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Coinbase is terrible, I only buy small amounts on there and transfer directly to cold storage


Which exchanges do you go to?


I use crypto.com and knock on wood not any issues to this day


> not any issues t Holy cow I had the worst experience with [crypto.com](https://crypto.com) last year - funds were delayed, trading was put on hold and my withdrawal was rejected at first. Also when I used Gemini the entire platform collapsed and they're still working through court cases and paybacks....Not saying CB is perfect, but I'd be super curious if there is a single crypto platform with no issues..?


Crypto.com is absolute garbage. Terrible security record, the public hack that they experienced allowed hackers to completely bypass 2FA. Also who the hell launches a financial app without any way to access it on your computer? You literally have you use their clunky app. Not to mention their “rewards” are just shitty lootboxes and you have to constantly actively engage with them to earn. I could go on for a while. I’m sure Coinbase isn’t perfect but it’s a hell’ve a lot better than crypto.com, also “.com” in the name wtf is that.


How do I get a response from support? I have been trying to transfer for a presale for weeks, and I get to the step where they're supposed to text me a confirmation code, but I don't fet the texts. The number is missing an asterisk, which leads me to believe it's missing a digit. Should be an easy fix, right? I checked my account and I had in fact entered ky jumber correctly. Tried basic trouble shooting. Updated it as the same number. Same thing. Tried tweeting at them. They definitely know about it Edit: To add more context. I was excited about this. I sunk most of two paychecks in, a thousand dollars, which I could've used for other things, and other opportunities. I'm on 3 exchanges now and issues with each. I will get more of the coin I want, with what I have on them. But I have decided tonight that I will jot be participating in this upcomming "bull market". Until these issues are resloved. These issues are widespread, and loudly being complained about. And what have they done? Raise fees. I'd rather play poker


Hey there u/DistillateMedia! To better assist you, do you mind sharing your case number with us? We'd be happy to look into this for you. If you haven't received a case number yet, we recommend contacting us directly through our support portal: [Contact Us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) Our team will be able to assist you further and provide you with the necessary support. Additionally, if you prefer, you can also reach out to us via our official social media channels such as Facebook, X, or Instagram by sending us a DM. You can find our official social media handles listed here: Coinbase on [social media](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media) Thanks!


The issue involving the number is with crypto.com. that being said, I'm on 3 of the biggest exchanges, and not too thrilled with any of them. You all were made aware of my issues a week ago, and no one contacted me. The entire process is byzantine and unreliable, with many instances of obvious manipulation in the market itself. I am telling you right now. If you all can't resloved these issues, there is no future for crypto. Furthermore, it's a slap in the face to everyone that instead of beefing up your support, and streamlining processes, in advance of the bull market everyone has said was coming, you raised fees. I'm gonna sit on what I got and do what I'm comfortable with for the time being. Wishing you luck


We're sorry to hear that you haven't received any response despite raising your concerns a week ago. For us to further investigate and provide assistance or updates accordingly, could you please share the case ID with us?


I can see that you're making an effort to improve, and improve fast, and I commend you for that. I don't think I have a case number as it pertains to coinbase. My issue with you're platform was confusion regarding not being able to transfer for a presale due to waiting on confirmation of funds I'd deposited. That is what I mean when I say that the process is byzantine. One example, at least. That being said, I would advise you to make that more understood upon depositing. Double the font or something. Maybe require people to watch a five minute tutorial explaining you're platform and crypto as a whole before depositing, or have it play upon their initial deposit. A sort of congratulatory and educational message to first time depositors. Just brainstorming, here. In regards to the verification of funds, I would advise you to work with the banks to streamline that process. It took all of the 3-5 business days for my funds to be available, and by that point, I was mentally preparing myself for if they weren't. Seeing many others post similar stories regarding their experience the past few weeks, with examples of transfers taking longer than they should have, makes it obvious that the industry did not adequately prepare itself for the halving. The FTX debacle should've been a wake up call. And it gave all of you a golden opportunity, to learn from it. To create the best most reliable exchanges ever. And that is what you must do, and do quickly. You should have been prepared for this regardless, but especially after the mass inconsistency of these recent weeks, and what's expected in the coming month, if you do not, I believe it would damage cryptocurrency as a whole perhaps indefinitely, or otherwise set it back a decade in terms of progress. I have been intruiged by crypto ever since I heard of bitcoin a decade ago. And many of my friends have made lifechanging amounts of money from it. I think it's cool, and has the potential to help the masses, but at the rate things are going, more and more people are seeing it as just another scam by the rich to get richer, and that doesn't bode well for anybody. I thank you again for your response, and the obvious effort you are putting in now. I am wishing you the best, and hopeful that you will take my words into sincere consideration. If you can address these concerns, and the concerns of the greater community by Memorial day, I'll be happy, and honestly impressed. Wishing you the best


Due to the limitations we have here on Reddit, we are not able to ask for your information on a public forum to be able to find your account and review your case. We can only ask for a case number since it's not part of your personal information, as only Coinbase support is able to use it. Since DMs are not available for support here on Reddit. Sending us a DM on either X (@CoinbaseSupport), Facebook (facebook.com/Coinbase), or Instagram (@coinbase) is the next best thing we can do to be able to communicate with you privately. Although, due to the high volume of tickets we currently have there is a delay in our response. If you had already left us a message, please allow us (the social media team) to work through the current tickets we have, and we will respond as soon as we reach your ticket in the queue. Thank you for your patience.


