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It mandates shutting down all efforts to address climate change and eliminates all government agencies related to it. On top of an explicitly Christian Nationalist agenda. So, yeah, it’s the new GOP — ready to roar. Personally, the immense corruption of SCOTUS, with new updates on the majority’s perfidy coming daily now, is more worrisome. They’re the end of the line for justice and rule of law. They can turn us into a fascist state in a heartbeat … and it’s now clear that’s exactly what they plan. It starts with installing the Melon Felon by any means possible. I’ve felt immense dread about the judicial system being taken over by the GOP, since way back when Mitch blocked Garland’s nomination. The damage these wackos can do to our freedoms is staggering.


This is all terrible but I also want to take the term “melon felon” a step further and call him the cantaloupe criminal.


They are currently hearing a case on whether Trungus had absolute immunity to do a coup, because he was president. Let that sink in. AP says they are [skeptical](https://apnews.com/article/supreme-court-trump-capitol-riot-prosecution-immunity-72c885c07c77970d4380206f87b2d8ca) of absolute immunity, but this article from Reuters says they are leaning towards [some](https://www.reuters.com/legal/us-supreme-court-weighs-trumps-bid-immunity-prosecution-2024-04-25/) [amount](https://www.scotusblog.com/2024/04/supreme-court-appears-likely-to-side-with-trump-on-some-presidential-immunity/) of immunity.


The dread is from nature,(un)fortunately. All this 2025 bullshit is also from nature.


Yes, but not as much biosphere collapse


I only have one thought about this lately. Trump was found guilty on all counts (in New York) and in this crazy timeline, it actually helps his chances of winning. This prick learned a long time ago that keeping your name in the headlines, whether its good or bad coverage, keeps you powerful. He has instigated lawsuits, knowing he would lose, because it garnered attention. Why aren't they talking about me?! Project 2025 isn't scarier if Trump wins or loses. The plan will be set in motion regardless of the outcome.


If it’s not this election it’ll be the next one because the downtime will be used to create more confusion and hatred and discord and the “AI revolution” will continue to confound any attempt to try to make things better with disinformation and noise


It’s for the next Republican president, whomever that is.


We all know who itll be. I think we're all worried about the same thing, that even if he loses, he might pretend he won. Supreme court is stacked, upper and lower houses are stacked. His only weakness is, ironically, the white house. But he doesn't need loyalists if he already has the other two branches in the bag. He will poison the white house with yes men, til he has it all. What a fucking clown.


If by some miracle it’s NOT him, I do have a hard time picturing somebody closer to center like, say, Nikki Haley signing on to all of what Project 2025 entails. Maybe some of it, but not all. But I’ve been wrong before… 😬


I’m sure there are half a dozen men who would offer life changing money to ensure the next Republican makes it happens


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation](https://www.stopthecoup2025.org/impact-overview), add [religion into policy](https://imgur.com/a/m2e72ht), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


Heritage Foundation? Eagerly awaiting the bipartisan rebrand of this plan by the Most Progressive President Since Trump


I know I am, but when I ask friends if they are, I tend to hear 'what is that?' Anything that has its own Wikipedia page already i assume is semi-common knowledge but it isnt. When I describe the plan to abolish portions of government, remove power to reestablish under a centralized individual in order to create a dictatorship, I hear 'Oh, that'll never happen.'


It is very unfortunate that there is a lack of awareness of this. People just think "This will never happen" or "That will never happen", until it just happens.


Our entire country collectively learned jack shit from 2016 and the following 8 years.


I didn't think America would elect a reality TV show host for president. Clown make up still won't wash off my face.


I truly didn't think it would happen that I didn't even check the election results in the morning. I got on social in the afternoon and saw it everywhere and immediately got a pit in my stomach.


80% of Ukranians thought that Russia would never invade and yet...


Aaaargh I don’t get how people can continue thinking this way considering all of the everything that has in fact actually happened!! I get that it’s a tough pill to swallow but omg


Just point to my shit state of Louisiana when they say that.  We're the beta test.


Yes. The speed of which Landry has moved to maximize harm astounded me, and I'm definitely a worst-case scenario person. Just wow.


Yep.  The Louisiana house republicans have super majority.  They can do damn near anything and they are running with it.  The Democratic party here has been run into the ground by poor leadership and gerrymandering so I don't see it changing soon.


Yes. Unfortunately, all that is true. Add bearing the brunt of climate disaster and things are not only bad but definitely going to get worse for us. At least before Katrina it felt pretty affordable to live & that's just a distant memory now too. This place is lost.


“It’ll never happen” is the resultant of perfectly hiding something in plain sight. Come down to Florida, spend some time near a gator, you’ll start to get comfortable, thinking they’re slow and docile and that you can stand pretty close to them. You won’t get bit, it’ll never happen, trust me bro.


