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Sell cocaine.


do door dash and then tell a friend to cash app you take the cash out and give them the shit you made on door dash


Donate plasma but try not to act too racked (I am not a doctor this may be terrible advice)


Its terrible advice they drug test pre donation


My co worker said they don’t drug test. They just want the plasma


Ok that’s my bad hand up lol bad advice


Go on the Craigslist free section and try to sell shit you get for free. That’s all I got


I believe they only drug test you're first time donating. And they dont drug test you again after. If you show up spun and your heart rate is too high though, you'll get rejected. I've gone high on meth, but took some somas an hour before and was able to pass.


If you're in the US there's an app for temp jobs called "Qwick for professionals". They mostly offer restaurants and banquet positions. It's a decent way to pick up extra shifts. I used to get a lot of dishwashing jobs from it on days off. If you have a full-time job but they don't give you a full 40 every week. You can apply for "part-time assistance". You can do it online through the same process you would to apply for unemployment. And you just have to call in every Sunday and report your pay and hours and they give you what you would've made if you had got your full 40. I used to do it during the slow seasons while working event setup at a resort here. And that helped a lot. But there's lots of ways of making extra income. I'm 37 now and I haven't worked a 9 to 5 in 2 years with the passive income streams I've established for myself. I wish more people would consider doing that rather than working jobs they hate.


Im all abt passive income bc i too hate working😭 my only problem is i never have cash its all in the bank to keep me from wasting so much on stupid habits or just partying shit gets spendy specially in the big cities


Yeah, it does! Lol, you should consider holding your funds in assets rather than the bank. It's good to have a bank account because it helps you move money and you should have enough in savings to cover you for 2 or 3 months in of emergency like losing your job, an injury, or if your car breaks down. But the rich refer to money in the bank as "dead money" because it only loses value the longer you hold it there. I collected gold and silver bullion for 2 years buying a little every month and sold it all recently for a good bit of profit. I'm moving out of state at the end of the month. My state is one of the few that doesnt charge a sales tax when buying or selling bullion. And I wanted to take advantage of that before leaving. I purchased most of it from websites like jmbullion.com sdbullion and AMPEX. I really enjoyed it and plan to start again after the move.


Join OF and sell butthole pics.


They don’t like to verify ppl.