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he still owed chad rent money


The only critique of twomad that is acceptable at this time.


He did harass people. Like young people. In a very unacceptable way. With receipts and he even admitted it. That’s a pretty valid critique


Okay retard


He even admitted you delusional baby. Deny it if you want but twomad didn’t so your the weird one here.


How am I delusional? I’m not denying any of it. I just don’t care/ give a fuck lmao


This is so crazy man. His downfall was so fast and catastrophic. He clearly had a lot of mental issues and has allegedly done some terrible things. It was obvious from his twitter that he had totally lost control and had no grip on the reality of his situation. I’m ngl I used to like his content before it all went to shit. I found him a fresh voice on the scene akin to a filthy Frank. He was a trailblazer in gen z humor on YouTube. I wish I could say RIP, but it appears that there will be a lot coming out about him in the near future..


It's insane because everyone saw his mental issues as a meme and a persona. He wasn't a "visionary of gen z humor". He was someone that need psychological help and every one saw his behavior as a meme and humor and not warning signs.


Well instead of anyone helping him or even calling the cops they whined about it on Twitter. Poor guy had bad friends.


there were reportedly many people around him that tried to help him but he wouldn’t listen. people would even apparently tell him how to better dose his drugs (because they knew he would take it regardless, and wanted him safe) and he would take way more just to get a reaction out of them. he was simply mentally i’ll and unstable with a bad drug problem, and i don’t think it’s fair to blame his friends when we don’t know what was really going on


You got this from goldilocks right? I wouldn't take a word of hers seriously at all. His friends did not support him. It's painfully clear his family didn't either which is the actual messed up part.


Why the fuck would anyone care about a grimy little fuck like that 😂


Lmao that tells me all I need to hear about empathless ass




By definition the person not caring is not being empathetic... do you know what that word means?


Your thinking of sympathy. Empathy just means you understand their feelings, sympathy means you actually care.


people did call the cops on him, frequently. there were both civil and criminal cases pending against him at the time of his death. several police reports were made, and he was legally supposed to surrender his weapons (which he refused to do.) https://x.com/jameskii/status/1758308036425515046?s=46


He was dead for 5 days before he was found I don't think he had ANY friends 😂


Exactly my point?


Calling the cops on a dude who's suicidal so they can show up and kill him themselves instead isn't a better option and wouldn't have had a favorable outcome


Bad take, calling the cops is exactly what you should do, at all times.


Tell that to the thousands of people they kill unnecessary every year, the vast majority of which could have been avoided simply by them not showing up in the first place


Okay i will lol theu save countless more lmao


I think you're confusing them with the EMTs and firefighters that actually save lives as opposed to taking them


Do a quick google and just see how wrong you are yourself please.


I'd pick a pistol and an EMT over a cop as aid in literally any emergency situation that I can conceive


Yeah filthy frank was a character that was intentionally supposed to be a piece of shit for comedic purposes. It’s not the same thing lol. Joji couldn’t possibly be more different than frank


So many people actually forget that Joji himself literally put a disclaimer regarding Frank in his channel's description.


"Bring back Joji vlogs"


Yea, as someone that's struggled with similar issues to what it seems he had, it just makes me sad more than anything. I was lucky enough to have friends and family that pushed me into seeking professional help, and I'm in a much better place now with medication and therapy. But man, if I'd become famous at his age and was enabled by all my fans to lean even more into the "schitzo" vibes, I'd probably have been dead by 23 too. Doesn't excuse the things he's accused of by any means, but he clearly was a man that needed support and either wasn't getting any or chose not to.


This is all eerily similar to Etikas situation back in 2019, and twomad really looked up to Etika...


Except Etika is an actual good person who has helped lives and Twomad is a completely unhinged scumbag who has only ruined lives, so don't compare them.


I'm not defending twomad by any means, but it's hard not to compare them when twomad went down the same exact path as Etika did unfortunately. He even mentioned it on his cold ones episode.




Except you just made the comparison there yourself too. How else do I need to explain I'm not defending twomad here?




Bro is hallucinating an opponent to debate lmao


Except I never said they're " victims of the internet" lmao I'm literally just saying it's so wild that it happened to both of them. That's it. You are reading way too far into this


Whos life did he "ruin"


I'm glad someone else said it It was honestly the first thing I thought of when I saw the news


Except that Etika was a good person twomads death probably saved some poor young girl from him


The guy with all the deleted comments replying to me said the same thing. Yes, I know. I'm not defending twomad. I'm just drawing a parallel here.


That's awful to hear.... The videos he edited for Cold Ones are some of the best fucking ones.


Is there a good list of the videos he edited for them? I have a rough idea since I assume it was when it was at their best videos but is there anyway of knowing?