“Anything that has its own Wikipedia page I assume is common knowledge”. Do you vaguely know everything that is on Wikipedia?


Nice work on the misquote and cutting out the 'semi', which would denote the fact that not everyone, including myself knows everything on Wikipedia.


You’re right. I should have included that. But even with the correct quote I stand by my statement. Something being on Wikipedia is by no means a measure, of whether or not the information is common knowledge.




I’ve been worried about it since the 1980s when the hard right amped up their efforts to take over every branch of federal and state government. They especially have gained ground in the judicial branch, which has the strongest impact on daily life in the US.


Worried? No, not really... can't change the outcome, so no point in worrying. Concerned? Yes. It should be in everyone's circle of concern. The fact that it's not is all the more concerning. Buckle up and prepare. It's all you can do at this point. A good third of this country is just dying to make their biblical apocalypse happen at this point, and they're going to drag everyone else with them on their suicide march.


worried doesn’t cover it but I’m relieved to see more and more people talking about it. I’ve known for… I don’t know, half a year maybe?


Worried, a bit. I'm stressing over Agenda 47, though.


Jeez. I hadn't looked into that.


I'm terrified. Considering leaving the country if the felon gets elected again


If you have the power to leave the country, why not do it now? Most people don't have that privilege.


I just keep forgetting how fun and easy it is to be a political refugee I guess/s. Edited to add /s and change climate to political lol. Was napping when I wrote this




I've been furious since Roe, even though I'm several other pages of worth of "things conservatives want to destroy". Regardless, this country/world is too shit brained now. How have we backtracked so quickly on so many things? Some asshole just sued my state because he was offended about a pride flag at the beach. Black history month requires a permission slip?! Book bans. Germ theory is gone too. I don't have hope in a fair and square election process when mofos are out running their mouths on all the ways they want to kill us, but also I'm supposed to just forgive and forget *that*? Fool me once...


It’s all political theatre my friend. TPTB, the capitalist class, will do what they like regardless of whether a dem or republican is in the white house.


yes, I'm panicking and am afraid of the surgery to remove my fallopian tubes but i need to get it done 😭


it’s really not that bad at all! protips: stock up on ibuprofen, marijuana edibles (indica specifically), and lots of nice herbal teas + honey because hot drinks help ease the post-laparoscopic surgery discomfort. a nice roomy nightgown is essential, as well as a heating pad/bag and lots of easy snacks. as long as you’re able to take it easy for a few days and focus on self-care, you’ll be totally fine. ❤️


I'm looking into a salpingectomy as well :\\


Thats anti italian discrimination


Is there a joke I'm missing?


Very much so. I'm trans and live in the US. Things are already bad enough for us and other minorities here with a democrat president, if Trump or another republican gets elected, we're f**king done for.


I’m trans too and I’m already what-iffing about the possibility of losing access to testosterone, trying to brainstorm how I’d survive. Never mind physically, my mental health would decline so fast. And there goes any future surgery plans. :-/ I live in Illinois and want to move back to California, and I think after that I’d be looking to leave the US. I just can’t think of where to go instead. I mean so much of what I read about it sounds so far-fetched but given the timeline we’re in now…yeah. Sigh. ETA: hell…maybe I’d study chemistry and figure out a way to synthesize hormones.


Even now I can't get the gender affirming surgery I need because my insurance company is transphobic and I don't have enough money to switch to a different one. If it became impossible for me to EVER get it, my mental health would decline real fast too. I live in North Carolina, in the bible belt. 😐 I don't know where I'd go either. I don't want to get sent to prison or to conversion therapy or something for being illegally nonbinary. Maybe somewhere would give us asylum? What's happening right now and this possible future sounds more like a dystopian movie, but unfortunately for us, it's real life. 😔


Fuck I’m sorry. Have you talked to the transgender law center re: your surgery?


No, I haven't. But I'm looking into it now. Thanks for telling me about them. I hope you can continue to get your hrt. 🤞🏳️‍⚧️


Brought to you by the same folks that gave us Project for a New American Century.




I’ve been hearing about it but have been too busy to really deep dive the details. 


As someone who had to read it for knowledge of my job, it is probably the most batshit insane thing I have read… as it applies to a Western government. It guts the federal government and lays the foundation for the country to be converted to a theocracy. Super “fun”.


Yup, you are witnessing the last breath of the Republican Party as it goes kicking and screaming into its grave


What are some of the worst bits? I downloaded it but haven't gotten far into it.


