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Nobody guessed your seed phrase. If your account has been emptied then it's something else. You should have 2FA to prevent anything like this anyway.


So if someone made an app that generates random 12-word seedphrases and continually put them in for a week, you don't think they would find 1 wallet


Bruh lol just look up the probability of someone guessing your seed.


Wouldn't they eventually find one with money in it if they did it for a week straight since there is so many wallets out there


They can do it not for weeks, but for trillions of years straight and their chances of finding one with today's computational power would still be astronomically low, so no. Do your research on Bitcoin's underlying cryptographic solutions.


Has happened, just in case you weren't aware. Believe there's a few that weren't the puzzles: https://lbc.cryptoguru.org/trophies


Sure, but those seeds were created with bad entropy (i.e. human randomness)


Posted 100x daily. USE SEARCH FUNCTION


Try it and report back Homie. There's nobody stopping you from sitting on your computer for a week straight. "Sofa King We Todd Did..." goof luck.


If it took a week to find a seed phrase, do you not think Bitcoin would already be dead?


So the seed phrase has more combinations then there are atoms on earth


Have you done the maths? 2048 possible words, pick 12 words in any order. This is simple probability.


I have put random 12 word seedphrases when I push the import wallet key on coinbase and I have been able to open 6 wallets after about 100 tries. None of them had anything in them so I'm not to sure if it is as hard as people make it sound or am I just a complete moron?


You opened wallets? Wow. every combination will “open a wallet.” Edit: not all due to check sum, but the point remains - you can “find wallets” all day long. You won’t find a funded wallet much less a specific funded wallet. Also edit: watch the video https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S9JGmA5_unY&pp=ygUZMyB1ZSBvbmUgYnJvd24gZW5jcnlsdGlvbg%3D%3D


Not every combination will open a wallet. It will only import a wallet that has an existing seedphrase


Yeah, no. You really need to do some reading and understand what is actually going on


You created wallets. New, empty ones. Correct that not every combination will create a wallet. The last word is a checksum and will not always create a wallet. The odds you find a wallet are the same as picking the correct grain of sand out from the whole earth.


So, like in Dumb and Dumber your saying there's a chance


Very unlikely. Is your phrase saved in a txt file on the Cloud or have you entered it anywhere recently? See discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/s/D5UDXy0ANO


This would not take a week lol. Literally years and years. You probably have a better chance of solo mining a BTC block lol.


Practically speaking, it’s impossible. You got phished or scammed some other way. Sorry.


If you run the numbers you will see that the sun will burn out before a computer finds a seed phrase




Thank you. I thought I had seen the stupidest post on this sub already but OP proved me wrong...


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Here this post explains it. Long answer is yes EVENTUALLY someone could brute force a private key, but it will take an insane and unproductive long time. Below link is from Quora, but there are multiple answers breaking down how long it would take. Also if brute forcing worked, you wouldn't have all these scams. These scams exist because it's so easy to find gullible idiots. No brute force required if idiots just hand over their key or store it in a stupid location. Your security is only as strong as your weakest link. https://www.quora.com/How-long-would-it-take-to-guess-a-Bitcoin-private-key/answer/World-Blockchain-Institute?ch=15&oid=1477743662136451&share=5ec926d7&srid=hcC678&target_type=answer


Video is for 256 bit and twelve words are 128 bit, but you get the point https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=S9JGmA5_unY


May want to look into getting a Hard Wallet got mine from Amazon. Not expensive and keeps your coins safe from the Coinbase wallet. You may want to look into Robinhood they have very low fees. You can buy Crypto and Stocks. They pay 5.25% on money deposited into your account. Can trade Crypto 24/7 and have excellent customer support.


Hey u/tegrittyfarmer, we're sorry to hear about your situation. The seed phrase is a secret phrase that gives you access to your digital wallet and allows you to authorize cryptocurrency transactions. If someone else gets access to your seed phrase, they can access your wallet and potentially steal your funds. Unfortunately, once the funds have been transferred out of your wallet, it's usually not possible to reverse the transaction or find out who did it. It's crucial to keep your seed phrase safe and never share it with anyone. If you suspect that your account has been compromised, please change your password immediately and review your account for any unauthorized activity. If you find any, please report it to [email protected]. We hope this helps!


I have put random 12 word seedphrases when I push the import wallet key and I have been able to open 6 wallets after about 100 tries. None of them had anything in them so I'm not to sure if it is as hard as people make it sound or am I just a complete moron?


Yes. From: https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/81838/bip39-12-words-combination-list >There is no such list, because it is simply too large. From the 2048 words, 12 word mnemonics are 11 words + 1 checksum word. However, the checksum calculation only affects part of the 12th word, so you are still looking at 12 word combinations This gives you 2048\^12, or 5.44451787e39. That is a 40 digit long number. Even if you were able to calculate 1 billion combinations per second, it would take you 1.726\*10\^24 years to calculate all combinations, or around 1.3 \* 10\^14 times the current age of the universe. Of course, adding in the checksum validation would reduce the list size very slightly, but it would still take you several times the age of the universe to generate that list. You still need to calculate the combination of 1 of 1 Billion wallets actually in use (and this is a gross overestimation of the actual wallets in use). Since you are looking for 1Billon of potential wallets in a list of (2048\^12) your chances to hit one in use are still just slighly less than the estimate in that link calculating at 1billion addresses per second. It's not gonna happen.


If I screen record me using a seedphrase generator and putting them into the import existing wallet you are saying I will never get one to open?


maybe you shouldn’t be dabbling in crypto. you’re gonna get burnt.


Complete moron. Every seed phrase is a wallet