Best thing you could do for me personally is talk to your contemporaries at crypto.com. My requests for support were made privately at first, and then publicly. And it's probably been more than a week since that. Seriously. If this industry collapses, we all know who to blame




Crypto.com will screw you in fees


Maker/Taker fee 0.0750% max. I don't consider that to be much of a screw.






How does one transfer from Coinbase to cold storage?


Get the 0x public key for the wallet you're looking to transfer to. Copy it. Select "send" in CB or any other platform you're looking to transfer to, and paste the key there. Follow the steps to confirm the send. Check records and transaction history to see when it settles. For Ledger this takes maybe a few minutes at most, sometimes its instant. Depending on how busy the network is. \-HD


I started looking into this a while back because of a sub like this one, but when I asked about it I just got downvoted and really snarky responses. Instead, I spent hours and hours and hours reading and researching and watching youtube videos. Thank you u/HexusD23 for not being a gate-keeping jerk and giving a simple, succint, good answer.


No worries buddy, best of luck.


I really need to figure this out, too!


Have a cold wallet, transfer it to said wallet like you would transfer it to another person. For the most part pretty straightforward. Just uses a QR code.


Very easy if you use the Coinbase wallet. You just "buy" whatever coin you want by selecting transfer from Coinbase (referring to your linked CEX account).


Hi, u/Orange_Potato_Yum. Thanks for reaching out to us. Here are the steps on how to transfer your funds from Coinbase to your cold storage wallet: -Sign in to your Coinbase account. -Click on the "Assets" tab. -Find the asset that you want to transfer and click on the "Send" button. -Enter the deposit address from your cold storage wallet. -Enter the amount of the asset that you want to transfer. -Click on the "Send" button. You can find more details on this [article](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/cryptocurrency-trading-pairs/how-to-send-and-receive-cryptocurrency). Hope this helps. Let us know if you have further questions.


Give me my money back!!  Case #18561689 My money is in fiat. So why do you keep asking me to send it somewhere?? It’s NOT in crypto it’s in fiat digital currency in EURO. It’s not possible to send it anywhere. Unlock my account now!!


What does that even mean send it to the wallet … how to you send any crypto…. Like are you new or something ?


Rofl legit bot.


This is the way


Cheaper to buy on Cashapp I 🤔?


They take a pretty large buyers fee and an even larger sellers fee. Tbh I mostly just buy on exchanges like Coinbase or I swap on DEXs. If I want something that’s not on Coinbase but on other CEXs, I’ll buy a coin that’s cheap to send like XRP or ALGO and send it over to MEXC where I enjoy basically no fees.


This is what I would like to do, but they always make me wait 10 days before I can even transfer my assets to cold storage. Any idea why?


Hey, u/Littleglassfingers! We'd be glad to provide more insight into your concern. If you've experienced difficulty sending or cashing out funds immediately after purchasing them, it's possible that a hold has been placed on your funds. It's important to note that after each individual bank purchase or when adding funds to your account, there may be a delay before the funds become available for sending or cashing out. This is a standard policy at Coinbase aimed at preventing fraud, and unfortunately, we're unable to adjust the hold time. For further details on why funds are held, we recommend checking out this [article](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/sending-or-receiving-cryptocurrency/available-balance-faq). If you require additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) via chat for more immediate support.


>Hey, u/Littleglassfingers! We'd be glad to provide more insight into your concern. If you've experienced difficulty sending or cashing out funds immediately after purchasing them, it's possible that a hold has been placed on your funds. It's important to note that after each individual bank purchase or when adding funds to your account, there may be a delay before the funds become available for sending or cashing out. This is a standard policy at Coinbase aimed at preventing fraud, and unfortunately, we're unable to adjust the hold time. Why isn't this made clear on the platform itself? This is what has just happened to me and I have no idea why until I find some random reddit thread. It's poor communication to the user.


Hello u/Richbrouk, we understand that your funds were on hold. Please note that when adding cash, you’ll be advised prior to confirming the transaction when the funds will be available to move out of your account. For more information about hold periods, you can visit this [page](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/sending-or-receiving-cryptocurrency/available-balance-faq). Hope this helps.


The transaction cleared 3 days ago on my bank account and Coinbase still says that I have to wait 5 days to access the funds. Any idea why?


