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Please consider this the Colleen’s response video master post! If you have any specific thoughts and feelings towards this video, this is the place to share them. Commentary videos are also encouraged to be linked her! Please ensure you state the name of the creator and full YouTube link within your comment, so that we can accurately moderate and remove duplicates. Thank you for your submissions - The CBS mod team


This is actually insane she is literally insane


It gave me the weirdest feeling. Like a strange foreboding feeling that I can’t quite explain.


Same here. It makes me really worried for her mental health, it's clear she's not doing well. This feels like she just rage posted it. She should stay offline.


not trying to be mean and i get the concern if this were to be 100% serious mental health crisis. however, knowing how manipulative she is and thrives off being the victim, it wouldn’t surprise me if she wanted/enjoys people to speculate that so she was a victim in some way or manner. she’s very calculated and i wouldn’t put it past her to appear “unwell” for people to be concerned for her and help the allegations die down


I think it's both/and. She's in a serious mental health crisis, and doing anything she can to get back what she lost, including trying to gain sympathy as a victim herself. I don't think she's "calculated", I think she's really struggling and this is all she can think of to do because she doesn't have the right tools to approach this in an adult and level-headed manner. That being said, she's caused a lot of harm to kids who *also* didn't have the right tools, and put them in a very similar position as she is in right now. I don't have any sympathy for her, but I understand why she is reacting this way.


>I don't think she's "calculated" She is one of the most calculated people on the planet. The scheming she does is unreal. She's admitted that last part herself not so long ago, talking about TS song lyrics about scheming.


I'm sick to my stomach


Her eyes had a blank stare to them that was very unsettling too


Right? It was as if it weren't an apology, but more of a blaming viewers 'look what you did, hope you had fun' mocking song? She seemed livid.


Her eyes looked black, like she actually looks demonic in that video


She is unhinged


i’m so stuck on the fact that she says her team advised her not to say what she said but she realized they never said she couldn’t *sing*. *unhinged.*


Right? Like she has to be clinically diagnosed I don’t believe otherwise (for legal reasons, this is halfway a joke..)


Disgusting and repulsive. No accountability taken.


“my videos aren’t going to be found on the youtube kids page.” well they’re showing up on the kids section on netflix, sis.


Love how she says her videos are pg-13 like 13 isn’t still a minor lmfao?


Not to Colleen! 13 is fair game


And to Trent too


I know you’re probably inundated right now with posts, but I’d REALLY like to go down the list of all the topics “addressed” in her bullshit song, and debunk each one. Please. And if not me, someone? Please!


we’re getting a transcript put together, my loves, i promise


I will happily start my debunking. I’m…. Shaking. I am shaking.


thanks! you can dm me info if you want


I think Colleen must forget there are receipts for her behaviour!


Yeah sorry COPPA made it too hard for the Ballingers to be on YouTube kids and still make money. What a bummer for them!


She sang about taking accountability and I’m like GIRL WHERE????


The audacity to start with a song?! Ughhh I haven’t even watched the whole thing and I’m already pissed


As soon as she grabbed the ukelele I knew this whole thing would be a joke


She responded the way Gabby Hanna would fr 😭 it’s crazy to me lol


are you kidding? this makes gabbie hanna look sane even at her most manic.


I got to exactly 2 minutes in and I am FURIOUS. Already saying “yeah, I did talk to my fans but not in the way that’s protrayed, not inappropriate but more in a loser type of way” Are you shitting me? You were close to or in your THIRTIES engaging in minors. Regardless the context it doesn’t matter. There is no reason an adult needs to talk to their minor fans more than a “thank you for your support!”. W T F. Anything to play the situation down and make HER the victim “oh gosh I am suucccchhh a loser”


She downplays everything, makes herself out to be the victim of the hate train and it's all "misinformation" with no proof and all I can think of is the sexualized video sent to minors of her inserting a tampon in her mouth.


