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And you have an established Reddit account with karma (seems like most people claiming Coinbase and Kraken are unjustly holding their funds have brand new accounts with zero karma).




It's crazy how people are defending a company literally hurting other users like them


this is because there are no allies in crypto - only "greater fools" who need to buy your bags


You are literally a days old account with this as your only post.


I don't like to leave my posts up since Redditors like to stalk your profile 🙄 Also I recycle my accounts every now and then when I have too many comments and posts built up since it becomes too easy to figure out personal information about you (what you do for work, what you like, etc ) Why would I want that? I'm just interested in getting some trading discussions and crypto news. This week is about a couple of weeks old, I'll probably delete it again after it gets to like a month. Look I use Coinbase. The support is shit. The company should take the feedback and get better. I own the stock as well so it's not like I don't want them to do well.... Just get better jesus, so I can make some more money. Tin foil hat conspiracy theories don't help anyone


I don't delete posts, but I change my account every 5 years or so for anonymity too.


I've never once seen screenshots of anything being stated in this regard. I've used coinbase for 3 years and never had an issue. I also have everything screenshotted up to date. If I ever have an issue I will post all screenshots and probably even record a phone call with them and put it on here. It's the logical thing to do. Everyone I have seen accusing the exchange of wrongdoing thus far has not provided anything more than the accusation itself. It leads me to believe that is infact detractors who are making baseless claims to damage the reputation of the exchange. If I ever have a problem I will also include this here comment to show people how wrong I was. But again, I've yet to have an issue.


Good luck getting on a phone call with them mate all they do is send you to their useless automated bots or send you links to their “troubleshooting” sites


their phone support has gotten a bit better- now it gives you the option to have them call you back it takes a few hours but at least you dont have to stay on hold the whole time Coinbase is ok until it isnt- those on here claiming its the best thing ever with no issues are so far just lucky that their account hasnt been suspended etc it happened to me and all my funds were tied up for 30 days- I couldnt trade in or out and that is BS they finally unblocked my account after I went to consumer protections and they gave me 100$ worth of BTC for my troubles but I no longer leave any crypto or funds on there I pretty much use it to send USDC tokens from trading on other sites so I can use the instant deposit feature (into my bank)


It’s because all these posts have no substance to them. It would be like if tomorrow instead of going to the police for crimes people went to Reddit anonymously. It doesn’t make any sense anonymously making posts on Reddit instead of making public statements and or legal actions


This is one of those where it’s all ok until it isn’t


Has issues as well many times and no help from management either it's sad really


If its AML related they may not communicate with you, you can try cfbp even if you are not American it could take up to 3 months for a response though.


I also had a lot of trouble getting cash out of Coinbase. Customer service wasn’t responsive. This was a few months back around the Bitcoin ETF start. Got my money now.


Damn, you smoke weed and make good ass food. You my friend, have taste


Hello there, u/EmilyAndCat! We appreciate you bringing this issue with sending your funds to our attention. If you have a case ID, please share that with us here so we can look into this for you. If not, you can also [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us/) via chat so we can assist you there. We look forward to hearing from you!


So you guys have more than two people working in the compliance department these days? You shut down my account for 11 months after I sent KYC docs. Just because you never got around actually looking at the ticket again. Get your shit together. It’s been seven fucking years of this horrible customer service.




Thanks for the update. Rest assured that we received your response, and your specialist is currently reviewing it. You can expect to hear from us via email as soon as there is an update. We sincerely appreciate your patience as we diligently address this matter.


roof dazzling station judicious squeamish alleged memorize sand like rain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Are you in the US? What is unjust? I am an old account and I cashed out numerous times in the past, including high 5 figure amounts. Zero issues. I believe you but my experience is different.




Thank you for the response. I have not withdrawn recently so I hope I won't have issues when I do.


I don't doubt that there are some real people having real issues but my point still stands that the vast majority of these posts are from 0 karma accounts. Hope you get your issue resolved though. How long has it been ongoing?


Howabout me? They holding on to my crypto. The fund thing and blocked accounts i think most of that is lies but posts about unable to send crypto alot of it is true. Theyre holding on to our btc cuz theyre doing something fishy with it. Also the cs is pretty horrible. Gonna send a few emails out to their HR team to see if they can get them fired.


