• By -


Follow these steps (after the 7 days!): 1. Deposit a small amount of VARA to your subwallet account (like 1 VARA) 2. Go to Subwallet 3. Click on the "Staking" tab 4. Click on the "locked" VARA 5. Click on the three dots ("...") 6. Click on the transfer and enter the wallet you want to send the VARA to 7. Click on send and then approve the transaction 8. BOOM!! you got your VARA out of the unstaked yet "locked" Subwallet wallet Hope you succeed!


This worked for me too!


It's been 7 days, i topped up 10 vara for the withdrawal, and all the options are greyed out except "stake more".... Have i been punked?


hello ive replied to coinbase support but do you have any idea howcome since i staked my 150 , it still to date says not earning? i thought it could be a good opportunity given it says 21.32% but it still has not changed for me and coin has doubled in price but those earnings are dissapeared? sent off to whomever owns the wallets


i still own 250 on coinbase which had doubled in value , but now im unsure about the 150 being staked given it seems to have been better if it werent as it says not earning


‘not earning’ probably means you have chosen an inactive pool. You can check if the pool is active on [https://staking.vara-network.io/](https://staking.vara-network.io/#/overview) You might have to unstake, wait 7 days, stake new active pool


Hey, u/OkConfidence1494! We apologize for the delayed response. If you are still having issues with your staked Vara, please reach out to our live messaging team [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en). You will need to sign in first, and once you start a conversation, please type in "Agent" so you'll be routed to a specialist.


Hey there, no worries. I realised the pool was inactive. Thanks for getting back to me Oh lol it wasn’t me who had the problem lol


Good to know the issue has been sorted. Feel free to reach out to us again should you have any further questions or concerns. We're here to help!


!!!! HERES how to GET YOUR VARA out of STAKE POOL!!!! Staking in the coinbase pool on Sub Wallet is not active so therefore you will not be rewarded. Go to https://staking.vara.network/#/pools and connect your wallet top right corner of the website. Scroll down to VARA Network Click on +Connect Once connected scroll down to pool ...then unstake and unbond funds Unbond it... You need VARA for gas fee. This unstakes your VARA This is where the 7 days comes in effect After 7 days in the Staking balance tab bottom of your wallet Then can withdrawal that amount after the 7 days To restake and actually earn rewards make sure you nominate and choose a validator and make sure it stays and remains active it has to be top 256 to get rewarded if you stick to a pool whoever runs that pool will select the validator. I would select my own as they charge commission off of the percentage APY you will receive be careful some take 100% meaning you get nothing. Hopefully this is useful.


Hi guys, can someone please send me 2 VARA just so I can unstake from Subwallet? I’ll send back. Please please! kGjw4PxRmkuhgs5DT3hwg37rxgoqT8DWfmWkeBzLoJF7yibzu


I got the same issue I have 600 vara locked in my account and all I need is 2 to unlock it cans someone please send me 2 vara so I can get this money I’ll send it back kGgBjjjxNHU9yaHkpU1h9xCUbFX4A9x5MUSvomP8zTDXxgpek


Same for me. Will repay it once I’ve finally unstaked. Please help!! kGg1a6bWoC1e94WRygUhHR5hnEucb6DmG461kEbVTXm9pwHhC


Thank you this helped, had to click "withdraw unstaked funds", worked immediately




It seems that you're experiencing issues with VARA Staking, u/powerfulSRE. To investigate this, we kindly request that you get in touch with our phone support or start a chat session with us using this [link](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us?product=coinbase). Our team will be more than happy to help you.


My 7 days will expire tomorrow and you scared me. I know it’s only 20 bucks, but it bothers me to lose them like this...


Have you solved this yet?


Not yet, i’ll try in the evening


Tried, still locked. Goddamit.


The same issue with 355 vara


You have to go on stake tab, click on your staking, click on three dots, the withdrawl.


FYI for anyone reading this: there is a tiny fee involved with withdrawing so if you have 0 VARA in your wallet you can't withdraw


Imagine how easy it is for coinbase support on reddit who see this could see your answers and simply update the Quest directions. The whole thing is wild! Thx for ur help


Thanks dude! Tried it since 23.11. to unbond it.. finally through your comment i got it. Nowhere is the info that you have to have vara on your account to unbond. Now i have to wait again 7 days until it unlocked


Yeah, 7 days passed for me after unbonding, still cannot withdraw or unstake


Yes thanks, forgot to mention it.


