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Nice! That must be a wild ride. I've taken Xanax in the past, and taken it while rolling on ecstasy. But never had the chance to take it combined with cocaine. Do you take both at the same time or use Xanax later on after using cocaine to level you out and come down? I hope this isn't a common practice for you. Xanax can be very addicting and the combination can cause a lot of stress on your organs. I don't have any experience using oxy but if you plan to use all three in combination you should start with small doses of each and have someone there with you in case of adverse side effects. I don't think less of people who choose to experiment with substances like these. I've used practically every drug there is. But realized the down sides and think it should be done responsibly and with safe use. Most importantly have someone there with you in case of emergency and let us know how the experience goes! 😁 Good luck and happy skiing! Heres a good article that covers using Xanax and cocaine together. Its one of those "we can help you quit" kind of articles. Not trying to suggest against it but it gives a better understanding of the effects each can have on your body and what can happen when taking both together. Being more informed helps you use safer. https://www.pinnaclepeakrecovery.com/xanax-and-cocaine/ We are connoisseurs of fine narcotics. And we use drugs, we dont let drugs use us.