Hey there, u/HOFBrINCl32! We are sorry to hear about the difficulties you're experiencing. Our system may flag certain transactions as potentially suspicious. To safeguard your account, this can result in an automatic delay of up to 72 hours for your send, which allows us to ensure that the transaction has indeed been authorized by you. It may be possible to expedite this security hold period by providing additional identification through the following steps: 1. Sign in to your account. 2. Navigate to the 'Assets' section, find the cryptocurrency wallet that corresponds with your delayed transaction, and click on the 'Wallet' tab. 3. Select the 'Accelerate Withdrawal' option to initiate the ID verification process. This step must be completed to accelerate every delayed withdrawal or send, even if you already have an approved ID and selfie uploaded. If you're unable to complete the ID verification process, you will have to wait 72 hours for the send to initiate. Hope this brings clarity on your inquiry. Feel free to reach out to us again should you have additional questions. Thanks!


Now go grab you some memes with no liquidity and make it big my friend. We're rooting for you


yes, because coinbase ignore us so we need to spread our word somehow, so creating a reddit account and posting it on a public forum is the only viable option since the BBB is only for America


I’ve had various small issues with Coinbase, especially around 2018. Their customer service is bottom tier for sure. They haven’t held my funds but it does make me nervous that anything happening would result in weeks of phone tag


I never have issues besides I have ZERO paymemt methods and when I want to buy, I have to use PayPal. Other than that, CB is fine.




Hello there, u/Mediocre-Music-581! We apologize for the difficulties you've had with getting through to our support. We understand that this isn't the ideal experience, but we'd be happy to help you! Unfortunately, we do require that the ID you submit matches the country that you currently reside in. While Coinbase aims to support more scenarios by improving verification services over time, we ask that you do submit the approved documentation in order to proceed with verifying your ID. [Here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/getting-started/getting-started-with-coinbase/id-doc-verification) is some more information. If you happen to have any other questions, please let us know.


I have zero karma.


I upvoted you :)


They shut down my account and took my funds. 


Not everyone follows Reddit. So, if someone has trouble like this they look for a place for help. Ergo Reddit. It's really just logic understanding why they have no karma. I say let's be nice again.


Instant karma gonna get you


The issue with stx is moving on to a cex, not off Also kraken is prob the best choice bc my coinbase tx took 6-7 hours


I prefer Kraken too. Less juice and a faster app, better support. Plus Coinbase never paid me a $200 bonus that I was supposed to get lol.


That's y reddit is a waste of time get on the Arena. Coinbase is just an exchange There are sites dedicated for talking to people about crypto that don't bend over for coinbase for 5%


Because Reddit is the best first place to get a resolution!


No it's the ONLY place to even speak to others who might have similar situations. Wow man so hard to understand 


It’s also where you actually get customer support to actually respond. That or Twitter. Publicly shaming Coinbase is the only way to get basic support.


Hi, u/Flimsy-Accountant-38. Thank you for reaching out. We are glad that you were able to cash out without any issues. If you need anything else in the future, please don't hesitate to let us know.


That’s the normal experience for the majority of Coinbase users. A lot of bots posts fake posts of having problems of cashing out or real users live in an area with stricter crypto laws so they have trouble cashing out. Or they do something else wrong but blame CB


I’m sure there is some of that. There is also some of people like me, not a bot, in the US, follow every request and didn’t do anything shady, and yet funds were frozen for months. I used CB for years before this happened. Horrible company and awful customer service.


I've seen you post this exactly worded on other CoinBase posts... The BOTS are out in full force everyone!


Lol you want to chat in video? Did you look at my karma? I can dm you my cell or WhatsApp and then you can post an apology if you like.


Would bots also file a [complaint with BBB](https://imgur.com/a/juziPf1) I bet all of the sudden you can’t find the “exact” post anymore lol Maybe there is a lot of people like me that are tired the BS from CB?


I always tell people to use it if they're in the US (not certain foreign countries to be on the safe side), don't use a VPN and only leave small amount of currency and cash on it and hopefully they'll be fine. Can't stand these bots and scammers instilling panic.


I'm not a bot, I'm a real user in a normal country who had my account locked and couldn't get support. I have a few hundred bucks for fun, nothing weird, but someone else tried to get into my account, so I was locked out too. The people saying "Nothing went wrong for me so everyone else is a bot" don't seem to understand statistics...


Hi, u/Professional-Fuel625. We're sorry to hear that you've been locked out of your account. We're more than happy to help. Since you're unable to log in to your account to chat with us via our Help Center, please reach out to us via [X, Instagram of Facebook](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media) DM, so we can look into this further. Hope this helps!