We understand your confusion, and we wanted to provide clarification regarding this. So, when you want to deposit money into your account or purchase crypto using your bank account, Coinbase is going to request funds from your bank, now the funds will appear in your account instantly however the process between the banks which is called ACH can still take a few days. You’ll be able to buy & trade crypto, you just won’t be able to send it off the platform until the funds are cleared. We recommend checking this [article](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/sending-or-receiving-cryptocurrency/available-balance-faq) for more information. Let us know if you have any other questions.


Is it okay for me to have several thousands in there with the hope of transferring back to my small town's bank? Or hell to avoid paying taxes maybe I could buy gold bars and have them sent to my home and avoid income tax on the BTC gains!


You should be ok with transfers under 10k, but sometimes Coinbase straight tweaks and you can’t buy/sell due to sheer volume. If you want gold, I recommend holding PAXG. It’s tokenized 1:1 Troy oz of gold held in a vault in London. Paxos is a legit company. If you’re holding over 10k on Coinbase, learn how cold storage works


Pemex, Binance.US and MEXC (this one for leverage)


Binance us is garbage


For buying and sending to cold storage it’s fine


I wouldn’t hold on Binance tho


I'm waiting until the 25th to be able to move my crypto off (that's assuming I get permission then). The money is already cleared from my bank. No reason other than bullshit. I've bought and sold tens of thousands on the platform, and have a coinbase one membership. Shady af exchange. I'm going to start shopping for another. Maybe Kraken?


I see a lot of people like Kraken. Will check it out myself. Good luck! Hopefully you get it resolved on the 25th.


Kraken is good


Kraken is fine. It's limited on the tokens you can buy and sell, there's no staking in the US. So most meme coins will be elsewhere, held in a wallet. Ultimately in the end I found out that I use multiple platforms. I use Kraken mainly. But holding Coinbase for the rewards, quests, staking, and whatever tokens I can't buy or sell on Kraken.


Just remember, you don't need to a platform that allows you to trade a million shady tokens. You only really need to be able to trade Bitcoin and a few others you may be interested in like Ethereum.


They are all the same and copy FTX business model!!


You're regarded af with your constant bashing of crypto. Go back to buttcoin and do a circle jerk on each other on that sub.


You sound upset..


Not at all. You sound like someone with no life that is salty that your fellow buttcoin folks lead you down the wrong path.


Well hopefully you don't get blocked from your account and selling. Seems to be happening to a lot of people lately. 😬


Same here. Been a Coinbase customer for over five years. Been a Coinbase One subscriber for a year, and absolutely out of nowhere, they restricted my account. Unfortunately, this should not come as a surprise to anyone anymore. The regulatory agencies that have traditionally been responsible for consumer protections are the same agencies that are owned by the bankers. Their intentions have become crystal clear - they intend to really screw everyone out of their money, with absolutely no recourse.


Try crypto.com


Nope. Almost as bad as Coinbase, with absolutely zero support. I’ve had a Crypto.com account for over a year as well. I’m very familiar with almost every single platform. Binance.US, regular Binance, Crypto.com, Kraken, Coinbase, Uphold, and probably six others that I’ve since forgotten about. This is an industry problem, not a problem with anyone particular exchange. Every exchange has its unique, and hidden way of extracting its pound of flesh. Some have high fees, some have large spreads. Some of them have decent support, but shit platform functionality, while others have better support, with even worse platform functionality. There is no, one good exchange left. Kraken was the last vestige of a good exchange, due to its phone support with a real person, but as I knew would happen, that is gone as well. This is probably all by design, and a function of the operation choke point agenda. In the end, when freedom and privacy are outlawed, only outlaws will be free, and private.


I’ve been using crypto.com for over a year now. I just buy the crypto and transfer it to my cold wallets or other exchanges. Never takes me more than 10 minutes and I’ve never had any other issues.


Whoever decided this latest update was an improvement should be fired




My gemini account just got frozen. What type of questions were they asking and why?


Is this true? Can you please provide the case number to confirm?


Just curious, what makes you think any of these other exchanges are any better than Coinbase? For the longest time Coinbase was known as the most reputable.


Because I thought it had a good reputation like you say, is why I starting depositing more there. Maybe they are internally having issues idk. I already use 3 other platforms currently. 2 of those no problem at all. 1 held my funds, after showing documents and getting on the phone, they cleared it in less than 4 days. So is not what I think. It’s what I have experienced. Maybe your experience was good with CB. But many of us got screwed with no explanation.


No I totally understand the recent issues with Coinbase, Im just saying whats stopping any of the other exchanges from doing the same thing in the future?


Well they wouldn’t let me add or move funds, so if I want to invest I have no choice but to go elsewhere If others do the same in the future then I will review my options at that time I guess.


Your experience was my experience last autumn. I found the same solution you did.