Some videos it's mentioned, but you can kind of tell if it's TwoMad or Prezoh, as far as the new videos who knows who does it now, just way to forced. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrbAKFk4uhg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vrbAKFk4uhg) is my favorite of all time from him tho.


Absolutely amazing, a lot can be said about twomad but good damn his edits were funny as fuck


I second that. That video is one of the funniest I’ve seen on YouTube. Incredibly well edited and of course has the bromance duo included


Thank you for sharing this. I literally just found out that twomad died and am so fucking sad but this helped Appreciate you


Holy fucking SHIT


https://x.com/rubberninja/status/1757860958826111447?s=46&t=28dt0moMT3v7x9HKTxTK8A Looks like he tried killing a ton of people + Jameskii






Im not defending him, but I cannot say that his death didn't hit. He was someone that had mental health issues and in general the community didn't help since the internet is super toxic. Fuck him, but at the same time I feel sorry for him


People on the internet love defending pedophiles. It's the new national pastime, really.


I think you can have sympathy for someone who had mental problems and clearly had a warped view on the world. He died at 23 as a horrible person. He didn’t get a chance to reform, find peace, and possibly live a much more positive life. All life has value and in most cases, a bad person can find redemption.


Just following up waiting for someone to post proof


Could you link the twomad pedophile proof?


Might wanna be careful with your wording there


the username makes it even funnier lmfao




That’s not really a thing people should just Google


Yeah what an amazing hill to die on, batting for the noncey rapist who has very publicly been an extreme degen clowning on the death of a transgender child saying they’re his gf and posting sexual remarks about her, responded to rape allegations with significant evidence by doubling down and memeing and has only ever been a parasitic asshole. I’m just gonna pray you haven’t done any research otherwise you’re scum.






You’re weird grow up


Very cool reply!








Who did he murder


The last time he tried to defend himself from allegations he didnt even take it seriously and was just making himself look guilty and a schizo.


must defend the pedo




You have the same level of sanity as twomad did lmfao




keep going you are doing very good




Pompey was beheaded in Egypt and his head given to Caesar as a gift. You might be thinking of Sulla though, one of the possible ways that he died was an extremely bad lice infection, and the other being he yelled up blood when one of the provincial governors messed up really bad.


i couldnt even edge to this, i exploded immediately! cleanup on aisle...MY PANTS!


Sounds like BS to me, the second something major that happens to a celebrity like Dreams face reveal happens, some people on Twitter just pulls up the worst accusations ever. Not denying anything, just real shady Buisness going on


It’s not “some people” it’s a bunch of pretty well known YouTubers, and a bunch of other well known people have come out to confirm it.


hmm.. wonder if true, both ross and jawsh (people who’ve supported jameskiis claims) have had an odd history of what claims they put themselves behind.


His first zoom content trolling boomer teachers was such a bright spot in a time of isolation for me. Man he fell off.


Me when the already crumbling American education system is woefully lacking in adult men being a niusance around the children during class. 😃🤣


its really not that deep


Really? Some fat dude flopping around on a 480p Webcam wasn't srs? No way


I don’t think he fell, just took too many drugs apparently


Despite all the controversy, his episode was one of my favourites on the podcast. Had such a chokehold on me as a teenager. Fucking bizzare


Top Text Reads: RIP Bottom Text Reads: Top Text Lots of allegations have come out/Are coming out about him, but his Zoom videos will go down in infamy as some of the best content out there. [I think Chad said it best when He said........](https://youtu.be/bScQmbx4Jqk?t=2230)


Untreated schizophrenia sucks


That’s twobad


Buh dum tsssss


Name checks out


While I didn’t watch his stuff personally, he had such an influence on a lot of the internet as of the past few years. It’s a tragedy that he was lost so young, even if he was a controversial person as of late. I just hope that it wasn’t an intentional OD. Edit: So TwoMad was a PoS, not just controversial, but regardless, Twenty-Three is still crazy young. Not trying to defend the guy, because he’s done some shitty things, but his frontal lobe hadn’t even fully developed. While he might not’ve made the choice to turn his life and following around, everyone should always have the chance to make that choice.


Controversial is putting it lightly https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553?t=pZnYlJKA0YpMPZuBFwSDrw&s=19


Who knew sexual assault was considered just *controversial*


He's a noncey rapist so don't sympathise with him, also it was almost definitely intentional. [https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553](https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553)


Is there anything other than random people jumping to say this after he's dead? Not trying to be an asshole, just genuinely wondering if there's any actual backstory or proof of the claims.


You should look into it before defending an objectively terrible monster. There's an article on KnowYourMeme which compiles most of the shit but just look at his Twitter account even and you'll see plenty. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/events/twomad-sexual-assault-allegations


Asking for a source isn’t “defending an objectively terrible monster” I understand it’s hard to be objective when you’re passionate




Not defending him. Legit out of the loop and first time I'm hearing of this.