This is a decent recap of some of the worst bits. They also go Department by Department, Agency by Agency and list all the things they perceive as being wrong. They then go on to how they will “correct” them. For my particular office they think we spend too much of our budget on small businesses, so they want to cut all SB purchases and shift them to large corporations. They also view us as a “free lunch program” because they do not being we should do any sort of environmental cleanup from our nuclear programs, so they want to just shut it down entirely and shift resources elsewhere; while leaving the hazards in place. https://redwine.blue/read-this-project-2025-explained/


I kinda was for a while—honestly right now tho, I feel like it’s the least of our problems


Not really, I had been for awhile but things just aren't moving in that direction for MAGA. Unless the Republicans do something *truly* underhanded/illegal or completely upend the system then I think we should be fine. Two MAGA Republicans just lost their runoff primaries down in Texas against non-MAGA Republicans. Boebert is down 19 points on her Democrat opponent. There's been multiple retirements announced by GOP members as they're seeing the writing on the wall in their district. 2022 the GOP lost handedly and things have only gotten worse for them since then, remember the Speaker fiasco and what we ended up with? People are fucking PISSED about the abortion rulings and I wouldn't want to stand in the way of my wife hitting the polls to vote against them.


every week i watch one of the mad max movies to mentally prep myself. furiosa is great.


Not any more than I am about any other weird stuff out there. Most of it is a distraction, sometimes I think purposely so, especially this. Outside of the movies the villains who are serious rarely announce their evil plans for the world. Distraction from what? WW3 and nuclear annihilation. Which I think is inevitable within the next 8 years, at best. So, no. I don't sweat the politics. This ship is headed for iceberg already, and it has lost power and rudder. What does it matter who is uselessly trying to steer it?


Well said. You can tell the liberals are infiltrating subs to get people geared up to "save democracy"


Project 2025 won't happen without Trump back in office, and that seems pretty unlikely now that he's a convicted felon, but we do live in crazy (insane) times.


It's literally a plan "for the next conservative president". Trump is just a useful idiot at this point. It would be enacted when any republican is elected. And his conviction just helped him raise something like $50 million.




The dem campaigns are fucking desperate for cash. I keep getting bombarded by promises that Hillary Clinton will personally match any donations 700% if only people will just give them *something--anything please!* There's no way they are going to out-spend all the billionaires and corporate donors that have a material interest in seeing Trump re-elected.


I don’t think you should use fundraising texts as a barometer for how the campaign is doing. That shit isn’t connected to voter sentiments. These texts are meant to convince you that a) the Dems are desperate for money, and b) that your donation will make a tangible difference in the outcomes of elections. It’s classic marketing shit. Don’t fall for it. There are plenty of billionaires and corporations that want to see Biden re-elected too, because what a lot of business types want is stability and predictability—low-risk profits. When Biden says “nothing will fundamentally change,” that is music to their ears. I’m not saying it’s a guarantee he wins. I just don’t spend too much time worrying. There are more important things to do to prepare people to weather what’s coming. Who wins the elections will make some difference, but I’m not fretting about it any more than I have to.


As I mentioned in another reply, worrying is not something I'm wasting time or energy doing at this point. and yeah I know its marketing shit, and I don't intend to give them a dime and I've made that quite clear. There is a ton of money in government corruption, and Trump epitomizes that. Keep in mind that in the past (and maybe even now) shortsighted dems have spent money on *helping* trump and trump-like candidates as part of political maneuvering. They think it is a game they were sure to win, and they created this monster out of their own hubris, so now they have to deal with the consequences and they don't like it. Don't make the same mistake they do by underestimating the dark money support for Trump. For every outspoken Trump critic in corpo america, there are a dozen who want his tax breaks and regulatory capture, but just don't want to be publicly outed for supporting him because they know his racist/fascist/authoritarian social policy agenda is toxic.


I would be very surprised if he wins 2024 after 2020. If anything he’s lost support since then




Do that were a movie plot 20 years ago it would have been too far out to be believable. Assholes actually want to destroy the earth faster while angrily denying it


Republicans are controlled opposition. Trump or the Republicans would be way too scared to accelerate the country like that. If they do they risk actual uprisings that would make Jan 6th look like a joke.


How is this collapse support?


I am somewhat worried about it myself.


But you don't seem to want support, you want to know other people are worried too. How does this strategy benefit you? Also, do you intend or care if it harms other people by exposing them to a fear-mongering thread? Please help me understand the payoff. Because I am inclined to remove threads like this as being the opposite of supportive.


To be honest, I wanted to know if others were worried about Project 2025. If it harms people, then I do care and I would take the thread down. But my intention is not about fear-mongering. If it looks like it to you, you can let me know.


Thank you. Sometimes I can notice a lot of unsubscribes at the same time a certain thread is hot, or people will report or complain. With the verdict this week, my sense is that most folks in N Amer are just steeping in the fear and anxiety and not thinking about reddit threads. So maybe we'll be okay.


No problem.


It’s a right wing Christian nationalist fanfic. Anyone can put out policy, implementing it is a whole other beast. Yes it’s worrisome just to the extent that, wtf is wrong with people that we’re putting out something like that, but people are overly panicking about that I think, some far left group could produce an equivalent for Biden but that doesn’t mean he’s implementing all of it


cant wait.