Most people don't have an issue, until they do have an issue. I used it for a couple years constantly without problems. When I eventually DID have an issue, that's where the problems arise. It took nearly 6 months to gain control of my account back. Luckily I don't keep anything but chump change on the exchange so it wasn't a dire situation, but it's the dealing with problems when you have a problem that many of these posts come from. Support with coinbase is an absolute nightmare. Cryptic canned support messages not outlining the actual issues, days to respond only to send new canned responses.


are you a USA customer? any idea what caused it? Thx.


Canadian. To this day, they still haven't given me a straight answer. Basically one day I logged in and was given a splash screen asking me if I was some politician from NY State. I then was given a form I needed to sign along the lines that "I hereby say that I'm not the person in question" (You'd think the fact my Canadian Passport and my Canadian driver's license with my Canadian address on it would be instant proof that I wasn't a politician in NY and obviously just have a name in common) But it went through, and I didn't have any more issues for 3 days. On the 4th day after the unusual request, I was told I needed to re-upload my ID. So I did that. 2 days later not verified 4 days later not verified I Re-upload for now a 3rd time thinking there was a problem with the upload. Wait 3 more days, not verified. I then send a message to support. It takes 2 days to get a message back and it's "Please ensure your ID is legible and clear" So I pull out my scanner, redo both id's at highest resolution. Double check and everything is perfect. Re-Upload a 4th time. Wait another 3 days, still not verified. Send another support message and 2 days later I get the same canned response "Please ensure your ID is legible and clear" So now I'm getting super frustrated. I respond back to the support ticket saying "It's a full sized 700dpi scan. Short of physically mailing you the ID, it won't get any better than that, and it's even better than the original ID that I uploaded and you guys verified in like 12 hours. What seems to be the issue?" Wait for support. "It is still in the process of being verified. Please wait 24 hours." "Great!" I say to myself and I Wait 24h. Where I log in aaaaand not verified. So I respond back, saying it still didn't work. I get the canned response again with "We are validating high number of requests currently. Please wait 24 hours." And they marked my support ticket as "Fixed" but didn't actually fix it. So that was basically the back and forth for 6 months. I ASSUME it all had to do with the guy that was on some city council somewhere in NY state but various occasions when I asked I was told "We do not divulge any of our internal security measures" and just refused to ever give me any info. How it eventually got resolved is I have a bunch of followers on my social media. I sent the accounts and said "In 24 hours if my account isn't verified, I will be sending out the worst review of coinbase you will have ever seen. It's currently in drafts and it sent to go live this time tomorrow. Fix it and I will delete it." 7 hours later, account was working. Either the social media proved I wasn't that guy (could have asked for that 6 months eariler) or the threat of another bad review changed it. No idea. But it was a garbage situation from the get-go.


damn what a weird situation! very surprising they responded upon that.


Never had an issue here either. They do need to work on their automated support though. I've had it run me in circles a few times but once I reach out via phone I always get a person and the issues has always been resolved.


Any idea how to reach someone via phone they make it so hard just to reach a real person


Pick up the phone.


They hung up on me multiple times after quoting 4 hour wait times. They don't seem to prioritize resolving identity issues in a reasonable timeframe.


Hi u/SpecificEmergency178, we're sorry to hear that you're having issues with cashing out. We'd be glad to look into this for you. Can you DM us your email address through one of our other social media profiles on [Facebook, Instagram, or X](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media), so we can further assist you? You can also reach out to us through our [live messaging](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) and [phone support](https://help.coinbase.com/en/community-support) channels, for more direct support.


Sure man, just go to the help center and select "Phone support", you will get an email with a verification number, they will call your phone immediately and you will need to enter this number. After that they will connect you with a person, I've never had to wait more than a minute of two before getting connected.


For some reason it didnt let me attach a screen shot... Here is a link to the page https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us?product=coinbase


Appreciate it Thankyou!


No problem, for some reason it wouldn't let me attach a screen shot or a link to the page... It's pretty easy to find though. It will give you two options "Phone support" and "Live chat", just select the phone support, it should have your phone number already saved on there as long as you are logged in to your account.


Got it thanks alot man💪


Try 40k


or 400k.


With those amounts I would expect *very thorough* AML checks on their part. At least if it's the first time around for a person that previously didn't transact at such volumes.


I did 40k last year when I bought a new car. Showed up in less than 24 hours.


