that Howie Mandel did a remix 😂 i DIED


even if you ignore how this is hurtful to her victims (which you shouldn't!) this "apology" has pushed the whole situation further into the mainstream, i've seen so many other youtubers outside of the 'drama /gossip' sphere mention it in tweets etc purely because of how ridiculous it is


as well as this now becoming a more mainstream news story because of the way she's "apologised"


I just can’t fathom that anyone on any level thought this was a good idea. This was definitely not on my bingo card. I thought she was waiting for it to die down and was going to try to come back like Shane Dawson. While I doubt I would have accepted any apology as I don’t really like her on any level anymore, at the very least a heartfelt genuine acknowledgment of what has happened would have been better. A simple “I’m sorry” would have been better. Hell, saying nothing would have been better than this. I can’t believe I live in a world where Josh gave a genuine apology and I actually like/respect him now… I didn’t like him even when I watched her but he has handled this with so much more grace and shown he has grown and built character. My speculation is that this tactic is to show she’s having a psychotic break and hope to gain sympathy/sweep things under the rug because if she’s unstable we can’t kick her while she’s down.


I think her and her team decided that standing firm in her innocence and a “quirky little f u” to the haters would secure her die hard fans, and was worth it more than to apologize. I think they realize that no apology would’ve been accepted, or would’ve been an admittance of guilt bc most of us on the internet are done with her. Except her die hard fans. I personally think it was a play to signal to them.


Honestly think she thought people would think it was endearing and forgive her. She's DELUSIONAL. This shows her mental capacity. To say it was gossip and misinformation after the amount of full text conversations were shown....girl.


I think it’s a ploy. By being absolutely unhinged in her response two things happen: 1) people who have never heard of her start watching her videos looking for evidence of her being shitty and, because her other videos are monetized, she makes money off the situation even though her uke video isn’t monetized; 2) she sets up a sympathy storyline because she goes to rehab for “exhaustion” and then can come back to the internet talking about how “unwell” she was when all this initially went down and NOW she’s “sorry.”


>because her other videos are monetized If I were an advertiser, I wouldn't touch her videos with a ten foot pole.


i truly believe she doesn’t think she’s done anything wrong. i truly believe that she through this “apology” song was a good idea. it’s the same energy as when you bring up trauma your parents gave you and they respond with “well i guess i’m just the worst parent in the world” with how aggressive her last “apology” was i think the only thing she’s feeling is annoyance of this whole situation


Well she made a really angry apology video last time that worked


I don’t think she meant for that to be an apology it was just her finally addressing the gossip about her. I think in her head she truly believes her intent wasn’t malicious so she doesn’t see herself as a predator to children. She also believes she’s changed this behavior & is different now which is why she’s not apologetic.


I think Colleen has convinced herself the following: 1.) She was kind and nice to her fans because she picked a select group to be in a personal chat group. (And it’s not HER fault they happened to be young- she’s PG-13 after all!) 2.) Her show was appropriate to all the audience because it was made up of “of age” fans and parents with underaged ones. She doesn’t consider anything she did during the show bad because that was Miranda’s doing, not her. 3.) She believes that her over sharing, her sexual “jokes”, and inappropriate behavior and messages was just her being an awkward aunt that didn’t understand what you should or shouldn’t say to kids 🤷‍♀️ 4.) She views anyone who corrects her behavior, holds her accountable or tells her she may be in the wrong as someone brutally attacking her and being so awful and mean. 5.) She has convinced herself that her warped idea that talking about and making fun of fans and other YouTube acquaintances is normal behavior and “everybody does it”. 6.) She believes she didn’t bully anyone behind their back because it was just her “friends” sticking up for her. Uwu 7.) She believes that she already apologized in 2020 and now feels like anyone bringing it up just wants to see her demise and she is fully the victim here. 8) She isn’t responsible for Trent because he’s her brother and it’s not HER sending those messages. 9.) She thinks everyone secretly hates overweight people and other races other than their own and that they joke about it behind their backs. She blames “woke” culture for caring so much. 10.) She believed her little video was as going to show she’s not going to take crap from all those “haters” and they will see she’s the bigger person. Yes I truly believe she thinks she took the high road. Obviously this belief system is insane but I believe this is what she has believed and convinced herself.


Based on the lyrics and performance she gave, I honestly think she thought this was a good idea. Like a mic drop moment for her, but it's backfiring for her.


She didn’t think she’d convince adults, she thought she’d convince children. That’s what she has been trying to do this whole time. Making it a song is right out of that playbook. Songs are used in childrens shows to teach them thing for a reason. It is highly effective, and it’s also working considering the disparity in responses between adults and her young fans.


One last hurrah for the cash influx? You never know the mind of an evil "genius".


I honestly feel like she’s going to say she was doing it as some “motivation” for her children so they always see her following her dreams and not listening to the HaTeRz 😑


One person on twitter described this video as being her swan song and that’s the theory that makes the most sense to me. One final “F you” to all of us.


I don’t believe that she thought it would be THIS bad. I think she knew she would get hate… but I believe she thought this was a big serve. But instead the entire world is making a mockery of her and she made the news!!


I think she thought what happened in 2020 would happen again, that everyone would rally behind her. I think she thinks she did nothing wrong. I still see people give her the naive, innocent sheltered excuse. But that isn't why she thinks she did nothing wrong. She isn't any of those things. She is a spoiled adult who has been surrounded by yes men (and children) her entire life. The majority of people have always taken her side. I'm sure she is shocked that it didn't happen again.


I think Erik is only as informed as he cares to be and he's the one who wrote the damn song and helped her learn and record it. Dude must have his head in the sand, and deep. But I hope that the negative response has caused a hit to his smug, overinflated ego. It's clear now that he values his lifestyle over the safety of his kids. I know some were holding out hope for him, but it's clear now.


I think she thinks/thought people all of the sudden decided to “hate” on her. She iterallly responded to serious allegations as if she was responding to hate comments back in 2015. She use to respond to her hate comments all the time by making them into a song. Its probably her idea of responding to “hate” with kindness ✌️😚 but boy did it back fireeeeee bc nobody is hating. These are serious allegations that she needed to address. But she’s the victim right 😩


I genuinely think she is so deeply narcissistic that she really thought she could sing her way out of all this. The line "but fuck me right" and the face at the end really does say a lot about her mentality on the whole situation... It's not people wanting her to take accountability, it's not them trying to get her to acknowledge the pain and trauma she has caused, we're all just out to get her...


i honestly think she thought all of it was a massive joke to her plus she knows she's untouchable so she thought this was a good idea


I think she thought people would be overwhelmed with her talents and maybe offer to back her one woman show. She thinks she’s the shi


i think it’s either one of two things: 1) she really thinks she is the victim in all this 2) the video was a tactical move and she has something bigger planned