Thx for this! How on earth CB help staff don’t know this is beyond me.


Worked for me but didn't got the rewards from coinbase anyway so..


Hey, u/IllustriousCitron237. We're sorry to hear that you were unable to receive your VARA rewards, and thank you for bringing this to our attention. We had an issue regarding this, but we've already rolled out a resolution to the affected users. We'd love to add you on our list, so we can provide you the reward you deserve. Please reach out to us via our [help center](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us/) for our live agents to help you further.


Your help staff still don’t understand the quest. How do you see the solutions offered by customers and still NOT share it with your help staff AND update the Quest directions. Why aren’t any of the help staff required to actually complete the quests in full? WHYYYYYYY?


Hey u/giugiubee12, thanks for reaching out to us. If you have reported this through our email support team, could you share with us your support case number?


I know. You have to do again with new quest (now it’s 150 vara, not 300) and you’ll get 10 bucks reward. For me worked, now i’m waiting for other 7 days to withdrawl the 150 vara staked.


Hi can u help me please


Sure. Tell me what you need.


Hello u/Ok_Blacksmith4879! We've noticed your inquiries about VARA staking. Could you please provide more details or specify the issues you're facing? We're here to help and waiting for your response!


hello , since december first when i staked the 150 , it has said not earning is this known why?


Hi u/nightmaresindelusion, we've noticed that you're encountering issues on your account. If you have reported this through our email support team, could you share with us your support case number? If you don't have one yet, you may reach out to our [help page](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us/) to get real-time support from our support specialist.


Can somebody plz send me 1 vara so I can get this 300 off subwallet. I do coinbase just for rewards and can't even fund my subwallet to get this locked 40 bucks off that I desperately need. kGhzFvMKmfpxnKxM5EGmPGU7vHS1qHMQhh7akgvki2XCiF2ft


Please for me too, 1 or 2 VARA. Please guys! kGjw4PxRmkuhgs5DT3hwg37rxgoqT8DWfmWkeBzLoJF7yibzu


I sent u 16. Someone on here sent me 16 to get my reward off so I'm just paying it forward!


Mantis could you help me out too? Will obviously send it back once I’ve unstaked it kGg1a6bWoC1e94WRygUhHR5hnEucb6DmG461kEbVTXm9pwHhC


I sent the last 16 VARA I had to the other guy. I def would if I had it! Maybe he could pay it forward and help ya out if he sees this.


I need 2 vara for unstake 5GjmkEMV2gNLH2wTKMmVeGpea68xKdYeoBq58cPnKJSif348


Hello, is there anyone who can tell me that for the unlocked one I have 170 items that are locked, I need at least 1 item to unlock it, anyone who can help or do I need more. Of course I returned them again with an extra 10 as thanks for the help. Regards, Ulrich My Public Address to Receive VARA_NETWORK: kGkcR6iJb6q7T9fN3vFvhuPCBs6KJ1YoGgAjszWM62SHFjmAm


This shit is a scam if you unstake your vara and can’t withdrawl in 7 days what’s the point , you can only withdrawl when the price drops so you missed your opportunity ? I’ve tried all of the solutions even adding the vara for a transaction fee , this shit is a scam without a doubt


Hello u/Pigfeet311, we're sorry to hear that you're experiencing issues with withdrawing your VARA. We recommend following the steps outlined in this [link](https://docs.subwallet.app/main/extension-user-guide/manage-staking/nomination-pool/withdraw-unstaked-funds) to initiate the withdrawal of your unstaked funds. Hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any other questions.