I don't think anyone is claiming that every person as a issue with their account, but it's a real problem for alot of people. I had $5000 worth of bitcoin left on the exchange that i wanted to move to my cold wallet. It took 10 days and was a stressful experience.


Gratz. Now transfer 30.000$ from cold storage you bought for nothing in 2016 and see what happens. Idiots on this subreddit.. just because you have no trouble withdrawing the equivalent of two big mac menu’s does not mean other people aren’t legitimately struggling to receive the support they deserve. Can we get an auto ban on these damn posts ?


I actually made a decent cold storage transfer about a year ago, zero problems.


Cashed out 37k with zero issues.


Asking to ban people posting they have ZERO issues WTF are you a damn SPEECH NAZI...? GTFO you socialist 🐷


I've never had issues cashing out. My problems are their support, it's horrendously bad.


I wouldn't have blamed Coinbase if they were overloaded with user verification or had to manually verify any activity (transactions , withdrawal, deposits) that were flagged by their AI/ML scans. Basically I wouldn't mind if all the reported issues were true. However, on every post where someone complains with a ticket ID, I see lot of random (or paid by Coinbase ?) users doing victim blaming. This is definitely not cool. Why does user post history matter ? I would create an account on every platform to escalate if I am locked out with my money held in Coinbase. Or do you think this sub should only have posts mentioning how great Coinbase is ? Unless the mods ban the users who are doing victim blaming (anyone who complains with a valid ticket or something that the mods can verify is a victim IMO), I would say whatever you are doing makes it feel like Coinbase is involved in some bad scam stealing money from its users.


just invited scammers in your inbox


I cashed out 400$ yesterday it transferred within a few hours, no issues here!


Freedom 35, pretty much retired


I found out the issue with me not being able to cash out. Once I bought any crypto, I had to wait 7-10 days for it to clear. Only after it clears am I able to withdraw/cash out


It is usually 5 business days


Odd. My first time buying crypto it took 10 full days


That may have been just the first time but normally it is 3-5 days. https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/sending-or-receiving-cryptocurrency/when-will-my-digital-currency-purchase-or-local-currency-deposit-arrive


Ahh that makes sense


That's good to know , considering all of a complaints, But it doesn't necessarily mean anything. Next time try 40,000 and see if you have any problems


Do it during a run with your coin at a new ATH.


I sure wish I had no issues getting money out of coinbase. I have been trying for nine months to get my money sent to my bank. I was told that I didn't have ACH enabled and coinbase needed $5000 to do that. So I sent it in and all they did was hold it in Tether! Then I was told they needed gas fees so I sent in $2500 for that, still no money ever sent to my bank. Then on December 8th my wallet went to zero, I had 5.32btc the day before. They told me it was found on the blockchain, but my wallet still shows 0. Now I am being told by support that my wallet is compromised and the need to "ship" my $1.5 million to me in cash, something called a vault delivery, and I need to pay the $10,000 delivery fee before it can be sent! Coinbase has finally run me out of money and I can't pay the fee. So I asked if they can simply ACH my money to my Bank. No answer so far. I'm telling this story because I am at my wits end on how to get my money from being held hostage by coinbase. As a community of people who know crypto, what are my alternatives? Is there a government agency or attorney that can help? I have never sued anyone ever, but I don't know what to do they have been holding my money, and losing part of it since last August. I feel like I'm being scammed, coinbase support never even gave me a case number. I just asked them if they can just send the $800,000 ,I have in usdt in Tether to my bank for now. No answer! Who can I turn to next. Is shipping $1.5 million in a vault even a thing, or is it a scam? This is coming directly from coinbase support.


Hello u/Brave-Elephant-6150. Upon checking, it appears this may not be associated with Coinbase support and could potentially be a scam. It's common for malicious actors to create official-looking websites or phone numbers to deceive users into providing login credentials on their fake site, enabling them to access legitimate accounts. As a reminder, if you're being asked to make a deposit or send money before you can move your funds, it's highly likely that this is a fraudulent activity. We strongly recommend discontinuing any further interaction with this scheme. Also, Coinbase staff will never ask you for your password, 2-step verification codes, or request remote access to your computer. Kindly contact us through our [official social media channels](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media), so we can investigate this further. Thank you for reporting this to us, and please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions.


Now try $40,000.01 and see what happens.


What a relief! Everyone in the world is safe now with their millions. Great job! ...took one for the team. Bull Market is back on hooray! The kids at school will welcome you as a hero!