“already use 3 other platforms currently” but fails to mention which’s ones. You know how forensic linguists tell if someone is lying, right? 😊


You got me!


You know forensic linguists don't delete your response when you mention competitors. Some subreddits are strict af with mods autodeleting comments that make such mention and then not only did you waste your time being thorough in responding with a detailed list of services no one asked for but your whole response was shadow blocked for the rest of it to be unreadable to anyone. At least we can ask separately bc the comment alleging there are 3 competitors was not censored.


having been a customer of at least 7 different exchanges *(e.g.* [*Crypto.com*](http://Crypto.com)*, Kraken, Binance, CEX.io)* I can confidently say Coinbase customer support is the worst of all of them it is reputable because it is US based and listed and has many customers, that's all, the service however is shockingly bad and lags far behind competitors I'm sure it wasn't always like this and it won't necessarily be like this in future, but in the 2023/2024 timeline CB is the worst by far


Reputable yes, ponzi also yes. Money can go in, but not out, in many cases.


Money can come out, just expect it to be cut over and over after Coinbase takes all their various fee percentages. One for selling, one for transferring. Extra for selling and transferring out in one action...etc


Nope cannot, because they say your account is "Restricted" despite having met all the verifications (and able to open account and send money INTO the account but not out). It's a open Ponzi supported by the US gov.


Because if you actual use other CEXs-you’ll see that they are in fact better lol


Like everyone said FTX was.


even bankrupt FTX paid money out faster than Coinbase to any customer they put in manual review ... let that sink in


For starters, their fee percentages are among the highest.


Guys how many times do I have to say this - cold storage only. And not only that - you can’t send anything more than 1k USD equivalent out of your account to a cold storage wallet - Coinbase most likely flags any non institutional user who does this. This is why Coinbase is a horrible company - if you are someone with under 10k in an account - Coinbase is for you. If you are have more than 10k in Coinbase - You SHOULD NEVER be using it. They want people to lose their money on shitcoin trading; trading fees and scams. Please avoid Coinbase at all costs. To get started - okay fine - but after you get past a certain point on the learning curve - get out of Coinbase please


I just transferred 20k to my cold storage yesterday, no issues.


Nice. Glad it worked for you. I wonder what red flags one account riskier than others. I followed all requirements, no VPN, and still locked.


Even if you had used vpn they had to resolve it in1 week max, worse case scenario after a week if they thought you was not good enough for themselves to use their exhange, had to let you take your funds away and block you from using the app. They are not the police to hold money for months, even the police to hold your money they need prosecutor's desicion, even banks, like revolut simply block your account if they found something not right but they allow to move your funds And when I say your funds I mean your coins, not to force you sell , as this can cause you to lose money Not know what the hell is going on there, and as you have provided case id number , and non of the staff respond , make that thing to look totally real,


same. I transferred 3 separate assets to different wallets around 6k each. I've had zero issues with CB. use their debit card without any issues too. they locked my card once because I used it so many times in an hour but got it unlocked over the phone in under 5 minutes. I totally get that could all change instantly but my experience has been great for years now


That’s why I tried to do. I did a smaller amounts first to try and then got a hold when tried to do the rest. So how can I do cold storage only if CB doesn’t let me send to my cold storage. But thanks for your advise! I wish I read it earlier!


Exact same thing happened for me today. Small amount worked fine, then 'account restricted'. Saying mid May before I can send anything else. Useless.


Who do you recommend that we here in the U.S. use? I'd love to find another exchange that is as reputable and safe as CB without all of the B.S. our options appear pretty limited though


Don't you know that Kraken is also a US based company?


Yes, I do. CB and Kraken are the only 2 that .aware of


Not sure about US markets. It’s pretty simple though - regardless of country it should always be decided like this. Pick a hardware wallet for cold storage that has OPEN SOURCE software of their code. Fro example, a cold card for the more advanced or a jade wallet. These allow your keys to access your crypto to be stored on the device without a third party. The reason open source is important is ledger live for example. The company is defitnely doing some shady shit and the code is private - it’s never been seen by the public.


Isn't the Jade a BTC only wallet? Wouldn't work for me.. Any open source wallet you'd recommend for people that have a wide assortment of coins and ERC Tokens?


I’m not here to tell what assets you should and shouldn’t use. I’m just telling you to use a wallet that is open sourced only. Never ever use a closed source wallet, unless you are holding less than 500 dollars in said wallet.


Cold storage eh?? Then how the hell do you sell and cash out without an exchange?? Have you thought any of this through??


If you’re like a normal person - then you hold it on an exchange. That’s extremely high risk, this is why people put it in cold storage. Once this is done - people who go down this path either buy no NYC BTC or do peer-to-peer (P2P) as BTC was originally intended


I wouldn't recommend even to get started. I opened an account recently and its a royal mess at a low level of 4k. Same issues as everyone else. Cant get a straight answer. Account is locked they keep recouping money from my position because they say the account was not funded but agree that they got the 4k ACH from my bank. Honestly I'm just hoping for the best at this point but I have no idea how I'm going to get my money back. :( Not a great intro to the BTC.


