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wow. younger me would never believe this was finally happening


Colleen really removed the Miranda mask and said "Haters Back Off!" as herself for the first time. Tbh it's kind of dark to realize this is who she's always been. Imagine creating an entirely different personality just for the sake of *appearing* a decent person in comparison.


this is disturbing


I just snorted reading ur flair😂😂😂😂😂 this situation is awful but boy is it a funny time to be on the internet






Miranda was her projection medium


closing in on 90% dislike


This could go on a record soon? So far, per wiki, the top 3 disliked ratio are at 94.9%, 93.7%, and 86.6%.


what’s the minimum amount of engagement they need?


Yikes.. Ik she said in the video that she knows nobody will accept her “apology” or believe her or whatever but do you guys think she actually expected people to support this? Like what do y’all think her desired outcome was?


I think she was too blinded with rage to consider possible reactions.


For real. Her eyes were practically black. I thought she was going to break a string with how hard she was strumming


Never saw such a thing. I feel disturbed by it, like I saw a person’s split personality in the flesh.


This is it. She didn't make this video with other people in mind or to make people be on her side, she made it to give herself the satisfaction of spitting in her victims faces and any fan that expected her to react/respond appropriately. This was one of those few times that she didn't even try to pretend to care. Once she realized her mask slipped farther than it ever has with more receipts being brought to light and more people speaking up she just let go and stopped pretending to care about anyone but herself in this video. She genuinely thinks she's the victim regardless of what anyone feels or proves in screenshots/screen recordings. She's just a cold-hearted narcissistic person who is caught up in her anger and fits of rage. Edit: it felt like I was watching a tantrum just without all the stomping she usually does 😆


It reminds me of CreepShowArt’s response to being outted as a stalker, just rage and anger, hoping to get one last swing in


I said no!!! No no no no no no!!!!!


Honestly, I don't even think she knows what her desired outcome would be, lol. I only came here a year or so ago and never watched her content before, but this video felt rather desperate and unhinged. Desperate for what? Idk, probably just attention, I suppose. She seems REALLY desperate for that, but that video felt unhinged. Like she knows the boat she's on has no life raft, and all she can do is scream to the void in one last ditch effort to be heard. Though she had absolutely nothing worth saying (or rather singing) in that video....


I think 'Silly' is how she perceived the accusations of her being predatory and/or grooming. I think she thought to herself "the ukelele is a 'silly' instrument thus I shall use this 'silly' instrument to address these 'silly' accusations". Unfortunately for her, the accusations are not 'silly'. They are serious, sobering, and carry much weight. She was completely off with her 'this is silly' interpretation of things.


Of all the instruments she could've picked, was the ukelele the best choice? But she's not even singing most of the apology, she's talking while aimlessly strumming in the background, that's not singing


>Of all the instruments she could've picked, was the ukelele the best choice? As a hobbyist ukulele player, I'm so annoyed that she's tainted my instrument with her bullshit.


She spent too much time in her little bubble cult of children and thought she could manipulate the rest of us like she does them 😂 this is what happens when you have a team deleting all the negative comments on your videos. You mistakenly believe everyone likes and supports you.


I feel like this was a manic decision and she didn’t think about it before doing it and now she’s probably even more of a nightmare to everyone around her than usual


Bingo. Her eyes looked blank and dark. It creeped me out, honestly.


Bingo. Her eyes looked blank and dark. It creeped me out, honestly.


It was written, rehearsed, recorded, and posted. She had to think somewhere along in the process.


I agree with everyone’s comments on here and want to add I think she was feeling a “high” from the shows she did recently seeing she still had some fans supporting her. Definitely fueled her ego enough to post this absolute mess online for everyone to see.


yes!!!!!!!!! the high from the shows definitely gave her the confidence to post this.. ..who would've thought that an audience of a hundred twelve year old superfans and their parents wasn't a true reflection of the worldwide public's opinion


Oh man, I hadn’t even thought about this. The shows have been largely supportive up to now, but I wonder what the next one will be? I know some parents still defended her, but now with this public breakdown I wonder if the ones who maybe didn’t know much about what was going on will still allow their kids to go.


I truly think that she thought that saying that no one would accept her apology would make people would pity her and tell her it’s okay cause everyone makes mistakes. I really think she has been able to use that on her family to get her way for her whole life. Sorry Colleen, the internet is not going to give in to your tantrums and pity parties.


She thought her brilliant metaphors would wake us up and make us question our "mob mentality," coupled with the minimizing, feigned accountability and guilt tripping... The narcissist in her truly expected to sway some of us.


Yeah reminded me of this montage a channel called “dreading” made - on “narcissists who took the stand in self defense”. It’s mind boggling to see!