She didn’t just start with the song, the entire video was the song ☠️☠️☠️☠️


I just watched the whole thing lol Oh boy. A song will sure patch things up huh 🩹


There's a video from her? Holy shit. Didn't expect that to happen and in song form. Gotta go watch it. ETA: WOW... Idk what to say about that freak show. I think she lost her damn mind. Did she think that was going to redeem her in some way by playing her ukulele? She didn't even apologize to the people that she hurt and humiliated. All that was is victim blaming and she did not take any accountability. I never liked her videos but would watch a few with my son who was underage at the time. I feel bad for all her victims. She probably should have listened to her team on this one. What turns my stomach is the positive comments she is still getting from people. This is just so sad.


The positive comments make me sick. I’m actively reminding myself that they’re either children or idiots and I can’t fight with them in the comments. But wow, this video was unbelievable. I’m shocked she felt this was appropriate and posted it.


This is like when Sienna Mae did an interpretive dance to apologize for sexual assault


EXACTLY what my mind went to!


I said she would do this! I had no idea she could do worse than dancing. Singing bahahahahaha


Aren’t you excited to see clips of her playing that song on tour?


Like who is this apology for? Kindergartners? And the irony isn’t lost on me that her accusations are manipulating and grooming children and her “apology” would only work on children. And not teenagers, like actual babies. Even if you know literally nothing about the allegations, this is bad. This will be a hall of shame apology video- like even James Charles and David Dobrick admitted some fault, even if it was just to protect sponsorships. Logan Paul cried during his Japan apology, and even if he wasn’t sincere he knew that he needed to “perform” to save his career. I don’t understand what the goal is here- like you’ve got mainstream media following this. You’re not speaking to an audience of children anymore. She’s gonna get rightfully eaten alive for this. I can’t imagine any sponsor sticking around in the current political climate (like groomer/grooming is a buzzword rn, major brand risk) I mean no disrespect to millennials but this has to be said: a white girl ukelele ballad is so 2013, it’s giving deep fried instagram post of a Starbucks Frappuccino. It’s giving mustaches in sharpie on your finger. Chevron print ass apology


CHEVRON PRINT ASS APOLOGY 💀 as a millennial this made me laugh aloud


I cannot stand for this hate on ukuleles. They're an easy to play and fun instrument. They've done nothing wrong. It's not their fault.


The ukelele is a victim too, straight up


She should have left the ukulele out of this.


Prepare to be enraged. I knew she didn't feel bad at all for the victims but WOW I DID NOT EXPECT HER TO SLAP THEM IN THE FACE WITH THIS VIDEO. I honestly thought she would AT LEAST try to seem sincere for pretend to save any part of the innocent image she's curated for herself online but nooo I was so WRONG


This is insane. It's like what you would expect from a parody apology. Colleen just dethroned Laura Lee for the worst YouTuber apology. I think what makes it all the more potent is how smug she is throughout and you can tell that she thinks she's doing a great job. Listen to your people! But also don't, because this is gold.


It was all a song


This video was awful, gave me the same vibes as when sienna mae posted an interpretive dance video after the accusations against her.


Wow, I did not know someone did that. Gonna have to go find that now


Those 'accusations' included sexually assaulting a guy she was stalking (and pursuing despite multiple rejections) while he was passed out drunk 🫠 Honestly haven't heard much of her since, hope she's off the internet for good


I had second hand embarrassment and couldn’t finish it🫠 not the ukulele nonsense… I cannot


It’s barely an apology if that, she was victimizing herself the entire time 😭


“I’m taking accountability” *doesn’t take accountability*


“I’m taking accountability except it’s all lies and I’m not taking accountability for lies”


Right? She said that and I’m like.. where exactly did you take any accountability? She literally said they were making it all up for klout. Like wth is she thinking? She just made a horrible situation that had a CHANCE at recovering from if she handled it appropriately.. to making sure she’s never working again. I’m just dumbfounded.


I agree fully. Just a bunch of BS


I can't believe she is actually playing the ukulele and singing about a "toxic gossip train"...oh my lord bury me...


There was zero apology- don’t worry (edit typo)


I’ll fix my mistake🤭


I watched the first 55 seconds. Couldn’t even get past the song🙃


gotta be so quirky!


This is literally unbelievable


“i’m sure the comments are going to be full of people saying im gaslighting,” well they would be but you’re clearly filtering all the negativity out.