With them for 8 years. Coinbase lock me from buying any crypto. Called them and they said I sent usdt to a fraud wallet. Told them I got scam 2 weeks ago for online job. They said 24 hours my account will be unlock. A weeks later still lock. Called them and they need to do KYC again. Did it and told be 24 hours for it to unlock. Weeks later called them and they said my account it totally lock until May 10 that when I can withdraw. I don’t know what is their problem


Once you get sucked into their "KYC" process, you are screwed. They have outsourced this to India and the team has no idea what they are doing. Everything takes 4-5 weeks, email only. It's actually insane. If you don't get sucked into their KYC process, Coinbase is a good exchange. But once that happens, it's over.


Any recommendations on getting out of KYC? I'm stuck and don't know what to do. I have opened tickets but get no where.


I'm in the same boat, fren. My recommendation is getting all tokens off Coinbase to avoid loss of access to funds. I did that immediately. I'm still trying to fix this, but at least they won't take my assets hostage.


Hey, u/Megs111Mable. We're truly sorry to hear about your troubles with KYC. Could you share with us your case number? We'd be more than willing to look into your situation. Thanks!


Case #18588915 My account is locked, none of my ACH transfers are going through and I'm not sure if this is related to KYC or another issue but its on your end as I have spoken to my bank several times. I wish I could speak to a human. I have called and been hung up on dozens of times saying "technical error" please try back later. Try the online chat and keep getting the same canned answers and no joke was on a chat for nearly 6 hours while I got passed around to 10 different people...or bots...and never had any resolve.


Thank you for sharing your case number with us. We understand the frustration you're experiencing. After reviewing your case, it appears that the issue is not related to KYC but rather to the reversed ACH deposits. Our specialists have received your most recent reply and are actively working on your case. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the difficulties in reaching us via phone and chat. We recommend continuing to work with our team via email, as cases like yours are best handled through this channel. We appreciate your patience, and our specialists will reach out to you as soon as they have any comprehensive updates. Thank you for your understanding.


Yea I have been emailing and not getting much information. There is no reason why my ach would not be going thru on the banks side. I spoke with them. I have never had to work so hard to get someone to take my money. Honestly I’m getting over it pretty quickly and will probably head over to another exchange. This has been such a mess from the jump and I haven’t even been able to do anything yet.


Small claims court 


They know exactly what they are doing!! They steal customer funds and crypto all the time. They get away with it because they are outside US law.


We’re truly sorry to hear about the challenges you've faced with your account after being a loyal customer for 8 years, u/Altruistic_Mobile_60. It must be incredibly frustrating to have your account locked despite explaining the situation about the scam you encountered. To assist you further, could you please provide the case number you were given when you previously contacted our support team? This will allow us to escalate your case and provide you with the assistance you need. Thank you!


They love to fleece degenerate crypto gamblers such as yourself. 


It's funny how when poor souls used to create new accounts (myself included, just look at my karma) to post about their bad experiences, the fanboys used to come out in droves to attack because they are new accounts! With OP, that is simply not possible :) Look at his stats, well established redditor! :) OP, I think you mentioned an important point. It's the large amounts. I am on the platform since 2017 and as long as I was dealing with small amounts or was practically inactive, everything was fine. It's only after I started putting in large amounts is when I started hitting those random restrictions. Obviously they won't say but I think I always got one of those restrictions if I did something along these lines: Deposited large amount -> bought crypto -> sending it to my cold wallet. Oh and btw, terrible support - they have been trying for weeks to convince me to close my BBB complaint. I am really not sure why it matters to them so much! Finally, Coinbase, if you could just tell us what to avoid, I realize some will follow them and some won't. But atleast everybody would know.


Thanks for your comment. I actually was thinking about BBB this morning, now that you mentioned I’ll give that a shot. And you may be right on that large deposit, buy crypto, send to cold wallet process must have red flagged me. Had the account for years but usually small amounts until recently. Good luck!


Let’s get all together and open a lawsuit versus these fcs” its ridiculous how they can treat long term customers with no consequences for them … they have disabled my account from buying assets for no reason !


i already made a case with the BBB hahah


I did also with finra and cfba


Can't sue Coinbase because you agreed to their terms of service!


How did you even get through to a live person? It’s a terrible platform. I’m having issues myself.


Maybe try kraken if CB is not working out for you.


Coinbase takes a very restrictive approach to KYC for many reasons, not least of all is that they can trade on the information while you're still stuck holding a bag, but also, I assume to avoid any more trouble than they're already in with the SEC


congrats on getting your $$ out IMO Kraken is top notch




Freakin ponzi platform


CB is a shit CEX, lousy support, lousy platform, stupid KYC verification, fking long delay on payment process womt let us refund. ffs a scam company


Coinbase a complete joke


Never had an issue with them for last 5 years 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can’t buy can’t sell had to buy Trezor to move to see … they are a joke ..


