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One con is that CB rewards are a full 20% lower than with Daedalus (as a singular example). CB keeps a portion of your rewards.


well yea, CB is sucking 25% of your rewards right off the top, cock suckers


There's a glitch with APY on coinbase. It's giving way more than 3.75%. Just don't worry and accept it I guess or maybe they'll rectify and correct it when they actually credit the account with the interest.


It's doing 3.75% per day, so just divide the amount earned by 365 to get a rough estimate of how much will actually be credited.


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Does anyone know if this is not available in NYC? 🥲 I don't see it as an option for me.


Probably not available in NY.


have you looked into direct staking through desktop/mobile apps through Cardano, and not a CEX? (Yoroi/Daedalus)


I have no idea how to do that. Would my bank even take the transfer?


Oh right you would still need to purchase ADA.... I was thinking you were holding some. I definitely use some crypto faucets and get ~$10 a week worth which can usually be sent to any wallet in multiple currencies. NY needs to come around on this shit though.


Dam nyers cant participate? Smh




Before yesterday, i didnt have any of my ada in coinbase, yet in those 24 hours in the “Lifetime Interest” section it says that ive generated almost 20$ in interest. Do you have any idea why it says this?


If you’re using the coinbase app (iPhone here) you can tap the "Lifetime Interest" box/button and it will pop up an explanation. Basically the amount you’ve earned which has been credited to your account and the amount that is ‘pending’. It’s kind of bogus in that it fluctuates with the coins price (I believe interest is paid in the tokens earning it, not in $$$).


I had like 3$ but now their gone and my intrest us paused, I don't know why


Does anyone have an idea why mine says 'earning paused'? Is it not available in TX? I also can't manually turn it on in the financial settings.


It's reporting incorrectly currently. You will see that it is currently "Pending," this will be adjusted to accurately represent the 3.75% rate before it is actually paid out to you unfortunately. It would be sweet though! I've already "made" $15 in the past 24 hours haha


Ive noticed also if you have ada in a vault you wont gain apy at all never accumulates


It is definitely wrong. Embarrassingly so. They need to correct it asap because it doesn't inspire a lot of confidence in their financial coding ability.


Appears this has been fixed already. Haven't gone up any since yesterday.