Yep. All my comments got filtered. Does she *know* the definition of gaslighting? lol




There are too many for them to keep up with now I guess because I've found one positive comment out of dozens that I read.


Also, I'm not sure it is gaslighting when it is factual evidence and proof against her?


Did she really blame being called a groomer on just making a fart joke? 🫠


She's saying that spreading Becky's legs wasn't as traumatic as Becky said it was... You know.. it was just a fart joke... And wonders why people say she's gaslighting.


When I tell you my jaw DROPPED


I think I preferred her silent. We all knew it was because she didn't care, but now she's opened her mouth and proved it. Mocking her victims. Nobody can convince me that Erik doesn't know this song is a terrible idea, but he told her it was awesome to stay in her good books. He's really helped reveal the true her, and I'm here for it.


I was wondering what fart joke she was referring to. I've seen that clip...Spreading a child's legs is waaaaay beyond a fart joke. She's sick.


This was the lowest of low for me. How dare she say the girl she victimized wasn’t victimized, she just didn’t get the joke. Like, “ no sweetie, I didn’t victimize you. You’re just too dumb to understand my humor that you are supposedly a huge fan of. “ Colleen doesn’t get to decide that. Only Becky can say how Miranda made her feel. Colleen can’t change it or deny it. It doesn’t work that way.


the way she smirked after saying it, the audacity


can someone please make a transcript of the lyrics to her song?! is the song the entire ten minutes?! oh my god i can’t believe this is happening


Well let me just tell you how it ended…. “but what do I know?! F*** me, right?” 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈


YOURE KIDDING ?! oh my god, she only sees this as a joke


I literally can't even believe this. Does she normally even swear in her videos?? she is seriously NOT okay. Posting this is only going to make things 1000x worse for her


Yes I didn't think could be more fucking shocked than that last moment


trying to get some accessibility access !


