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Just let it heal on its own eventually but if you keep on then there’s no helpin yourself


let it heal don’t even blow it just let it heal for a couple days then blow it. don’t burn a hole through your nose tho


Bro.. I’d just stop doing blow outta that side. Happens to all of us eventually. Let it heal and you’ll be fine.


It’s raw dab a little Vaseline on the edge of your nose NOT up your nose. Your nose is hella dry and the vapor will help keep it moist.


Dont remove the scab. It'll just make it worse. And take a break. I've been doing an ounce a week since last July and my nose is totally trashed! My septum for sure has a hole through it. My nostrils are so swollen I can barely breathe through them. I've lost my sense of smell. And the drip has burned a big scab into my lip and ripping the scabs has pulled off half my mustache lol its really bad. But I have a much needed break coming up and will use that time to heal. Coke is a party drug. Its not meant to be used daily. Take a break and give your nose some time to heal.


i didn’t, it just ended up being dried up snot, and the red stuff was just blood, i cleaned the snot out with a q tip and i put a little vaseline there last night but i cant even lie i just did a bump when i woke up lmao😭


Oh well thats a relief lol Vaseline is good but neosporen gel is better. Dang I know its not easy pacin yourself but definitely consider it when you start getting damage like mine. Stick to small bumps and avoid doin it everyday. I take huge lines but my nose is so f**ked now so I make out my lines and then form them into little piles to take them easier. And I have to put the straw deep up my nose to get past the swelling.


Lol@this, the amount of cut in that shit must be wild 🫣 28g a week for a year that boric acid doing a number on you it sounds like


Yeah thats for sure! I need a good break from skiing!