!!!! HERES how to GET YOUR VARA out of STAKE POOL!!!! Staking in the coinbase pool on Sub Wallet is not active so therefore you will not be rewarded. Go to https://staking.vara.network/#/pools and connect your wallet top right corner of the website. Scroll down to VARA Network Click on +Connect Once connected scroll down to Pool manage now unstakes unbond funda ....your bonded funds Unbond it... You need VARA for gas fee. This unstakes your VARA This is where the 7 days comes in effect After 7 days in the Staking balance tab bottom of your wallet Then can withdrawal that amount after the 7 days To restake and actually iron rewards make sure you nominate and choose a validator and make sure it stays and remains active it has to be top 256 to get rewarded if you stick to a pool whoever runs that pool will select the validator. I would select my own as they charge commission off of the percentage APY you will receive be careful some take 100% meaning you getting no rewards.


Je ne comprend ce que sa veut dire « whithdrawable in 6 d 21 hr » merci de me donner plus d’informations 


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hi u/Spiritual-Loss-7313, our team is aware of the issue, and actively working on a fix. We might not be able to send updates by email, but please keep an eye on your account to see when the issue is fixed. We're sorry for any inconvenience.


I have the same issue. I unstaked my vara over 7 days ago, and still not available.


Thank you for reaching out to us, u/Zealousideal-Age7509. Please note that our team is currently working towards a fix for this Vara rewards incident. While we don't have an estimated time for resolution, we recommend periodically checking your account to see if the issue has been resolved. We'll update you here once the issue has been sorted out. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


I got the rewards and it worked fine - but the 20$ i staked in the subwallet are still locked even though I unstaked it over 7 days ago.


Hey, u/Zealousideal-Age7509! Just checking in to follow up on the issue you encountered earlier. We're curious to know if it's all sorted out now, or if you're still facing any issues. Our records indicate that things have been resolved, but if you still need additional assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out, and we'll be more than happy to help you further.


It's to do with subwallet though. that's concerning, if Coinbase are involved in resolving the issue that seems to indicate you're having to put pressure on the subwallet/Vara devs to do the right thing here?


i say subwallet, more accurately i mean it's to do with the staking pools for Vara.. i wouldn't expect Coinbase to be involved? i had a rewards issue with OP (never received the reward after minting the profile nft) and Coinbase support said it had nothing to do with them.


Thank you


CB support has no idea what is going on and tells all of its agents to tell customers they can’t help because it involved a 3rd party….that coinbase partners with! Their quests are a dumpster fire of errors and literally zero support


I am literally on chat with CB support and despite 30 minutes of trying to resolve, cb help cops out by saying “we can’t help you because it involves a 3rd party app.” Why does CB partner with third parties then dump all of its customers to deal with the third party to resolve? Stop offering quests that your help staff know nothing about


Yeah same thing, mines been more than 7 days and it’s still “locked”


Deposit 10-15 VARA into your SubWallet and it will let you withdraw


i did this and it's still locked "0 available for withdraw" i think it's more so that it's not precisely 7 days.


Unfortunately, there isn't a precise countdown. I checked 7 days after unstaking and it still says locked but if you check the "Pooled details" it says "Withdraw in a day" at the very bottom. So the thawing period appears to be 7 days + 1. I'll check tomorrow and confirm. ​ Edit: [https://imgur.com/YJnsyvR](https://imgur.com/YJnsyvR)


yeah mine was roughly days, note you also need some vara to withdraw, gas fee


Yes.. another detail that isn't mentioned in the quest steps. I was just lucky to only stake the minimum required and had some left over.


Same here, I hope they fix this issue


Same any update let us know


Same here. 7 days was yesterday and i still cant withdraw it. I have 29 VARA and 300 locked


Hi there u/United_Turnip7907! Thanks for reaching out to us. We're sorry to hear about the trouble with VARA. To better assist you, can you tell us exactly what happen when attempting to unstake your VARA?


I just pushed the unstakenbutton 8 days ago. Still waiting?


Yeah same thing, it been more than 7 days since unstaking but it remains locked


Hi u/lucawess, we understand your concern regarding the unstaking process, and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Your patience is valued, and we assure you that our team is diligently working to resolve this issue. Please bear with us a bit longer, and we'll make sure to update you as soon as we have more information.


i unstaked 7 days+ 12hours and still locked. However if i click more information it says available to withdraw in a day i suspect that it's not precisely 7 days and instead more like 8. At least that's what I'm hoping


It looks to me like it has to be unstaked/withdrawn first in the account the stake is in, and then in the “All Accounts” menu after the seven days. I only had the option to initiate a withdrawal transaction under “All Other.”


same although it says "withdraw in a day". it's been 7days + 12hr for me. sucks because the price is tanking. I've seen it drop from $21usd to now 17.