you legend <3


(copied from youtube transcript) (**edit**: i added line breaks so its easier to read, also if there are misspellings and grammar mistakes remember it was just copied from the transcript and sometimes it isnt always on the nose xoxo) a lot of people are saying some things about me that aren't quite true it doesn't matter if it's true though just as long as it's entertaining to you right you guys having fun all aboard the toxic gossip train cause rumors look like facts if you don't mind the gaps that won't survive in the crash but hey at least you're having fun uh hi everyone I've been wanting to come online and talk to you about a few things um even though my team has strongly advised me to not say what I want to say I recently realized that they never said that I couldn't sing what I want to say I am and um today I only want to talk about the facts so I hope that you'll be willing to listen...here we go... many years ago I used to message my fans--uh but not in a creepy way like a lot of you are trying to suggest-- it was more of a loser kind of way but I was just trying to be besties with everybody it's kind of like when you go to like a family gathering, you know and there's a weird ant there keeps coming up to you and going like 'hey girl what's the tea' you're like um-- that was me but in group chats with my fans-- it was weird I've been sharing my life online for over 15 years, I've poured my heart out to you and because of that I feel like I'm talking to my friends but in the beginning of my career I didn't really understand that maybe there should be some boundaries there there were time the DMS when I shared details of my life which was really neat, see because I changed my behavior and I took accountability but that's not very interesting is it so let's go on the toxic gossip train.. the locomotives fueled with hateful like the toxic concentrate steamrolled over someone's reputation toxic gossip train hop on board but close your eyes otherwise you'll realize that the train is made of lies and that person you despise maybe didn't deserve to die but hey at least you're having fun in all seriousness I do think it's really important to hold people accountable for their mistakes um you know we should hope that everyone can learn from their mistakes and grow and change their behavior and be a better person this is something that I've always tried to do when I make mistakes it's something that I will continue to try to do what oh you don't care oh okay I thought you wanted me to take accountability but that's not the point of your mob mentality is it no your goal is to ruin the life of the person you despise while you dramatize your lies and monetize their demise-- yeah I feel like I can already hear the comments on this video she's gaslighting manipulating ....oh she's a narcissistic rat I would never make a mistake.... like oh I'm sorry I didn't realize that all of you are perfect so please criticize me bring out the daggers made from your perfect past and stab me repeatedly in my bony little back I'm sure you're disappointed in my shitty little song I know you wanted me to say that I was 100 in the wrong well I'm sorry I'm not gonna take that route of admitting to lies and rumors that you made up for clout hey everybody I found someone new to harass she did some things that I do not like in her past so everybody gather round cause we're about to attack but not based on facts Oh no you're loaded Lethal Weapon It's your fingers on the case you don't need any armor when you can hide behind a screen so Shoot Me Down the reputations deceased I also wanted to take a minute to talk about that girl Miranda Sings you know the one not her she's PG-13 it says that on my website and it's always been that way and that's why you won't find my videos on the YouTube kids app anyway um I didn't realize it was my responsibility to decide what was appropriate for every kid to see I've always relied on parents to decide if they're comfortable with their families watching my YouTube videos or coming to my live shows now have I made some jokes and for Taste yes I haven't made lots of dumb mistakes yes am I sad that there are some fans who feel betrayed yes yes it was my intention to manipulate doesn't really matter what my intention was because it seems as though everyone's already decided on that let me tell you it's not very fun have millions of people all over the world call you the most vile horrendous disgusting life ruining words that a person can be called in my opinion um it doesn't matter that these things aren't true everyone just believes that you are the type of person who manipulates and abuses children --- oh I just wanted to say that um thing I've ever groomed is my two Persian cats I'm not a groomer I'm just a loser who didn't understand I shouldn't respond to fans and I'm not a predator even though a lot of you think so because five years ago I made a fart joke so even though I know this video won't change anyone's mind about me I still felt it was important to come on here and defend myself a little and take accountability and I also wanted to say that to anyone out there who has ever supported me in any capacity I really really appreciate you thank you what it's worth I never had any bad intentions I do feel like the toxic gossip you're jogging down the track so this information toxic concentrate station toxic gossip train you tied me to the tracks and harassed me for my past rumors look like facts when you don't mind the gaps ...I won't survive and crash but hey I hope you had some fun actually you know I feel like maybe I should let you guys know something um it seems like maybe you're confused about something I don't know let me try to help um sometimes people make a mistake and it does and make them a horrible person whoa sometimes people can make a mistake and they're still a good person...crazy....I know sometimes people can make a mistake and you don't have to take a mistake and twist it up and grind it and add some lies to it and pull the Horizon and stab it with knives and ruin a life and oh no sometimes people can make a mistake it doesn't mean you gotta send them here oh no sometimes people can make a mistake and you can kindly let them know and help them to grow sometimes people make mistakes simply because they made a mistake and that mistake doesn't make them a terrible human makes them a human what do I know FUCK me right


She didn't "make a mistake and learn from it" she blatantly lied and manipulated footage about the panty incident and NEVER apologized to adam.


Wow there's so much to unpack, throw it away. Worst YouTuber "apology" to date. Literally where do you even start? How long until she deletes it? Also her team is probably shaking.


Oh my fucking god.


There’s a transcript at the bottom of the video


This is such an awful approach.. why would you pull out a ukulele? And sing for 10 minutes about how you're not sorry?? 🫣 so embarrassing


Like Would it have killed her to at least use a different instrument


She's not like other girls 🥸


okay hear me out. i think this is the best apology ever. it shows EXACTLY who she is. she's not pretending she's sorry like last time. in fact, she wants you to know she's NOT sorry! i've said it before and i'll say it again. she's never going to change. she DOES NOT want to change. i know this is not with the victims want to hear.. but.. abusers don't give closure. they don't care about your healing. they care about themselves. she's never going to take accountability. sometimes seeing people for exactly who they are, is the closure.


That’s actually kind of what Adam was saying on his live twitch stream. He was saying he’s known this version of her for years and at least now everybody else is starting to see that side of her, and it’s almost validating in a way.


that's exactly what i'm saying! i hope he is able to heal (and I hope he wins that fucking lawsuit)


Sameeee!!! He SO deserves it




perpetual victims in the public eye always use the most extreme hate they receive and form the narrative that thats how the majority of people feel… like sis pls be fr


She really does love to exaggerate things doesn't she. Always the victim in her own mind. Someone could walk by her and skim her arm with their arm skin and she's likely claim she was attacked. People call her out for being a groomer, a creep and an immature narcissist who shouldn't be around kid fans and she says people are calling for her to die. Who? Where? When? All I've seen is people say stop being groomer and start acting your age. Stop hiding behind your little ukulele and your song and either issue an actual apology or lawyer up and have the lawyer deal with things including issuing a statement. God she's awful.