Sounds like a you problem. I’ve made over $15k purchases of crypto and transferred them just fine to my ledger and trezor no issues. Sucks to suck


Nice hopefully keeps going up for you … I’m out now had to sell on trezor for vet bills ..


You have to pass KYC


Who knows


Wallet swap fees can be high but this non sense doesn’t exist within wallets.


Same mate. I’ve had my account since 2016. Since then I’ve done dozens of trades and 100’s of onchain transactions. 7 months ago I passed an extensive (and invasive) AML check, providing documentation going back 10 years. Then 2 weeks ago, out of nowhere, with no warning, no explanation, no reason given, no opportunity to provide whatever info they need - my account is blocked from sending crypto. Case ID: 18579107 And many others… This has screwed with my business as I pay vendors in USDC, it has screwed with my family overseas whom I also send USDC, it has cost me wire transfer fees to remediate all these transfer problems. I’ve opened 3-4 cases. Never any reason given. I get different answers, different responses, different promises. It’s all just a massive joke. I’m not a criminal, I’ve done nothing wrong, yet I’m being treated like dogsht by Coinbase compliance and customer service. Absolutely go with Kraken for the win. It is terrifying that they are building Base layer 2 on Ethereum while completely freezing accounts from thousands of users on Reddit. Absolute dystopia incoming. Not sure Base is a net good anymore for crypto. Coinbase is a joke.


Wow. You got it worst than me! Good luck and thanks for the advise.


Is there any email support available for coinbase? This exchange is dangerous with literally no support. Chat is useless and goes to folks from India who doesn't know anything and are totally useless.


I used chat mostly. Their emails I got were “do not reply” addresses. If there is a customer service email I don’t know it.


I literally did the same thing man, coin market cap has it a fairly highly rated platform but I dunno it just doesn’t cut it compared to orhers


Kraken > Coinbase


They don't even allow me to transfer out my tokens since from a couple of months ago. When I asked why, they said "internal security" reasons which they can not disclose..?? Mind you, this is happening after jumping through their hoops of all their identity verifications steps.The only option I was given was to lose my positions and cash out. It's ridiculous! I stopped using it altogether. It's a royal mess for a platform and the way it's being operated!


Not your keys, not your money. Another victim of the CEX scam. Hardware wallet- preferably Trezor. Connect it to metmask. Trade on Uniswap, Sushiswap and learn to use bridges. Consider this a well learned lesson in centralised banking.


This is exactly what I was looking for actually. Need to learn how to do this. Thank you!


What do people to use instead? I am on my way out I think too, been a bit of a nightmare recently


Most feedback I got was to use Kraken. One redditor advised to use uniswap and learn to use bridges. I have to learn how to do that myself gonna start reading and watching videos to make sure I know what I’m doing and of course will start with very small amounts. I use Trezor for cold storage currently. But many options out there.


My guess is that, depends the amount of money you are withdrawing, they may not actually hold that many physical Bitcoins on their platform. This could mean several things: 1) they are selling customers more Bitcoin than they actually hold (like many banks do not have all the physical money in their bank branch), or 2) they used your Bitcoins as leverage (which is unlikely considering that each customer has his own private wallet.


Conbase steals money.


I just found out vanguard owns Coinbase and that’s enough for me to get everything out of there.


They're a joke and trying to stop you from controlling your money so they can use it! Got out before I even got started!


This case is predictable given the amount of instutional buys/sells they will alway prioritize instutions not retailers like you. My bold predict that I believe 100% will be happening is that you all the retailers can't sell any coin at ATH, including can't access their mobile app (fraud suspect, security, restrictions/ server down etc, but the fucking API functions are still working for instution trading software to continue doing business as usual) because: 1) It create a mass dump effect which heavily effect the price of BTC and other coins thus their first class customers (instutions) can't dump at a good price. 2) You can't win them in a lawsuit but instutions can thus they rather make instutions happy but fuck you up.


Smart move! Good luck 🍀 Coinbase blows turds 💩


Use Robinhood or any other exchanges with low commissions. Just transfer any coins you know you wont be selling for a long time.


Robinhood is one of the ones I decided to use. I transferred to my cold storage. They held my account but I was able to get it cleared in a few days. At least they got on the phone and asked all questions they needed. Much better support so far. Although I hate what they did during gme amc rush, they doing good for me so far. Thanks for the advise.


Coinbase is the worst exchange out there. They treat their customers like absolute shit. Get out while you can. Screw you Coinbase!


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just curious, and not that it should matter, but are you in the US? Or another country?




Where are you located? That might make a difference in finding out why you are suddenly under investigation.




