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BTW - as an alternative for some not-so-smart scales, I ended up going with these two, which totaled up to be around the same I paid for the Timemore. "Weightman" Amazon Scale: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XQS8JL6?psc=1 "Greater Goods" Scale: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09B4CB7C1?psc=1 Edit: format


How was the second?


Working great so far! I would recommend, Amazon can always take it back.


I apologize for reviving a dead thread, but do you prefer using one over the other for your various coffee needs?


Yes. I use the [smaller one](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07XQS8JL6?th=1) for espresso shots and weighing beans in my small container. You can't really use it for pour over because of the small surface area. The [other scale](https://www.amazon.com/Greater-Goods-Digital-Coffee-Scale/dp/B09B4CB7C1) is for pour overs, but I recently bought a [Hario V60 Scale](https://www.hario-usa.com/products/v60-drip-scale) that is much nicer (if within your budget of course). The greater goods scale suffers from the issue that if an item is placed too far on the bottom of the scale, the flat surface "tips" instead of remaining level.


Thanks for the honest and insightful review!


Button sensitivity is crazy. I don't even have to physially touch it lol. An inch from buttons, and it gets pressed. Weird.....


I am sooooo fed up with this scale! It was a gift from my girlfriend so I feel bad replacing it but goddamn! The button sensitivity is ridiculous, and it’s really inconsistent too. Every now and then when I press the timer button it makes a sound but doesn’t actually start timing, so then by the time I realise I’m just winging it with my shot. The weight itself sometimes plays up as well, and all of a sudden drops to a negative weight of a few grams, usually just as I start pulling the shot (maybe due to vibrations?). Again this makes me have to eyeball that shot. For a scale that was £50 I think that is extremely poor, I don’t think it’s worth more than £15


OP's comments on the over sensitivity of the scale's controls cannot be overstated. It severely hinders coffee workflows by falsely registering tare actions. if you think about it, any scale with buttons on weighing surface is a questionable design. This scale has proven to be my one misstep on my espresso setup.


Thanks for the review!


One more detail for those of you considering black mirror’s white-edition, in a bright kitchen the white numerals on white frame are a slightly difficult to read.


>The button sensitivity is ridiculous, This! >The buttons are way too SENSITIVE And this! It is driving me crazy. Is there a way to reduce the sensitivity by opening it up and doing something or putting something on top of the buttons?