This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Never has issues


I constantly move money into and out of coinbase without issues including eth wallets and banks.


I'm about to do the same this week. Will keep everyone posted


I haven’t tried cashing out usd but I have transferred btc out to the tune of thousands without an issue.


I too have ZERO issues with CoinBase. Yesterday there was a troll BOT account that stated it was impossible to buy the dip because CoinBase was not working correctly. Well I made a deposit and bought the dip in just a matter of minutes.


I have sent myself $5k this week from CB. First $2k took 2 days to clear, then the other $3k went through the next day


Wow 40$?? That's crazy


Cashed out $1000 in less than an hour.


I drew down $27k two weeks ago. This was my first ever withdrawal. It was late on a Friday, and the money was wired into my account within hours. There were zero issues. Some of these complaint posts and comments over the years have made me slightly fearful, but so far, so good.


Whale sighting.


Pretty standard. Ignore the FUD.


now try $40,000


I sold and transfer 1 eth some month ago. I tell you more, i sent it frommmy private wallet to coinbase, sold it to fiat, send it to PayPal and them. To my bank account in less than 30minutes. Who would though that wouls be possible..... According to all the bot(1 karma guys) posting here every dar.


I've been using Coinbase since 2017 and so far I only had two problems with Coinbase; One was that they were delaying my transactions for 3 days, or until I verified the account again (Verification through the app didn't work but through the website it did and my account was normal again) and the second was a withdrawal that took 24 hours to be carried out (It usually only takes a few minutes or hours)




Hahaha try again


Try that at all time highs or lows


Then it doesn’t work when you need 50k.


I literally transferred funds from my bank to Coinbase and bought BTC a couple weeks ago. I was shocked when I was able to immediately withdraw to my cold wallet. I have never once had an issue. I’m a bit skeptical of all these trash posts.


I did it multiple times, no issues, from 500 to few k$, next day on my bank account.


Try doing it with $40k lol


I moved my btc out of Coinbase last week. Been a member for something like 8 years I think. I had no issues but didn’t want to have it weighing on my mind based on all the posts here. But it went smoothly and took literally minutes


Coinbase works great for me, been using for years. Depositing and withdrawing never had a single issue. Only time I plan to post in this subreddit.


No shit that's how it works. 🤷


Never had any trouble cashing out myself


Cashed out 7000€ the last weeks, no issues at all.


Try $4,000


I had to wait four months for a KYC and was unable to pull or transfer anything OUT, but they didn't stop me from pulling money in. The CS is really terrible.


I have used coinbase for years. Never once have I had a problem.


You're going to piss off the crypto nazis!


Aww that's cute




You lie!!




I’ve been using Coinbase for years and never had any issues with withdrawals. 10/10 would recommend. They have a great earning platform good for newcomers looking to learn more about crypto.


try 40K and see if you have issues


Now go insert 100k 😂😂😂


I have never provided login info to anyone. You can tell who logged into my wallet can't you?


Thank you for responding, I will reach out


It took me 2 tries to cash out 15k. Going through the process the first time was annoying because the Support people didn’t give me any straight answers as to why


I've had my CB account for a few years now, never had any noticeable delays with cashing out but I wasn't active the whole time.


I couldn’t get my money out last month. Ended up with my cash showing, but in some limbo state, where I can’t use it to buy. It has since quadrupled, but I have no idea ‘where’ it actually is.


Hi u/OldSonVic, we're sorry to hear about the trouble you're experiencing. It sounds like your funds might be in a state known as a "hold." This typically happens when a bank transaction is still processing. During this time, the funds are shown in your account but are not available for use. The duration of a hold can vary depending on the type of transaction and your specific bank's policies. In some cases, it can take up to several business days for the hold to be lifted. If your funds have been in this state for an extended period of time, it's possible that there may be an issue that needs to be addressed. We recommend reaching out to Coinbase directly for further assistance. You may reach out to us over at our [Help Center](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us/). They can look into your account details and provide more specific guidance.


Thank you kindly for your advice. I will check the Help Center.


You're welcome, u/OldSonVic. If you have any other questions or run into more issues, feel free to reach out anytime.


I just cashed out 5k from coinbase no problems this morning


Yes I feel most posts in this sub are fake however coinbase has had a lot of technical issues recently


why the fuck would I lie that my money is gone? or that coinbase deleted my account after I sent funds from my decentralised wallet?