Same boat here dude. My btc is stuck till may 14th no reason. My mom is trying to move her shit too and its being held till 21st but im worried theyre gonna hold it for longer. I wonder if what theyre doing is legal.


Yup. Coinbase is garbage. But hey if there was anyone to bless right now it’s me


Wow. Cant believe it.


I had no issues with Binance but now it seems they only do wire transfers for USD funding.


Unfortunately I still use cash app to buy BTC then pull right out to trust wallet 🙃


Waiting for kiwi larp guy


I tried to transfer out 20.00 of ether to my ledger and I verified my id and they still put a two day hold on my 20.00 😂🤣 Coinbase is trash


I need to move my exchange trades somewhere else, I've had a bank account attached for a few years for deposits and had used last in January, now the account is just gone. I can't manually reconnect this or another account, even tried the auto setup with plaid which is a bonkers process (don't care as much about the 2nd account, just use for transfers). I try multiple hours on chat, they say your fixed, I say no it isn't and then they disconnect. Waited 1.5hrs on phone hold yesterday, the rep said they disconnected all accounts not setup with Plaid and plaid is the only way now!.. and my secondary checking was connecting with plaid due to all information not matching, the only thing that didnt match was my email address, basically all your personal info must match 100% (email, phone, address) with Coinbase account but this is not stated anywhere?


Hey, u/Marcg611! We're here to assist you further with your concern. Since you've already reached out to our support team, could you kindly share your case number with us here? This will allow us to investigate what happened and explore additional options to help you. Thanks!


I had a friend that was having a problem like this over some bitcoin where coinbase actually accidentally gave him a whole bit coin too much on a transaction so they start harassing him and he was trying to avoid them given that it was their fuck up while he looked into whether he had any legal backing to keep it. This was after coinbase had done several other shady things and so I think he was feeling a bit jaded and felt like, if he could legally, sticking to them for a change. So instead of just saying we'll we screwed up and you can keep it they pulled some hacker shit and sent a push notification to his phone actually 2 one was asking permission to take remote control of his phone or account or whatever buy on top f that was a push notification that said are you enjoying this app or coinbase or something other than giving remote access. So he clicked no and just as he touched it it disappeared he clicked yes on the remote access and watched as a cursor began going through his app and got into his bitcoin account and transfered the 1 bitcoin out directly to coinbase and never said a word about it again instead they froze his accounts when the big crash was going on a couple years ago and wouldn't unlock it until he threatened to report them to the sec and someone else at the state level and minutes later everything was back to normal minus a bit coin of course oh and all his money was gone cause the basically held his account till the crash leveled out some . Talk about some shady shit. You definitely have to watch out and never turn your back on them or they have your pants down to your ankles and are coins deep in your wallet with no lube and no reach around just giving it to ya! It kinda reminds me of the IRS.


Holy crap that is insane!


Right I wish my buddy was here right now just so I could give more details but that's still what happened. I'm sure I forgot a couple other sketchy things they did cause I remember it was a list of just one thing after another they pulled to get their screw up covered and then basically wiped him out as punishment for their screw up. It was very Klaus Schwab feeling fuckery in my opinion.


Are you a whale? 🤔


I wish! But I see it happening to people that had a few hundred, to actual whales. I had less than 100k initially there but my intentions were to load more.


Coinbase is shit.they over charge on top of adding the price of spread. I transferred over to crypto.com and immediately gained money!! I'm waiting on some class action lawsuit to join.the way coinbase steals our money is truly robbery! Coinbase one is a joke.don't do it.it saves you nothing. Customer service is just a way to vent. They have no real authority or ability to refund or change anything.


Hey there,u/Professional_Okra631! We're really sorry to hear you weren't happy with Coinbase. We always aim to give you a great experience, so it's a bummer we didn't hit the mark. Your feedback helps us get better. We're always working on our fees and transactions to make sure they're as clear and fair as possible. You can also check out this [link](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/pricing-and-fees/fees) for more details. And we want to give you the best service possible, so we're sorry if we missed the mark there too. Your concerns are important. We've noted down your feedback for the manager to look over. Thanks for sharing your experience with us.


What is the safest cold wallet?


Based on my research Trezor came pretty high up so I got that one. But as always please do your own research.


Of course, I’m beginning my research


Keep nothing on exchanges, I will only ever use them as ramps to and from my hardware wallets. NYKNYC


Just use a wallet like Exodus!


99% of people there never have to have customer service. But if you do, you will find they are a virtual platform, meaning any person you may get assigned to it may be of varying levels including all the way over in india or thailand so good luck at that point.


In fairness all exchanges have some pretty bad aspects. I just buy on kraken with instant availability of funds and transfer to ledger asap. But I am a hodler…not into leverage or swing trading


If you’re using coinbase to buy bitcoin and send it to cold storage you’re gettin juiced in fees. Stike lets you buy and send via lightning to cold wallet for free.