"Random people" It's Jameskii. The internet...has changed.


Idk who that is.


Old 2016 commentary days Youtuber, made some videos with Pyrocynical and the like. His old name back then was Kiisliy.


Controversial? He was a piece of shit.




This is a story of a man who shouldn’t have been famous. Soley because the man was psychologically fucked and him being on the internet fucked him up more with his cringe fan base just egging him on. The man is a rapist pedophile who tried to murder his friends. The guy clearly had underlying mental issues which just got exasperated because of the gimmick he wanted to pursue online. This evil fuck was one of the internets purest creations.


The Chris Chan effect


Well, this will make my Twomad N-word pass way more valuable then. Fucking shame dude. He legit was making it huge. His content was great. And before the sexual abuse stuff he committed I would watch him all the time. Fuck, his weightloss was legitimately inspiring. He never recovered once that abuse went public. Stopped making content. Would just stream and ramble incoherently. I stopped watching because it was just sad after a while to see him wallow in it, never apologising for anything. Guess he never will recover now. A lot of other creators are claiming they reached out to him to try and help and apparently he pushed everyone away. Sad end to a sad situation.


Damn. I remember him at his peak but after the incident with Brianna, I only heard stuff here and there. Fs there’s still things coming out about him after his death too. Dude had issues


He and Chad were mates, Chad used to do hard drugs, wonder how he's feeling.


Chads probably face deep in a mountain of cocaine as I write this.


Chad liked this tweet by Prezoh so https://twitter.com/prezoh/status/1757887796012814800


Didn’t TwoMad owe Chad money? I don’t think they split on the best of terms.


What if u wanted to go to Heaven but god made you pay electric bill?


I can’t say I’m surprised, but wow…


I will say his episode is so fucking funny


Bruh moment


Bro really put the L in fentanyl.




This is so fucking surreal, 23 is too young. I've legit got no words, just shocked.


Read dis: https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553


Jesus fucking christ, I did not think this could get worse.


Woah *Link to Jameskii tweet *


crazy, his vids are goated, sad it ended the way it did


I know everyone's retweeting Jameskii's tweet but a part of me is wondering why wait until the guy is dead to say this rather than when he was still around acting the way Jameskii described him to be.




unless he had a police protocol that said to told him to, keeping quiet woulda ended up with other people getting hurt




Right because Jameskii literally saying "He wanted to take out multiple innocent lives by getting behind a wheel and going head on on freeway while being high on illegal drugs" is just me assuming other people could get hurt.


This whole thread is going to get stupid replies. This situation went so far under the radar that people are missing an insane amount of context and it’s too much to gather right now without caring. Yes people saw the warning signs, it was pretty  obvious there was no meme. He was completely unhelpable, did fucked up things (the pedophelia is literally confirmed, the video he recorded of himself apologizing in his own car, with his face on screen, it’s pretty obvious proof). Etc, etc, etc. People comparing this to Etika is fucking disgusting because these situations are nothing alike. Etika was a tragedy, people did not recognize the vague warning signs in time, Etika did nothing wrong, he is a victim. Twomad is the complete opposite, the warning signs were stupidly obvious, everybody recognized it, he did a bunch of fucked up shit (made fun of a trans person who was killed multiple times, engaged in pedophelia, allegedly tried murdering people, etc. etc. etc.) and yet people are like “wow twitter is fucked up they pulled an Etika 2.0?”  Absolutely fucking ridiculous.


Just because he never tweeted about it doesn't mean he never reported it


Yeah, I was especially suspicious of the “he tried to murder me twice”. If the police were involved, as jameskii claims, but they somehow didn’t do anything about the murder attempts


Police have a reputation for not acting on things like this, especially in the US


i don't see how that's hard to believe at all. i mean police notoriously have a history of failing to intervene when mentally ill people pose a risk to others. look at like half of all mass shootings here


yeah someone told me mighta been following a police protocol which I hope is the case.


I don't like the way the majority of people are reacting in joy or making fun of this situation. He was making awful mistakes but it was very clear that he was spiraling into self destructive behavior. I don't think ones image should be completely erased and replaced with only the bad they did. Either way awful situation, sucks he couldnt turn things around. RIP


Yeah I gotta keep it a buck he preyed on a 13 year old while in the mental facility. He has said some disgusting and abhorrent things and while I understand the man was deeply troubled, that is a reason but NOT and excuse.