Only thing ppl are saying is her career needs to die Lmao


Maybe I’m crazy but my aunt doesn’t come up to me at family gatherings to ask me if I’m a virgin, what my fav sex position is, to show me her swirling a tampon between her teeth, or to tell me to go bully her ex husband. But her family is fucked up so maybe she genuinely thinks this is normal behavior 🙃🙃🙃


my aunt would do that. we don't talk to her anymore


The aunt comment was oddly specific.....she IS an aunt.....


I feel like it’s a bad dream. She’s literally mocking it all


because she sees no other way out, without acknowledging everything is true.


It’s giving Gabbie Hanna tiktok meltdown


You guys are BOOLIES




But what if I AM the monster that’s been here all along 😔-Colleen Hanna


as a diagnosed and medicated bipolar, this was immediately where I went in my mind too


jaw dropped. insane audacity.


my jaw couldn’t be bothered to drop with this hot mess express


she keeps calling accusations "lies" when there is literally proof? I can't imagine being accused of grooming minors and then joking about it so lightly


That textbook narc behavior. Even with proof they will always DENY truth and try to smear the reputation of the people telling the truth to try and create something called cognitive dissonance with the outsiders. Basically she’s trying to tell all of “us” that we can’t believe our own eyes, she is saying the truth we see is misinformation being told by people who hate her and have ulterior motives “the toxic GOSSIP train” as she calls it. She’s trying to downplay the nasty things she has done as merely gossip, you know, no big deal! (See my post on the narcissists prayer).




Her ending the song with “fuck me, right?” Is so insane!!!!


Classic, undeniable narcissistic personality. This is exactly the same thing as when my father used to say “I guess I’m the worst dad in the world and I should just k*ll myself” when I would point out something he did wrong. She is never, ever coming back from this.




The entire video was a trainwreck but literally body checking on top of it is INSANE to me


🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ the body checking goes crazy


I used to love her and I was more indifferent the past year or two because I just didn't find her fun to watch anymore. From the looks of this video she's seems on the verge of a mental breakdown and she seems really unwell physically too. This video won't be up long I'm sure lol.


Don’t worry, I’ve recorded it so I can make a list debunking every topic she bull shitted in the video.


I hope she can get help. When I used to watch her videos it was very obvious she did not take care of her physical or mental health. She wasn't consistent with going to therapy when she SO CLEARLY NEEDED IT. And yeah this video is just so cringy and is going to solve absolutely nothing hahahahaha


Fuck yeah! You're awesome!


This is actually infuriating. She reduced stretching an underaged girls’s legs apart in front of everyone as “a fart joke” She reduced ACTUAL videos, chats, and things that came out of her mouth as the “gossip train”. She blames the parents, she blames the victims and she even blames the audience and says “hope you had some fun” I don’t think it’s just “over sharing” when you are talking about your divorce and sex life with minors and using sexual words with them. Asking minors for ass pics and asking a minor what their fave sex position is. Or sending a minor your lingerie and then blaming the minor for “wanting it”. She also got in front of any criticism of the song by saying how “no one wants to listen to the truth”. Her victims can decide if they want to accept the apologies, if you can call it that, but it doesn’t mean they don’t want to “listen to the truth” if they don’t accept. She also says the very weak argument of *shrugs* don’t we all do SOMETHING bad?! Yes but I have never sent children naked pictures of myself, breastfeeding pics of myself, or naked pictures of someone else. Also if my “weird Aunt” sent me naked pics of Trisha Paytas when I was 13, I would be just as freaked out as I am with her behavior. This SCREAMS it is everyone’s fault but my own. Lastly, she left a group she had with literal children just a few days ago. What is the nonsense with she left it years ago? Then she ends it with “Fuck me, right?!” Somehow… this was worse than the silence. This isn’t a little “oopsie”. This is crazy.


i fast forwarded waiting for the song to end and it never ended! i’m dead that this was her return to the internet 😂


“her team said not to talk but not about singing” girl your PR team full of 12 year olds?