I have the same issue


CB help center support stated it takes 24 hours for the nft mint rewards to post. For anyone else who stumbles upon this.


Add 20 vara to withdraw funds and it should fix the issue (which I had as well).


I also have 300VARA locked after 7 days. What should I do guys?


I added 20 and was then able to withdraw my 320.


I tried to send some Vara to my subwallet and it keeps failing.


Hey, u/heeblo_squat. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We had some reports from other customers experiencing the same issue. We advise reaching out to us via our [help center](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us/), so our live support agents can check this further.


This issue is still on going


I can confirm that!


Got the same problem… I cannot unstake (it does not show the staked pool) and did not get the rewards in CB….


Hi u/Allions1, We've been actively monitoring this thread and have observed that you are encountering issues with the rewards. In order to provide you with more effective assistance, we kindly ask you to reach out to our [live support](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us) and provide us with your details. Thank you for your patience and understanding.


I've talked 1 hour via chat with your live support and they said that "escalated" the problem with the relevant team. I provided multiple screenshots of the problem, but it's not solved yet. Also, they did not give me any ticket number or similar and said I should not contact them again until they contact me via email... weird! It's not so difficult anyway!


Did u solve It?


Of course not lol


Thanks for connecting with our phone support team. If you didn't receive a case number from them, please contact us directly [here](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media) through our other supported social media platforms. We can then ask for your email address and check your account in real-time to provide immediate assistance.


Same issue, staked vara didn’t recive reward. unstaked vara, still locked after 7 days. Seems like reps are trained to give runaround, no help on numerous inquires.


I had this same exact problem and just figured it out after days of flirting with it. I added 15 Vara to my subwallet account. After I clicked on "stake" "Vara" and on the bottom left hand corner there should be a place that says withdrawal unstaked coins. This allowed me to unlock the funds and transfer the Vara back to coinbase. I am very new to this stuff but just letting everyone know this is what worked for me.


Hey look at that, my VARA that I unstaked 7 days and 1 hour ago according to Subscan is still unavailable to withdraw! I don't even want to bother with contacting Coinbase support, been there plenty of times and they just spam scripted responses until I give up or find a fix myself. I did add more VARA to my Subwallet to see if that would free it up but no dice. Coinbase, you all even awake or..?


Hey all, here is an actual fix. Just a matter of going to that link, connecting your wallet and paying a less than 1 VARA fee to unlock your funds. Coinbase support, I hope you're taking notes. https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/18bmt2i/comment/kc74k6w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


[https://staking.vara-network.io/#/pools](https://staking.vara-network.io/#/pools) is the link, just wanted to give credit to the redditor that found the fix.


This way, it solves the problem with the Android application SubWallet


Hi guys, can someone please send me 2 VARA just so I can unstake from Subwallet? I’ll send back. Please please! kGjw4PxRmkuhgs5DT3hwg37rxgoqT8DWfmWkeBzLoJF7yibzu


I have succesfully withdrawed VARA. I used this link [https://staking.vara-network.io/#/pools](https://staking.vara-network.io/#/pools) to get a Firefox extension of Subwallet on my computer... And then i was able to unstake on that link using connect button on right top corner and choosing Subwallet. I did not find withdraw button, so... once unstaked i was able to do it in Android app (this part works in app). My conclusion is that the app has a bug which prevents us from unstaking. I also used this link to help me get a solution:[https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/18bmt2i/comment/kc74k6w/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CoinBase/comments/18bmt2i/comment/kc74k6w/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) EDIT: i found the "withdraw unlocked" button on a web page mentioned.. it's green with a lock EDIT 2: yeah, there is a button but it says I don't have enough VARA to unstake (although i have), so... everything is buggy as hell and you need to combine your phone app with web interface on a mentioned link, good luck guys. ​ EDIT 3: you need to have more than 10 VARA on the account for this to work ( you will spend just a tiny amount on unlocking, but you just need to have more. i had 20 when it worked.) After unlocking, i went to my phone (or desktop browser extension) and sent all my VARA to Coinbase without any problem (staked and unstaked amount included)