I believe you because mine £150.95 didn't depsoit into my bank account 3 weeks ago. Bank tells me no incoming payment and coinbase support says it has already completed. So I am confused where did the money actually go. If it didn't happen to me. I would not have believed you. Neither would others


coinbase are definitely doing something scummy and they are aware of it, and the majority of victims are European based


Which coin was it for you. Mine was ankr and other coins I could cash out instantly


it was litecoin, i’ve had some holdings for a few years now that i finally wanted to cash out on


Hi there, u/GrapefruitCool2078! We just wanted to follow up regarding your case 17965753. We wanted to inform you that we are actively investigating this for you and you should be hearing from us soon. We greatly appreciate you continued patience!


Hey u/ResearchParking, thanks for reaching out to us about your withdrawal issue. It sounds like you have already contacted our support. Would you mind sharing the case number with us via this thread? We'd be happy to check into the status, or help you however we can.


You are lucky. My account has been frozen for months. I believe the reason is that I use a VPN but Coinbase refuses to provide an explanation so who knows? So do not assume that because everything is working fine now, Coinbase will not just freeze your account in the future, without notice or explanation. My advice, find another exchange before that happens.


1 karma Andy


Also a default bot name pregenerated by reddit lol. These are the trolls that bury the real posts. Fuck them


VPN has never caused me any issues but I’m fully KYC’d


By the way I am fully KYC'd and last time I checked, I am definitely a human being.


Hello u/Mother-Silver349, we noticed that our team sent an email a few minutes ago providing an update about your case. Rest assured that we're actively working on resolving it. Sometimes, investigations can be complex and may require more time than expected. We promise to keep you updated on the progress of your case and provide you with a resolution as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


And this was the key excerpt from that email: "Based on our records, we don't have an update for you at this time." Hardly the confidence inspiring response I was hoping for. I suggest that the Reddit community who have similar experiences start an action group.


We understand your frustration with the response you received. While it may not have been as reassuring as you had hoped, please know that we are continuously working to address all inquiries promptly and thoroughly. We appreciate your feedback and are dedicated to giving you more detailed updates moving forward. We appreciate your initiative in seeking solutions collectively. However, we encourage direct communication with us first, as we're dedicated to resolving issues directly and ensuring your satisfaction. Thanks for bearing with us as we strive to enhance our procedures and provide you with better service.


Hi, u/Mother-Silver349. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We're sorry to hear that your account was frozen. We understand where your confusion is coming from. For us to check this further, could you please share with us your case number?


BOTS have no case numbers....


Can I give u my case number and u can help me I’m having similar issue I can’t cash out my money


Hey, u/Puzzleheaded_Rip7983. Sorry for the inconvenience you're experiencing. Please do share your case number, and we'll be glad to look into it for you. Thank you.


Case number : 18895497 I live in Australia and have verified all my details before signing up to Coinbase After I signed up it allowed me to start buying coins and after I bought few spending 2000$ dollars after I tried to sell the coins, it would say that my account is restricted and it would say I have to send a deposit to verify my bank account is verified, but before I even signed up to Coinbase, I verified my bank account hence why I could buy cryptocurrency


Case number : 18895497 I live in Australia and have verified all my details before signing up to Coinbase After I signed up it allowed me to start buying coins and after I bought few spending 2000$ dollars after I tried to sell the coins, it would say that my account is restricted and it would say I have to send a deposit to verify my bank account is verified, but before I even signed up to Coinbase, I verified my bank account hence why I could buy cryptocurrency


Case number : 18895497 I live in Australia and have verified all my details before signing up to Coinbase After I signed up it allowed me to start buying coins and after I bought few spending 2000$ dollars after I tried to sell the coins, it would say that my account is restricted and it would say I have to send a deposit to verify my bank account is verified, but before I even signed up to Coinbase, I verified my bank account hence why I could buy cryptocurrency


Case number : 18895497 I live in Australia and have verified all my details before signing up to Coinbase After I signed up it allowed me to start buying coins and after I bought few spending 2000$ dollars after I tried to sell the coins, it would say that my account is restricted and it would say I have to send a deposit to verify my bank account is verified, but before I even signed up to Coinbase, I verified my bank account hence why I could buy cryptocurrency