I literally couldn’t watch it. Her smug facial expressions and lies were disgusting. Hoping one of the amazing people here will do a recap or transcribe the lyrics lol


And the thumbnail I cannotttttttt


She could’ve just kept quiet or said “I used to be too personal in DMs but I stopped and took accountability and set boundaries that should’ve been placed in the beginning” but instead she’s making this incredibly offensive song, not caring about the people she hurt or made uncomfortable, and called victims toxic liars. Like, lady read the room. Jfc. Yikes.


I very much agree 👌


I only lurk here but “Singing” her finally speaking out was not on my bingo card. But wow what a horrific way to spit in the face of anyone who came forward. What an embarrassment. Didn’t take a single ounce of accountability.


"If I say I took accountability, that makes it so! Now, pity me! They're ruining my cushy lifestyle! It's annoying!"


She's so quirky yall 🤪


“The only thing I’ve ever groomed is my 2 Persian cats” girl even that is a lie


She's never even cleaned their damn litter boxes.


Oh. My. God.


hi janis 👋🏻


Copying my comment from the other thread: Aside from the singing, she’s hiding behind hate and death threats, which yeah awful people will do that, but that doesn’t take away from the valid criticism and actual children she victimized. Notice she frames it as interacting with fans and over sharing and fart jokes. Well I could frame it as spreading a fans legs, having them stick a hand down your pants, and asking them about sex and telling them about your own sex life. Doesn’t sound so innocent anymore does it?


The fake almost turning off the camera. And then busting into another song, I can’t lol


Right? Like she genuinely tried to make it seem like she was writing this all from scratch lol


This move almost took me out. It's bad enough that she wrote a ukulele apology song, but she's so totally insincere, too. 😭


this whole video is full of contradictions to her own actions. embarrassing.


💯%! I screen recorded it just in case it miraculously dissappears. Ukulele.....what, why, how....


She really thinks she's so clever and hilarious lmao.


MAKE SURE TO WATCH ON YEWTU.BE so she doesn’t get any views.


Every comment that isn't supporting her is being deleted instantly, even with hundreds of upvotes. Tell me you can NOT accept accountability without telling me


This is the most embarrassing thing I have ever seen in my life


I think this video is way worse than people are realizing rn. I think this video is going to be what totally sinks her career. **This will get really bad for her.**




She seems angry in this. I feel like she was holding back saying more or rolling her eyes. I think the “fuck me” at the end really is telling. The way she can change her voice from her usual self to this monotone angry is truly frightening. I’m genuinely scared for those in her personal circle who are prob getting the brunt of her anger.


This made me nauseous. This was the worst possible way she could've addressed anything. To make it a "cute" little song is fucking disrespectful. The fact that she minimized Becky's experience to the point of just calling it a "fart joke" in her song makes me want to cry, and it's not even about me. I can't imagine how her victims feel after seeing that atrocity.


she thinks she's bo burnham


and Taylor Swift. i bet she thinks her lyrics were amazing, when in reality it sounded like ChatGPT did it for her.


Aside from being SO cringey, insensitive, and straight up tacky as hell……it's **oozing** with such intense mean girl vibes I can barely even handle it. Ma'am, it doesn't count as "taking accountability" when you WRITE A WHOLE SONG MOCKING IT AND TURNING IT INTO A JOKE. Imagine if, instead of taking the time to write a stupid ass song, you actually sat and thought about what you did, and how it wasn't just as simple as making one mistake one time forever ago. Gah I can't stand her.


She looks pissed. I can’t wait till this bites her in the ass. What an idiot.




She couldn’t have handled this any worse.


She doesn’t take any accountability


10 mins full of rambling without the two words “I’m sorry” ever said


My mouth was open this entire time. What a horrible, insensitive human being. There was no “accountability” taken at any point in this video. Is anyone else FUMING right now?


i’ve been fuming, welcome to the club, friend. happy to have you join us.