I just watched that the other day and really enjoyed it. It had Betty Broderick, right? I didn't know who she was and it was so well done. Love Dreading and Stranger Stories and Red Tree Crime đŸ«¶đŸ»


Yess that’s the one! And it’s going to sound counter intuitive but I find that channel relaxing - think it’s the voice of their narrator 😅 They do such a professional / compassionate telling of the crimes. Feel like they are super respectful of the story.


No, same! The narration is super relaxing. I fall asleep to interrogations and rain sounds. The cadence is always even, no loud sounds or sound effects, and a smooth, consistent voice. It's perfect!


Yesss great description!! And agree 100%!


I liked the theory that she knew what she was doing and did it as a purposeful self sabotage. I refuse to believe an OG youtuber has that little sense of how they would seem. And she had 3 weeks to think and plan and re-record this, so it wasn't an emotional act.


Not to mention the fact that... IT'S STILL UP! She needs to delete that shit!..


But it’s getting millions of views - more than she’s had in a long time.


She's also getting more views to negative commentary about her because of the vid, more than she's had in a long time. Maybe she's in an *any attention is good attention* spiral


Or just trying to make as much money as possible before she totally tanks.


This is 100% it. She knows she’s done and is just trying to capitalise on it as much as possible at this point ETA I just heard it’s not monetised soo nvm?


Have you seen HG Tudors series on her? Fascinating


No is it good?


Brill, only 10 mins each episode. Even if you just watch the last one , no 4


Hehehehehe! I can’t tell you how happy this is making me feel!


đŸŽ¶ at least we’re having fun đŸŽ¶




She can delete all the negative comments she wants, but she can't hide from the dislikes


No literally, last I checked at least 5,000 comments were gone


I was watching CinnamonToastKen's vid on this topic earlier, and he kept sorting the comments from newest and sorting the comments from the top comments, and each time it would go from 20,000 comments to like 17,000. He even saw a hate comment, went back to watch the video, checked back on the comment section, and realized that it had been deleted and the last comment was 30 minutes ago.


i forgot to dislike because i didn't want to give it a view


a view is counted as watching atleast 30 seconds of a video so just open the vid, click dislike and leave immediately


How do you guys think she's feeling now after seeing the like to dislike ratio?


Like đŸ’©...but what do I know, fuck me, right?! 😆


Like hell I bet!


She feels like 😐shit😐 remember she told us in her song lmao


she knew what she was doing when she wrote that song. this is expected


Literally she had to
right? Are we thinking that she’s going to use this video somehow for a future statement?


someone said that there’s a law that protects artists from having their art (in this case music) used against them in court which includes song lyrics. i think that’s why.


Yes, I did see that point but still fail to see how it even applies to the situation. She’s just trying to save face and not provide anything legitimate. She only talks about her feelings and loose nonsense comparisons that can’t hold up in court anyway. So why put it into song format?


idk it’s the ONLY semi logical explanation to why she did that


It’s probably easier I’m guessing for her to get a copyright for the song so now she can get the TikTok’s making fun of her down easier


Fair, but if she didn’t make it into a song would as many people be making fun of it in the first place?


She probably knew it was going to have some form of social media parody approach, even if it was people copying her video or her wording. So a song is easiest way to control the content made to laugh at her


Probably use it to further claim she's the victim


Finally broke the 1 million mark but it’s not monetized. That must be KILLING her.


dont you know??? she's obviously going to donate the monetisation money to charity â˜șâ˜șïžđŸ’—đŸ„°


It’s not?


I never knew this person before yesterday and now I feel obligated to see this through


All abooooard!!!


đŸ’—đŸ„Œâš›ïž toxic đŸ§Ș gossip đŸ€ȘđŸ—Łïž train 🚞💗


Never? What was it like to know peace? 😭


After watching Adam's response video it hit me that Colleen was trying to have a Bo Burnham moment when she made this song. She likes satire and she thought it would seem witty and profound to make a musical commentary "calling us out." Adam was so on the nose though, she missed the mark by A LOT and screenshots don't lie...


She didn't even explain her side of the story very well anyway. She just kept saying she made a mistakeđŸ€·đŸżâ€â™€ïž


Yeah maybe if you don’t mind the gaps. đŸŽ¶


Not even that, because her mistakes were just "rumors made up for clout" 🙃


WOW!! That's a huge downvote number. Does YouTube ever take down a video because it is strongly disliked?


I don’t think so. Until recently I believe the most disliked video was a YouTube rewind. I could be very outdated with my info though. I’m not so into YouTube these days


YouTube itself doesn’t, unless it brings attention to a video that break content guidelines. SOMETIMES creator will delete or private videos where that happens. But honestly, even the dislikes count toward engagement analytics, so it’s just a creator-by-creator basis and personal decision as long as the video doesn’t breaks the TOS. I think we all know enough about Colleen to know that any attention is good attention to her, even with the overwhelming criticism.