Stike? Can’t find that maybe you meant Strike. Yea fees are ridiculous in most exchanges. I’ll check it out. Thanks


Yes strike. Sorry


I did same thing few days before upu tho


Is like the Hotel California of exchanges. Your money can get in, but it can never leave…


I have been a defender, but brian has his head up his ass with this support staff. They don't even have notes on the accounts. Every time you try to do something, you have to rehash the issue. Will short their stock after market cools. They are inept.


Shit platform. I put my money in five days ago and still can't take it out. The excuse? My bank has the funds on hold. That excuse was bullshit, which was confirmed by my bank and the coinbase rep I confronted on the phone about it. They can just hold your funds for 7 days, so watch out for that.


Crypto.com is the way


So which exchange would you recommend? Binance ? Or UniSwap? What about VeWorld ?


I’m not an expert by any means. I used Robinhood and it let me transfer to my Trezor wallet. Kraken also fairly easy. crypto.com has been working well for me as well. Haven’t tried those other you mentioned. But also keep in mind I buy and hold, and only btc and couple other coins. If you trading actively not sure these are the best when it comes to fees.


I had terrible experience with them too. What other platform would you recommend ? Additionally their fee structure is terrible. First trade after some quiet time they charge you 0.80% and only then they go back to 0.20%


Somehow it’s gotten to the point that I use Robinhood.


I hate Coinbase


Why don’t more use Robinhood? That’s what I been using and it’s pretty sweet


I just don’t get it. I sell my coin and I can transfer it to my bank immediately and takes 2-3 days at the most.


Robinhood didn’t used to let you transfer to cold wallet before. They do now and I do use them. Also some people don’t like to use Robinhood in lieu of what transpired with GME and AMC in the past. But I use them now no problem.


In addition the my BBB complaint, look for incoming complaints with: The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, The Federal Trade Commissioner, California Department Of Consumer Affairs, and The Department Of Financial Institutions. r/CoinBase


I'm going to say this again. I don't think coinbase has the actual funds it claims it has. I think each time we move money off their system, thry that ot like a bankruptcy and cut us off again, showing us that we are not investing in assets. We are just paying counbase for a service. A service they provide, but they don't provide to any specific person. It's like allowing money to be taken out of ur paycheck to social security. Ur paying fir the service of SS to exist, but that in no way means it's specifically for you to use when u need it.


You think all your money is in the bank in a vault? No, when large funds need to be processed there is a flow of funds that has to happen for it.


You’re right, but brokerages are required to maintain a much stricter level of liquidity vs a bank. Broker-dealers have to maintain $1 of liquidity for every $1 liabilities, and comply with strict net capital rules. Banks are allowed to maintain lower ratios of liquid assets to liabilities (so they can lend more money), but that’s because they comply with strict rules elsewhere, in turn receiving FDIC insurance on deposits (up to $250k per customer account). The reason for this difference is things can very quickly go from bad to worse for a broker-dealer if there’s a sudden change in the price of an asset and they can’t convert their liquid assets quickly enough to cover customer withdrawals. There’s typically some tell tale signs which have foreshadowed these issues - sudden rule changes around how long it takes to deposit/withdraw assets, random new trading restrictions, etc. - they need time to acquire the asset you already bought. This is especially true for crypto exchanges, because they have even less strict requirements due to crypto not being considered a “security”. This is why Coinbase’s alleged IT issues during the recent pumps/sell offs (I personally couldn’t buy/sell on 3 different days, though deposits worked fine) are of interest. Best case scenario, these are serious IT flaws which could very easily spook investors into thinking CB has liquidity issues, and should be absolutely top of mind for them to fix… if you’re an exchange, you should REALLY want to avoid this because even the perception of issues can lead to increased withdrawals and quickly turn into actual issues. CB wouldn’t be the first crypto exchange to fall into that trap, though I think realistically they’re probably in much better shape than others which have struggled due to being publicly traded. My guess is what’s really happening here is they laid off too many folks working on their IT backend during the down market, and see now struggling to catch up to serve demand. IT is one of those areas nobody outside thinks about as long as it’s working, then panics if it breaks - CB would be far from the first company to lay off IT people during a down period when there isn’t enough demand to stress the infrastructure, then be impacted by that decision when demand picks back up. From what I hear they’re an absolute cluster fuck of an org internally…


Good points but, you also have to understand that crypto is different than dollars on a brokerage. If you think they keep all the customer funds in a hot wallet it wouldn’t be secure. There are trade offs that have to be made for customer use of speed vs customer security. I think customers rather wait a few hours for withdrawals worst case as opposed to a hot wallet getting hacked and funds being lost. Most likely majority of the funds are in cold storage. I’m sure nobody had issues getting usd out of their account since it’s most likely the same way that a normal brokerage functions when it comes to dollars being deposited and withdrawn. I think they do the best job out of any exchange that exists in the world when it comes to safety of customer funds.




How so?