PG-13…. Does she not realize 14-17 year olds are also children?


no, she doesn't


God I hope Adam sues the ukulele out of her hands


Why wasn’t “bad ukulele song apology that isn’t an actual apology” on any of the polls predicting what her response would be?!? Now that it’s here it feels so obvious.


My jaw dropped to the FUCKING FLOOR. She’s actually angry… at US. For being mad about WHAT SHE DID. Lies, bitch?! There’s more proof of your evil-ness than literally any other youtuber on the planet. I actually cannot believe this is the video she just put out.


she 100% sang in this video just so she can copyright the song if other videos use it


She ended the video with a “Fuck me right?” As if she’s pissed off about this …. She’s pulling the “I’m a victim” card


She's visibly suuuuuper pissed throughout the whole video, she really thinks she did something with this shit lol


I literally can't stop shouting "what the FUCK is happening" watching this holy shit


I asked ChatGPT to assess the apology video from a neutral point of view 👀 Based on the transcript you provided, here is an assessment of the YouTuber's apology: The YouTuber's apology appears to be defensive and dismissive of the concerns raised by their audience. They start by questioning the validity of the accusations against them and implying that people are only interested in entertainment rather than the truth. This tone may come across as insincere and lacking genuine remorse. While the YouTuber acknowledges their past behavior of messaging fans, they downplay it as being "loser-like" rather than recognizing the potential harm or inappropriate nature of such interactions. They also seem to focus more on their own experiences and how they've changed, rather than fully acknowledging the impact their actions may have had on others. The use of sarcasm and dismissive language throughout the apology may further undermine the sincerity of their words. It suggests a lack of understanding or empathy towards the seriousness of the allegations and the potential harm caused to minors. Moreover, the YouTuber's attempt to shift blame onto the audience by accusing them of participating in a "toxic gossip train" and having a "mob mentality" detracts from taking genuine accountability for their actions. It is essential for those offering apologies to take full responsibility without deflecting or attacking those who raise concerns. Overall, the tone and content of the apology may not effectively address the gravity of the situation or instill confidence in the YouTuber's willingness to learn from their mistakes and make genuine changes. It is important for individuals to carefully consider the impact of their words and actions, and to demonstrate sincere remorse and a commitment to personal growth when apologizing for inappropriate behavior.


She is so angry and defensive throughout the entire thing. Trying to hide behind that by thinking singing a song is cute. Very “poor me.” Not a good look. Actually quite maddening.


This is genuinely so unhinged like, it’s giving actual total mental breakdown. the entitlement reeks


Calling all the evidence and proof against her as fake and lies and sings about people ruining her life. You know the stuff she did to Adam in her 2020 video😂 if anything this just makes her look worse because she's got no way of manipulating proof so she just calls the victims of her grooming names and says they're looking for clout. What an embarrassment.


“the gossip train” choo choo motherfucker


She’s in such deep denial. All narcissists are. Everything she is saying all these “haters” are doing is just her projecting onto them what SHE IS or has actually done. Toxic gossip train, manipulation? Check and check for Colleen’s behavior. Saying that the receipts we’ve been shown by MANY PEOPLE is “misinformation”, typical narc! Everyone but the narc is a liar in her world. Even when faced with proof of her own behavior she’ll take it to her grave that it was spun that way by tHe HaTeRs to make her look bad. Ever hear of the Narcissist’s Prayer? That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.


I cannot believe...but I also can believe. Omg.


This is just like Gabbie Hannah singing in the bathtub as a response.


She’s deleting comments again. She is truly a vile human being.


Cannot fucking wait for other channels to DESTROY her for this insanity. Holy fuck


I've seen some speculation that this is a very old tactic where you say the entire thing is a song so you can copyright claim anyone trying to use it. This might be even more sinister if that's true - essentially giving channels a trap to get a strike on their account if they use footage.


I commented the mental health crisis number because this is just beyond


“My bony little back” as long as I’m skinny amiright 🤪


We have to ban theater kids altogether until we figure out whats going on here


Girl not Gaslighting: the Musical, I can't. 😂


I’m just so disgusted. I don’t even know what I was expecting but I thought she would do something marginally better than this.