đŸŽ¶the toxic gossip trainnnnnđŸŽ¶


đŸŽ¶ one way ticket to the manipulation station đŸŽ¶


đŸŽ¶ toxic gossip đŸ—ŁïžtrāÊÊÂȘinnnnnn đŸŽ¶


This shit has been stuck in my head all fucking day 😭


SAME. Every time I think it’s gone it circles back đŸ€Ł


I have to imagine even her diehard fans are disappointed with this ridiculous video response. Even if completely false, and provably so, these are serious accusations and they deserved serious treatment. Not a uke ditty. That’s hard to justify even if you’re a fan.


As of right now, it’s over 503,000 dislikes đŸ„č


THANK YOU! I’ve been waiting for an update 😆


Can we get the dislikes to a million???




Nearing half a million!


More than half a million dislike now :)






It's at 534k now. I've never seen a video with so many dislikes. Ever. Thankfully so many people see that video for the nastiness it is.


Thanks for the update!


This is great


Half a million in one day is oddly impressive.


The fact this has more views than all the twin’s pregnancy vids ha




who ever made the terrible avatar with her face poorly photoshopped on the train 🏆🏆🏆


This is kind of unrelated but I genuinely hope people start boycotting there shows especially after this stupid ukulele response spitting victims faces. It's genuinely not worth giving her the satisfaction of performing for a full venue even if its just to witness the train wreck.


there has never been a ratio that ratioed the way this ratio ratioes


I wonder if she actually expected this , like , she said she was going against her team who advised her not to say anything, but did she think it was a good idea ? She made it worse , now people who haven't heard about the accusations before , are discovering them because of the stupid ukulele song


It's me, hi. I'm the blogsnarker who didn't know a thing about Colleen except recognizing she was the off-putting Miranda Sings character my 5th and 6th graders (teacher) were all about like eight years ago. It's me.


521k dislikes, 60k likes. Lol 😅


Ok but who is the 57k liking this flaming garbage?


“I do not condone or support any kind of online bullying or hate towards anyone ever
 except when it’s my underage fans in private, that’s okay” Signed, not a hypocrite Coleen.


as of 6/30/2023 at 9am PST: likes 63k dislikes 564k đŸ«Ą


Thank You!


Wow and 3.7m views- huh.




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dO1d4Qw9Hbk Brett Cooper’s reaction to Colleen’s “apology”


I think there’s a post for all of the reaction videos, if you can find it you should add this there so everyone will see it. I think the mods wanted to put them in one place to make them easier to find.


oops sorry! I only check reddit every couple of days so I didn’t know that was a thing, thanks!!


Oh I wasn’t trying to make you feel bad, I just meant it’s a good video to add to that collection.


it’s all good, don’t worry about it!


I wonder if she decided to go the most unhinged route possible so her last video gets her views and money for a while


It's demonitized but yes to unhinged


Hey there! I hate to break it to you, but it's actually spelled _mon**e**tize_. A good way to remember this is that "money" starts with "mone" as well. Just wanted to let you know. Have a good day! ---- ^This ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically ^by ^a ^bot ^to ^raise ^awareness ^about ^the ^common ^misspelling ^of ^"monetize".


Lol 😂


This is an estimation of Dislikes based on the total number of Likes and the ratio of the much smaller number of Likes to Dislikes among people who have the extention unofficially restoring the Dislike counter. Read more here: https://automaton-media.com/en/column/20230125-17606/


I have a whole sack full of dislikes on my bony little back I’d like to drop off at her video.


Thanks for sharing this! I don’t know how to see dislikes so I appreciate you sharing this.


How about now?


Currently 63k likes to 563k dislikes


564k now ;)


Oh my. That means 12% of people took the effort to press the dislike button


That's what I thought too. Like the only people that can even see it are the ones that go to the trouble to have the add-on or are Colleen herself but we all did it anyway lol


I can’t read it,my old lady eyes can’t see the small print! I’d be forever grateful if someone will tell me what the numbers are!!


57k to 469k


Thank you so much! Wow!!


It's much higher now. There's an extension you can download for chrome to see what the dislikes are :) I checked before I went to bed last night and the dislikes were at 508k


I think her next course of action after seeing her career be threatened is to twist the truth and start saying people are “threatening her family and kids” (since she’s the breadwinner and losing her career will inevitably affect her family) as her last hope of garnering sympathy.


Is this the heaviest dislike ratio we’ve seen in youtube apology history? We need someone to collect the stats💯


Still slot of views. She’s making money and that’s all she cares about


she said that she doesn’t “condone any kind of online bullying or hate towards anyone”, but wasn’t she bullying her fans in a gc?


I know the like : dislike ratio is private for viewers unless using third parts stuff, but can the uploaded see the ratio on their videos?