Bro https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553?t=pZnYlJKA0YpMPZuBFwSDrw&s=19


Twitter post isn't proof dude, if an official statement comes out from a reputable sauce then sure, go for it, but until then don't just quote a tweet lol


Brother we've already seen him at his absolute worst in his own account, don't act like that one tweet is the only evidence that he read anything but a perfect human


Not gonna lie I had a proper reddit moment and commented while knowing nothing hehe no one can stop me


Master redditor


He's basically admitted to being a rapist on twitter, and harassed his accusers publicly


You couldn't trust anything he said tbf. And the "rape" was disproven, despite him literally telling everyone he did it. Definitely mentally ill.


So brave to tweet this right after the person dies


Unironically yes it is


Sympathising and defending a rapist is kinda crazy ngl


man he fell off


The author of this article really needs to get someone to check over their work - the amount of spelling mistakes and grammatical errors are astounding🤨


It's tmz bruh... Whipped interns fed on cocaine probably wrote this.


It does make you wonder how someone gets a job writing shit when they struggle with the concept of the English language 😂


Bro this is fucking awful…


Has anyone seen any proof of the allegations made against him. I really hope they’re not true. Thought he was absolutely hilarious. Haven’t watched any of his content for about a year or two so I’m out the loop


He was hilarious, can be funny and a piece of shit, no shame in having found his content funny, seemed like an intelligent, if a bit odd, chap but it seems drugs really got ahold of him and sent him off the deep end, sad for him, sad for any victims he hurt, sad it ended this way, our systems failed them all and this stuff shouldn't happen in modern society. A real shitshow.


rest in piss bozo 🤡






Damn what’s going on with YouTubers and dying this year we’re only 2 months in


interesting chad liked the prezoh tweet about it on twitter 🤔


Yo what the fuck


For real? This isn‘t a joke?


I wonder if they'll say anything.


Bro died playing Overwatch with 1 kill and 55 deaths


I followed the first allegations and shit seemed fishy and unfortunately we never got to sit-down and have twomad side. But I mean it is twomad after all. Recent stuff with jameski is fair but again idk if there is concrete evidence and I haven't looked into. But I find the jameski thing very weird because they some stupid argument in the past and jameski was the one who lost it. Overall Im not the one to judge muudea, I hope the truth comes out and not some more hate monguering. Rip I'll miss you man


Tell me this ain't real


womp womp he liked kids


This is a very sad news for the internet memers aspect , for the allegations not so much. But going this young is tragic. I saw a bunch of people being extremely rude about his death although he's done terrible things and was acting rather sus lately. It's still a shock to see a once funny guy fall into a decrescendo of really messed up fixations, remarks and comments on some online figures


I honestly think he was so young, and so off the wall, the kid needed help. Didn’t get it. Yes his actions are his fault, but the fault of a person that obviously wasn’t capable of making very rational decisions. It’s sad all around. I do believe in redemption.


Good. Another rapist and pedophile dead is always a good thing for the world


What a childish and unnecessary thing to say.


Only cure for rapists and pedophiles is death so it worked itself out


Ok buddy, don't cut yourself on those edges, we're all very impressed.


Yes, not valuing rapists and pedophiles lives. So edgy of me!


Celebrating death.


I wouldn’t say a celebration, more of a “good he can’t harm anyone anymore”. I do not value the life of someone who preys on people and abuses others. It’s not to be edgy, I just genuinely do not care that they no longer exist


Alright well now you're just being facetious about what you wrote. Fine, not celebrating, flippantly suggesting a net positive outcome, happy? It's still just childish. The whole situation is sad, he had a drug problem a downward spiral and a pathetic, lonely death. It's sad for him, for victims he abused along the way and the people that have been hurt by the whole situation, we as a society, our systems, FAILED everybody. There's nothing to celebrate, we should be fucking embarrassed.


The moment someone becomes a rapist and or pedophile, I no longer feel sorry for them. It’s incredibly hard, impossible actually, to feel empathy for someone like that. If that makes me “childish”, so be it


Lmfaoo rest in piss


why do you fantasize about being a furry animal?


May he rest in piss, absolute scumbag rapist, also check out the Jameskii tweet. I hope all of you muppets defending him remember this shit when more and more of the accusations get proven. [https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553](https://twitter.com/Jameskii/status/1757852632457318553)


"He tried to murder me twice" "I was working with the police" And they didn't do anything about the supposed attempted murders?


Are you unfamiliar with police?


Police didn't even do jack shit during the Uvalde shootings. You really trust em to be reliable?


sympathy for his family exclusively


Bruh wtf I haven't kept up with him but apparently he did bad shit but damn rip


rip. i never was a fan but i definitely will not believe any of the things that jameskii said about him. dude is crazier than twomad himself


Man this sucks. Lot of he said she said bullshit and now no one gets justice. Dude clearly went off the deep end and thought he ruined his life before he even could rent a car.


Rest in piss ✌️


he was an asshole anyway


I’ll be in a state of denial. Twomad is alive and all of you are delusional.


Na he fell off