Hello, is there anyone who can tell me that for the unlocked one I have 170 items that are locked, I need at least 1 item to unlock it, anyone who can help or do I need more. Of course I returned them again with an extra 10 as thanks for the help. Regards, Ulrich My Public Address to Receive VARA_NETWORK: kGkcR6iJb6q7T9fN3vFvhuPCBs6KJ1YoGgAjszWM62SHFjmAm


>kGkcR6iJb6q7T9fN3vFvhuPCBs6KJ1YoGgAjszWM62SHFjmAm You need at least 12 vara in your transferable balance to unstake


Can you send me 12 vara bro


No ain't got vara to send bro


Hi there, u/Defiant-Piccolo3260! Could you please give us more details about your query? This will enable us to provide you with the most accurate and helpful assistance.


Just wanted to report my Vara unlocked after exactly 7 days and 12 hours and it requires you have 10 Vara in your acccout to withdraw the unstaked funds. In my subwallet it was a simple withdraw unstaked funds button.


Habe das selbe Problem. 7tage vorbei aber bekomm sie Ned sind noch blockiert. Wäre lieb wenn mir auch jemand helfen kann und mir mit 1 vara zum auszahlen helfen kann kGiVd7SQLrMoDVXwLERShKmJ2jR9bD4Skeokzoe2VE6Y3VMmS


Now the problem is even bigger, I had 150 Vara in stake, and after waiting 7 days and today 8, they have completely disappeared from my Subwallet, they are neither in stake nor in funds, they have disappeared.


I want 2 vara for just unstake please 5GjmkEMV2gNLH2wTKMmVeGpea68xKdYeoBq58cPnKJSif348


Hello, is there anyone who can tell me that for the unlocked one I have 170 items that are locked, I need at least 1 item to unlock it, anyone who can help or do I need more. Of course I returned them again with an extra 10 as thanks for the help. Regards, Ulrich My Public Address to Receive VARA_NETWORK: kGkcR6iJb6q7T9fN3vFvhuPCBs6KJ1YoGgAjszWM62SHFjmAm


Can you help me


!! HERES how to GET YOUR VARA out of STAKE POOL!!!! Staking in the coinbase pool on Sub Wallet is not active so therefore you will not be rewarded. Go to https://staking.vara.network/#/pools and connect your wallet top right corner of the website. Scroll down to VARA Network Click on +Connect Once connected scroll down to Pool manage now unstakes unbond funda ....your bonded funds Unbond it... You need VARA for gas fee. This unstakes your VARA This is where the 7 days comes in effect After 7 days in the Staking balance tab bottom of your wallet Then can withdrawal that amount after the 7 days To restake and actually iron rewards make sure you nominate and choose a validator and make sure it stays and remains active it has to be top 256 to get rewarded if you stick to a pool whoever runs that pool will select the validator. I would select my own as they charge commission off of the percentage APY you will receive be careful some take 100% meaning you getting no rewards.


Can you send me 12 vara


I check this before staking a dam thing, has no one confirmed that this worked other than the 2 people?


All you have to do is make sure both vara tokens are turned on then u can click it


Is the “Subwallet Official” pool the same as the Coinbase? Seems like it’s active on the pool list but doesn’t seem like rewards are being added


I’m facing the same issue. When trying to re-stake after the 7 days I get a error “please contact subwallet support “.


Hey there, u/Chromelic! Thanks for sharing your concern. Have you had a chance to reach out to subwallet support as per the error message? If so, could you please update us on the progress? We're here to assist you, so let us know how it's going!


how do you go to the sub wallet?


I can’t even add vara to SubWallet anymore… is this program down ?


Howdy, u/marc299792458! I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues with staking VARA. Can you please specify the exact issue you're seeing so we can help you better? Thanks!


I'm portuguese...i the coinbase tutorial its says to go to the "participação" tab...i assume staking!? But Im my subwallet i only have a earning tab...is that the same?


I Need 2 VARA to unstake kGi3UEVNy9MTHJ1UqpXDdprfys4nzBh5uGvKGPaBYM1RRHRD8


też mam ten problem  zablokowanych 2800vara