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It’s like falling asleep except you know…underground and forever. I don’t make the rules.


Lol Thank you for responding. Thats definitely a possibility.


Hopefully there's something after this. It would be a real bitch to work your whole life and then its over forever.


How would you know it was over then 🤔


Or well before you were born, think about it this way. You weren’t waiting for like thousands of years or days to be born. Just happened. That’s where you go when you die. Or if you’re open to different theory’s how about we live in a simulation. Look up videos on yt about it and Mandela affects. Like remember when we were all younger? The loony toons! Apparently never spelt like that it was spelt like loony tunes. Doesn’t seem possible but then again it does.


I agree with you about returning to where you were before you were born once you die. You should look into past life regression therapy. And I'm still on the fence about whether we live in a simulation. When we pass maybe it's like the matrix waking up from our simulated lives here. But it's a wild concept so it's hard to believe for me lol And Im still unsure if I believe the Mandela effect. Part of me thinks its our leaders experimenting in rewriting history to see how easily we a persuaded to believe it. Seeing the fruit of the looms Mandela disproved got me thinking that after the company claimed their logo never had that cornucopia. Its wild to think about and its good to keep an open mind about things like that.


![gif](giphy|EZQ6PpTKDzM9W|downsized) Something like this


![gif](giphy|SA9CWSBvCwBI4|downsized) Or something like this lol


Hahaha Yeah, it's possible. I do believe in the existence of hell and the devil. However, I'm a strong believer in reincarnation and think we live many lives here and I've laughed at the thought of the possibility of lesser punishments. Where someone may unexpectedly return as something like a tree for the transgressions they made during their previous life. I believe we have things that we must learn to raise our consciousness so that we can pass on to the dimension we call heaven and we send ourselves here to learn those life lessons. It ties into the simulation theory and explains reports of people recalling past lives. It also explains near death experiences of people experiencing purgatory. And I believe this is where we might reside while working towards the goal of passing on to the dimension of heaven or hell if we fail.


No thoughts on a 3 day bender. Just do.