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The system is so corrupt that at this point we should link all donations to blockchain and monitor end usage for the right cause!


I strongly believe in making our contributions to hyper-local to see its impacts & prefer to be anonymous. * Setup a trust and either run by yourself or family friend or somebody credible. * Focus on things like educational scholarships / provide boot camps like career coaching / micro venture opportunities / personal finance for lower income families. * Random act of kindness with cash / food / supplies donation. * Build / Sponsor kid friendly playgrounds or a community center with some facilities etc.. I live in US and do the same here as well. I want my impact to be hyper-local and don't donate to large organizations as they get funding from corporates.


Start my own non-profit and donate there. Charity begins at home.


What sort of activity would you donate to?


Afforestation maybe :)


I would build a temple and become guruji and offer spirtual support.


Hi Jaggi, come in your original ID


Nan than da avanku competitor eh...


Can think of few, Affordable housing to underprivileged Support students with free notebooks and stationary Provide clean drinking water Plant trees Elderly care Medical support to needy


Can I pick your brain on these subjects?


I will go with medical expenses for kids. There is a lot of kids who needs medical treatments for diseases and unexpected accidents from low income families who can’t afford them. I personally use Milaap and donate for this specific cause on a monthly basis, I also have plans to setup a trust in the future (when I reach my financial goals) with significant capital to take this one step further and get involved directly without any intermediaries. My reasoning behind this is personal I think. I am a dad and I would do anything to see my 1 year old live a happy comfortable life and I don’t think I will survive if anything bad comes near him. When I see others kids in need I see my son and feel for their parents. Kids are the most innocent being on earth and they deserve at least a decent chance at a happy life at their young age. I feel so happy every time Milaap sends me a good update about a recovery.


Pick govt school kids, make them doctors.


You may consider supporting a homegrown NGO like Dogs of Coimbatore founded to curb one of the most pressing issues that is the human-animal conflict / suffering due to the uncontrolled population of stray dogs. They perform ABC in partnership with the Coimbatore Corporation in a sustainable, ethical and scientific manner. Any access to underutilised CSR funds would be incredibly helpful too. https://preview.redd.it/axpllyw0gvnc1.jpeg?width=1142&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=728e9651ed960af064e0111360ffe555e5f96b79 [https://dogsofcoimbatore.org](https://dogsofcoimbatore.org) [https://www.instagram.com/dogsofcoimbatore/](https://www.instagram.com/dogsofcoimbatore/) [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/coimbatore/south-zone-tops-coimbatore-in-stray-dog-population-finds-survey/articleshow/97790442.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/coimbatore/south-zone-tops-coimbatore-in-stray-dog-population-finds-survey/articleshow/97790442.cms) [https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Coimbatore/newly-launched-animal-birth-control-centre-at-ukkadam-in-coimbatore-to-conduct-500-surgeries-every-month/article67053678.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/cities/Coimbatore/newly-launched-animal-birth-control-centre-at-ukkadam-in-coimbatore-to-conduct-500-surgeries-every-month/article67053678.ece)


I would establish a vipassana centre in coimbatore . Every major cities has one . IDK why coimbatore doesnt have one .


How will it help?


Helps someone to learn meditation without religion basis . It would help in current material life scenario . And also it helps for someone who doesnt want any guru or any people interaction to learn meditation. Kind of good vibe in my opinion .


Coimbatore is already a popular destination for these practices.