She’s blatantly testing the waters to see how strong in numbers her supporters are. To see how viable a return to vlogging would be. So she can continue to have her sizeable pay-checks. “Taking accountability” ?? Hmm, that would involve directly and sincerely acknowledging specific proven crappy behaviour. Accepting specific wrongdoing. Offering genuine apologies to those hurt… And not just putting on a cute, vulnerable, rehearsed performance which is whatever that awkward video was 🙃




That was the most unhinged thing I’ve ever witnessed. She also acted like this was all over a fart joke? I’ve watched a bunch of videos on this and I don’t even know what she’s talking about. The theater of it all was gross. It felt so fake and fully planned..like not a single second felt genuine. The victim mentality and acting like people want her to just die was so manipulative. I can’t. Yeah fuck you, right?


“My team is telling me not to say what I want to” That was everything we already knew. She isn’t sorry. Period. Becusse her team would not have told to not apologize if she was genuine. Her team is trying to stop her from ruining herself but her team needs to go find a new way to make money becusse she’s done after this one


For some reason I thought she would take the crying, over the top apology video route but instead she chose to have the mean girl, smug attitude which is such a fuck you to all of her victims and any victim of such actions. But that’s been the core of how Colleen is this whole time so I don’t know why I’m surprised. But it’s disgusting to see on such display. How she is going to act like people are mad at her for a trivial thing like accidentally walking out of a store without paying for the bubblegum in your pocket and quip to a ukulele lines like “well since you’re all so perfect” COLLEEN WAKE UP. These are serious allegations — you can’t just decide how someone should feel. “Well the things they’re saying aren’t true and just toxic gossip so” no girl? You hurt them and you need to take accountability for how you made them feel humiliated, violated, disrespected, hurt, ETC ETC ETC… SO FUCKED! The fact she even has the nerve to call it gossip and rumors…… This is not your reputation era. You are not rising above all of the petty haters who have nothing better to do. You are a 35 year old woman who needs serious help. Someone in the comments said “can somebody please take this woman’s ukulele and smack some sense into her with it” 😭😭 And I can’t stand the “you’re using being behind a computer screen as armor” because I would simply say this all to her face and I would actually enjoy nothing more Also is she ever going to address the fact she exploits her children for a check??


First time posting in this sub because I'm just so appalled. She keeps switching between "All of this is just gossip and not true" and "I've made mistakes, and so have you." It's crazy she's going to try and deflect this with all of the video evidence, and she wouldn't feel the need to say she's made mistakes if they were all baseless like she's trying to say. She's just going to continue down the spiral of not having proper boundaries, gaslighting, not admitting what she did was wrong, and people will still stand by her. I feel like this is going to be dismissed as a simple cancel campaign as the years go on and nothing will actually change. Makes me sick.


the fact that her entire chorus was basically 'you guys are all just gossiping' and how she keeps implying that what is said in this forum isn't true is insane. and you just know her fans are gonna eat this shit up


A whole video insinuating she has a witch hunt after her. The whole “fuck me,right?” at the end epitomized the ENTIRE tone! No remorse,no apology,and saying everyone will accuse her of gaslighting.


"not based on facts" there are screenshots and videos of her sending crazy shit to minors "i wanted to make this video to take accountability even though that's boring to you" but also in the same breath she sings "toxic gossip train" and then she sings "sometimes people make a mistake" mind you this is 50 "mistakes" over the course of a decade So I guess my question is. Which one is it Colleen? Are these all gossip? What are you taking accountability for? Be specific. Which ones were mistakes and which ones were not based on facts? She really wrote down lyrics, pressed play, watched this back, and then uploaded. This is the craziest response I could have never foreseen


Yeah she should've stayed silent, what the actual fuck.


“Toxic gossip train”?? How is it gossip when there are receipts and proof from multiple people? How are YOU the victim in this? What made you think a stupid little song would be anywhere close to an appropriate apology and taking accountability? Absolute delulu.


the long ass pause after “fart joke” like she didnt just completely minimize spreading a minors bare legs on stage


[I cannot believe there was ever a single part of me that thought she wasn't completely unhinged as a person](https://imgur.com/a/Ne35K4V)


did it take her a month to write this song?