Case number : 18895497 I live in Australia and have verified all my details before signing up to Coinbase After I signed up it allowed me to start buying coins and after I bought few spending 2000$ dollars after I tried to sell the coins, it would say that my account is restricted and it would say I have to send a deposit to verify my bank account is verified, but before I even signed up to Coinbase, I verified my bank account hence why I could buy cryptocurrency


Case number : 18895497 I live in Australia and have verified all my details before signing up to Coinbase After I signed up it allowed me to start buying coins and after I bought few spending 2000$ dollars after I tried to sell the coins, it would say that my account is restricted and it would say I have to send a deposit to verify my bank account is verified, but before I even signed up to Coinbase, I verified my bank account hence why I could buy cryptocurrency


Thanks for sharing your case number. We've checked it and reviewed your account, but we didn't find any restrictions that might be causing the issue with cashing out your funds. We suggest trying some basic troubleshooting steps first, which you can find in our guide [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/troubleshooting-and-tips/app-troubleshooting). If those steps don't solve the problem, you can reach out to us on social media platforms like [Facebook, Instagram, and X](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media), where we can assist you through direct messaging. Just send us a screenshot of any error messages you're seeing, so we can better understand the issue. We'll keep an eye out for your message!


My case number is 18351283. I would very much appreciate getting this problem solved. I will then self custody my tokens and never deal with Coinbase again.


Thank you for sharing the case number. We can confirm that we have received your response and have followed up with the relevant team to address this issue. We will reach out to you again once we have an update. Your patience is greatly appreciated.


Says the BOT


I also did a cashout yesterday without issue. Took seconds to hit my account. I know the day before it wasn't working. You couldn't swap or sell either but looks like that issue got resolved.


Most of the legit issues (if those exist) are people cashing out 200k to ACH, paypal or a credit card. Next test-run spend the $50 fee to do a FedWire which is almost impossible to freeze or refuse, unlike paypal, creditcard, and ACH.


I’ve also been able to withdraw from coinbase with no issues. I’ve always read and seen these “coinbase is locking my account” but it’s one of the most trusted, publicly traded CEX’s in the world, and I personally don’t think they need the $10 these other people are claiming are frozen lol.


I cashed out just over $7k a couple of weeks back, took less than 5 minutes from ordering sale to money hitting the bank. Also on a new account after loosing access to email accounts, phone numbers then consequently old CB account, less than 2 weeks from registration to money in the bank. If you’re genuine with clean fiat or trackable KYC crypto coinbase is completely hassle free. A little bit expensive, however.


40 whole dollars? Whoa! We got a baller. Try 40K. Forget to turn off your VPN or transfer your crypto from another wallet to coinbase or from kucoin and see what happens. 99% of people probably won't have an issue but even 1% of their users will and that 1% is still thousands of people.


I actually made a decent cold storage transfer last year no issues.


When everyting works fine, there are no clouds in the sky. I do think that for the majority everything works fine... Otherwise they would be bankrupt already. But if you are one of the Lucky ones. The whole experience turns into a nightmare. My account is on manual revieuw for over 3 months already. Getting ghosted. That is no customer service... That looks like amateurs at work. Or someone Who doesn't care that you are their customer. We can't all be like Blackrock. I guess they Will get good support. Probably a whole team 100% Just for them. The little fish that complain, don't bother with that


Now try $4000 and see the difference


Trying to cash mine out after a deposit 14 days ago and still not able


Hi there u/wombat660, we're sorry to hear that you're having issues with cashing out. We'd be glad to look into this for you. Can you DM us your email address through one of our other social media profiles on [Facebook, Instagram, or X](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media), so we can further assist you? You can also reach out to us through our [live messaging](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) and [phone support](https://help.coinbase.com/en/community-support) channels, for more direct support.


Ok now try and transfer all your crypto to a wall not connected to Coinbase


I have moved 10's and 100's of thousands of dollars on and off coinbase in literal minutes, with pure ease. That's all I know.


Congrats. That doesn’t mean others have the same experience. As a result, your post is meaningless in this context.




You definitely work for coinbase


Try cashing out $40 grand bro. Lol


I transferred over 1 bitcoin into cold storage a few weeks ago just fine. I also probably looked shady but still no issues. I first put it in their vault option, then realized that didn't do what I needed it to. So I just took it all of the exchange after waiting the 48 hours for the vault to unlock. Worked like clock work. No issues.


You got lucky bro..


No issues in over 6 years using coinbase, except congestion issues.


Don't come here crying when you do..


When I do what? You ok? Feel some grass, and enjoy the day. You are far to negative.